Rules of Harte (Harte Series #1)

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Rules of Harte (Harte Series #1) Page 1

by Harris, Brooke

  Rules of Harte

  Brooke Harris

  Edited by Laura Kingsley

  Cover by Cover it! Design

  Copyright © 2014 Brooke Harris

  All rights reserved.

  For Mr H

  For loving me, in spite of my obsession with this writing business.

  Chapter 1

  Ms Evangeline Andrews,

  You are cordially invited to an evening of splendour and extravagance.

  Reveal yourself

  Waterside Stud Farm

  July 26th RVSP

  Eva was greeted first thing on Monday morning by the small, rectangular invitation waiting on her desk. She brushed her fingers across the crisp, ivory paper. The raised gold font felt like tiny bubbles under her touch. She looked over her shoulder, expecting to find sniggering faces staring at her. But there was nothing out of the ordinary. If this was Mia’s idea of a joke,she hadn’t let anyone in on the punch line yet. Eva checked her watch. Damn, she had five minutes and she was hoping to dash to the loo first. No time, she’d have to hold it. She couldn’t be late.

  The room stank. A mix of too much perfume, bitter coffee and…Eva took a deep sniff and coughed dryly. Ugh. Stale, cling-to-your-clothes cigar smoke. Yuck. She cast her eyes around without actually moving her head. Everyone in the boardroom was under forty, at least. Who the hell under forty smokes cigars? Or…maybe that was what all the popular people did, she thought. Cigars and Brandy before a meeting at 10am. It was like 1920 all over again. But it had a nice ring to it, didn’t it? Maybe she should take up the habit. Ha. She could smoke a camp fire and she’d still be invisible to these people.

  A seat at the huge, oval table offered a panoramic view of everyone and everything in the room. Between fiddling with her nails and looking out the window, she kept herself entertained by watching grown adults in smart attire pass notes subtly and try to hide a laugh. Mia, the office manager, continued her infamous Monday Minutes obliviously. The two guys either side of her were practically drooling. Last week, Eva had spotted one of the interns slip Mia’s used coaster into his trouser pocket as if it were celebrity memorabilia. Mia, the rock star of the business world, Eva thought, rolling her eyes.

  ‘So…’ Mia said, the apples of her cheeks rounded by her huge smile. ‘We have a couple of newbies with us.’

  Eva looked towards the coaster collector and smiled friendlily.

  ‘Everyone give a warm welcome to Niall or Nigel or…’

  ‘Nathan,’ the intern mumbled softly.

  Mia flicked her hand as if she was swatting an irritating fly. ‘Whatever.’

  She quickly reverted her stare back across the room. ‘And another big hello goes to Evangeline.’

  Eva tapped her chest with her fingers. ‘Me?’

  ‘Of course you, silly. Now, stand up and give us all a few words.’

  Eva’s chair squeaked sharply as she shakily got to her feet. She wasn’t new. And she guessed half the room, who stared at her blankly, knew it too. She’d worked in Ignite Technologies for almost a year, but if there was one thing she’d learned in that time, it was that you didn’t contradict Mia - ever.

  Eva cleared her throat as Mia tapped the side of her glass with a paper clip.

  Christ, she wasn’t giving a wedding toast. Was she? A couple of coughs and some shushing followed. Eva swallowed a little bile.

  ‘Hi everyone. I’m Evangeline Andrews and I’m…’

  ‘Oh my God. Are you American?’ Someone at the far end of the massive, oval table said, as if American was synonymous with a three-eyed, slimy-tentacle endowed alien.

  ‘Erm, yeah. New Jersey originally.’

  ‘No way. My grandmother is from Hoboken. I visit every summer,’ the voice continued. Eva craned her neck to see who was talking, but the afternoon sun was glaring in the huge window, blinding her.

  ‘Okay, chatterbox. We get the picture. Thank you, Eva,’ Mia said, rolling her eyes and shaking her head dismissively.

  Eva sat back down sheepishly and stared at the table, feeling as if someone had just knocked the air out of her.

  ‘Okay,’ Mia continued, her enthusiasm punctuated by a single, loud clap of her hands and she paused until she had everyone’s attention.

