The Sound of Wind

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The Sound of Wind Page 33

by Raegan Millhollin


  The ride to Alaska was uneventful and the scientists and technicians there were surprisingly hospitable; they didn’t get a lot of visitors. The head of the Alaskan branch gave them a brief tour of the facility. They dealt in diseases and viruses, an appropriate place for Charon. When they finally made it to Charon’s wing of the building they were given biohazard suits and led into a small room with several monitors and a bank of switches and knobs; the camera controls. The doctor explained that Charon could infect anyone he could see, so they limited his entertainment to cartoons and old movies. Food was deposited from the narrow decontamination chamber attached to the cell and the waste was incinerated. Hugo was only half paying attention however, he recognized the room on the monitor, the man who looked like he was wasting away in the bed. He’d looked much younger in the photo in the file. This was where Dr. McFadden died. But how could she get in that room in the first place? It would be easy for Mr. Gideon.

  “You can talk with Martin through the intercom system here. We’ve already let him know you were coming.” The head researcher motioned to a button on the console. “Knock on the door when you’re ready to leave.”

  Hugo thanked her, and the woman let herself out, the door clicking loudly as she carefully closed it. They were locked in. He wondered if it would be enough to hold CJ. She immediately started wandering around the room, examining things, but never quite touching them. Hugo took a slow, deep breath, and then pushed down the intercom button.

  “Um, hi Dr. Kimble.” Hugo chewed on his lip before continuing, “Um, my name is Hugo. I’m with Human Resources. Uh," he glanced nervously at CJ before returning his attention to Charon, “I’m updating the employee files and I uh…wanted to speak to you about, uh…”

  “Why hello, Hugo. They did mention you might be visiting.” The voice seeping from the monitor speakers was cheerful. The man slowly sat up in the bed, eyes fixed on the camera. Hugo took a nervous step back, his finger releasing the button.

  “Freaky,” CJ opinioned, looking closely at the fine detail on the monitor. His hair was thin, silvery and stringy, his face so gaunt if he hadn’t been moving Hugo would have suspected he was dead.

  “I rarely get visitors, so it’s a pleasure. How old are you?’

  Hugo glanced nervously around the room. CJ made a face at him and then giggled. “Uh I’m 22, sir.” Hugo finally remembered to push down the button and then repeated himself.

  It was hard to read the expressions on the deeply lined face, but the smile helped considerably. “Ahh, only a little younger than Mr. Gideon when we helped him start his company. How is Mr. Gideon? He doesn’t come to see me very often.”

  Hugo frowned, “He doesn’t?”

  Dr. Kimble sighed, the smile fading a little, “Unfortunately not. I think he’s still a little upset that I tried to kill him.”

  “You what?” He exchanged another glance with CJ and the peculiar face she was making made it quite clear how she felt about Charon.

  “Oh? You didn't know that? You see, I was only trying to preserve him in his perfect state. He was perfect. A handsome, up-and-coming entrepreneur with dreams to make the world a better place for everyone. But things always go downhill from there; dreams change, a man gets older and that spark is lost. I just intended to preserve that. The rest of the nine didn’t agree with me.”

  Hugo's eyes widened, and it took him some time to remember how to breathe, “What were you going to do to him?”

  “I created a disease just for him." The man said the words reverently, “It would slowly, painlessly, kill him at the age of 26, where it would preserve him forever. I keep it with me, just in case I can someday save him from the ravages of time. I just hope when I get the chance it won’t be too late.” Charon bowed his head for a moment, then swung his legs off the side of the bed, coming to sit on the side where the camera could get a better look at him. “Sorry, you came here to talk about me, not Mr. Gideon. I just can’t help but reminisce sometimes.”

  Hugo thought he should be afraid. The man was obviously insane, and would most likely kill them given the chance. But it wasn’t his fault. Mr. Gideon had done this to him and probably tried to have him killed when his experiment backfired. “No, that’s alright. What can you tell me about your substantial increase and change in powers? The file says you were originally a healer.”

  Dr. Kimble did even take a moment to consider his answer, “Oh, that would be because of the Substance.”

  Hugo’s finger slid off the intercom again. CJ tilled her head towards him, and then returned her attention to the knobs on the counter, already losing interest in the conversation. He quickly put his finger back on the button, “So you knew about the experiment? Your file said-”

  “I volunteered for it. Mr. Gideon thought I’d be a good candidate because I’d have the ability to heal more people, quicker. We didn’t exactly anticipate that my powers would actually change over time.”

  Hugo frowned, “Do you regret taking part in the experiment?”

  Dr. Kimble smiled, “Of course not. I can change the world for the better, and as soon as Mr. Gideon sees that, he’ll let me out and I’ll do what he dreamed of doing. I’ll make the world a better place. Until then, I occupy myself.”

  Hugo sucked in a breath, “How do you occupy yourself?”

  “Getting ready for when I’m allowed out. I’ve actually managed to create a bacteria, when in large enough colonies, exhibits an ability to communicate chemically. They’re quite fascinating. They can even pick up on my moods." The man chuckled, "They’re not particularly good conversationalists yet, but we’re working on it.”

  “T-that’s amazing. What are they thinking now?”

  “Well, they seem to be a little jealous that I’m not giving them all of my attention." Dr. Kimble looked apologetic, "I know it’s unfair, but I’m afraid they don’t particularly like you."

  “Oh! Well I’m sorry. I should be going now anyway.”

  “A shame,” The smile never changed however, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Hugo. Do come see me again soon.”

  “I’ll try.” And it wasn’t even a lie. He wanted to hear more about his self-aware colony, he was just afraid to ask what it would do to its host.

  CJ knocked on the door and they thankfully let them out. The head of research let him look at Dr. Kimble's medical files and then it was time to head back to Seattle.

  Why did Maggie’s file contradict Charon? If Charon knew about the experiment, had the others as well? And if they didn’t, was it because of what happened to Charon, or did each test subject think they would be the one that wouldn’t go crazy?

  “Well, that guy was crazy. What next?” CJ asked, her nose scrunched.

  Hugo stared at his hands, “I think I’d like to go see Madeline.”

  CJ sighed, “Well, hopefully that’ll be more interesting.”

  On the ride back Hugo typed up all the information he’d gotten on Charon; maybe it could help Dr. McFadden.


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