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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

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by Daniel OConnell

  The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3


  Daniel O’Connell

  Copyright © 2011 Daniel O'Connell

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1470145361

  ISBN-10: 1470145367



  The year is 2099, just a little over thirteen years since the Earth’s last battle with the T-Challa Empire.

  Relations with the Paladonian’s have been tedious and taxing at best. During the past thirteen years, the Earth has committed over a decade towards building up its military defense forces to near epic levels, as the political and religious differences of each individual countries are washed away in a desperate race to save their world.

  The Paladonian’s have made diplomatic relations with the Earth problematic at best. Currently, only four of the seven moons have established any relations with the Earth. Those sects are the Whitefeather, Bentonians, Uaris, and the Valens. The Rookes, Tofs, and the First Ones have avoided all contact with Earth.

  The Paladonian’s have also increased their military expansion, closely rivaling that of Earth.

  Andrew Jackson was re-elected for his second term as leader of the combined Earth defense force, a new office created just for him. Its primary goal is to unify the multi-national Earth military into a single integrated force.

  Wei Lu Chan was elected unanimously as ambassador to the Paladonian moon’s from Earth, while Kalen White was confirmed as his counterpart to Earth.

  Valentine Arao has been placed in charge of military development. His augmented knowledge and improved abilities have allowed the Earth to surpass the Paladonian’s slight technological advantage in less than four years. However, what is even more amazing is his young assistant who has even surpassed Val in creating some of the most advanced technology ever conceived of. This young assistant is none other than Abraham Jackson, the sixteen-year-old son of Andrew and Qui Shi Jackson. His scientific abilities and achievements are immeasurable.

  Angela Baker was voted out of office, after serving in office for twelve years, four of which were under Marshall Law. The current President is Mathew Quincy a young and aggressive politician who has promised to create better security through diplomacy.

  Klaus Meyers and Kitanna Cohen married shortly after the events that took place in Lost Heroes. Unfortunately, they have not been able to have children.

  Klaus was promoted to Fleet Admiral and given command of Jackson's taskforce, placing his flag on the Yorktown.

  Kitanna was given her own Command of a Paladin Class Cruiser in the third fleet, while Mulvey was promoted to General Haggier’s former position, as military coordinator under Jackson.

  The T-Challa have not been heard from in over a dozen years. Several probes and special fact-finding missions have determined that they have increased their technology, while amassing a military of immeasurable might. It is only a matter of time before they will once again focus their attention on Earth.

  Finally, Carla Ocoda, now twenty years old, she has been trained by some of the best people on the planet. Her personal trainer in hand-to-hand combat is none other the son of Mohammed Shi Reis. He is Commander Ismail Shi Reis and much like his father, he shares his great size, strength, and technical skill, but unlike his father, he has walked away from his faith a growing trend, which has moved throughout the population of Earth, as many have grown to doubt their religious faith.

  Carla is trained in all forms of modern warfare from hand-to-hand to plasma weapons. Her skills added to her superior strength, speed and agility make her particularly dangerous to teach as many sparring partners have been seriously injured.

  As for psychic powers, Qui Shi has spent years helping her develop her psychic powers, while strictly enforcing her moral responsibilities. Carla has shown unmatched potential in the use of her powers, as she has been able to send her mind as far as the Paladonian worlds and far beyond with very little effort. However, protecting her has become a task of extraordinary measures, as many extreme Paladonian sects and radical Earth based groups have tried to capture, and or kill her over the past decade.

  Earth, current day, in one of the tightest, most secure military bases on the planet a young girl moves through one of the utmost dangerous training programs ever created. Her name is Carla Ocoda, but to her friends and family, she is simply known as the Little Flower.

  Ismail yells over the loudspeaker in the control room, “Move your ass Little Flower. You’re falling behind by six seconds from your last run. Don’t you dare think for a moment that I will not make you do this again and again till you get it right!”

