Shyra _ K1

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Shyra _ K1 Page 11

by Aline Riva

  He smiled darkly.

  Fear spiked sharply inside her as she felt a surge of panic, she had tried to ignore the aspects of this situation that had echoed long standing fantasies about a man who could control her ability to feel pleasure, to hand over her body in surrender to a dominant lover – but she had never expected this situation, or that Jinx would be so easily able to see through her... It was unnerving.

  "Stop it!" she said sharply.

  He was still smiling as he got up from the bed and reached for his clothing.

  "I'll have some food sent up to you later. I'm keeping you locked in here for a while, you know to behave yourself – I've told you what will happen if you disobey."

  Then he laughed as he zipped up his jeans and reached for his shirt, "Or maybe you want to disobey... Just don't fantasise about it too much while I'm gone. Too many orgasms with zestion in your body can be dangerous... not that you can come without me anyway, you'll just have to wait for that and feel frustrated... but that's how you like it. I guess I should have been a psychologist too!"

  Then he kissed her cheek as she looked away from him and as she turned on her side she heard the door close and the key turn in the lock, then two heavy bolts were slid across on the other side of the door. Finally, he walked away and the sound of his boots faded out, as Sin wept quietly. She had been so sure she was in control, until Jinx had pulled his own master stroke and held up her own psychological mirror and showed her what he saw reflected. She knew he was right, too, and that made her feel utterly bewildered...

  Janey heard a soft tapping on her door, then the lock snapped back and the door opened and Zeke walked in.

  "I've got something for you," he said, and set down a plate on the table by the door.

  She got up from the bed, now her underwear was back on and she had been wondering when she would be able to find something to wear – there was a wardrobe in this room but it was locked and there was no sign of a key – but all of a sudden her main concern was with the contents of the plate: Vegetables in a pale sauce, along with some diced meat.

  "Is that..."

  "Yes it is!" he said as his eyes sparkled, "I cooked this just for you."

  She pulled out a chair and sat down, thankful to see a glass of water next to the meal. There was a spoon next to the plate and he was leaning over the table, his hands pressed to its smooth surface as he watched her. He was going to stay there until she ate this shit, she was sure of it...

  But again, that fire was rising in her that was urging her to pass the test. She thought how far she had come, surviving when two others had not, she'd been in the cage, then let out, now she was in a comfortable room and she was starving... She looked up from the food to Zeke, recalling how she had forced down the other meal in the cage. It hadn't been much to eat, but it had got her out of that cage. Having sex with Zeke had seen her kept in this room, a better place... would eating this meal see her set free, earn her a place of trust?

  "When you've finished," he said, "I'm going to find you something to wear and then you can come down to the kitchen. Once I've finished in there, I have a treat to take over to the ship for Jody. You can come with me."

  "Thank you," she replied in a hushed voice, then she picked up the spoon and dipped it into the mix of vegetables and cooked flesh and started to eat, not thinking about the contents of the meal, only focusing on the fact that she was about to pass another test and gain another reward – and the thought of reaching that ship had suddenly reminded her of home and how badly she needed to be back there.

  The insanity in this place was strangely intoxicating, but nothing brought her to her senses more than the recollection of the fact that home was not out of reach, not once she had boarded that ship... She ate well, forcing herself to slow down a little to give Zeke the impression she was enjoying it. The madness of the house known as Shyra -K1 was peeling back now, as thoughts of home were burning bright...

  On board the ship, Harvey had been trembling and in a state of fear that was almost impossible to hide as they had led him to a room with dark metallic walls and single chair set into the middle of the room, the chair had restraints and there was a table on the other side of the room that held instruments he couldn't bear to look at. He knew this was going to get rough...

  "This is another test?" he asked nervously.

  "Yes it is," said Jody. She looked to the chair and he walked over to it and sat down, closing his eyes as she secured his wrists to the restraints on the armrests.