  ‘I didn’t say anything on Friday because I didn’t want to get your hopes up, but, Mr Doe will be dialling in this morning. He has an important announcement for us.’

  A huge cheer and applauding erupted as if everyone had just found out they’d scooped a share in the lottery.

  Oh Christ, Eva thought, chewing the back of her pencil nervously. Was she the only one whose airways were starting to close over?

  ‘So, you know the drill,’ Mia said. ‘If you need to freshen up, you have five minutes. Don’t be late back. Mr Doe doesn’t wait for anyone…not even me.’

  The air outside the conference room seemed easier to breathe. Eva was one of the few to leave. Others seemed content to slouch back in their chairs and chat amongst themselves to kill the time.

  It’s only a conference call. You can do this.

  Eva’s reflection nodded back at her unconvincingly from the bathroom mirror. She took a couple of gulping-style breaths and ran her hands through her limp, mousy brown hair.

  ‘I hate you,’ she continued, tugging on its fine ends.

  She quickly lowered her hands as the bathroom door swung open and giggling voices filled the air. Eva dabbed under her eyes with a moist tissue and pretended to adjust the mascara she wasn’t wearing.

  ‘There you are,’ Mia said. ‘Oh, I love your cardigan; it really brings out your…um… eyes.’

  Eva roughly pulled her cardigan closed, hiding a huge coffee stain on her blouse from earlier that morning.

  ‘Yeah lovely. Really lovely.’ A couple of Eva’s co-workers echoed from the sanctuary of Mia’s shadow.

  Mia brushed passed Eva for an unobstructed view in the mirror. She mimicked Eva’s make up adjusting antics, only she was actually wearing some, and she pulled back from the mirror, looking even more fabulous than before. Eva couldn’t help stare at her high cheek bones and thick, long lashes. Eva faked a smile and hoped her envy wasn’t written all over her face.

  ‘Isn’t it so exciting?’ Mia asked, irritatingly unfazed by the awkward silence. ‘I can’t wait to buy my dress.’

  ‘Dress?’ Eva could feel her palms sweating at the mere mention of anything that didn’t cover the entire length of her leg.

  ‘For the company ball.’

  Eva looked at the ground awkwardly, preparing to be the butt-end of Mia’s joke. She closed her eyes and hoped she’d get it over with quickly.

  ‘Oh sorry. I should explain,’ Mia said as she continued to layer on more mascara. ‘Mr Doe dialled in early, just after you left, actually. He shared a couple of details about the ball and, poof, he was gone as quick as that.’

  One of the girls behind Mia clicked her fingers while jerking her head, and it took Eva a moment to realise it was symbolic.

  ‘I’m so glad it’s black tie this year. I think we could all do with a chance to dress up, don’t you?’ Mia added, smirking.

  Eva’s fake smile became so huge, her ears twitched. She was nodding and shaking her head all at the same time. It was easier to just play along. Minimise the damage, she thought.

  ‘I can’t wait,’ Eva said, throwing her arms in the air and adding an enthusiastic, ‘woo-hoo,’ instantly realising that it was too much as Mia and her friend stared back, wide-eyed and motionless.

  ‘Gotta go,’ Eva lied. ‘Loads to do.’

  She heard giggles start again as she left and she didn’t dare turn back.

  Back at the safety of her desk, Eva shook
her head and closed her eyes. Why did she always make such a fool of herself, she wondered. Mia had actually spoken to her. Mia almost never spoke to her. And all she could manage to do was wiggle her arms like an overactive monkey. It could be weeks again before she’d get another opportunity to talk to her.

  Eva knew she was socially awkward. She was born that way and had grown used to it over the last twenty-seven years. She rarely put as much effort into her appearance as the other women she knew. She liked to look good but with minimal effort. Luckily, her clear skin and naturally straight hair allowed her low-maintenance approach to appear as natural and understated. But lately, when even the printer-cleaner-guy was promoted before her, she knew she had to change. Hiding at her desk during lunch, and refusing to go for after-work drinks, had stamped her as the office freak. Freaks didn’t get promoted. At least not there, no matter how hard they worked.

  When the email from the social committee circulated later that afternoon, confirming the details of the ball, Eva’s guilt at doubting Mia was marginally outweighed by the panic at the thoughts of attending. She wanted desperately to be noticed, and the black-tie ball was the perfect place to start. But just thinking about it had her skin itching like she was about to break out in hives.

