The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin Page 5

by Daniel OConnell

  Klaus is dazed, as he tries to understand what was just placed in his head, saying, “Wow that’s a lot of information.”

  Paladin says, “Klaus you must hurry.”

  Klaus very confused asks, “I know I have to go, but I have a question. Why is the T-Challa Queen outside the Flower Stone?”

  Caleb smiles and says, “Goodbye my friend.”

  With that, Klaus is transported out of the Stone and into the mist-filled room.

  The T-Challa Queen says, “I am sorry Klaus, but our time is limited, I know Caleb downloaded information for Carla, but I must remove the rest of your memories of us.”

  Klaus has no time to react as he blacks out only to wake several minutes later, as a cloaked man dumps a bucket of water on him, saying, “You must hurry Admiral Meyers. Have the child read the information hidden within your mind. Hurry now.”

  Klaus very confused asks, “What just happened? Did I see the Flower Stone?”

  The cloaked man replies, “You did and you have been given the knowledge the child needs to correct the problem. You must hurry. Time is running short for your wife and her crew.”

  Klaus still disoriented says, “I think I remember talking to Caleb?”

  Then Allie speaks, “You spoke to a reflection of Caleb. He has given you information, which I could not completely remove. At least not without risking the loss of important data, that Carla needs. Know this Klaus. Once the Paladin protocols are removed the consequences can be graver than anything the T-Challa can do.”

  The cloaked man says, “Quickly now you must go.”

  Klaus activates the shifter and returns to Yorktown hearing one last statement from Allie, “You carry within you the hope or death of your species.”



  Klaus returns to the Yorktown, disoriented and haunted by the last words spoken to him by the guardian of the Stone.

  Klaus shakes off the effects of the shift, saying, “We need to assemble our forces now.” He pauses and looks over to Abe, asking, “At top speed, how long till we reach the Devonshire and the Williams?”

  Abe thinks for a moment, replying, “We’re roughly twenty-six hours from that at top speed. However, I should be able to shave ten hours off that time by amplifying the power core distribution programming. Regrettably, we will have to leave our support fleet behind. I’m going to have to start on that now.”

  Abe unconcerned with approval hastily rushes over to the engineering console on the Bridge and starts to recalculate the power core’s energy flow.

  Carla curious, asks, “They only have a few hours left isn’t Admiral Mulvey’s or Consul Gaul’s forces closer?”

  Kalen replies, “They are, but they have been ordered to stay away. Mulvey and Gaul are sending over cloaked support fighters with portable power cells in an attempt to re-establish life support, but I doubt they will make it in time., “Kalen asks Klaus, “What about the Flower Stone? Did it give you any information?

  Klaus pauses as he recalls what the guardian told him. He says, “We will be immune to the shutdown protocol, so long as Carla is on board.”

  Carla looks over towards Klaus, thinking. He is lying; I can sense he is hiding information from me, but why?

  Klaus notices Carla looking at him says, “Carla, come with me please. Abe, do what you have to, but get us up to top speed at once.”

  Kalen unconcerned says, “I will be leaving as soon as you reach our gateway at zeta epsilon.”

  Ismail stares intently at Kalen, questioning him, “Any reason for leaving us so soon ambassador?”

  Kalen irritated replies, “I don’t like your tone young Commander, but if you must know, I’m only here to protect our people’s interest. Once you have exited our boarders your interests no longer concern us.”

  Ismail, who does not hide his malcontent of Kalen well says, “The outcome should concern you more so than anything in your people’s history. I would say you are a coward who is only looking to run away.”

  Kalen stares intensely at Ismail, saying, “I have places to be.”

  With that, Kalen leaves and heads down to the hangar deck to his ship.

  Back in Klaus’s ready room, Klaus activates the emergency holocom and within a minute Val and Jackson appear.

  Jackson sees Klaus and Carla, asking, “What do you have for us Klaus?”