  "Please don't hurt me," he said quietly.

  As he opened his eyes and looked at Jody, he saw her exchange a smile with Mack, then she leaned closer to the chair, kissing him, it was a full on open mouthed kiss and he responded, hoping this was what she expected.

  "I do like this one," Jody said to Mack as she drew back and he watched, rifle in hand, a look of voyeuristic delight on his face as she ran her hands down Harvey's chest.

  "Maybe you should see what he's got," Mack suggested.

  As she took scissors from the table Harvey caught his breath, every muscle in his body freezing, but she slid the blades either side if his shorts, cutting through the fabric, then the put the scissors away and took hold of the cut material and lifted it away, exposing his groin.

  "You can do better than that, Harvey," she said, closing her fingers around his limp male organ and starting to gently slide her hand up and down as he tried not to respond but started to harden all the same.

  "Don't fight it," Mack said.

  He leant the rifle against the wall and went over to the chair, standing behind it as he placed his hands either side of Harvey's head, forcing him to look down as Jody stimulated him.

  "We are one here," he told him, "If she likes the look of you, she can have you. That means any one of us can have you. But don't worry, you're not my type. I just like to see her having fun!"

  He laughed softly, then fell silent, watching as Jody stimulated him and Harvey tried to resist.

  Jinx had gone to the kitchen, seen the body of Tyler stretched out on the table and called to Zeke but heard no reply, so then he had gone up the stairs, guessing their chef was spending more time with Janey, it was clear he had taken a liking to her...

  The door was open and he walked in, feeling mildly surprised to see Janey was dressed now, wearing shoes and a short red summer dress that belonged to Jody.

  "I don't think she will mind," Zeke said as he got up from the table and picked up the empty bowl and the drinking glass, "Jody's about the same size so I thought I'd find Janey something to wear. She's doing very well, by the way!"

  "And so is Harvey – I spotted Mack and Jody taking him over the the ship, he showed no resistance. I'm rather pleased with the outcome for both of you," Jinx replied, looking to Janey.

  "I'm ready to pass every test, Mr Jinx."

  "And I think you will," he agreed.

  She felt that rising sense of elation again, but tried to push it away before it swallowed her up and her life was reduced to madness and the high of surviving, of gaining approval, of winning... Harvey was on board the ship. She knew she had to keep that thought in mind. If he was staying as strong as she was, there was every chance they would get out of here alive...

  "I'm going over to the ship now," Zeke said, "I just have to fetch a treat from the kitchen for Jody and -"

  "No, you'll do no such thing!" Jinx exclaimed, "There's a body on the table needs slicing, it was in the cage over night and you need to check it thoroughly, make sure it's not decayed. If it's inedible I want it chucked in the furnace!"

  "But I promised Jody -"

  "I'll go over to the ship with Janey and take Jody's surprise," Jinx said, and as he led the way from the room and she followed behind Zeke, she felt uneasy at the thought of being alone with Jinx, even if they were only crossing the field together – the memory was seared into her mind of him dragging the knife across Lola's throat. He was insane, they all were here – but he had to be the ve
ry worst of all...

  They stopped off at the kitchen, where a lingering smell of recently cooked food mingled with the smell of blood and a faint hint of decay. As she stood there in the borrowed clothes and looked about, the sight of Wolf's severed head with his good eye plucked out leaving behind a bloody pit turned Janey's stomach. She looked away towards the window, but there spread across the long, wide wooden table was Tyler's naked body, face down, one arm hanging off the table, the flesh and bone exposed where Harvey had cut away flesh.

  Janey focused on Zeke as he handed a tall glass to Jinx. The glass was full of amber coloured liquid and something was floating in it. Jinx turned the glass around and showed it to Janey, then as the eyeball tailing an optic nerve spun with the motion of the glass and looked at her, she felt like maybe the floor would give way, perhaps she would faint, but she focused on the ship. She had to get to the ship...

