Ravaged River: Men of Mercy, Book 6: A Military Romance Series

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Ravaged River: Men of Mercy, Book 6: A Military Romance Series Page 18

by Cross, Lindsay

  Rowdy’s eyes twinkled and he winked at her. “I totally agree. Getting shot is a real pain in the ass.”

  One of his teammates, the one with a shaved head and beard, muttered, “Especially when you get shot in the ass.”

  Rowdy shot the man a glare. “Seeing as how I was carrying you out of a firefight, you’d think I’d get a little more appreciation.”

  The rest of the men burst out laughing, easing the tension in the room. Until Hayden’s brother opened his big mouth again. At least he tried to temper his voice. For him, that meant not shouting. “What are you doing out of bed? You shouldn’t be aggravating your injury.”

  “I feel fine. Besides, I was looking for Hoyt. Have you seen him?”

  “Why do you want to see him?”

  So I can tell him how much I love him and appreciate him.

  “He gave me some flowers I want to thank him.”

  Hunter took a lumbering step toward her. “When?”

  “I don’t know. I just woke up and they were there. What’s your problem anyway?”

  Another teammate of Rowdy’s, this one a little bit shorter but with arms like tree trunks, cleared his throat. “This wouldn’t be the badass dude with the scar and all the tattoos?”

  “Yes,” Hayden said.

  “He came by at about three a.m. on his way back to over watch.”

  “And why the fuck would you let him near my sister?” Hunter growled

  “Why wouldn’t he? This is his house, and I was in his bed.” Hayden pushed up out of the chair too fast. The room tilted, but two sets of hands grabbed her waist to steady her.

  Heat rose to her cheeks, but she nodded. “Thank you, I’ve got it now.”

  “Hunter, you better tell me what the deal is between you two. Hoyt is your teammate. Your friend. Why are you so pissed that he was here?”

  Hunter slammed his lips shut and that stubborn James mask slipped over his face. The one that Hayden could never figure out how to crack.

  “I’ll find out.” Hayden wagged a finger at Hunter. There was something else going on here, something besides his overprotective brother routine.

  “Command, this is the front gate.”

  Rowdy grabbed one of the radios off the table and held it to his mouth. “Go ahead.”

  “We got a visitor requesting entrance. Over.”

  Rowdy looked at her brother. “Hunter, you expecting company today?”


  Rowdy spoke into the radio. “ID?”

  “I have a Chance Beckham. About five-ten, one hundred sixty pounds. Blond hair. Claims to know Hayden James. Over.”

  Hayden cringed, she didn’t want to see Chance, not now, not after she and Hoyt had finally reconnected. He didn’t compare to Hoyt, no one did, and they never would.

  Hunter’s frown deepened. “You know this person?”

  “We go to school together. He’s nice.”

  Hunter turn to Rowdy. “Send him away.”

  “Don’t you dare, he’s my friend.”

  “He’s an unknown, which means he’s a threat. And he’s not getting on my property.” Hunter closed the gap between them.

  Hayden met him glare for glare and rose up on her toes, her thought about avoiding Chance gone in the face of Hunter’s over bearing attitude. “He’s my friend and I do know him, therefore he is not a threat.”

  “Don’t be stupid. You’re not up for company yet.”

  Hayden gestured to the rest of the room with her good hand. “And yet here I am entertaining one of your teams.”

  The radio crackled again. “Sir?”

  “Find out what he wants,” Hunter said.

  Rowdy repeated the question into the comm and the response came back a few seconds later. “Something about bringing classwork and coffee for Hayden. Want me to turn him around?”

  Hunter’s expression didn’t let up one bit. Hayden knew if she wanted to win this battle, she’d have to pull out the big guns. “If you don’t let him in, I’ll tell Evie you shouted at me for no reason.”

  Hunter’s tiny wife was the only woman Hayden knew who could bend her stubborn, alpha brother. Not that she ever did. But she could.

  “You think she’d believe you over me?”

  Hayden turned on the water works, something she’d learned to do at a young age. Her father had figured out her game years ago and the whole tear trick didn’t work on him anymore. But Hunter and Ranger still fell for it every time. She sniffed as she sank into the chair and then winced for good measure. “I just want to see my friend. These past few days have been so terrible.”

