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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 6

by Daniel OConnell

  The symbiot confidently answers, “We fight our way through them.”

  Carla frightened, says, “I don’t know how to fight them.”

  The symbiot replies, “Yes you do, Mistress. You can do anything in here. You are only limited by your own imagination.”

  Carla curious, asks, “So if I want to, I can create anything I need to help me get out of here?”

  The symbiot replies, “Yes Mistress. You are all powerful within the psychic realm. You have no rival.”

  Carla more confident replies, “Ok, but we need to find a name for you, and you need to stop calling me mistress. Just as Paladin wasn't a slave to my father, you will not be a slave to me. You have no master just a friend.”

  The symbiot replies, “Thank you Mistress, I may have a name that you may like.”



  Back on the Bridge of the Yorktown, the com officer yells out, “Incoming holocom call from Earth sir! It’s listed urgent.”

  Klaus lowers his head and asks his sensor officer, “What is our current status.”

  The officer replies, “Sir, we are within three hours of the Devonshire and Williams’s sir. The T-Challa fleet is closing fast and will be there shortly after we arrive.”

  Klaus says to the com officer, “Put the call through.” The holocom opens up as Jackson appears and says, “Klaus I'm sorry, but you need to pull out and return to the gateway at once.”

  Klaus humbly replies, “General, sir, I will be in phase-shift range in under an hour sir. At least let me try and rescue as many people as possible.”

  Jackson closes his eyes for a moment as he focuses his thoughts replying, “Klaus you have the Little Flower in an unknown condition. She is the key to preventing this newest threat, I’m sorry my friend, but I cannot allow you to risk her life. Let alone the rest of your crew.”

  Klaus humbled replies, “Jacks, please don’t make me disobey orders. Let me try to save them.”

  Jackson lowers his head and says, “Klaus this is against my better judgment, but I'll give you one hour. And Klaus no matter what happens, you return in one hour.”

  Klaus grateful says, “No problem Jacks, I promise you I won’t let you down.”

  The com closes as Klaus returns to his command chair.

  Elsewhere, Abe reaches the hangar deck and grabs the device. He rushes back to the med bay.

  Back in the med bay Qui Shi reviews the data from the Doctor’s scans, saying, “Doctor, I'm seeing stress levels and adrenaline levels increasing. I am also seeing heightened activity with her symbiot. Whatever is happening with her, she’s may be fighting for her life.”

  Inside the psychic realm, Carla says, “Ok, I'm serious now, enough with the mistress crap. You can call me Carla.”

  The symbiot replies, “I have trace memories of Paladin and your father having a similar conversation upon their first meeting. If it is ok with you, I have chosen the name Ronin.”

  Carla smiles, asking, “I like it, I can call you Ronnie for short, so what does Ronin mean?”

  Ronin answers, “It is a term for a warrior without a master. As you do not wish to be my master, then I feel that I'm a warrior without a master.”

  Carla disturbed asks, “Does that mean you’re going to do whatever you want?”

  Ronin replies, “Well, I really can’t, because you’re still in control of me, but if memory serves me correct your father and Paladin shared an understanding of friendship.”

  Carla smiles and says, “Ok then. Let’s go kick some T-Challa butt.”

  The huge blue bubble contracts around Carla and forms an armor like shield around her. Then two huge blade like weapons appear from her hands rippling with energy Carla smiles and says, “This is so cool. It’s time to kick some ass.”

  Back on the Yorktown, Abe makes his way with the device back to med bay. Once there he immediately sets it up activating it and the image of Caleb appears. The device surveys the area and makes an immediate assessment of the current situation. It accesses the ship's data logs leading up to its activation completing all its scans within a few seconds. It speaks, “Carla is in critical condition, and if she does not return to her body in the next thirty minutes she will die in the psychic plane. Currently, this ship is heading towards a massive armada of T-Challa ships. Abraham you will need to increase the phase-shifter to maximize its range to rescue those trapped on the two disabled ships.”

  Abe surprised at the device’s awareness says, “I'll get right on it.” Abe races to the forward section of the ship.

