The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin Page 3

by Daniel OConnell

  The device recording spools down as the interactive program initiates, saying, “Hello Carla shall we begin.”

  Carla slightly emotional replies, asking, “What do you want me to do?”

  The device says, “This device has set up several simulations on how to use your symbiot. We will start with the use of its power on physical objects. Just as Paladin was able to convert the USS Massachusetts into what it became, so too is your symbiot capable of doing so as well, but with your symbiot, you can pull it back out of anything absorbing it back into yourself, If you so choose to do so.”

  Carla curious, asks, “Why couldn’t my father do this? Why was he permanently trapped on his ship?”

  The holoprogram replies, “Because your father was too old. The Paladin virus had to sacrifice much of its energy to enable him to do what he had to do to save the Earth. Now I want you to extend your symbiot throughout this entire complex and then pull it back into yourself.”

  Carla takes a deep breath, and places her hand touching the ground of the complex. Her symbiot extends out from her and within a few moments, she is networked with every part of the complex. Alarms instantly sound off, but Carla immediately silences them. She feels every part of the complex as it becomes connected to her. Suddenly she hears her symbiot speak to her for the first time, asking, “Mistress, what is it you wish from me?”

  Shocked at this Carla instantly pulls back from the complex and the symbiot returns within her. The base is now completely alerted to what just happened. Alarms go off again, as Ismail and Jackson run into the training room, where they see Carla sitting in the room smiling. She turns to the men and asks innocently, “Hi did I do something wrong?” She thinks to herself. That thing it spoke to me. That was really odd. Wow, I really need to do that again.

  Jackson concerned and a little annoyed, asks, “Carla, I know you’re in training, but could you warn us when you do something on such a large scale like this please?”

  Carla smiling says, “Sorry Papa Jacks, it was an accident, but hey guess what? I heard my symbiot speak to me for the first time. It was so neat.”

  Ismail, who is beyond annoyed, yells, “Neat! Young lady you call, sending the base on full-scale alert neat! I think we have different definitions for the word neat!”

  Carla, still smiling, asks, “Ismail you know your father was always so nice to me, how is it you became such a taskmaster?”

  Ismail somberly replies, “Well, if you ever get your powers working correctly, perhaps you can find him for me and then ask him yourself.”

  Carla, realizing that Mohammed was lost in null space says apologetically, “I’m sorry Ismail. I forget sometimes that he is still missing.”

  Val nonchalantly enters the room. He comes in smiling and happy and says, “Hi everyone, if we are all done yelling at our Little Flower now I need to study the device for a few minutes. It seems to be networking itself into all our systems.”

  Carla says, “Tito Val that was just me. I was just learning about my symbiot.”

  Val humbly replies, “No Carla, I know what your symbiot did, but the device is now networking itself into all our databases and monitoring them. I need to find out why and if it is a threat, or if it's somehow part of your father’s master plan.”

  Jackson concerned says, “Well, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel Val, let’s just ask the damn thing what it's doing.”

  Val smiles again, as he looks up to the image of Caleb, asking, “What are you doing to the base systems?”

  The device replies, “We are one part of three inter-dimensional sensors that are key to the return of our creator. As such, we are completing our programming.”

  Jackson frustrated asks, “The creator being Caleb I assume, and I would guess the other is somewhere on the Paladonian moons so where is the third?”

  The device replies, “I am unable to comply with your request for that information Jacks.” The device spools for a moment as it says, “This device will need to continue training on a ship of immense size.”

  Jackson completely frustrated, throws his hands up in the air and says, “Ok, never let it be said that Caleb ever did anything the easy way.” Jackson pauses, as he thinks for a moment, then says, “Ismail, please take our Little Flower, that stupid device, and my son to the Yorktown before our Little Flower ends up doing some real damage, or I end up taking a sledgehammer to it.”

  Qui Shi visibly upset, looks over to Jackson and turns away saying nothing. Jackson sighs and says, “Qui Shi come on please, you knew since day one this was gonna happen.”