  Apparently tears still worked on her brother, and judging from the way the guys were glaring at Hunter, they worked on every other man in the room too. He shifted and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Jesus, let the guy in. But put an escort on him. If he tries anything twitchy, blow his head off.”

  Hayden looked down at her lap, trying to hide her smile. Worked like charm. When she got her features back under control, she chanced a peek. Hunter had turned back to the sink, and was staring out the small back window. The rest of the team members were still glaring at him, all except Rowdy, whose twinkling blue eyes were locked on her. “I’ve got a baby sister too.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Oh?”

  “Yeah, and I just figured something out.”

  Please don’t call me out.

  Rowdy just smiled. “Hunter, my man, you better take care of this girl. She’s good.”

  Holding her gaze, Rowdy spoke into the comm. “Escort the guy in. Don’t leave his side.”

  Hayden decided to get out of there while she still could. A thought hit her and she stopped at the door. “Hunter, be nice. I’m going to go clean up. When I come out, Chance better still be here. And he better be unharmed.”

  Hayden almost ran down the hall to Hoyt’s bedroom. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she collapsed back against it and expelled a breath.

  She had absolutely no desire to pursue a relationship with Chance, and she had to make that clear to him today.

  Hayden spied her bag on the bed and sent out a silent thank you. A shower and a change of clothes would be pure heaven. She could deal with Chance and then prepare for her seduction of Hoyt Crowe.


  Hayden reentered the kitchen about thirty minutes and a quick shower later. Whoever had packed her bag deserved a medal of honor. They’d included a complete shower kit, her makeup, and a selection of comfortable but cute clothes, including her favorite blue-checkered tunic and matching gray tights. Both of which had been surprisingly easy to change into considering the fact that each time she moved her arm it felt like someone was pouring acid on her shoulder.

  She’d done a last check before leaving the bathroom. Her make up looked good, but there was a lingering pale tinge to her cheeks. Definitely not her best day, but hey, she’d had a bad week. Gunshot victims simply don’t have rosy cheeks. End of story.

  Poor Chance looked worse than she did, though. Sitting at the kitchen table, surrounded by Rowdy’s team and her overbearing big brother, his face was whiter than the Oyster Toaster on the counter.

  “Hey, Chance,” Hayden said, announcing her presence in the room. She tried to ignore the fact that she instantly had eight pairs of eyes aimed her way.

  Hunter was the easiest to ignore, since she was still pissed off at him.

  Chance cleared his throat but didn’t stand up. His normal light-hearted grin looked forced. She couldn’t blame him for being intimidated. The men crowding the kitchen weren’t your typical small town workers. They were big, bad, and intimidating beyond words. Perfect for war, but scary as hell to civilians.

  Hayden let loose a frustrated sigh and crossed the room to him. “Want to come into the living room and visit?”

  “Yeah.” He pulled at his collar and glanced up at Hunter.

  Hayden frowned at her brother. Hunter’s scowl broke into a grin—really more of a baring of the teeth—and he held up his
hands in surrender. “I didn’t touch him.”

  “You didn’t make him comfortable either.”

  “Hey, you told me not to hurt him. I kept my end of the bargain.”

  Chance eased his chair back, but the loud scrape might as well have been a shout. “It’s all good.”

  Hayden gave Chance a reassuring smile before turning her glare on her brother again. “You’re terrible.”

  Hunter just grinned.

  “Come on.” Hayden gestured for Chance to follow her to the living room. “We can hang out here.”

  She carefully settled onto the couch. Chance came into the room all twitchy and nervous, carrying a paper cup from the Java Shop. “Here, I thought you might like some coffee. Probably cold by now, but hopefully still okay.”

  Hayden took the cup, sniffed it, and smiled. “Mocha. How did you know?”

  Chance settled on the other end of the couch, a full cushion separating them. “I cheated and asked Mandy.”

  Oh Lord, Mandy was going to be pissed. Hayden hadn’t called her or anything. “What did she say?”

  “Not much, other than that she’d like to hear from you when you’re feeling better.