  Klaus focuses his thoughts, saying, “I can recall a conversation.” Klaus pauses as he struggles to explain, “Jacks don’t think I’m crazy, but I think I was talking to Caleb and what I was told by this Stone guardian that it was only a reflection. I think it was another one of those preprogrammed recordings. Anyways Jacks, from what I can recall, I was given the knowledge that Carla needs to override the shutdown protocols, however, and more importantly.” Klaus pauses again; reluctant to speak, he lowers his head, saying, “If we open everything, it’s a genie we can’t put back into its bottle. We could just be opening the chance for us to turn back our aggression on each other.”

  Val, overtly concerned says, “This is very dangerous. We could easily have a war amongst the xenophobic sects of Paladonian’s, not to mention our different countries right here on Earth.”

  Jackson concerned asks, “Klaus, just what are you planning then?”

  Klaus replies, “I’m certain that Carla being on this ship can prevent the override command. Therefore, if we can show the T-Challa that it will not work. We may prevent this offensive.”

  Carla, realizing that Klaus is hiding his thoughts decides to find out what Klaus really saw. She secretly probes deeply into his mind to find out just what he found out. As she probes, she discovers a memory implant, which stands out during her probe she access this implant and finds all the information on the Paladin protocols and quickly accesses it. This allows her the ability to deactivate the shutdown protocol. She then sees a mist-filled room that makes it difficult to see anything, but she pushes deeper, and sees the image of her father speaking to Klaus with Jackson and Qui Shi next to him, but no matter how hard she probes, she cannot hear all their words. This confuses Carla, but try as best she can, she cannot see anything beyond the mist. Nevertheless, she does recognize the voice of Allie guiding Klaus through the mist.

  Carla, perplexed by this decides to enter her psychic world and calls out Allie, “Allie, I know you can hear me.”

  After a few moments, a small teddy bear like creature appears and asks, “Yes child you called for me? What is it I can do for you today?”

  Carla annoyed, says, “I heard your voice in Klaus's head. I know that you’re the guardian of the Flower Stone, but I want to know if my father is there.”

  Allie replies, “No child what you saw is a reflection of your father. It has abilities similar to your father, but it is not really him.”

  Carla frustrated asks, “Klaus’s mind was erased, and I know he spoke to you. Why have you gone to such detail to hide who and what you are?”

  Allie reluctantly responds, “I'm sorry my child, but there is much that cannot be discussed. You should know that the information you possess is dangerous. Once you release the blocks on the Earth and Paladonian ships, they will have the ability to fire upon each other, and you can never place those blocks back again.”

  Carla curious, asks, “Klaus is saying that because I'm on this ship it cannot be shut down. Is that true?"

  Allie replies, “No child that is not true. He is only assuming that you are immune to the shutdown protocol. Only your symbiot is immune to the shutdown protocol. You would need to release him on your ship.”

  Carla realizing what Klaus is doing says, “Ok, thank you Allie, I'll be back.”

  Carla transports herself back to her body were only a few seconds have transpired. She interjects, saying, “Uncle Klaus, I’m sorry to interrupt, but unless I release my symbiot onto this ship, it will not be immune to the shutdown protocol.”

  Jackson, apprehensive asks, “Carla how do you know this?”

sp; Carla thinks quickly, not wanting to reveal that she has accessed Klaus’s mind replying, “I just do Papa Jacks.”

  Jackson cautiously asks, “Carla how sure are you that there is only one T-Challa ship in the area?”

  Carla replies, “Completely sure Papa Jacks. I can put its location directly into Uncle Klaus's mind.”

  Klaus says, “I'm not ready to have Carla release her symbiot on the Yorktown. Not until we have tested it completely. We have no idea what could happen.”

  Jackson replies, “Agreed. Carla you will hold back on releasing your symbiot until either Klaus or I tell you too. Is that understood?”

  Carla annoyed answers, “Yes, Papa Jacks.” Carla thinks to herself. Why is it that everything we do has to be tested over and over?

  The hours pass quickly as the Yorktown exits the Paladonian gateway moving at top speed towards the location of the Devonshire and the Williams. Currently Gaul and Mulvey's fleets are spread across the region in search of possible T-Challa gateway activity.