  The device cycles through its programming and locks itself into the ship's internal systems. After a brief moment, an image of Caleb appears on the Bridge of the ship. The device addresses Klaus, saying, “Hello Klaus, we have analyzed the situation and have determined that you are possibly at risk of a surprise attack by a secondary fleet. This fleet is more than likely blocked your escape route by now.”

  The device shows on the tactical holoscreen several energy signatures approaching from behind. The device continues, “At this point the T-Challa have more than likely increased their power cores to be equal to the Earth and Paladonian ships.”

  Klaus slightly overwhelmed, asks, “What if any, suggestions do you have for us?”

  The device replies, “Abe is currently trying to maximize the ships phase-shifter. When completed, you should be able to phase-shift the crews of the Devonshire and the Williams to your ship. Then, if you maximize your current speed you should be able to abandon this ship and phase your crews off the Yorktown, and back to the Earth and Paladonian fleets, which are currently at the gateway.”

  Klaus shocked, asks, “Are you suggesting we sacrifice the Yorktown?”

  The device responds, “The only other option is to let Carla, should she recover, merge her symbiot with the Yorktown, and pray she is strong enough to battle her way through this T-Challa’s trap.”

  Klaus sighs and says, “Carla is unconscious Caleb. We don’t know if she will recover.”

  The device says, “I am aware of Carla’s condition, but you also have the knowledge to unlock the Paladin protocols locked in your head. If Carla does not recover you can release those two ships.”

  Klaus lowers his head in doubt, saying, “By doing so we let lose our only protection from ourselves.”

  The device responds, “The only alternatives have been presented to you Klaus, you alone must decide.” The device powers down in med bay.

  Meanwhile, Abe makes his way to the phase-shifter room and begins working on the shift control computer, hoping to increase its power levels. Abraham, just like Val’s mind can see the answers in just mere minutes.

  Abe quickly contacts the Bridge and says, “Bridge, this is Abe, I have figured out how to make a single shift point for one person, and that person should be me. Once I’m there I can take a portable power cell and power up their phase-shifter allowing me to increase the range quickly.”

  Klaus concerned replies, “Abe, it's far too dangerous to send you.”

  Abe methodically replies, “Admiral, sir, you have no other options. I'm the only one that can set it up on those two ships sir.”

  Klaus exasperated asks, “What do you need to do Abe?”

  Abe replies, “I will have to transfer main power from the engines to the phase-shifter. It will only take a moment, sir.”

  Klaus sighs as he thinks and says, “Ok Abraham, but be careful, your father is going to kill me, especially when he finds out what I'm letting you do.”

  Abe, unconcerned, taps into the main power core and maximizes the phase-shifters power output over five hundred percent. He takes a phase-shifter and sets up a lock onto the Devonshire. Grabbing a portable power cell, he quickly locks in the coordinates. A crewmember in the area asks, “Have you ever phase-shifted before?”

  Abe grins replying, “I’ve been phase-shifting most of my life, but never this far before.”

  Abe focuses on the shift, as he takes in a deep
breath, activating his phase-shifter, as he is instantly transported across the sector, reappearing on the Bridge of the Devonshire. Exhausted, disoriented, and cold, he vomits on the deck. Coughing and gasping for air, he chokes out, saying, “Damn, that was the hardest shift I have ever done.”

  Kitanna stunned asks, “Abe are you insane? How far did you just shift?”

  Abe rolls over on his back and says, “A lot further than anyone before I think.”

  Abe sits up, as Kitanna races over to grab him, helping him stand up. Abe says, “I'm going to use this portable power cell to power up the phase-shifter. I have the Yorktown's phase-shifter locked onto this ship. Consequently, I can connect them both. This will allow for everyone to shift off the Devonshire and onto the Yorktown.”

  Kitanna concerned asks, “What about the Williams?”

  Abe replies, “Yeah, I'll have to link their phase-shifters into yours.”

  Kitanna says, “Ok Abe, I'll shift over there and coordinate with their Captain, just as soon as you have it powered up.”

  Abe adds, “You’re going to have to set the ships nukes to explode.”

  Kitanna replies, “We already did hours ago. We kinda figured that we may have to.”