  Chance looked away, sweeping the living room with his eyes. Looking everywhere but at Hayden. A move that was very atypical for the exchange student. “Chance?”

  His shoulders rose and fell, like he was taking a deep breath, then he turned to face her. “I was so worried. I didn’t know what happened. No one did. The cops aren’t talking and neither is the media. But everyone knows you got shot.” He edged closer as the words tumbled out. “They shut the whole school down yesterday, and they only just reopened classes this morning. I’ve been trying to call you, but you never answered…”

  Hayden’s heart twisted for him. Though she’d picked up on his interest a while ago, he was acting like they were in love or something. His eyes were fixed on her, his expression devoid of any playfulness. He edged even closer, not stopping until their legs touched. Hayden wanted to scoot away, but she was already sitting at the edge of the couch. “Chance, I’m sorry you were worried.”

  “Worried? I was terrified. I thought…I didn’t know what to think.” He reached for her and Hayden just barely kept herself from flinching. She let him take her hand, knowing she had to say something now, before he tried anything. “Listen, about the other night.”

  “It was the best night I’ve had all year. I know you can’t come over anytime soon, not with your wound, but I can spend time here. I’ll help take care of you.”

  “That’s sweet, but I’m okay. Really.”

  Chance released her hand and leaned away, giving her some space. Hayden quickly tucked her hand under her leg.

  “I found this.” Chance reached around the side of the couch and came up with a pink backpack. Her pink backpack.

  Hayden gasped. “I thought it was a goner.”

  “I tried to get the blood out, but it had already set. I took it to the dry cleaners, but they looked at me like I was crazy.” Chance set it on the floor at her feet and Hayden grabbed the zipper and yanked it open.

  Her research papers, her homework, her textbooks. A whole semester of work was inside that bag. “Thank you so much. I’d thought I’d lost everything.”

  Chance’s hand lowered to cover hers on top of the bag. “Anything for you.”

  When she looked up, his face was only inches from hers. Hayden sucked in a breath and tried to pull back, but he just followed her.

  No. No. No. Open your mouth, tell him about Hoyt.

  He got so close she could feel his breath on her face.

  “Chance, stop. I’m in love with someone else.”

  His features froze into a hard mask. “Who?”

  “Me.” Hoyt’s coarse voice came from the doorway. Hayden twisted her head around to look at him, her heart hammering in relief.

  “Who are you?” Chance’s voice deepened, got harder.

  Hoyt’s lip turned up in a snarl. “I’m the guy who’s going to kick your ass if you don’t back off from her.”

  Chance glanced at Hayden, his eyes wide. “Is that true? You’re with him?”

  Hayden nodded, her throat tight. Hoyt had finally come to her. He wanted her. He’d claimed her. “I’m with him.”

  Hayden rose and went to Hoyt. When he put his arm around her waist, her world finally fell into place.

  “Him?” Chance repeated.

  Hoyt went stiff. His arm pulled tense and Hayden’s chest tightened in response. “Chance, I meant to tell you today. I’m sorry. I know you wanted more, but my heart belongs to Hoyt.”


  Hayden’s words filled the empty pit in his chest, and when Hoyt looked down at her, her eyes were glimmering with emotion.


  “You’d pick that over me?”

  Monster… Would his scars ever stop haunting him? He felt the panic rise, ready to take over and lock him down. And then Hayden’s words rose to the forefront and knocked his fear on his ass. Fury licked through Hoyt’s veins, and this time he didn’t try to shove it down and be a martyr. “You heard her.”

  “Chance, please try to understand. I never meant to hurt you.”

  Chance’s lip curled. Hoyt recognized the look of disgust, but it vanished just as quickly as it had surfaced. The kid’s body language relaxed and he tucked his hands into his pockets. Something that seemed totally out of place given the situation. Hoyt didn’t trust it—or him—one bit.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m happy for you, Hayden.”

  Hoyt felt Hayden relax into his side, but he stayed focused on pretty boy. Warning bells were going off. If the kid really liked Hayden, he wouldn’t relent so fast. Not like this.