  Eva was twitchy for the rest of the day. She’d never done anything like it before but she had no choice. Or at least that’s how she consoled herself. She couldn’t show up at the ball without a date. It would kick her freak status into an all-time high.

  The first time she had been awkwardly close to an attractive member of the opposite sex was at her college freshman party. That had ended with her drinking a luminous-green liquid out of a plastic cup and puking on her date’s shoes. Now, ten years later, she’d given up drinking liquids that glowed-in-the-dark, but she still morphed into a babbling idiot as soon as a hot guy appeared on her radar. So, her recent relationships had been less about the looks and more about the nice-guys inside. The skinny guy from the Post Office was lovely, but he wasn’t about to make that office bitch drool with jealously. No. She needed nothing shy of a ten on the hotness scale. Maybe if Mia saw her with a really gorgeous guy, she’d suddenly know Eva existed. Drastic measures weren’t just a career enhancing, they were career saving.

  Eva waited until everyone left the office before clicking on the link she had bravely searched for earlier. Casanova Agency appeared in a large, bold, grey font on a soft cream background. There was nothing else. No info, no contact details, nothing. Eva tried swishing her mouse back and forth hoping for an image to appear. Nothing. She pressed almost every key on her keyboard. Nothing. A little bile rushed into Eva’s mouth, and she forced it down with an awkward gulp. What if it was a dodgy site? The whole office system could go down and the IT guys would trace it back to her. Her desk, her PC and a bloody escort site.

  She was about to shut the window when she spotted the four tiny letters in the bottom left corner of the screen. She clicked on shh and waited. Loading appeared in a small, spinning, circle centre-screen and a soft, violin solo began. She jumped before quickly hitting the mute button.

  A phone number appeared on the screen. Nothing more. No picture, or bio or even a name. Eva tutted angrily. She hated clogged up, messy websites as much as the next person but this minimalist crap was ridiculous. She wasn’t about to phone some random stranger. The site was a waste of her time, and just made her feel more pathetic. She was about to shut the browser when an instant message popped up.

  Julian: Curious?’-

  Eva’s struggled to breathe. She was getting dizzy from her eyes darting around the office frantically, and the inside of her lip couldn’t handle much more chewing.

  Julian: A little shy, are we?’-

  Her fingers hovered over her keyboard. She wanted to reply; she just didn’t know what to say, or who she was saying it to.

  Julian: Would you like my help?’-

  Eva135: Do you always ask so many questions?’-

  Julian: Do you?’-

  Eva135: I’ve only asked one.’-

  Julian: Is there more you would like to ask?’-

  Eva pushed her chair back from her desk and tapped her pen on her knee. Well of course, she had questions. She had loads. Did this guy just wait around all day for women to click on his website? Who was he? How the hell does someone become an escort? Why the hell does someone become an escort?

  Eva135: Ok. What’s your name?’-

  Julian: Julian, I thought that was obvious.’-

  Evangeline’s cheeks flushed. Even cyber conversation made her look stupid.

  Eva135: How old are you?’-

  Julian: Don’t be greedy, Evangeline. You’ve had your question. It’s my turn. Why do you want an escort?’-

  Eva135: How do you know my name?’-

  Julian: Again, Evangeline, if you would like an answer to your question you must answer mine first.’-

  Eva stood up. Did he seriously expect an answer? She paced the floor dramatically and was only drawn back to her screen by the subtle tone of a new message.

  Julian: Are you still there?’-

  Eva135: Yes.’-

  Julian: Good. I thought you had run away. Are you going to answer my question?’-

  Eva135: I just answered one of your questions. It’s my turn again. Aren’t those the rules?’-

  Julian: Feisty. I like that. And you understand rules. I like that even more. Okay, Evangeline let’s play by some rules.’-

  Eva135: How do you know my name?’-

  Julian: Your user name, it’s not hard to work out. Really, Evangeline. I find it hard to believe you don’t have a better question than that. I like you so I’m going to let you take another turn.’-

  Eva135: Isn’t that against the rules?’-

  Julian: My game, my rules. You’ve just used another question. It’s my turn.-‘

  Evangeline poked herself in the knee with her pen. Damn he was good at this, but she had studied psychology for three years, there was no way she was going to let him beat her. She was ready to up her game.

