Between Love & Fire (Backstage #1)

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Between Love & Fire (Backstage #1) Page 2

by Dani René

  “Yes, I graduated top of my class. No experience, that’s why I applied for an internship. Or even an entry-level job.”

  “Perfect. Experience is not a requirement. I prefer teaching my team the way I like things. Makes for an excellent working relationship when people do as I say. I am a perfectionist. Are you adverse to traveling?” His eyes pierce into me, looking into my soul. I hoped he didn’t see what was deep inside. The anxiety that still plagued me.

  “No, my parents live in London and I spend most holidays there. I have been to a few other countries, and I adore traveling. Being in a different country. Seeing the diversity of various cultures.”

  “Good answer. It’s one of my favorite things too. To experience all that life can offer. So what makes you assume you’re worthy to work for Hunters?” His head cocked to the side and frustration burned inside me. Worthy? Are you serious? I am worthy of any position I want.

  My blood boiled that he could ask something like that. “I am a hard worker. My head is screwed on straight, I do not do drugs and I look after myself. I love music, I always have. The only thing I wanted since I can remember was to work in this convoluted fucking industry.” I had no idea where the words came from, but they tumbled from my lips. “The one where if you’re a woman it’s more difficult. It’s a sexist industry, but I still want it. With a passion and fire that burns deep in my soul.”

  I don’t know where that came from. My body was shaking. When he sat back, his gaze was so intense, it unsettled me. There was delight in his eyes. He enjoyed making me angry.

  “This was a bad idea. I am sorry to have wasted your time.” I babbled on and he watched me closely not saying anything. The heat of his stare drinking me in sent my pulse into overdrive. The silence was heavy with a distinct tension.

  He looked amused. My gaze dropped to his hands, they looked soft, smooth. His fingers had an elegance to them. Images of him strumming his guitar flitted through my mind, and that didn’t relieve the knot of yearning in my stomach. “Thank you for the coffee, but—”

  “You’re quite a little wreck aren’t you, Tayla?” He remarked with a slow stare from my face to my hands and watched how I was trembling. Get a grip Tayla, he’s just a guy!

  “I need a job, and if someone doesn’t find me worthy, they can shove it.” The tirade was out of my mouth before I could think. My eyes snapped up to his. Instead of finding anger, I found pleasure. He gave me a mischievous smirk and his sky-blue eyes twinkled with a dark glint.

  “Well, Tayla, you're everything I ever wanted.” My heart stuttered, and it stopped for a second. Maybe longer. My head whirled with the words he uttered. I squirmed and swigged down the last bit of coffee.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Precisely what I said. I want you.” Tension hovered in the air and I stopped breathing. Somehow, his words held more than he said. “When can you start? I need someone used to the way we need things done before tour. We have a month to get you up to speed.” Everything rattled through my brain at a speed that took me a while to catch up with. Foggy with confusion, desire, and pure adrenalin.

  “Tomorrow.” He nodded.

  “Be here at nine am. Do you need the car to pick you up?” Did I?

  “I should be able to get here. My apartment isn’t too far away.” He nods and offers me a cheeky wink.

  “Good, that means you’ll be on time. I hate when people are late. Let me walk you out.” Standing on wobbly legs, his hand finds the small of my back as he guides me towards the stairs. As we descend, I have to hold onto the rail. I am trembling from head to toe. That was one of the most intense conversations I have ever had. There is a throng of people downstairs. We sidestep a few perched on the floor working on their laptops

  “So do I—”

  “You will meet everyone tomorrow.”

  “Interrupting someone while they’re talking is rude. Doesn’t matter who you are.” My retort earns me a chuckle, but I had to say something about it. His hand never leaves the spot on my back, and his touch sends my pulse skittering. The SUV is waiting for me once we reach the driveway. As I turn to face him, his hand drops. He reaches out and grasps my hand. His eyes never leaving mine. A smile curls his soft lips and his tongue flicks out, moistening them. Wow, that’s hot! Ugh, Tayla, he’s an asshole!