  Frat boy shifted to his right foot and cocked his head to a slight angle. The smile slithering across his lips didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “I think you should leave,” Hoyt blurted out. “Now.”

  “Hoyt-” Hayden gasped.

  “He’s right. I’ll go.” Chance started their way and held a hand out to Hoyt. “Take care of her.”

  Hoyt held Hayden to his side as he took Chance’s hand with his free one, squeezing extra hard. “I already am.”

  He let go and Chance gave him the kind of hard smile serial killers gave their victims just before they disemboweled them.

  “I guess I’ll see you around campus. Goodbye, Hayden.”

  Keeping Hayden tucked close to him, Hoyt walked Chance to the door. The kid’s escort was still standing by the shiny black Land Rover in the front drive. Chance paused by the yellow Hummer, his expression hardening into granite, and then got into his car and backed out of the driveway.

  “I feel bad,” Hayden said.

  “Don’t, that guy is a punk.”

  “He was heartbroken.”

  Hoyt snorted and pulled Hayden inside, locking the door behind him. Before she could come to that prick’s defense, Hoyt turned her in his arms, careful not to hurt her shoulder, and tilted her chin up. “Now, did you mean what you said? Do I have your heart?”

  Hayden gazed up at him and his stomach got tight enough to crack his spinal cord. What if she had changed her mind?

  She rose up on her toes, her lips only a whisper away from his. “You’ve had my heart since the beginning.”

  Her words broke the damn inside him and Hoyt crushed his mouth to hers. He was finished with holding back. He had Hayden James in his house, in his arms and he wasn’t letting go ever again.

  Hoyt broke the kiss and lifted her into the air. He had all afternoon before he had to rotate back into position, and he meant to spend it in bed.

  “What is this? Speed dating? Where’d the punk go?” Hunter stepped into the living room from the kitchen, blocking Hoyt’s path to his bedroom.

  “Not now. Don’t you have anything better to do than bother me?” Hayden put her arm around Hoyt’s neck and glared at her brother.

  Hoyt smiled at his tigress.

; “What are you doing here?” Hunter asked.

  “I live here.”

  “Not while my sister is here.”

  “Oh my gosh, would you quit already? What is your deal?” Hayden dug her nails into Hoyt’s shoulder, the little pricks of pain a balm to him. She was pissed at her brother, and so was Hoyt. He was sick of taking Hunter’s shit. Promise or no promise.

  “Deal’s off, bro.” With his entire being. There was no way he was turning back now, not even if Hunter put a gun to his head.

  “What deal?” Hayden looked up at Hoyt, but he kept his gaze locked on Hunter’s. Then she went stiff as a board in his arms, and he knew she’d figured it out on her own. “You! You are part of the reason he’s been avoiding me like the freaking plague. You know how I feel about him. How could you just stand by and watch my heart break?”

  Hunter dropped his arms and Hoyt saw the first crack in the guy’s hard-as-steel shell. “Look, he’s not good for you.”

  “He is good for me. He is the only man good for me.” Hayden stabbed at her chest with her finger.

  Hoyt clamped his lips shut. He would stay out of the sibling argument for as long as he could. Hayden was tough; she could deal with this on her own.

  “He’s not good for you. Is this the life you want? To be worried and anxious all the time? To be with a guy who’s gone on missions more than he’s at home?”

  Hoyt felt her tremble in his arms. “If it means I get to have him, then yes. That is exactly what I want.”

  Hunter switched tactics. “Hoyt, you know you’re messed up. Can you really give my sister the life she deserves?”

  Those words would normally have stabbed Hoyt, cut him up on the inside. But not today. “No one on this planet is good enough for her, but I love her. And I’ll spend the rest of my life taking care of her.”

  Hunter took a step back, his black eyes going wide. Hayden turned to look at Hoyt, her expression raw and beautiful. “I love you too.”

  “Everyone in this house has gone crazy,” Hunter said.

  “Hunter James, what on earth are you doing?” Hoyt spun around to see Evangeline Videl James—Evie, for short—with her hands propped on her hips and her mouth set in a firm line. Hunter’s five-foot-tall wife marched over to him, glaring with enough intensity to burn holes into flesh. “I heard that whole conversation.”


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