The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell

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The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell Page 10

by Susan Carlisle

  “It’s important that my program be cutting-edge.”

  She pursed her lips and nodded. “Or you’re just a bit of a control freak.”

  He grinned. “And maybe a little bit of that as well.”

  * * *

  An hour and a half later they were walking into Shorecliffs House.

  “This looks nice,” Gabe said as he held the front door open for her.

  “It is, but I still hate that Mom can’t take care of herself anymore and, worse, that I can’t do it either.”

  Gabe’s arm came around her and pulled her into a quick hug before dropping away.

  “You’re doing the best you can for your mother. She knows you love her.”

  Zoe wished his hug had lasted longer as she held back tears. “I hope so.”

  They walked down the long hall and took the first right, stopping in front of a door on the left. Zoe knocked. Pushing it open with some trepidation about what she would find, she was pleasantly surprised. Her mother sat in a cushioned chair near the window. A book lay on her lap. Zoe’s heart lifted. Her mother had always loved reading, but Zoe hadn’t seen her pick up a book in months. Even if she wasn’t reading, at least she’d thought to try. “Hi, Mom.”

  Her mother looked up. A smile came across her face. “Hey, sweetheart.”

  Relief washed over Zoe. Today her mother recognized her. The doctors had told Zoe there would be times when her mom would know her and then her memory would fade again.

  “How’re you?” Her mother was having a good day.

  Zoe smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m doing fine.” She sank into a nearby straight chair.

  Her mother looked to where Gabe stood. “You brought someone with you.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Avery. It’s nice to see you again,” Gabe said as he stepped forward.

  Her mother gave him a blank look but soon the brightness of recognition filled her eyes. “I know you. You brought chicken.”

  “That’s right.” Gabe sat on the edge of the bed. “How do you like your new place? It’s nice, and your daughter has done a lovely job of furnishing it.”

  “I want to go home,” she said earnestly.

  Zoe’s chest tightened. She hated hearing those words. Gabe reached over and took her hand, giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. She appreciated the support. It was good of him to notice her distress. “I know, Mom, but right now this is the best place for you.”

  “Can I go home?”

  “Mrs. Avery, do you dance?” Gabe asked.

  That was an odd question. Zoe was thankful for his timely redirection of her mother’s thoughts, but was perplexed by the new topic of conversation he’d chosen.

  “Dance?” her mother asked in a tone Zoe hadn’t heard in a long time.

  “I noticed on the activity board on our way down the hall that there’s a dance on Saturday night. I was wondering if you were going.” Gabe leaned forward as if greatly interested in her answer.

  Her mother actually blushed. Zoe couldn’t help but smile.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I bet there are a number of men who would like to dance with you,” Zoe said to further encourage her. “I also saw that they have game day, music and people coming in to sing.”

  Her mother gave her a bleak look. Zoe had lost her again. She forged forward. “We’re on our way to buy some furniture.”

  “Furniture?” her mom said.

  “Yes. For my patio,” Gabe answered.

  “He wants me to help him pick it out.” Zoe watched closely, hoping her mom would come out of the place she’d disappeared to.

  Her mother looked down at her book.

  Together they struggled to converse with her mother for the next fifteen minutes. Her memory came and went all the while. When Zoe became frustrated, Gabe stepped in. She admired his patience. More than once her mom had asked what his name was and each time he’d clearly and calmly told her. Finally, her mother showed signs of frustration.

  With a heavy heart, Zoe said, “Mom, it’s time for us to go.” She kissed her mother’s soft cheek, straightened, hoping her mom would say goodbye. All she got was a vaguely puzzled smile. Gabe followed her out of the room, softly closing the door behind him.

  As they walked down the hall on their way out, he took her hand. “I know how increasingly difficult visiting her is for you.”

  Zoe blinked back tears. “It is. I hate that she’s losing her memory in general, but I know soon it will be to the point that she’ll stop recognizing me altogether.” She laid her hand over her middle. “She’ll never really know her grandchild. The baby won’t know her.”

  “Then you’ll just have to make a special point to tell him or her about your mother.” Gabe stepped ahead of her and held open the front door.

  “You make it sound so easy.” Zoe stepped past him.

  “Never said that. My mom never talked about my father much. I wished she had. I don’t feel like I know him.”

  She had a father who had decided he didn’t want her. Zoe wasn’t sure which was worse—never having a father to begin with, or having one who didn’t want you. “My father left us when I was ten. He went to work one day and didn’t return.”

  “I’m sorry. That must have been awful.”

  Her chest tightened. “It was bad but at least I had him for a little while. The worst is knowing it was that easy to walk away from us.”

  “Sounds like both of us might have father issues. Not a great thing to have in common, but something.” There was sadness in his voice.

  “I guess you’re right.” She looked at him. “Thanks for coming with me.” Somehow Gabe’s supportive presence had made it easier. She was starting to depend on him. That mistake she had to constantly guard against. He hadn’t made any promises to her. He could be gone just as easily as her father, but Gabe was there for her right now.