  Carla frustrated yells out, “Ismail! I’m getting pissed off. I want a break.”

  Ismail annoyed replies, “Little Flower, you will get a break when you complete this task and not a moment before.”

  Carla frustrated says, “Fine Ismail. You want me to complete it. I’ll complete it.”

  Carla jumps to the ground and touches the floor plating. She lets her symbiot interact with the room’s holographic and interactive technology and within a second, the room is transformed into a tropical paradise.

  Carla looks up smiling and says, “Ok Ismail I’m done. I’m taking a break.”

  Abraham coincidently enters the control room, and sees Carla resting upon force field illusion of a hammock.

  Ismail, annoyed, looks over his shoulder, towards Abe and asks, “Would you care to fix this situation?”

  Abraham, laughing, replies, “Yeah, right, you know she’s only going to undo whatever I do and then bitch at me for a week about it.”

  Ismail stares menacingly at Abraham in complete discontent, as Abraham sighs heavily and reluctantly says, “Ok fine.”

  A few moments later, Carla is still lying contently on a force field projection of a hammock, she relaxes, feeling comfortable until it vanishes and she is dropped hard to the floor banging her head on the steel plating. Angry, she grabs her head and sits up yelling, “Abe, you idiot! I know you did this and I’m so going to kick your ass all over this compound.”

  Abraham looks up to Ismail and smiles, saying, “Bye, I’m out of here. She’s all yours.”

  Ismail looks back out over the training room and says, “Ok Little Flower. Let’s start this again from the top shall we?”

  Carla starts to float upward as her eyes begin to glow blue and she says, “Ismail I’m tired and I said no.”

  Ismail now exceedingly annoyed walks out of the control room and down to the training room floor and lectures, “Really, you think you’re done Little Flower? You really think you are able to handle anything and everything that comes your way?”

  Carla over confident asks, “You want to try me and see for yourself?”

  Ismail smiles, as he answers, “Ok Little Flower, first pinfall of three seconds wins, so if you win, we’re done, however, should I win we go again and again, until I say we’re done. Is that understood?”

  Carla laughs, saying, “Ismail I’m not human. I’m ten times stronger and faster than you are. You above anyone else knows how I have put over thirty people in the med bay. You have to know you don’t stand a chance.”

  Ismail smiles again, as he asks, “Then you accept my challenge?”

  Carla lowers herself to the ground and answers, “Ok, but if I break any bones in your body, you tell Mama Qui Shi I warned you.”

  Before Carla is even ready, Ismail quickly drops to the ground and trips her down. He rolls over her and injects her with a hypo-spray, directly into her neck.

  Carla is stunned by Ismail’s less than a civil attack, and is unable to react fast enough. She instantly feels weak and disorient

  Ismail stands up above her. He puts his huge foot on her throat and says, “If we were not family Little Flower, you would be dead. You may have power child, but all the power in the universe is useless if you can’t wield it properly.”

  Carla drugged and losing conscious slurs her response, “Fine. I’ll practice more.”

  Carla starts to pass out as Ismail walks away and says, “No Little Flower. You will rest today. For tomorrow we will start again, and this time I will not go easy on you.” Carla finally passes out

  Twenty-five minutes later, Carla slowly begins to wake on the floor of the training room. She is disoriented, sore, and very embarrassed that she was beaten so easily. She starts to sit up when she senses that she is not alone.

  She reaches out with her mind, and instantly finds someone in the room, who is hiding behind a psychic mind scrambler.

  Carla quickly reacts. She jumps up trying to run for the door, letting out a psychic scream for help. Abe and Qui Shi, who are just down the corridor, hear her psychic scream.

  Carla now hears the person in the room moving towards her. She turns to see the person appear from behind PCD, throwing a device on the ground. The unknown person then hastily phase-shifts out of the room.