  Elsewhere, Carla, Ismail, and Abe, head to the hangar bay carrying the device. Ismail, always being the caretaker asks, “Carla, do you need anything from your quarters before we take off? I would suspect that we may be on the Yorktown for a few days.”

  Carla still overly excited says, “I'm sure Mama Qui Shi will send up my clothes later, I just want to get up there as soon as possible.”

  Abe says, “Hell a few days’ man. I want to go get some of my pizza rolls.”

  Carla, smiling says, “Oh yeah... crap. I keep forgetting how lousy the food is up there. Ismail let’s go raid the canteen on base first.”

  Ismail stops, turns, looks at both, and sternly says, No, we are not going to raid the canteen. Do not mistake my kindness for you to retrieve your personal possessions as a time to go off and play.”

  Carla, smiling and asks, “Ismail sweetie, can we please get some food from the canteen here first pretty please?"

  Abe puts his hands over his head and says, “Ismail, you know she's gonna get her way anyways, can we just let her get her sugar fix?”

  Ismail, annoyed, says, “Ok Carla, you have thirty seconds to get what you want and be back here and the clock is ticking now.”

  Carla jumps up, kisses Ismail on the cheek and runs off at top speed to the canteen.

  Abe looks at Ismail and asks, “She is a very spoiled woman isn't she?”

  Ismail replies, “Abe I have known her most of my life and I know what dark future awaits her, and although I am a taskmaster in her training I care very much in letting her have as much happiness as she can have.”

  Abe a little confused and perhaps a little jealous asks, “Are you interested in her Ismail?”

  Ismail, very much aware of Carla’s fate smiles, saying, “No Abe, she has a destiny with someone else, I am just happy to be her friend.”

  Carla returns skidding to a stop carrying a large box of food her teddy bear and a few clothes. She quickly says, “I stopped anyways at my quarters and grabbed a few things.”

  Ismail shakes his head in complete disbelief, saying, “Let’s go then.”

  The three head down to the base hangar bay and their transport pod.

  After fifteen minutes, the transport pod takes off heading out towards the Earth main fleet, which is currently in orbit around the Earth. The transport quickly locks on to the Yorktown and is given immediate authorization to land.

  The transport hastily lands on the main deck of the Yorktown and the three exit the transport module. Abe is carrying the device. They are greeted by the Commander of the fleet, Admiral Meyers, who says, “Hi there, little Flower.”

  Carla overtly excited to see Klaus jumps up high in the air and into Klaus's arms virtually knocking him to the ground, asking, “Uncle Klaus I missed you. Where’s Tita Kitanna?”

  Klaus, a little more than surprised laughs aloud, saying, “Carla, be careful, I'm not as young as I used to be.” Klaus pauses as he regains his composure, stating, “Your aunt is out on deep patrol with some of the Uari’s fleet. They’re on the farthest edges of T-Challa space, doing some fact gathering intel.”

  Ismail interrupts, saying, “Admiral Klaus, I suggest we get Carla and Abe off the flight deck and to a more secure location.”

  Carla turns to Ismail and says, “Ismail I can read everyone's mind. I'm in no danger here at all.”

  Abe interrupts, saying, “Admiral, I suggest we test out Ca
rla's power on the newest Super Carrier the Japanese Akagi.”

  Klaus surprised, replies, “I think not Abe. That ship has some of the most advanced systems in the fleet.”

  Ismail still annoyed, says, “Perhaps we can listen to the security chief and take this private and top secret conversation to the Admirals quarters, and contact General Jackson.”

  Klaus smiles as he looks at Ismail and says, “He is nothing like his father is he Little Flower.”

  Carla joking replies, “Yeah a real stick in the mud.”

  The group heads off to Klaus's ready room located above the Bridge. After several minutes they are settled around the holoconference table, as Jackson appears, saying, “Good morning Klaus, I'm sure you are aware of our Little Flowers new toy.”

  Klaus reluctantly replies, “Yes, sir, Abe recommends we use the Akagi. I have my reservations about that, sir.”

  Jackson says, “I'd suggest we try a smaller older ship. Maybe one of the older Paladin class Battleships, perhaps the Texas, or maybe the Iowa.”

