Between Love & Fire (Backstage #1)

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Between Love & Fire (Backstage #1) Page 17

by Dani René

  “You needed rest.” Just then the door opens and I come face to face with Mrs. Hayes. “Mother, this is Tayla. She’s the new sound engineer.” He didn’t introduce me as Callum’s girlfriend. Maybe he wants Cal to do it.

  “It’s nice to meet you darling.” Her smile is affectionate and warm.

  “And you too.”

  “Tay, let’s get coffee.” I reluctantly follow Liam out to the hallway. “I didn’t say anything to her. I wasn’t sure what you or Cal would want to tell her.” Nodding, I offer a small smile.

  “It’s okay. I don’t think this is the right time anyway.” My body is shaking. I didn’t realize it until Liam placed a hand on my shoulder.

  “You’re tired. You need to rest some more.”

  “I can’t Liam. He’s in there, hurt. It’s my fault.”

  “How do you figure it’s your fault? It’s that crazy bitch’s fault. Tayla, my brother loves you. I haven’t ever seen him care for another woman like he does for you.”

  “You’re not the asshole I thought you were.” My eyes meet his, but there is a wickedness that burns inside those caramel orbs.

  “Oh, darling, I am an asshole. Trust me. If he wasn’t so in love with you. I would have fucked you already.”

  “God, you can be such a dickhead Liam Hayes.” As I reach up to slap him, he grabs my wrist.

  “Go get yourself a coffee. I am going to take my mother to her store now so she can check on the staff. You can have time alone with my brother.” With a cheeky wink, he turns and walks away. I spin on my heel and make my way to the coffee machine. My body is shaking, with pain, anger, and frustration. Liam Hayes is an asshole. His brother on the other hand is the love of my life.

  Once I have a coffee in hand, I make my way to Cal’s room. Nothing’s changed. He’s just lying there, not moving. “Cal, handsome. I need you. You have to wake up. Please?” The tears that I have been holding onto spill over and run down my face. The ache in my heart knocks me breathless. I need him. I can’t lose him.

  He pushed his way into my life. He reached inside me, grabbed my heart and filled it with love. Freeing me of the pain and anguish I was holding onto. He helped me release those feelings and find love. There was no way I could lose that. My tears don’t run dry. I realize that they’ll only stop when he opens his eyes, and I can once again stare into their depths and feel safe.

  “Callum. I love you. More than life. More than my next breath. You’re my rock star, and my bad boy. I can’t lose you. Your voice that lulls my pain and tears. Your hands that caress and care. Your body that takes me higher than I ever thought I could go. But most importantly, your heart, that’s intertwined with mine. We’re one person, handsome. And if anything happens to you. It happens to me too.” Leaning forward, I place my head beside his hip, holding onto his soft smooth hands, and my eyes drift closed.

  The last thing I remember is pain. Excruciating. There was only one sound that pierced through the cacophony of voices and noise and that was Tayla screaming, crying, but I couldn’t get to her. When I move, hands press me down. Holding me in place. My breathing is heavy. My eyes feel as if they’re glued shut. Heat sears in my chest makes it difficult to think straight.

  “Callum... Can you hear me?” Petal? Baby? Fuck. Why can’t I open my mouth?

  “He’s alert. We need to wait it out. There was a poisonous substance on the blade he was stabbed with, so he will be disorientated. The blade missed any major arteries. He’s lucky. We managed to rid his body of toxins. He may be in and out for a day or so, but he will wake up.”

  “Okay, I'll stay.” The room falls silent. Where is she? Tay? This is ridiculous. The pain pulses in my ribs and arm. Burning through my body. In my veins.

  “Cal, I’m here. The doctor said I should talk to you. So, well, you scared me shitless. You realize you can't leave me. My heart won't take that. You have to wake up, okay. Do you hear me, Hayes?” Her fingers lightly caress my hand. It soothes the burn. It’s soft and smooth. “Your mother is here. She's gone to grab coffee. Liam and Ryan too. Ki is trying to sort out the press release to cancel the rest of the shows. Your mom is nice, but I didn't tell her about us yet. I mean. I wasn't sure. You know...” Her voice cracks. She is crying. Fuck, I want to hold her. Her hand trembles over mine. The emotion in a simple touch is extraordinary. Willing my eyes to open, it takes every ounce of my concentration. I need to see her. Fucking torture. My Petal.