  “You’re welcome,” he was saying. “I’m glad to see your mom has a quality place to live. You’re doing the right thing.”

  “Then why do I feel so rotten about it?”

  Gabe stopped her. Waited until she looked at him before he said, “Because you can’t do anything to make the situation better.”

  She nodded. “I guess.”

  They arrived at the car.

  “So where should we go for this furniture? You’re the person who knows the area.” Gabe unlocked the doors.

  After a minute Zoe answered, “I guess Abrams Furniture is the best place to start. It’s the biggest furniture store in the area. Turn left out of the parking lot.”

  Thirty minutes later, Gabe parked in front of the entrance to the large building with windows showcasing furniture for many different rooms of a house. Gabe held the glass door open for Zoe to enter.

  They were quickly greeted by a middle-aged woman. “Hello. What may I show you today?”

  Gabe smiled. “We’d like to look at patio furniture.”

  The lady was quick to return his smile. “Come this way. I’m sure we have something you’ll like.”

  They followed her along a path leading through groupings of sofas and chairs, then dining-room suites, toward the back of the store. The smell of new furniture and polished wood was nearly overpowering. Along the way they passed the nursery section. Before Zoe was the most perfect white crib. Beside it stood a matching chest of drawers, changing table and even a rocker.

  She stopped, unable to resist running her fingers along the top of one side of the crib. The image of pastel ruffled drapes on the windows as the sun beamed in filled her mind. A white rocker sat nearby. When she had her own place this would be what she’d like to have for the baby. She was so mesmerized by the pictures in her head, she had to hurry to catch up with Gabe. He waited by a door leading to the outside.

  “Did you find something you like?” he asked
as she walked by him.

  Zoe shook her head. He was already more involved in her life than she had intended to allow. She wasn’t going to open her heart to another man who didn’t share her dream of commitment and marriage. Heart still healing from her failed relationship with her ex, she certainly wouldn’t repeat it when she already knew how Gabe felt.

  The woman was waiting for them in the middle of the large covered area. There were all kinds of chairs and tables suitable for outdoor use. Some had metal frames while others were made of wicker. Many appeared nice enough for inside use. There were numerous cushions, in every color choice, both in floral prints and plain fabric. The space was almost overwhelming.

  “What do you think would be best on the patio?” Gabe asked her.

  “Oh, I don’t know. There’s so much here. Let me look around some.” She shouldn’t be making these types of decisions with him. She wouldn’t be staying at his home long. Furniture implied longevity, and that she wouldn’t have.

  Gabe walked around from one grouping to another. She joined him, making her own path through the jumble.

  She wasn’t sure what was best for him, but she did know what she liked. “I prefer the wicker look.”

  “Then that’s what we should look at,” he said as if pleased.

  His attention turned to the saleswoman, who was swift to direct them toward a space with nothing but that style of outdoor furniture. A particular suite caught Zoe’s attention. It included a table with a large orange umbrella and four black chairs. Next to them were a matching two-person settee, a lounger, and two chairs with orange cushions and a low table situated between them. The entire set was perfect for Gabe’s patio. Classical, yet functional. Zoe headed straight for it.

  “Why don’t you have a seat and see how it feels?” the saleslady suggested. “See how comfortable it is.”

  Zoe took a seat in one of the chairs at the table. Gabe sank into an armchair with high sides. It accommodated his large body as if tailor made for him.

  “So what do you think?” Gabe looked at her.

  “I like this chair. It’s sturdy enough, which you’ll need if it’s going to be outside all the time. But do you really need all of this?” Zoe waved her hand in a circle.

  He shrugged. “I have plenty of room for it, so why not? Come try the lounger. You’d use it more than me.”

  She lowered her voice so the saleswoman couldn’t easily hear. “I’m not going to use it that long.”

  “Please just try the lounger and tell me what you think.” There was a pleading note in his voice.

  The saleslady must have picked up on it as well because she said, “I’m going to let you two discuss this. If you need me I’ll be right over there.” She pointed toward the door through which they had exited.

  With some annoyance Zoe sat on the lounger, pushed back until she was comfy and put up her legs. It would be the perfect place to read a book, feed their baby. Their baby. When had she started thinking of the baby as theirs instead of hers? She glanced at Gabe, shaken on a disturbing level. How did he think of the baby?

  She had to stand. Those thoughts weren’t ones she needed to have. Heartache, disappointment and disagreement were all they would bring between her and Gabe. Zoe shifted on the cushion, moving to get off it.

  Gabe quickly rose and offered her a hand. “So what do you think?”

  “It’s very nice,” she murmured.

  He raised a brow in question. “Should I get it?”

  Though reluctant to do so, Zoe nodded. “I think so.”

  “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  She was grateful he didn’t give her time to respond before he walked off toward the saleslady.

  If Gabe furnished the rest of the house as nicely as the patio, their child would have an amazing place to visit. She wouldn’t have to worry about the baby having what he or she needed. Gabe would see to it. In fact, he was quite willing to let her see to it, but she mustn’t give in to that temptation. It would be too easy to think and act as if Gabe’s house was hers as well and, worse, as if he was.