  “I promise to never interrupt you again.” I nod. “Because the next time you see me; I will be your boss.” He presented me with the sexiest smile. “And I expect you to obey my every word.” Who the fucking hell does he think he is?

  “You’re very confident.” His dark smirk is sexy as hell, and my core pulses. The sky-blue eyes that I have come to appreciate since I first saw him years ago on TV creases as he considers me with an amused expression. I should leave right now. This man is incredulous.

  “I have to be. You got the job, let’s see if you can handle the heat.” He cocked his head to the side and stared right into my heart. It rattled me and I averted my gaze immediately. Callum Hayes was going to be the death of me. This was a certainty. He was always the topic of conversation. Every girl I met through university freaked out whenever they saw him.

  “Sure, I can.” My eyes darted up to his, meeting him in challenge. “Question is; can you handle me?” Where the fuck did that come from? I guess I lost my mind. He was overly confident. Someone should take him down a notch. He had his bad boy demeanor he portrayed in the tabloids, but seeing him here, I didn’t believe it for a second. He certainly was the naughtier brother. One that I should stay away from.

  “Trust me, Tayla. I can handle everything you bring my way. We will be seeing each other tomorrow.” I pulled my hand out of his grasp, not to be rude, but because I couldn’t think straight with him touching me.

  I nodded. “Tomorrow.” He opened the back door, and I slipped into the seat. His eyes were glazed with something that wasn’t professional, a scorching heat. He had me bewildered. My skin was tingling where he had touched me. I needed to be professional. I just got a job, a dream job. Looking down at my hands, I was shaking. I inhaled a deep breath as the car pulled out onto the street. The tension between us was so thick you could slice it with a knife. The heat that he exuded was palpable. How do I work with him?

  As soon as I step into my apartment, the tension in my muscles loosen. I landed a job working with the most incredible rock band. Making my way to the kitchen, I switched on the kettle and got my cup ready for a nice strong coffee. The memory of spilling a cup of coffee over one of the hottest men in the world will haunt me forever. I should call Emma. I can just hear her freak out. She’s loved Hunter’s since she was in high school. Tomorrow will be one interesting day. My life is about to change in a profound way.

  Callum Hayes is challenging to work with, he’s known as a perfectionist. And I don’t doubt for a second I can learn a lot from the man. Although, deep down I realize there’s something else there, I felt it and he did too. He’s too old for me. Surely. I mean, he’s thirty-five, that’s seven years older. With his experience, he must be incredible in bed. I can’t think like that though. Keeping it professional is what I should focus on.

  I miss my sister right now. I have so much I want to tell her. To have her running into my bedroom talking a mile a minute would take my mind off Callum. She’s the outgoing one, I am the cautious one. Maybe it’s because she’s younger by three years. I haven’t been on a date in a year. The fear of what happened still haunts me. What he did will never go away. So I avoid dates, it’s easier. There is no explaining. If any man saw me naked, they would be appalled and run. My confidence couldn’t take that. He made sure that no man will come near me. That was his promise.

  With the coffee made, I head into my living room and grab my laptop. Logging in to my user account, I open my Skype app. Emma isn’t online yet. When we spoke last night and I told her about the interview, she was thrilled. Now, when I tell her who the band is, I think she may pass out. With my mail app open, I scroll through all the spam, del
eting as I go.

  My Twitter account pops up and Kierra has posted that they hired a new intern. My heart stutters against my rib cage. When I open another tab on my browser, I log into the Hunter’s online chat room and find a few hundred people in the virtual room. It’s a hangout for all the fans of the band.

  They’re chatting about the announcement. Shit. Can I do this? My attraction to him is undeniable. He’s hot, sexy, and confident. He’s bad news. Everyone knows that Callum Hayes is the bad boy rock star. I just need to keep it professional. It can’t be that difficult. If anyone can do it, I can.

  Most of my classmates from university are big fans of Hunters in Oblivion. I knew all their songs. There was a particular song that never failed to bring tears to my eyes. It’s called Damaged Angel. Their new album was doing well. With their tour only a month away, they have been teasing new songs online. It’s like Callum writes twenty-four hours a day. He loves to tease. Maybe that’s why all the girls fall for him. It comes so naturally to him.