  “You will never leave me. Do you hear me?”

  “What are you doing here Arina?” Her eyes are dark, glossy. She’s drunk. Or something. Walking over to the window, I take in the view. We’re not in LA. That much is obvious. I don't remember how I got here.

  “We are meant to be together Cal. You know how perfect we are. I am yours. Forever. You promised.” Spinning around, I glare at the woman I once thought I loved. That was unfortunately not love. I know, because I love someone now. And she’s not standing in front of me.

  “There isn't an us. I do not want you. I will never be yours. No way in hell. Do you understand me? You are a fucking fame whore. You’ve used me for the last time.” I spit at her. The wince in her expression is evident. It doesn't faze me she’s hurt by my words. She has taken from me. Never again. I am not a charity. My heart is thudding against my chest.

  Her face contorts in pain. Pure agonizing torture. I stare into cold calculating eyes. Realizing nothing will make me want her. Or the life we had. “Leave. Now.”

  Loud beeps pull me from my fuzzy mind. When my eyes snap open everything is distorted. Blinking hurts. What the fuck? “Petal.” The word is ragged, my throat is parched and scratchy.

  “Cal?” Turning my head, I am greeted with glossy chestnut pools filled with love. My vision dims. “Callum. Look at me?” Her hands on my face are tender and compassionate. Soft. Loving. Calming. Our eyes meet. I blink rapidly. She’s here. My beautiful angel. My vision is still blurred, and it's as if I am floating, but I am grounded by her.

  “Baby, what happened?” The tubes in my arms hold me in place. My gaze rakes over the room. It's empty except for Tayla, me, and the bed I am in.

  “You’re in the hospital. You have been for three days. Arina stabbed you. Before the concert. She hurt you. The security caught and arrested her. I think they said she will be admitted into a psychiatric hospital. I couldn’t focus on the rest.” My body aches, but the searing pain has passed. “Lay back, handsome.” Her voice is a salve to my heart and soul.

  “Are you okay?”

  “You are in the hospital and you ask me if I’m okay?” Her giggle is music to my ears. Better than any song I have ever written.

  “I worry about you. Even in my delirious drugged up state you’re inside me.” It was true, she was woven deep in the intricate fabric of my being. Seeping into the tiny fractures and filled them with joy.

  “I’m fine. Seeing you like that. Just… Laying there. Not moving. I didn’t know what to do. If it wasn’t for Liam. There was a moment I thought I lost you. It was scary. What would I have done?”

  “I’m here baby. Don’t be scared. I won't leave you. You are stuck with my sorry ass.”

  “You mean sexy ass?” She giggles and I can’t help grinning. The perfection of my girl is breathtaking.

  “Yes, yours is pretty sexy.” Her cheeks pink and I crave to make her blush forever. The sight is makes my heart fill with emotion. I wish I knew how to ask her. It needs to be perfect. The pressure I used to have with other girls is absent when I am with Tayla. She’s exquisite in a natural way. There’s nothing fake about her, and sometimes I feel as if my world is the fictitious part of us.

  “Cal?” Her anxious gaze darts to my face and the machines and I realize that my heart rate has spiked.

  “I’m okay. Baby, I want to introduce you to my mother. As my girlfriend. When I get out of here.” Her eyes are wide. She is nervous, it's written all over her face. “She needs to meet the woman I love.” Her face brightens in a smile.

; “Okay. We can do that. Do you want some water?” I nod and watch her grab the glass. Pushing the straw towards my mouth, she helps me take a few cooling sips of water. I can’t wait to have her meet my mother.

  We’re walking toward the door of my childhood home. Nerves get the better of me. I haven't in my thirty-five years done this with a girl. The uncertainty has me on edge. If I had the foresight to know what will happen once we step inside, I would be able to calm down. Nothing has prepared me for this. Not standing in front of a few hundred thousand people. Not world fame.

  Our hands are linked. I can sense her gaze on me. “Are you okay Cal?” I nod. The tension has to be radiating from me, I realize she must sense it. We have such an innate connection. Her emotions are distinct; I feel them when she does.

  “I will be.”