  Abe impatient replies, “General, I don't think a Paladin class ship will be big enough sir. The power levels she exhibited on the base were off the chart.”

  Jackson pauses as he considers his options. He asks, “Ok son, other than the Akagi, what ship would you suggest we try this out on?”

  Klaus, thinking states, “General, we have the Si. It’s supposed to be decommissioned next year. We can try her new power on that.”

  Jackson reflects briefly, and then replies, asking, “Captain Liu is still in charge of the Si, is he not?”

  Klaus responds, asking, “Yes General, should I set it up then?”

  Just as Jackson is about to respond, and an emergency alert interrupts the meeting. Admiral Mulvey appears on the emergency holochannel announcing, “This is a class one alert. The Paladonian defense fleet echo three has encountered several T-Challa warships of unknown class. We have currently lost contact with the Uari Destroyer Williams and Earth Cruiser Devonshire. We received an emergency alert of an attack, but have not received any telemetry on what occurred. All further communications have failed.”

  Ismail, realizing the situation asks Klaus, “Klaus, isn't Kitanna Commander of the Devonshire?”

  Klaus, shocked by the news, stumbles across his words and says, “Yes… Yes, she is.”

  Carla doesn't wait. She immediately focuses on Kitanna. Carla enters the psychic plane as her mind allows her virtually limitless ability in the psychic realm. She can search across the universe in just mere seconds. Where she easily locates Kitanna and pulls her mind into her psychic world, asking, “Hi Tita Kitanna are you ok?”

  Kitanna surprised, asks, “Carla? How on Earth did you find us so fast?”

  Carla replies, asking, “I can always find people I know very quickly, but that’s not important, can you tell me if you’re ok, and where are you, so I can tell your husband where to go?”

  Kitanna sadly replies, “Carla we were attacked by some power dampening field. We have no power, and no life support. We are currently just a day away from the Paladonian gate in zeta epsilon. We are near the outer ridge of T-Challa controlled space, but I think we are being used as bait. Tell everyone to stay away from here.”

  Carla concerned says, “I will tell them where you are Tita Kitanna. Just stay safe.”

  Carla looks out around where the two downed ships are located and searches for any possible threats. After what would seem like a long period of searching the area, she finds a single T-Challa Light Cruiser. The ship is cloaked and watching from afar. She cautiously probes the T-Challa Commander’s minds, as it has been over thirteen years since her last encounter with them. She focuses her power, as she attempts to probe the T-Challa minds as stealthfully as she can. She learns that they have modified many systems and have created many new weapons. She learns that the T-Challa Empire is preparing for an all-out assault against the Earth and that she is their main target. She continues scanning the creature’s mind, until she is finally detected as she hears the T-Challa speak to her, saying, “We know who you are, and you will be destroyed.”

  Carla surprised immediately returns to her body, but as she spent so much time gathering information. It’s easily noticed she has been gone.

  Ismail, very upset yells, “Are you completely insane Carla? Do you have any idea just what could have been waiting for you!”

  Carla, annoyed at Ismail ignores his complaints and replies, “Klaus I found Kitanna. She is ok, but her ship and the Paladonian Destroyer are without power. There is a T-Challa Light Cruiser nearby. It’s monitoring them. I was able to scan a lot of the T-Challa commander’s mind. I found they have advanced their technology a lot, and they are preparing for an all-out assault on the Earth.”

  Jackson hearing this asks, “What could they have that can shut down our ships like this?”

  Abe thinking aloud replies, “Their technology is based on older X'ena systems. They could have found a weakness in the power systems and exploited it. I would have to see what was done in order to try to figure out just what they did to us. I hope I can prevent it from happening again.”

  Klaus stands and says, “General, sir, I know I don't need to ask, but I request permission to lead a rescue mission.”

  Jackson hesitates and says, “Klaus I want you to take the fleet and head out to Paladonian space, but under no circumstances are you to engage. Not until we find out what they have that can shut us down.”

  Klaus hastily replies, “Understood, sir. We are heading to the gateway now. We request the scrambler system be shut down to allow us immediate transport to Paladonian space.”

