Captured By The Beast I

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Captured By The Beast I Page 35

by Daniella Wright

  “What… what’s happening?” I inquire bleakly, certain I am near death. She looks around us, noticing that we are receiving our share of stares. She takes me by my newly healed hand, pulling me down the path that winds around the park. My mind is blank, and I allow her to pull me because there is little more that I can think to do. If I am not near death, I may as well be. I will be forced to live the entirety of my life without her. I blink as I am tugged through a doorway, and recognize some of the decor from her house in the early 21st century. Before I can speak, her lips are on my own. I press desperately against her, as if it is the last moment I will ever see her. She pulls away, caressing my cheek tenderly. “Jenny…?” I ask quietly, and she begins to laugh that melodic laugh.

  “Our space and time works in mysterious ways.” She says simply, rubbing her thumb against the healed part of my hand.

  “What…” I begin, and she pulls me in for another kiss. She pulls me along, guiding me on an unfamiliar path with a certainly unfamiliar destination. She opens another door, and I can see a plush canopy bed just beyond the door.

  “I did not want to say how I very much feel the same. From the moment I lay eyes upon you, I knew you were special. Your offer is very kind, and were the situation different, I would accept it in a heartbeat. However, it is unnecessary.” She murmurs. She draws me closed to the bed, slipping her gown down off of her shoulder. Everything seems to be moving impossibly fast, and I am certain that my expression is contorted in near laughable confusion. She only smiles at me, continuing to slip her gown off.

  “Unnecessary…?” I inquire hesitantly.

  “The space time continuum works in mysterious ways. I thought, when I saw you, that I sensed something strange. When your hand healed, it was only confirmed for me. Tell me, have you noticed anything strange about your travels?” She murmurs, and it is all I can do to focus on her face. I think as best I can, and it suddenly strikes me.

  “When I traveled. There was a gap between the safety doors. A strange and brilliant light enveloped me before our every meeting. I didn’t think much of it, but…” I trail off, looking uncertainly between my own hand and the vision standing before me. She steps towards me, brushing a lock of my shaggy brown hair away from my eyes. “What does this mean…?” I inquire haltingly. She smiles, leans in, and pauses but a breath away from me.

  “Welcome to the world of immortality, Jameson. Not even the bounds of time can constrain you now.” She murmurs, and our lips meet once more. Her bare form is pressed against me, and though I know there are perhaps more pressing matters, all I want now is to feel her flesh against me. She pulls my pants down, and I feel myself spring free with a strange sense that everything was falling into place. Not just in the sexual sense, either, though I suppose that is relevant as well. She presses against me, and I feel her from all the most tantalizing angles.

  “Does this mean… you love me too?” I implore, and she brings me close, lowering me to the bed.

  “I have never not loved you, Jameson. As you said, it was fate. It seems there are things that even I cannot understand.” She smiles, and I feel her settle between my thighs. I am inside her all at once, and stars explode behind my eyelids as she slowly rocks against me. This is an outcome beyond any I could have expected, and I can do little to react to her slow and gentle motions. While my mind is racing, my body is reacting as only a man’s can. As she presses solidly against me, her soft cries of my name echo melodically through the room. It’s my name she’s crying out. My name.

  “Jenny,” I gasp, elation flooding my veins. She smiles down at me, and another shift of her body and I feel as if my body is alight. I can feel her all around me, and she buries her face in my shoulder as she seems to reach her own peak as well. We continue to rock against each other for a long moment, simply reveling in the closeness. A soft chortle of disbelief spills past my lips, and she tilts her head to consider my expression. “I could stay like this… with you… forever.” I murmur. She goes still, before pressing a tender kiss to my Adam’s apple.

  “Well, that’s very well a possibility.” She says coyly.

  “A possibility, huh? Us staying like this forever?” I tease.

  “Perhaps not like this. But forever, I hope” She corrects. Warmth blooms in my chest and I smile, wrapping my arms around her. I’m overwhelmed by feeling of true happiness for perhaps the first time in my life. Only now, I realize, there are many moments like this to come. An eternity of moments, spent with the woman who’s heart I had somehow managed to grasp. I hum thoughtfully, brushing a hand through her hair. Her breathing is evening out, and I can feel her falling asleep in my arms. Of all the impossibilities, this is perhaps the most compelling of all. As I feel myself beginning to drift off as well, ready to give way to sleep, I speak just loudly enough for her to hear.

  “Forever. That sounds good to me.” I offer. She simply snores in return. I consider her through weary eyes, blinking them closed and sagging into the bed. “Forever.” I repeat, drifting off to sleep. Premonitions were never my thing, but then again, never had immortality been my thing either. However, the dreams I have spoke of an eternity spent with my first love, my last love, and my only love.



  Double Touch

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A Paranormal Menage Erotic Romance

  Chester tangles a hand in Lucky’s hair as if to urge him onward. As Lucky focuses on my chest, Chester adjusts his grip on me to slip his fingertips under the waistband of my pants, brushing against my wispy hairs down below. I inhale shakily, and Lucky pauses in his ministrations, pulling away slightly.

  “This can’t be happening.” I blurt, feeling as if I’m in some sort of haze.