  “Is she going to hate me? I mean, I didn't tell her at the hospital. Should I have? I didn't think it was appropriate.” I plant a quick kiss on her lips to quiet her. Turning, I grasp the large antique knocker, it booms on the enormous wooden door. As it slides open, we are greeted with one of the most exquisite women in my life.

  “My rock star.” Her voice is calm, but the emotion is thick and washes over me. The wince on my face when she pulls me in for a hug doesn't go unnoticed and her face falls. “You still in pain, darling?”

  “A little. It will be okay. There’s someone I need you to meet. Officially.” Her gaze falls behind me, to the blonde beauty standing patiently in my shadow. A place I never want Tayla. She belongs beside me.


  “Tayla, my mom.” My girl steps forward and my mother embraces her in an affectionate hug. The most remarkable women in my world in one place. My heart is overflowing with love and I can’t find words to add more to the introduction.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs Hayes.” A soft blush pinks Tayla’s cheeks. Her nervous demeanor will soon diminish. The concept of me having a girlfriend is very new to my mother that when her grey eyes settle on mine, the surprise is apparent.

  “Please, call me Abigail. You make me sound older than I am calling me Mrs Hayes. It's so nice to finally meet the girl who has stolen my baby's heart.” I groan at the term baby. She loves embarrassing me and I realize this is the day she's been waiting for my whole life.

  “A pleasure Abigail.”

  “And you, darling. I can understand why my Cal is so smitten by you. It’s about time he brought a girl home.” Rolling my eyes, I huff and glare at her. They giggle as if they now share a secret joke.

  “Are you two about done? Mother, I didn’t bring her here for you to gang up on me.” I grumble behind them.

  “Oh, I realize that Callum, I love making you squirm.” She smiles, hooking her arm through Tay’s and they head off towards the kitchen with me trailing behind. I knew she would love Tayla, as much as I do. “Tay, tell me how my son roped you into dating him? Because he’s a hard nut to crack.” Another groan rumbles through my chest. This will be a long day.

  We’re sitting at the long patio table enjoying a glass of wine and lunch. My mother and Tayla hit it off instantly. They’ve been talking for hours. I am not exaggerating. I am happy to see the two women in my life smile, laugh, and gossip about me. And no, they're not bothered that I am seated a few feet away. I haven’t loved another woman before, other than my mom. To feel the love I do for Tay is overwhelming. There was always an important part of me missing. My heart was incomplete. There were fissures that seemed baron. The loneliness caught me at the most inopportune times.

  Sitting in my car, on the sofa watching television, even just sleeping was difficult. Not having someone there when you wake up. Or when you fall asleep. It’s a slow poison that oozes into your veins and grabs hold of you. Since I found Tay, I am complete. I realize I don’t have to be alone. Now all I desired was to make her mine forever. When she heads to the restroom, I glance at my mother. “I am going to ask her next week.”

  “I am happy for you, darling. You have no idea how thrilled I am you’ve found love. Be good to each other. I know you will, but always be wary of each other’s feelings. Don’t hurt each other and make her smile every day.”

  “I plan to. Her smile is the only thing that gets me through my darkness, mom.” The smile on her face is one of pride. To see her proud of me never fails to make me happy. Both Liam and I aren’t, or haven’t been perfect sons, but we’re trying.

  “Good. Now I hope I will be getting some grandbabies real soon.”

  “Mother, please. Let’s just take it one day at a time.” She offers me a conspiratorial smile, and sips her wine innocently. The idea of Tayla carrying my child has my cock pulsing behind my zipper. She would look incredible. Her beautiful face glowing. Jesus, I need to calm down. Or I will be sitting here with a fucking hard on.

  “Callum, this is absurd, you need to tell me where we’re going. After the shows were cancelled when you got hurt, you've been acting strange. What do I pack?” Glancing over at my insanely annoying and sexy rock star, cerulean eyes are glistening with mischief. After the lunch with Abigail he has been up to something. That was such a perfect day. Getting to meet the woman who raised the man who now holds my heart.

  “Petal, I told you. We are heading to a special place and if you ask me again, I will blindfold you, throw you over my shoulder, spank your sexy little ass and chuck you in my trunk. That way you won’t be able to see where we are headed.”

  “Callum Hayes! And you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

  “You know it, baby.” With a mischievous wink, he leaves me in the bedroom with empty suitcases. It’s only been a week since I met his mom, but she’s called me a few times. I want Callum to meet my parents. They’ll love him. My dad might give him grief. But isn’t that what dad’s do?