  Abe makes his way with Kitanna to the phase-shift control room and begins to hook up the power conduits to the portable power supply. After several minutes, Abe says, “Ok, we have power. You can shift over.”

  Kitanna pleased, kisses Abe on the cheek, saying, “You’re a real lifesaver, just like your dad.”

  Abe uncomfortable, says, “Ah yeah, thanks.”

  Kitanna transports over to the Williams and makes contact with their Captain. They quickly prepare for everyone to phase-shift over to the Devonshire before they make the final jump over to the Yorktown.

  Meanwhile, back in the psychic plane, Carla starts to run towards the largest concentration of T-Challa, asking Ronin, “Do you think my escape point is here Ronnie?”

  Ronin replies, “This is the largest concentration of T-Challa. I do not detect any larger than this, so your assumption that this would be your escape point is valid.”

  Carla amused states, “Ronnie you go a long way to say yeah, that looks good.”

  The T-Challa psychic avatars go to meet the charge of Carla and Ronin. Carla takes her blades and swings wide as the blade extends outward over twenty-five meters and slices through the first wave. Surprised by the action Carla says, “Holy cow that was awesome!” Carla takes the second blade and swings it wide at the second wave of T-Challa once again destroying their avatars in a single stroke.

  Ronin says, “If you so choose, we can spin ourselves while we extend the blades and slice through this entire army of T-Challa.”

  Carla curious, asks, “Does this kill them in real life too?”

  Ronin replies, “No, it only severs their connection from this plane for a brief period of time, however, it does stun them in the real world. Albeit temporarily, but unlike you, they are able to return to their bodies as their connection to the psychic plane is artificial, while yours is a pure connection. Nevertheless, you can destroy their minds should you choose to face them in the real world, but I would suggest we wait to retain our body first.”

  Carla, noticing that Ronin has not called her mistress or by her name asks, “Ronnie, are you uncomfortable calling me Carla?”

  Ronin humbled replies, “Yes, but I do not wish to insult you.”

  Carla begins to spin as her blades extend even further outward, slicing apart the T-Challa avatars she replies, “Well, you can call me Carla or Little Flower, but never be afraid to call me anything.”

  Ronin replies, “If it is alright with you, I would prefer to call you Mistress.”

  Carla laughs as she spins faster and faster, until she finally slices through the last of the T-Challa. She stops taking a breath, asking, “Ok Ronnie, they’re gone. Now how do I find my way out of here?”

  Ronin says, “We need to search Mistress, it has to be located around here somewhere.”

  Carla looking asks, “What are we looking for?”

  Ronin replies, “A very small blue light Mistress.”

  Carla annoyed replies, “In plain English, a needle in a haystack.”

  Ronin responds, “Yes Mistress. Unfortunately, it will take some time.”

  Back on the Devonshire, Kitanna returns and says to Abe, “Do you have enough power to spare to open communications?”

  Abe, who is studying the data on the Devonshire replies, “Kitanna the ship's power core is still active. I was looking at trying to reroute some of the power conduits to allow some basic systems to power up.”

  Kitanna asks, “My science officer says that we had no active power systems?”

  Abe focused on his holopad replying, “He was right to a point. All your systems are powered down, but the engine core is still active, if I could just figure out how to disengage the shutdown protocol, I may be able to power up both ships.”

  Kitanna concerned asks, “Abe, do you think you can do it, because time is running out fast?”

  Abe reluctantly replies, “I may be able to try something, but it won’t last too long. The shutdown protocol was actually bypassed somehow by the T-Challa. It's not a real shutdown, but I think I can reactivate both ships in a few minutes. Nevertheless, they could just do it again, so we’ll need to jump right into hyperspace quickly.”

  Kitanna excited says, “Go for it Abe, I'll inform Captain Frasier of the Williams of the change of plans.”

  Kitanna shifts back to the Williams, as Abe goes to work on reactivating both ships.

  Back on the Yorktown, Klaus waits for word from Abe as to what is going on. While they are waiting, the sensor officer reports, “Admiral, I'm picking up several very faint energy signatures approaching at an extreme degree of speed.”

  Klaus cautiously asks, “Could they be the Paladonian ships that were headed to the Devonshire?”