  A security team rushes into the room as Carla yells, “He dropped something over there!” Carla points in the direction of the device. Qui Shi ignoring the guard’s warnings enters the room, saying, “Carla, come with me now.” Qui Shi grabs Carla’s arm and exits the room, yelling, “What in heaven’s name are you doing? Why are you in a room alone?”

  Carla starts to speak when Qui Shi yells again, saying, “Don’t you dare interrupt me young lady. I’m not done speaking with you. Do you know how dangerous it is for you to be left alone? Just what are you thinking?”

  Carla once again attempts to speak when once again Qui Shi yells, “Don’t even try to explain yourself. Do you have any idea what you were thinking? Well, do you?” Qui Shi pauses ever so briefly. Unfortunately, not long enough for Carla to get a word in, as she continues screaming, “Because you don’t think Carla, you're too busy daydreaming about how you can go goof off and waste time.”

  Carla starts to roll her eyes when Qui Shi notices and starts to yell even more, “Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me young lady. You have no idea how much worry you put me through. I swear young lady. You have aged me at least fifty years just trying to keep you out of trouble.”

  Abraham finally interrupts, asking, “So why then do you and Papa look as young as you do Mama?”

  Qui Shi still on an emotional roller coaster of fear replies, “Abraham Wu Lu Jackson, I don’t recall inviting you into this conversation, but if you want some of her punishment feel free to say one more word.”

  Finally, Val and Jackson make it to the corridor to see Qui Shi raising hell on both of the children. Val turns to Jackson and says, “Ok, I’m out of here, she’s going to rip someone a new one and I have my own wife for that.”

  Jackson in shock says, “Val, come on man, don’t leave me to this alone.”

  Val smiles, phase-shifting out of the area, as Qui Shi turns and sees Jackson. She quickly turns her rage on him, yelling, “Andrew! Just what the hell happened here? I thought this place was not only a top military secret! It’s supposed to have force fields and scrambler field’s just to prevent these nut cases from getting in here. Do you realize how close she came to getting hurt or even worse?” She pauses, “Well, do you?”

  Jackson starts to speak, “Qui Shi Please calm…”

  Qui Shi starts yelling anew, “Andrew don’t you even think about telling me to calm down! Do you know what just happened?”

  Jackson sighs heavily. He looks up and grabs Qui Shi, pulling her towards him. He then kisses her deeply and passionately until she finally stops struggling and calms down. After a brief minute he says, “Qui Shi let me find out what happened please.”

  A security guard walks towards them with Ismail closing quickly behind him the guard says, “We have determined the device is not harmful. It seems to be some sort of computer based drive system of unknown origin.”

  Jackson concerned asks, “Ismail how did the intruder get in here?”

  Ismail immediately replies, “He is still in here sir. Whoever he or she is can only phase-shift within the building. We’re trying to coordinate a search now.”

  Carla finally says, “I can find him if you let me.”

  Qui Shi says, “No Carla, you’re not going to risk using your powers again. Not until we have your training complete. Do I make myself clear?”

  Carla looks up at Jackson and says, “Papa Jacks it will only take me a minute.”

  Jackson looks over at Qui Shi and replies, “Qui Shi I’ll go with her ok?”

  Qui Shi still overly excited says, “Andrew, I don’t like this at all, just be careful please.”

  Carla grabs Jackson's hand and they are gone. She enters the psychic plane as she goes from floor to floor, searching everyone’s mind. Until finally they find a man sitting in the lunchroom. Carla instantly realizes she cannot read his mind. She says to Jackson, “Papa Jacks, this is him, and I think he knows I’m here.”

  They immediately return to their bodies within a total time elapsed of just under a few seconds. Jackson speaks, “Damn it Carla! That always makes me shaky.” Jackson catches his breath, “Ok Ismail, he’s sitting in the break room, and it looks like he’s waiting for us too, so we approach with extreme caution. He could be a fanatic and may try to blow himself up.”

  Ismail quickly grabs the security team and they head out to the break room with Jackson close behind.

  Carla says, “I want to come.”