  Jackson sighs and says, “I'll do what I can Klaus but Paladonian relations are taxing. They may have an issue with us having your entire fleet in their territory.”

  Klaus sends out emergency orders that the fleet heads out to the Paladonian gateway. Jackson contacts Tess to get support as well as permission to have Klaus’s fleet operating in their space.

  Klaus says to Ismail, “I'm sorry, but you three will have to leave at once.”

  Carla replies, “No way Tito Klaus, you need me and you know it.”

  Ismail takes a deep breath and says, “Admiral, sir, as much as it pains me to do so I have to agree with our Little Flower. She is indispensable in a situation such as this.”

  Klaus sighs and says, “I will have to contact the General to get his permission.”

  Carla smiles and says, “I'll tell him. Just go.”

  Carla slips back into her psychic world and pulls Jackson into the plane. He is shocked and particularly annoyed and states, “Carla, I had a feeling you were going to do something like this, and before you ask the answer is no.”

  Carla, feigning innocence, replies, “Papa Jacks, when did you become the mind reader?” Carla pauses, stating, “You know what is about to happen and without me a lot of people could be killed. Papa Jacks let me do my job, please.”

  Jackson lowers his head and says, “Carla just be careful.”

  Carla smiling says, “I'm sorry Papa Jacks but I have to be who I am.”



  Klaus and his Alpha fleet wait patiently for the gateway to open. This will open a dimensional portal that will allow his fleet into Paladonian space.

  The com officer announces, “Admiral Klaus incoming holocommunication from the Paladonian command ship Tempest.”

  Klaus acknowledges the officer and says, “Put it through.”

  A holoimage appears of Tess, who says, “Klaus, we are allowing you and Alpha fleet access to Paladonian space, but you will have to remain under my command until we can determine exactly what is going on.”

  Klaus replies, asking, “Agreed Tess, but we need to move quickly. Have you heard from any others amongst the Paladonian fleet?”

  Tess responds, “The Bentonians and Valens fleet have assembled near the Uari’s moon, which has also rallied its forces. Klaus we have dispatched vir
tually every ship in our fleet to prepare for whatever this can be.”

  Abe speaks up and asks, “Have you determined where the Devonshire is?”

  Tess surprised, replies, “Hello Abe long time no see. No, we haven’t been able to get a lock on her last location yet, but Gaul has his personal fleet on the lookout for them now.”

  Klaus impatient, says, “We are coming through the gateway now.”

  Tess sighs and says, “Klaus I’m sorry, but you are going to have to have my brother Kalen assigned to escort you. At least while in our space. It was the only way to get his support.”

  Klaus unconcerned responds, “Whatever it takes to get the job done Tess.”

  Ismail curious, asks, “Isn’t your brother on Earth at your embassy?”

  Tess sighs answering, “He’s supposed to be, but he came home last month and hasn’t returned, as of yet.”

  The Earth fleet consists of twenty Super Carriers, five hundred Paladin class Battleships, two hundred sixty Cruiser class and over one thousand Destroyer class ships. They all move through the gateway reappearing instantly in Paladonian space.

  Ismail and Carla are down in the hangar bay on board their support fighter transport pod hiding. Carla is less than amused. She begins complaining to Ismail, “Just why do I have to stay hidden down in this ship for?” She pauses continuing her rant for a moment, saying, “Abe gets to go and play genius on the Bridge while I’m stuck here.”

  Ismail unamused looks up from his holopad for a moment. He turns his eyes back down and continues his reading.

  Carla continues complaining, “I mean really, I have all the same knowledge as he does and I know I can get things done, just like my father can.”

  Ismail slowly puts his holopad down and says, “Little Flower, you do have the potential to get things done, much like your father could, or even mine could. However, we are not our fathers and just like me, you must learn your place in his legacy. Just as I do. Unfortunately, Little Flower, both our fathers’ legacies cast a long and deep shadow.”

  Carla sits down and asks, “Well, I’m going to check on Kitanna if that's ok with you?”


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