  Mulvey makes contact with the Yorktown via holocom, asking, “Hello Klaus where is your fleet?"

  Klaus hastily replies, “Hello Tom, I have them following behind. We’re only going to risk one ship on this mission. Currently, we believe that having the Little Flower on board may be enough to prevent the T-Challa from shutting us down.”

  Mulvey, surprised, says, “Seems too risky my friend. We have several support fighters currently closing on both ships. They will be able to render aid if you need it. They’re currently working on getting all the T-Challa ship's location locked down for us, so we can destroy them first.”

  Abe, who is on the deck interrupts, stating, “The T-Challa appear to have advanced their technology immensely since our last encounter, just the fact that they have not tried to capture those ships would state that they have enough knowledge about our technology to no longer need one of our ships. This could mean they have also increased their sensor technology.”

  Klaus curious, asks, “Abe so you’re saying that they may know we have support fighters in the area?”

  Abe calmly replies, “Yes, sir.”

  Carla becomes restless listening to all this talk. She decides to look for the T-Challa again to see what they know. She enters her psychic world and looks out across the system, immediately finding the two ships, the Williams from the Uari moon and Devonshire from Earth. She is also able to find the approaching support fighters. Carla begins to look out across the rest of the system where she finds the same T-Challa Light Cruiser just half a million kilometers away, as it continually scans the two ships. Carla looks again into the T-Challa Commander’s mind probing as much information as she can. However, this time the T-Challa is prepared for her visit and has set a trap for her, as it senses her presence it speaks, “Hybrid I have a message from our Queen to you.”

  Carla is surprised at being caught, nevertheless fearless of the T-Challa she quickly places up her psychic shields and asks, “What is it?”

  The T-Challa replies, “Surrender yourself to us, and we will leave the Earth alone. Fail to do so, and we will launch an immediate assault on the Earth and Paladonian moons.”

  Carla is amazed that the T-Challa have so much information and asks, “How do you know so much about us?”

  The T-Challa Commander angrily replies, “I'm not here to answer your question Hybrid. You will surrender or be destroyed, which will it be?”

  Carla infuriated replies, “You are no threat to me beast. Go tell your Queen to kiss my ass.”

  The T-Challa smiles and says, “You are so young, so foolish. You know not what opportunities you have missed.” The T-Challa pauses as it concentrates, saying, “My Queen has left me a gift to give you. For if, you will not come to us then we will destroy you.”

  The T-Challa begins to glow deep red as its energy begins to expand exponentially. Carla, feeling the psychic energy build up retreats as quickly as she can, but the psychic explosion is devastating. Her symbiot shields hold, but she is still injured. Her physical body is knocked into a coma, collapsing on the Bridge. Abe and Ismail immediately rush to her side, as Abe checks her vitals and see's that she is breathing. Ismail grabs her up in his arms and says, “Move out of my way.” He hurries her to the lift and enters hammering his fist against the control panel as he accesses the med bay floor. The lift moves quickly as both Ismail and Abe rush her to the med bay.

  Mulvey, who is still on the Bridges holocom witnessed the incident says, “Klaus, I recommend you hold position. At least until we find out just what happened to her?”

  Klaus focused on his wife replies, “Tom, as much as I would like to agree with you I cannot. We have to get too those ships out there as quickly as possible.”

  Mulvey, trying to reason with him, replies, “Klaus you’re not thinking clearly.”

  Then Mulvey is distracted as the Yorktown’s sensor officer also yells aloud, “We have multiple gateways powering up all across the sector sir.”

  The crews all watch as over fifteen gateways power up, and thousands of ships pass through. Ships unlike any the Earth has ever seen before, larger and far more powerful than any standard T-Challa ships from years gone by. These ships power readings are on equal par with the Earth ships.

  The com officer says to Klaus, “Sir, I have Gaul on the holocom.”

  Klaus says, “Put him through at once.”

  Gaul appears and, saying, “I know you’re getting the same telemetry that we're getting. This appears to be an all-out assault and with their ability to shut us down, we are looking at a very short battle.”