  I spend the next fifteen minutes throwing almost everything I own into the suitcases on the bed. When my luggage is brimming with clothes, I zip it up. “Are you ready, Petal?” Callum is standing at the door, staring at me with an amused expression.

  “I guess so. I didn’t have a clue what to pack, so I pretty much included my whole closet.” He's so good at surprising me. I have not one inkling on where we're heading. He could be so fucking frustrating. I guess that is why I loved him. Constantly keeping me on my toes. But I give as good as I get.

  “That’s fine. If there’s something you forgot, which I am sure there won’t be, we can buy it. Come on.” With a tug, he pulls my suitcase along behind him as we make our way to the living room. Ki and Liam are working on their laptops when we walk in.

  “Are you all set, doll?” She grins.

  “I guess so. Not sure where I am ready to go to though.” My dig at Callum goes unnoticed.

  “You’ll love it. I promise.” The secret is making me crazy. My eye roll catches his attention. He leans in, his hot breath on my neck.

  “Do that again and you will be squealing when I get you alone.” His words a low hiss that sends heat straight between my legs. Straightening, he turns to his brother and Kierra. “We’ll be back in a week. If you need anything just call.”

  We say our goodbyes, and head to the garage. The SUV is filled with luggage and soon we’re heading down the motorway. As we pass the familiar sights, I realize he's driving to the airport. A brief peek at Cal makes me smile. His profile is rugged, sexy, and the stubble that hints on his jaw has me squirming. His expression is serious as he concentrates on the road. I want to ask, but he won't tell me. At least I know our destination is the airport.

  “We’re flying? I don’t have my passport.”

  “Petal, do you think I would not have everything planned? I packed it. When you were in the shower.” In a smooth swift move, he lifts my hand and places a soft kiss on my knuckles. This man truly was incredible in every way.

  “You do realize this is kidnapping.” His laughter fills the car and the sparkle in those sky-blue eyes is obvious with amusement.

  “It’s only kidnapping if I blindfold you and
tie you up. Now that right there sounds like a brilliant idea. We could have some fun with that.” I gape at him incredulously.

  As we pull up to the departures long stay parking area and Cal parks in the assigned spot. We’re met by a few security to assist with our luggage and escorting us to the gate. We board the plane moments later. I settle into my window seat, which he always offered me. I loved watching the clouds go by. “This will be a long flight, Petal.”

  We’re in business class, but I haven’t heard where we’re headed since Callum forced my earbuds in and proceeded to block out any announcements the pilot made. I shift to face him. My stomach whirls as the pilot takes us down the runway and quickly we're in the air. “Callum where are we flying to?”

  “I assure you, you will love it. Just sit back. Enjoy it. Or would you like me to help you relax?” His sky-blue gaze darkens with the hidden promise in his words. Squirming in the seat, I smirk at him. The hooded stare that’s burning a hole into me sends heat to my pussy.

  “Now that sounds like an illicit question, Hayes.”

  “Trust me, baby, it’s a dirty promise.” Desire tightens the knot in my core. My panties have disintegrated. The smirk that tugs on the side of his mouth is wicked and I crave those lips on every inch of my body.

  “Then you better keep your word.” Lust is heavy in my tone. He reaches up, trailing the line of my jaw, leaving goose bumps in its wake. With his index finger sliding between the swell of my breasts, he teases the soft skin earning him a slight whimper.

  “I intend to keep that vow and many more.” With a slow torturous movement, he drops a hand into the waistband of my shorts and finds my soaked underwear. A deep sexy growl reverberates through his chest. “Fuck.” The phrase so dark and delicious falls from his mouth. It’s decadent and washes over me like hot wax drizzled on taut skin.

  He caresses me through the flimsy fabric that covers my bare pussy. The expert touch is sending me reeling. My head drops backward and my eyes flutter closed. “Look at me, Petal. I need you to see what your whimpering does to me.” My eyes snap open. Locked on his. Slender fingers nudge the material aside, finding my slick heated core. Circling my clit, in slow firm movements, he watches me. The reaction on my face spurring him on. The throb is unbearable. My hand involuntarily grips his bicep, digging my nails in as I near the edge.


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