  Qui Shi eyes go wide and she yells, “Like hell! You’re coming with me now.” Qui Shi grabs Carla and pulls her away by the ear.

  A few minutes later, Ismail and his security team enter the break room where they see a man sitting in the back of the room. He is drinking a coffee. Ismail sees that he is wearing a security badge and asks, “Who are you? How did you gain entry in here?”

  The man looks up and continues to drink his coffee, ignoring Ismail’s questions.

  Ismail now very annoyed, asks, “Well, we can do this the easy way or the hard way? How do you want to play it?”

  The man finally speaks, “We supplied you with information. I suggest you look at it.”

  Jackson speaks from just outside the room, asking, “Who are you and what do you want?”

  The man smiles and says, “So the big man wants answers. This is entertaining. We all know how much you love this cloak and dagger crap Jackson.”

  Jackson now angered asks, “I’m guessing you’re a Tof or Rooke.”

  The man replies, “Why not say I’m a First One Mister Jackson.”

  Jackson smiles and asks, “Ok, let’s cut to the chase, shall we?”

  The man replies, “The device is set to work for Carla and Carla alone. It was left for her when she came of age.”

  Jackson, realizing that this may actually be a First One asks, “Are you really a First One?”

  A device on the man’s belt starts to beep as he says, “Gotta go Jackson.” With that, the man disappears, just as Val announces over the holocom, “Jacks we have a breech in the shield.”

  Jackson sighs and says, “Yeah, Val, I figured that much out by myself.”

  For several days, Val and Abe go over the device but are unsuccessful at powering it up. Qui Shi refuses to allow Carla to touch it, let alone approach it, not until the device can be one hundred percent confirmed to be safe.

  Finally, one night a very impatient Carla sneaks out of her room. She wakes Abe telepathically, “Abe wake your lazy ass up and get out here and help me.”

  Abe replies telepathically, “Carla you know if I let you near that device Mama going to tear us both new ones.”

  Carla annoyed, says, “Abe if you don’t help me, I’ll make sure to read every last thought in your head, until I get the most embarras
sing moments and then broadcast it to everyone you know.”

  Abe frustrated replies, “You know, I really hate you sometimes.”

  Abe sneaks out of his room. He effortlessly shuts down all the different scanners around the base. Allowing himself and Carla easy access to Val’s lab where the mysterious device is held.

  Abe and Carla make it to the door undetected.

  Carla asks, “Abe are you sure you can get passed all of Uncle Val’s security?”

  Abe annoyed replies, “Yes Carla, you know I did help create it.”

  Abe opens the door as the two enter quickly closing the door behind them. A remote bot activates, approaching Abe and Carla.

  Abe acts quickly. He immediately shuts it down. He slowly turns to Carla, smiling innocently, saying, “Well, let’s hope it didn’t have time to record us.”

  Carla irritated grumbles, “Abe.”

  They make their way through the lab to the secure section. Abe opens the safe pulling out the device. He places it on a nearby table and turns to Carla, saying, “Ok Carla, listen to me, and don’t touch it. We have run every test possible on the damn thing and we can’t get it to do anything. What we know is that it’s not dangerous. It appears to be some sort of database crystal, which is so massive that it could possibly hold all the information of the X’ena.”

  Carla reaches out to touch it as Abe instantly reacts, slapping her hand away, shocked he yells, “Hey! What part of don’t touch was too difficult for your half-baked alien brain to understand!”

  Carla annoyed, says, “Hey your brain is half alien baked too little man.”

  Abe aggravated replies, “Little man? Hey, I’m taller than you ‘Little Flower’.”

  Carla impatiently says, “Whatever Abe, I know what that is so let me have it.”

  Abe looks in disbelief, saying, “My god you lie so bad. You have no idea what that is.”

  Carla frustrated says, “Look, Abe, I’m stronger, faster and a hell of a lot meaner than you, so let me have it or I’ll make you act like a chicken again just like I did on your thirteenth birthday.”


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