  Gabe was kind, caring and generous. He’d be a good father based on that. Even if he didn’t think so. A child deserved both a mother and father in their life. As long as she and Gabe could agree on how the baby should be raised, he or she should have a good life. Not the perfect one like Zoe dreamed of, but a good one nonetheless. What they had to do was remain civil. When their emotions became involved that was when heartache and anger would take over and create strife. She couldn’t let that happen.

  Zoe followed Gabe and the saleswoman into the building. As they walked past the nursery furniture, she made a point not to look at it, sighing. It would be nice to bring the baby home from the hospital to a finished nursery, but that wasn’t the plan. When the time was right she’d set one up. Until then, she’d settle for a cradle in her bedroom.

  She joined Gabe at the counter where he’d just finished paying for the furniture.

  “All done.” Gabe turned to her with a pleased smile. “Thanks for your help.”

  The saleslady said as they headed out the door, “It has been a pleasure to help such a nice couple.”

  Zoe’s heart caught. A warm feeling raced through her. She looked at Gabe. Was there any chance that one day that could be true? He was an honorable and steadfast person. Just the type of man she’d been looking for...

  She started to correct the woman, but Gabe placed a hand at her back and said without missing a beat, “Thanks for your help.” To Zoe he said, “How about an early lunch before we head home?”

  * * *

  Gabe settled onto a metal chair on the patio of a local restaurant after seeing Zoe properly seated. The sky was bright and there was a slight breeze, making it comfortable outside. They had both ordered a sandwich, chips and a drink. He’d carried it to the table on a tray, thoroughly delighted with their morning together.

  Visiting her mother had been difficult for Zoe and he was glad he could be there for her. Shopping, even for something as mundane as furniture, wasn’t high on his list of fun things to do but he’d enjoyed the trip with Zoe. The only catch in the morning had been when she’d resisted sitting on the lounger. She was using the fact she wasn’t going to live at his house long as an excuse to avoid taking any interest in it. He wanted her to feel comfortable while she was there. To his amazement he was in no hurry for her to do so. He would miss her.

  Zoe captured his attention when she said, “This is one of those places I’ve always wanted to go but have never taken the time.”

  Her light brown hair glowed in the sunlight. There was a touch of color in her cheeks, giving her a healthy look. “Being pregnant seems to agree with you.”

  Her look quickly locked with his as her hand moved to her middle. He’d come to expect her to do that anytime the baby was mentioned. “It has been easier than I expected, despite the first few months of morning sickness.”

  Something close to guilt assaulted him. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  It had better be. His eyes narrowed. “Who else’s would it be?”

  “I...uh...only meant there’s nothing you could have done about it.”

  “I was just teasing you.” Reaching across the table, he brushed away a stray strand of hair from her cheek with the tip of his index finger. “I know what you meant. I still haven’t gotten used to the idea that I’m going to be a father.”

  “You might need to. It won’t be that much longer,” she said softly.

  “Have you picked out names?” Gabe watched her closely. Would he like them? Would she care? Or ask for his suggestions? She didn’t have to.

  “I’ve thought of a few.” She picked up a chip.

  He watched her closely. “Such as?”

  “If it’s a boy I’d like to name him either William or

  “Those are both good strong names. My father’s name was Gabriel Harold.” He didn’t miss the slight upturn of her lip at the last name.

  Zoe said with a dip of her shoulder and an unsure look, “I like Gabriel.”

  He grinned. “Not a Harold fan?”

  She shook her head. “Not really.”

  Gabe took a bite of his sandwich. He’d like his child to have a name from his side of the family. But it wasn’t a demand he believed he could make. “What about girls’ names?”

  “I was thinking Laura, Mandy, Maggie. My mother’s name is Sandra. I wasn’t going to make any real decision until I knew the sex.”

  “And you’ll find that out when?”

  She glanced at him. “This week. I have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday. I could have known a few weeks ago but I had to push the ultrasound back because of Mother.”

  Gabe gave an understanding nod. “What time?”

  “What time?” Zoe gave him a quizzical tilt of her head.

  “What time are you going for the ultrasound? I’ll need to make sure I don’t have a surgery scheduled.” At her flabbergasted look he added, “I told you I wanted to be there.”

  “Is that really necessary?”

  Why would she care if he went? “Is there any reason I shouldn’t be there?”

  Zoe didn’t look at him. “No, not really, but I can just call you when I’m finished.”

  “I’d like to be in on the surprise as well.” Why did it matter to him that he be there for the actual event?

  “Okay.” She didn’t sound convinced but at least he wasn’t going to have to persuade her further.

  “You know, I’ve never lived on this side of the country,” Gabe said, picking up his sandwich.

  Zoe’s face brightened. “You’ll love it here. There’s so much to see and do. Of course, there’s everything in Washington but there are historical homes, battlefields, museums and all the seasonal events.”

  “Do you go to see those things?”

  “I used to stay pretty busy attending concerts and festivals until Mother got worse. I’ve not got to do much of that in a long time.” Sadness filled Zoe’s eyes.


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