  "Eyeball fruit smoothie with whole eyeball," Jinx said, "Jody loves this!"

  Then he sipped the drink and offered some to Janey, who shook her head.

  "Go on!" Jinx said warmly, "It's not a test, just try it – you'll love it!"

  "I can't," she said, refusing his request for the first time, "It's Jody's favourite – how will she feel if we take it over there and it's half gone?"

  "True," Jinx replied, swirling the glass and watching as the eyeball swam around in the swirl of liquid, "We had better take this over to the ship before I drink the lot! Come on, Janey – let's see what Mack and Jody are up to..."

  Then he led the way out and she followed, leaving Zeke in the kitchen to deal with the corpse that he was sure didn't quite smell fresh enough to preserve.

  As they walked across the field, the ship seemed a long way off as Janey felt uncomfortable, being so close and all alone with the man who had cut the throat of Lola Voss with such ease. Jinx was carrying the glass carefully but walking briskly, the liquid in the glass was jolting about and the eyeball inside bobbing around.

  "I think you're adjusting well," Jinx said as they walked together, "You have the right attitude. You might find this next part a bit of a test – Harvey is probably having a hard time. But he has to learn to adapt. I'm sure you'll handle watching without any problems."

  "Of course," she agreed and he glanced at her and smiled and she smiled back, masking her fear as she realised there was a look in his eyes that was a little warmer than friendship.

  "I've got high hopes for you," he told her as they neared the ship, "You may as well know Sin is alive and well and I've taken her as my new partner...but I'm sure she's going to welcome our rule of sharing. Eventually you will experience me as Sin has – actually I'm a bit worried about Sin, I had Jody fit an intimate piercing made of zestion -"

  "That metal is banned," she reminded him, "It's not meant for sexual use."

  "Well it seemed like a good idea at the time," he replied, "But she's struggling with it...I need to talk to Jody about the possibility of maybe removing the device for her – It's not complicated, just a basic cut..."

  "Oh shit," Janey muttered, recalling the horror stories she had heard in the past about the alien metal and the horrific results of having it removed – along with body parts, usually the intimate kind...

  "I have plans for me and Sin," he added, "If the zestion doesn't agree with her, it will have to go. I just want her to be happy."

  "I don't think she would be happy with you cutting her like that to remove it!" Janey exclaimed, "Maybe there's another way?"

  "Probably not," Jinx replied, "But it's up to her."

  "I'm relieved about that."

  "She's not quite on our side yet, not as much as you are...I think she's adapting slowly, I know we have bond developing."

  Jinx smiled and the look in his eyes was one of love that clashed horribly with everything he had just said about removing the zestion. They reached the hatch and he went in first and Janey followed, then he looked back at her and smiled as he indicated down the length of a long walkway.

  "Follow me to the torture room!" he said brightly, and her guts twisted as she struggled to keep up the facade of being fine with this insanity.

  Harvey was breathing hard as Jody caressed him. This wasn't torture as he had expected it and so far the worst that had happened, was the fact that his body was enjoying her attention and he didn't want to lose control because he understood what that would mean – if he enjoyed one of them, he could have them all – or they could have him, and Mack was enjoying this a little too much to simply be getting off on his lover's enjoyment...

  Harvey wanted out. But he also wanted access to the ship and to gain their trust. Then the door opened and Jinx walked in and Janey was beside him. She was wearing a red dress and looked unharmed. Her gaze wandered to his naked body and his erection as he breathed a relieved sigh as Jody let go of his cock and turned away from him. As Janey met his gaze he looked at her intently, hoping she understood he wanted help. If she did understand, it didn't show, because she turned and watched as Jinx handed the tall glass to Jody, who spotted the eye in the juice and laughed.

  "Oh, tell Zeke thank you!" she said excitedly and then she took a sip.

  "Actually I need a word with you," Jinx said to her, "In the med bay, it's about Sin..."