  Eva135: Okay, Julian. Your question.’-

  Julian: Why do you want an escort?’-

  Eva135: I don’t know if I do…’-

  Julian is offline.

  Chapter 2

  Eva starred at her blank screen for a long time. She didn’t consciously want Julian to reappear, she just couldn’t drag herself away from her desk. Finally, when life outside the office window diluted to a random passer-by every ten minutes or so, Eva decided she’d better go home before she ended up on the late train with all the weirdo types that scared her. She grabbed a marker from her desk drawer, scribbled the mobile number onto the back of her hand and dashed out the door, almost forgetting her coat.

  She couldn’t get her conversation with Julian out of her head. She was so curious it hurt. She imagined him in her mind. Tall, six foot, maybe a little over. And tanned. She allowed him dark, almost black, wavy hair and bright blue eyes.

  The station was ridiculously busy as commuters brushed past her. She almost missed the Dart but the man ahead of her got his briefcase caught in the door, and she managed to quickly slip inside. She looked at his tired face. She guessed he had a wife and three kids and he just wanted to get home after a long day at work to kiss his kids goodnight. He certainly wasn’t Julian. She began to look around the train. Every man on board became a possible escort. The handsome suited guy reading his Kindle, he could be a secret escort, she thought. She smiled at him but he didn’t look up.

  The guy towards the back of the carriage looked delicious. His smart black crombie accentuated his tall, slim physic. She followed the line of his coat all the way up to its thick collar beneath his five-o’clock-shadow. He looked very Julian-like. He caught her eye and Eva quickly darted her stare to the ground. Her cheeks blushed to the point of burning. She had taken the same route home from work for the past ten months and never once before analysed its passengers. Tonight, however, they were all up for h
er perusal. She was horny and she needed satisfying. Any man who passed her was going to be appraised until she found someone she was happy to fantasise about.

  At the next stop, the elderly women beside Eva got off, and the handsome stranger from the back of the carriage made his way towards the empty seat and sat down, his thigh brushing gently off Eva’s. He quickly apologised and she smiled in return. She was beyond words, already undressing him in her mind. First she caught his tie between her teeth and tugged it from around his neck, then scurried to unbutton his shirt and reveal his tight abs. She was just about to grab his crotch when he leaned a little closer to her. She took a deep breath and savoured the smell of his rich, spicy aftershave.

  ‘You okay?’ he asked softly.

  Eva’s eyes sprung open and she jumped upright.

  ‘Fine, yes…fine,’ she stuttered, mortified.

  ‘It’s just you sound like you have bad asthma or something. I have an inhaler here if you need it.’

  Damn, Eva thought, blushing. He just killed her fantasy. She didn’t want to think about fucking a guy that would be out of breath after the first half an hour.

  ‘This is my stop,’ Eva said, instantly wondering why she felt the need to explain herself.

  She stood up and felt the moist patch in her knickers press against her skin as she walked. Suddenly she was glad she had worn mostly dark colours. She’d die if anyone could see her urgency.

  Eva raced to turn the key in her apartment door. The ache between her legs had now become an overwhelming need. She rushed to the bathroom, dropping a trail of her clothes behind her. She ran the shower and stepped inside. The water kissed her skin as she ran her hands all over her body. She shook a little inside. Who the hell was Julian, she thought. And why was he taking over every thought she had?

  She spun around to face the faucet and turned the pressure higher. The water pounded against her nipples until they stood erect and tingling. She reached between her legs and gently parted her labia. She wanted to touch her clitoris without any distraction. She knew exactly how to touch it. Slow at first. Softly stoking the bud, just enough to make her muscles clench. She reached down with her other hand and pushed her middle finger inside her tight, wet opening. The muscle gripped her finger and pulsated hard on her hand. She wanted more, she needed more pressure. She gently pushed her index finger in too. It hurt. She was so tight, it pinched, but in the best possible way. The pressure was intense. She rubbed her clit faster and rougher, gasping as it hardened beneath her finger until the spasm started. It was strong and pulled her forwards as the walls of her pusy contracted strongly on her two darting fingers.


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