  Scrolling down my Facebook timeline. I notice there are new photos of him in town wearing a T-shirt with the jeans he was wearing today. Groaning I close my browser and leave my Skype open ready for my sister’s call. Can the attraction between us be a fluke? I hope so because I want this job. More than I let on.

  “Liam, get the rhythm right, please?” I was frustrated. This morning replayed in my mind in a continual loop. For the first time I was challenged to the point of wanting to spank a girl for her insolence. She was feisty. Her cheeky little mouth with those soft pink plump lips had me aching to drive my cock between them. The fact that she is so unaffected by me has me intrigued. No woman I have met since the band hit the big time has ever acted like I was just another guy. Tayla though, she was different. She was a mystery to me. I didn’t know how to handle a woman who didn’t throw herself at me. This was a challenge I wouldn’t mind taking. She looked incredible in that soft blue top, the thin spaghetti straps looked so delicate on her shoulders. Easy to rip off her magnificent body.

  “Cal, what the fuck are you doing?” As I glance up I realize that everyone is staring at me. The Den where we were recording was filled with staff. My brother’s inquisitive stare makes me uneasy. There is no way I am telling them about Tayla. She was mine to have fun with. When Ki told me she was interviewing someone, a girl, I was intrigued. Initially, I wanted a guy to head up the sound, but Ki was adamant we needed more female staff on tour. So I let her lead with the interviews and I am so glad I did. Since Tayla left, I counted down the hours until I saw that sweet little ass again. Her soft melodic voice sent blood straight to my cock. I would love to hear her moaning my name while I showed her exactly what all the girls were always talking about. The devil inside my pants.

  “Nothing. Working on the melody in my head.” Brushing off his question, I get up and stalk to the kitchen. Ignoring the quips, I grab a bottle of water and gulp it down. Anything to cool the fire that’s burning me up from thoughts of her. I need to calm this raging fucking hard on in my jeans.

  “Callum, are you going to do a live feed today?” When I peer at Kierra, I can see the underlying question in her eyes. She knows me better than anyone. Working beside me for close to ten years, she’s been my assistant and best friend. “What’s going on with you Cal?”

  “Nothing. Why? Must there be something wrong with me? I am just thinking through things. I am not in the mood to go live today. Let’s just replay something.” She narrows her eyes at me. Knowing she will let it go, puts me at ease. Although, it will be brought up again, that’s what I am dreading. When she turns and walks away, I let out the breath I had been holding.

  This girl is creating more shit than I thought she would. It makes no sense; she doesn’t want me. Why do I want her? I can have any woman, in any country. But, there is only one my sights are set on now, and she is my new sound engineer. It’s going to be interesting having her here every day. Although, working with a hard on will not be pleasant.

  “Callum!” Fucking hell, do they have to make such a noise?

  “I am coming! Don’t fucking scream at me.” Walking back into the Den, I see Liam is ready to go. Set up and the cameras are rolling. Did I not make myself clear, I don’t want to do a live feed today? I sit down and grin into the lens. “Hey guys! What’s everyone up to? Where are you from?” Kierra hands me the laptop and the chat goes wild. There are people from all over. Girls in every corner of the globe and they want me, Ryan, or my brother. Between the three of us, we have our own fan bases. Either they prefer Liam, Ryan, or my blue eyes. I love lurking in the chat room occasionally, just to see what they talk about. There have been some downright dirty chats I’ve walked in on.

  I created an online platform where our fans can chat, and I go online to say ‘hi’. Being on the road, I haven’t had a chance lately. Today is a first for a while. I am here, but my mind is elsewhere. “Okay, pervert’s, what’s going on in here?” The messages fly by, there are now nine hundred people online. “Do you want me to take my top off?” The responses that come through after that were exactly what I expected. Dirty. I love to tease. It’s what I do well. “Let’s sing a song.” Picking up my guitar, I strum a few chords and hum the tune to a favorite.