  Jody had fished out the eye and she put it in her mouth and bit down, the eyeball popped and she sucked on the fluid, drank more juice, gave the remains a chew then pulled the leftovers out of her mouth and dropped the stringy mess on to the tray near the instruments.

  "Never did like the tough part," she remarked, then she smiled at Mack and he put his arm around her, gave her a fond squeeze and they shared a kiss before leaving the room.

  Jinx looked to Janey.

  "He cant escape, but watch him for me all the same."

  "Of course, Mr Jinx," she said keenly.

  He gave her a wink.

  "It's time you started calling me Rik," he replied, then he left the room and followed Jody and Mack towards the medical bay.

  Harvey spoke up at once, wasting no time.

  "Listen Janey, I don't know what they've done to you, but do you remember our plan? Fly this ship and get out of here? We're on board, you just have to help me, please help me!"

  Janey glanced back to the doorway, saw and heard nothing and hurried back over to the chair.

  "I won't deny it can get to you here, but believe me, I still want to go home!"

  All tension left his body as he breathed a sigh of relief on hearing her words, then she went to the table, grabbed a sharp knife, came back and sliced through the bonds that held him to the seat.

  "What now?" she asked, feeling a spike of fear as she dare not imagine the wrath of Jinx if they were caught.

  Harvey got up, not caring he was naked – they had no time to delay and had to leave now and find at least a hiding place while they understood the layout of the vast ship.

  "Let me see... main control, we have to knock the internal scanner out or they'll find us via the ship systems... we need to go back up the corridor...I saw a map on the wall on the way in."

  "But that's the same way they went!"

  "There's no time to argue!" he told her, then he looked out the doorway, saw no sign of the others and hurried up the walkway as she followed. They made it to the map quickly, he ran a finger over lines that traced routes as Janey looked over her shoulder nervously.

  "Ok...flight suits, armoury... the hatch is open so I'm assuming with no one else about on this planet, he doesn't keep the doors locked...This way!"

  Janey looked back once then ran after Harvey, he reached a turn in the corridor, paused and then looked around the corner. The doors up ahead were shut, so he gestured to Janey and hurried over to a door that matched the number on the map, then hit a button and it slid open silently and he looked to her as hope shone in his eyes.

  "Inside!" he said, pulling her with him, then he closed the door behind them and as Janey looked around, she understood why he was so relie

  Weapons were stocked on one side of the room and on the other, hung flight suits. Harvey quickly searched the suits, found one his size and grabbed a pair of boots.

  "Grab some guns," he told her, "It doesn't matter what they are as long as they're primed for use."

  As she turned to the weaponry, Harvey put on the suit, zipped it and reached for the boots. Janey pulled two small blaster guns from storage and as she switched them on they whined low as the body of the gun lit up dark blue.

  "Are they live?"

  Harvey finished lacing his boots and got up.

  "Live enough," he replied, then he checked the weapons, seeing basic settings that he changed to stun and then he handed one back to Janey.

  "Why did you do that?" she asked, "Shouldn't they be on maximum power?"

  "No," Harvey told her, "Because neither of us know much about weapons and if we accidentally shoot ourselves, it's better to be stunned than dead, right?"

  She nodded in agreement, then she followed him out of the armoury, dashing up a walkway and taking a turn where a sign glowed in black and white and read Main Control.

  As they reached the door and Harvey activated it, the door slid back and he looked about but saw no sign of Jinx or the others.

  "What's the plan now?" asked Janey breathlessly.

  "Shut down internal scanner, lock all doors and run the flight simulation."

  "And then what? Take off with those lunatics on board with us?"

  "That's what the guns are for," Harvey told her, then he closed the door, heading over to the control panel as he studied the controls and Janey stood there watching, hoping a pilot who had learned to fly a mini cruiser on a flight simulator that never left ground could learn how to fly a Princess Galaxy ship in record time...


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