  * * *

  Have you ever fallen into such a state of monotony, such acceptance of the mediocrity of your life, that once you’re startled out of it, you’re unsure what to do? That’s how I feel, watching them lower my mother’s body in the ground. I feel like perhaps I should be crying more, throw myself on the coffin, but in spite of myself all I can feel is… confusion. I’ve been watching my mother slowly succumb to a disease that ravaged her body over the course of nearly five years. It’s been a trial, a lonely one at that. With no real direction to go in, I simply watch with an addled mind as the coffin is lowered the final distance. People are beginning to disperse, and I’ve heard my share of comments on what a beautiful ceremony it was. I exhale a weary breath, drawing my phone from my pocket and dialing a vaguely familiar number. I can only hope his number hasn’t changed, since… well, in the years I’ve been taking care of Ma.

  “Hello, this is the Lawrence resident, James speaking.” A voice answers abruptly, and I briefly consider hanging up. He doesn’t recognize my number, it’s been so long, my whining would be unwelcome… Then he pauses, inhales slowly and speaks hopefully. “Cassie, honey, is that you?” He murmurs, and it’s at that moment the tears begin to spill down my cheeks.

  “H-hi, daddy.” I blubber, cursing myself for my inability to keep my composure. If he notices my tears, he gives no indication. “Ma… ma’s gone to be with the lord, daddy.” I continue, and I hear his voice hitch as he immediately prepares to console me. I realize I’m standing alone in the middle of the cemetery, and it will be nearing dusk soon. I can barely process the words he’s saying as I meander back to where my car is parked, wondering where on earth I’ll go from here.

  “-- and I know you’ve got your mom’s place to take care of, but there’s always a place on the farm for you if you should want it,” I manage to catch, and I tighten my grip on the phone. Even in spite of the years we’ve been apart, it’s as if my father can read my mind.

  “I… really?” I begin, but qu
ickly continue to momentarily divert the conversation. “How have things been on the farm, anyhow? It’s been a while,” I say in an attempt to sound bright and cheerful. The words fall short, even to my own ears. My father rumbles a soft laugh, though the sound is tempered with sadness.

  “It’s been too long. But, you were doing a good thing taking care of your ma as long as you did. Like I said, you’d be welcome to come stay down here for a spell anytime.” He offers again, and my heart thuds in my chest. My mind races to the long days and peaceful nights on my daddy’s farm, wandering the fields and catching lightning bugs. A familiar face worms its way into my mind, and I speak without really intending to.

  “How’s Lucky been?” I say before I can stop myself. My dad laughs again, a more jovial sound this time.

  “Aw, girl. You know that boy ain’t never stopped missing you. He’s been working on the farm since he was old enough to work a plow, and he stays in the barn loft with ol’ Chester.” He hums, and confusion seems to take over once more.

  "Chester…?" I begin uncertainly, and my dad hums in acknowledgment.

  “Another farmhand I hired on. Him and Lucky are like brothers, but boy howdy do they get to bickering. He’s a good fella, though.” He assures me, and I can’t help but laugh at the idea of short and scrawny Lucky arguing with anyone but me.

  "I'll… think about it. I have some loose ends to tie up, some affairs to deal with regarding… well. Ma's passing. But I'll give you a call in a couple of days. I'm not going to lie, it would be nice to get away from the city for a while. I've always felt a bit out of place." I mutter.

  “That’s because there aren’t enough mud holes to go trouncing through.” He agrees, and I can almost see his smiling face. He has it right enough, I’ve been a tomboy since I was a small thing, more home making mudpies than drinking a cappuccino. I always figured I would adjust to city life, you know, grow up? That just never seemed to happen for ol’ Cassie Lawrence, however. I’ve never had the chance to get a real job, aside from taking care of Ma. We lived off her social security checks from month to month. The thought of being back on the farm, having some purpose now that my mother’s… gone.

  I belatedly realize I'm still on the phone, and the tears streaming down my cheeks have only increased in frequency. I hiccup a sob, and my dad coos soothing words through the phone. I hadn't expected it would hurt this much. I had known, all along, that it had been a matter of time before I lost her. Now… I feel like I should be more composed.

  “I miss her.” I say balefully, and my daddy breathes a sigh.

  "I know, baby girl. I wish I could be there to make it better. But, you give me a call anytime you want, and you let me know as soon as you decide you wanna come out here with me and the boys." He offers. I can tell it's nearing time for him to wrap up his chores for the day, and I feel briefly guilty for keeping him on the line so long.

  “Alright. I’ll call you when I figure something out for myself.” I say softly. I can sense his sadness on the other line, and I speak up before thinking once more. “I know you still loved her too,” I offer quietly. He chuckles weakly, and I pause to give him time to pull himself together.

  “And I’ll always love you. Call me tomorrow if you’re able, hon. I love you. Goodnight.” He manages, his voice watery.

  “I love you too, daddy. Goodnight.” I reply, lingering on the line until I hear the dial tone indicating he’s hung up his phone. I draw the phone away from my ear, breathing a sigh and allowing the tears to fall freely. It’s no small wonder that I make it home, but as soon as I reach my room, I collapse on the mattress. I swear I can hear Ma’s nasally voice calling for me through the night, but I can do little more than dismiss it as my mind playing tricks on me.