  The lights twinkle below me. I love walking up here. The hillside behind my house was my private sanctuary. Only two houses have access to it. From up here, I can think. There was an incredible peace. Away from the noise, the screaming fans and those goddamn drums of my brother. I can’t imagine living anywhere other than Los Angeles. I am from a small town that nobody has ever heard of. My brother and I grew up with nothing. Our mother taught us to work hard and believe in ourselves. She always gave as much as she could. That’s why I learned to appreciate everything I have now. Even the crazy fans, they are brazen, but they’re loyal. That’s why I give so much of myself. This—the fame, the popularity—can be taken away in a second. All I can do is enjoy it while it lasts.

  As soon as I reach the top of the hill, those brown eyes pop into my mind. She’s so beautiful, there’s something about her though, a weariness. I want to break down that barrier and discover what’s inside. To see into her heart, find her passion and unleash it. She’s tiny, a mere 5’4” to my 5’8” and her sleek ice-blonde hair flows down her back. Long enough for me to wrap around my fist while I have her bent over. Those chestnut eyes seem to bore into me. Deeper than anyone has ever seen. She sees past the façade. That terrifies me, but it also excites me. Never has a girl challenged me, like Tayla. Her retort was adorable. They normally just nod and giggle. Always hanging on my every fucking word. Sometimes, it’s just nice to be around someone that acts normal around me. Give me a run for my money so to speak.

  I’m not normal, I suppose. They call me many things, normal isn’t one of them. My brother doesn’t deal with the fame like I do. He’s been through a lot, so have I, but I can block it out. He can’t. I used to do things I am not proud of. I’ve used women and abused alcohol. I was the asshole that everyone said I was. At thirty-five I guess I have grown up. Being in this industry jades you. I am no longer the asshole, most people don’t know that. Only a handful of my closest friends know the real me and that’s how I want it.

  Making my way back to the house, I take deep calming breaths. There’s a fucking song that’s been pestering me and I need to write. Music has been a constant in my life. Something I could turn to when I was feeling depressed. When the impulse to take drugs again reared its ugly fucking head. There are so many occasions I made it through, using music.

  As soon as I step inside, I hear the drums. God, isn’t he sleeping yet? There is only one place I want to be right now. Once I'm in my refuge, I close the bedroom door and flop down on my bed. Closing my eyes, I count slowly, one through ten and back. Chestnut eyes invade my mind again. Fuck this! My eyes snap open, hopping off the bed, I head next door to the music room. The piano sits snuggly in the corner. Just what I need to forget her, but it's impossible. Her
scent is still in the room. Sitting on the stool, I tap the ivories. The melody in my head that’s been driving me crazy since yesterday plays through me onto the keys. Once she left, I came in here. Sat at the piano waiting on the muse in my mind's eye. Nothing concrete came, but my thoughts were busy. Creating. It's those brown eyes. No woman has affected me like she has. Not since my ex. A shiver runs down my spine, an icy disgusted shiver.

  I was so in love, but she broke me. No other word explains it better. She shattered anything I had built with her. When I realized she was using me for my fame, I walked. Not looking back. Never again will anyone do that to me. That’s why I put so much into my music, I can’t afford to lose it over a woman. So I play the asshole. The bad boy that everyone thinks I am.

  I am sitting in the office when my assistant walks in. “Hey Ki, we have to complete the contract for Tayla.” I glance up at my assistant and grin. She knows that employing a new girl will give her some semblance of gaining a friend. Someone to talk to when all the guys are too much to handle. I keep my staff busy. Perfection, it’s the control I need to make sure my life is on track. Some people think I work too hard, but I can sleep when I am dead right?

  “Cal, I know you. Can you tell me what the hell is going on with you?” Her piercing blue eyes stare a hole into me. They’re not as blue as mine, they’re a stormy grey with hints of blue depending on her mood. She always does this. Shaking my head, I shrug. “Don’t give me that shit.” She’s a dainty little stick of dynamite. Not taking shit from anyone, including me, that’s why I hired her.

  “There’s nothing wrong. Get off my back woman.”


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