  Before the officer can reply, over three dozen torpedoes strike the Yorktown, taking down her shields and doing serious damage across its superstructure.

  The sensor officer yells, “We have lost shields sir, and have taken considerable damage.”

  Klaus shocked yells, “Launch the emergency fighters. Fire all Light cannons.”

  Then, without any warning, the Yorktown powers down.

  All the support fighters, and all the ship's guns, everything. Klaus yells out, “Damn it! Do we have anything?”

  The first officer says, “We have nothing, sir.”

  Down in the med bay Ismail asks, “What happened, is she ok?”

  The Doctor checks her vitals by hand and says, “Her pulse is weakening, we’re losing her.”

  Ismail goes to the device that Abe brought up and pulls it over to Carla. He places her hand on it and in an instant the device powers up. The image of Caleb appears, saying, “Carla is dying. You need to get her to return to her body at once.”

  Ismail overwhelmed asks, “How do I do this?”

  The device cycles through its programming and says, “She need to be shocked by some sort of electrical stimulation. This will fuel the connection.”

  Ismail looks everywhere for something to use and asks, “You’re the only thing with power. What do you suggest I do?”

  The device answers, “I can send a charge through her body, but the power levels cannot be regulated, it may cause injury to her body, and it will most unquestionably damage, if not destroy this device.”

  The Doctor says, “In her present condition it may kill her.”

  The device responds, saying, “According to the last recorded scans, the ship is heavily damaged, and T-Challa ships are about to board. If this fails, she will be killed anyways.”

  Ismail says, “Tell me what I need to do.”

  The device goes into detail on how to attach it to power cords.

  Elsewhere, back on the Bridge. Bridge officers are looking out through the plasma windows, looking outward to see any visual s
igns of the T-Challa. Finally, an officer yells out, “Sir, we have a dozen T-Challa ships. They’re uncloaking on the starboard side.”

  Klaus grabs his side arm and checks to see if it has any power. He sighs heavily and looks up to his crew, saying, “I’m sorry, but it looks pretty bad, we have no way to defend ourselves. I’m not going to let this ship fall into the T-Challa hands. I’m going to detonate one of our nukes and try and take as many of these bastards with us as we can.”

  The crew somber just stares at Klaus, realizing the futility of their situation.

  Just then, one of the T-Challa ships fire another salvo into the lifeless Yorktown. The Yorktown takes heavy damage across its decks, as it is unable to power up even basic systems. Many of the ship’s crewmembers are blown out into space. Finally, the Bridge takes a direct hit. Klaus is blown back as part of the upper deck crashes down on top of him. He is alive, but just barely. The Bridge crew rushes over to aid him.

  Back in the psychic plane, Carla with Ronin’s help look aimlessly at any possible exit point. Finally, a familiar voice appears Allie, “Child your friends are dying, and they need you now.”

  Carla frustrated says, “I can’t find my way back to them Allie can you help me?”

  Allie replies, “Child it's much too dangerous for me to help. I’m risking a lot just talking to you. You must hurry.”

  Just then, Carla feels a deep, sharp pain course through her entire body. She yells out in agony, “What the hell was that?”

  Ronin says, “Mistress, I have located our exit point.” Ronin immediately highlights a miniscule blue light and Carla reaches out for it and the moment she touches it she is able to reconnect with her body returning to the real world. She awakens to see Ismail has hooked her up to the device left by her father. Attaching power cords directly to her body. She yells, “Ismail! Do you realize just how much that hurt?”

  Ismail angry yells, “Carla! We don’t have time! The T-Challa have shut down the ship. They have been firing aimlessly at us. People are dying.”

  Carla panicked asks, “What do I do?”

  The device, which is now powering down, spools for a moment. A prerecorded message activates, “Carla this is a message from me directly, and it is set to activate upon the first attempt at releasing your symbiot onto a ship. You should know, unlike myself, you can recall your symbiot back into your body at any time. You will not be trapped on any ship as I was. The moment you transfer your symbiot to the ship it will instantly convert this ship into a vessel of immense power, just as Paladin did to the USS Massachusetts all those many years ago. Your symbiot will repair everything at the moment of transfer, and restore the ship into an incredible war machine.”


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