  I’m startled awake by the sound of a loud car horn blaring just outside my window. I stare balefully at the ceiling for a moment, wonder just what I had done to deserve such a fate. The horn continues to sound intermittently, and I throw the covers off of myself before approaching the window to give the person a piece of my mind. I lean out the window, eyes widening as I spot a well-muscled man leaning against the front of a pickup truck. He looks towards my window, quirking a thick brow over his soulful brown eyes.

  “Well little Miss Sassy Cassie, if you ain’t just the prettiest thing I ever did see.” He calls out, and I fight a blush that rises on my cheeks. I can’t think of who on earth this adonis of a man could be, but his eyes, more than anything, are somehow familiar.

  “L-Lucky?” I call out and he grins toothily in response. My heart pounds in my chest and I draw away from the window, briefly clutching my chest. This can’t be the squirrely little boy who had a crush on me so many years ago. Yet, there he stood, outside waiting for me. I run downstairs as quickly as I am able, rushing to the door and pausing for a brief moment. It wouldn’t do to look desperate, as much as I had missed my childhood friend. He was very much a man now, and I certainly did not want to give him the wrong idea. I unlock the front door, pulling it open to allow him inside. I belatedly realize I’m still in my funeral garb from the day before, and I’m suddenly self-conscious as he steps past me. He nudges my shoulder playfully, and a soft laugh spills past my cheeks unbidden.

  “Real sorry about your Ma, darlin’.” He says carefully, seeming to fully take in the lower floor of the house. It’s a wreck, and food remains on the table where I had prepared dinner before ma, well… I try not to think about it.

  “Thanks, Lucky. Wha… what are you doing here?” I implore, and he offers me a toothy little smile.

  “Well, I’m here to fetch you for your pa. He said to give you some time, but I said, nothin’ doin’ boss. So I drove on out here to tell you to pack your stuff. I’m takin’ you home to Tennessee.” He says boldly, meandering through the house. I stare at him in silent disbelief, briefly tempted to argue the situation. However, as I think it over, I realize I truly have no argument to offer. I don’t want to stay alone in this house that radiates death.

  "Don't tell Daddy I gave in so easily," I say coyly, shuffling upstairs to pack a bag. He watches me go, and I'm more than faintly aware of his eyes on my rear end. It's no question that his feelings haven't dimmed over the years, but I can't say I'm certain of my own. I swallow a laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation; my childhood best friend driving from states over to carry me off to my daddy's farm. I toss in what few articles might be appropriate for the climate, the sheer necessities, and zip up a single suitcase. I pause for a moment, changing into something vaguely more appropriate: a pair of cutoff shorts and a plain white tank top. I examine myself briefly in the mirror, grinning before throwing the door to my room open.

  As I descend the stairs, Lucky looks rather awkward, as if taken aback by his own decision to come rushing to get me. I clear my throat, and he glances obligingly towards me, seeming to swallow a big lump in his throat.

  “You look… real nice.” He offers carefully, and I allow a faint smile. “Is that all you’re bringing?” He continues, glancing to my sparse belongings.

  "Yep." I retort, popping the p sound. He rolls his eyes, throwing open the front door and gesturing for me to step towards his old pickup truck. I meander past him, shooting him a toothy smile. "Aw, Lucky. I'm sure you know. Some things never change." I announce before tossing my bag into the back of the truck. Much to my surprise, a loud squawk of pain sounds, and a sandy haired man sits upright in the back of the truck. Lucky levels a glare at the other man, but I can do little more than getting lost in his deep blue eyes.

  “And far too often, things do.” Lucky drawls.

  The sandy haired man considers me for a long moment, shifting to pull himself out of the bed of the truck. My eyes fall upon his abs as he is, of course, shirtless. Where Lucky is all rugged and rough edges, this man reminds me of one of my daddy’s show horses. His muscles are lean, not at all bulky, and his eyes are bright and full of life. He offers me a faint smile before turning his attention to Lucky.

nbsp; “Chester, you gotta be kiddin’ me.” Lucky blurts, and the blonde man--Chester?-- laughs cheerfully.

  “Aw, c’mon Lucky duck. You couldn’t expect to take off to save some damsel without your right hand man.” Chester announces, puffing his chest out and strutting a bit. Lucky claps a hand to his face, and I can’t help but giggle at the other man’s antics.

  "So you're the infamous Chester that my daddy told me about." I muse, and Chester offers me a cheeky smile, formally extending his hand. As I reach out to grip his hand, he seems to be rethinking it, drawing his hand back and spitting a wad of spit into his palm. My eyes widen in disbelief as he reaches out to grasp my hand once more. I watch the saliva where it glistens in his palm, and I hesitate, looking uncertainly at Lucky. He meets my gaze, tilting his head slightly. Taking the cue that this is some sort of challenge, I spit in my own palm before slapping mine and Chester's hands together. The sandy haired man laughs uproariously, and though I'm vaguely disgusted, I'm more taken with his laughter than I had anticipated.


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