  Mulvey equally concerned says, “I have to agree. I'm going to recommend an all-out withdrawal and the destruction of the gateway in this sector. It should buy us a few more months to prepare.”

  Klaus still focused on his mission says, “I agree, but the Yorktown is going to try and mount a rescue for the last two ships.”

  Mulvey concerned says, “Klaus you’re insane. There is no way you can make it to them in time.”

  Klaus unconcerned replies, “Abe has modified the Yorktown's dual power cores. We can make it to them in less than half a day’s travel. That should give us at least a few hours to get them back to us before the T-Challa can close in on us.”

  Mulvey looks over his telemetry, as does Gaul.

  After a brief few minutes Gaul says, “Klaus, you’re cutting it real close and you don’t know where that other T-Challa ship is that shut down our ships. You could be entering a trap.”

  Klaus focused on his goal says, “Then wish me luck my friends, Yorktown out.”

  Down at med bay, Ismail rushes into the med bay carrying Carla with Abe close behind. Ismail yells, “We need a Doctor now!”

  Abe enters right behind, running over to the holocom system and immediately activates it, contacting his mother Qui Shi.

  She is shocked when Abe contacts her, asking, “Abraham what’s wrong?”

  Abe visibly upset replies, “Carla collapsed on the Bridge. I think she may have been telepathically scanning the system for T-Challa.”

  Qui Shi distraught, says, “Abe, go get that device from Caleb and let me speak to the Doctor now.”

  The Doctor who is checking over Carla replies while working, “Doctor Qui Shi, I'm sorry, I don’t have time to go over everything, and I’m trying my best to stabilize her. She is showing very little brain activity.”

  Qui Shi distressed, says, “That means she is lost in the psychic plane Doctor. Her connection to her body has been severed. All you can do is hope she can find her way back to her body.”

  Ismail concerned asks, “Is there anyone that can help her?”

  Qui Shi crying slightly says, “No Ismail. No one can save her but herself.”

  Back in the psychic plane, Carla regains consciousness, and quickly discovers that she is surrounded by thousands of T-Challa minds, all pressing against her shield. She immediately expands her shields pushing them away.

  Carla quickly tries t
o return to her body, but cannot find her link to return. Her connection to the real world has been severed.

  Carla, now extremely upset sits down, thinking. What do I do? How do I get back to my body? Where am I?

  Then a familiar voice speaks to her from afar, “Child I cannot help you, but you must battle your way back to your body. The T-Challa are blocking your path you must hurry.”

  Carla, recognizing that the voice is Allie replies, “Allie where are you? Why can't you help me?”

  Allie cautiously replies, “Carla I cannot help you, I’m pushing my powers just to reach you through the open gateway, if the T-Challa sense my presence.” Allie pauses as she scans the area, saying, “Child it is far too dangerous. If they find me, they will kill me and all whom I protect. You must fight them alone.”

  Carla, fearful, says, “I don’t know how to fight them Allie.”

  Allie doesn’t respond for a long time. Finally, she says, “Child I must go now. They are looking for me. You must find the psychic access point to your body. It will be where the most T-Challa will be and be careful child. They have been trained to fight you.”

  Carla frightened yells out, “Allie I don’t know how to fight them.”

  Allie doesn’t respond. After several minutes, Carla gets up and scans the plane looking for help and asking aloud, “Can anyone hear me?”

  Then finally, she hears a voice, “Mistress, I can help if you let me.”

  Carla scared and unable to see anyone asks, “Who said that?”

  The voice replies, “Mistress, we have only spoken to each other one time, but I am part of you.”

  Carla confused and scared, asks, “You’re my symbiot. You’re like Paladin?”

  The symbiot replies, “Yes Mistress, I am like the one called Paladin, although I have not chosen a name for myself Mistress, but you may choose one for me. I am yours to command.”

  Carla astounded asks, “This is too much. Why have you never spoken to me before? Why now?”

  The symbiot simply replies ‘You have never asked me to speak before.”

  Carla confused asks, “What do we do to get back to my body?”


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