Saved By A Billionaire Brit

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Saved By A Billionaire Brit Page 5

by Sandra Dee

  "Honey, is that you? I've been trying to call you all morning." Rex was using all his charms.


  "Rex? Did you dial the wrong number?"

  "No, sugar. I know very well who you are. I called to explain myself."

  "I think you've already done that. I've heard too much already."

  "Don't say that, darling," Rex pleaded. "I think you will feel differently after I explain."

  "Rex, I don't see how anything you have to say could explain what you did. When you called me, you didn't say anything about being engaged to Sharon. That went beyond a lie of omission. It was a hellish betrayal."

  "Engaged? What on earth are you talking about? I'm not engaged to Sharon. In fact, I fired her, but I never mentioned it because you two had become such good friends. I paid for her trip with you in an attempt to ease hard feelings, and because I knew you would enjoy having a friend on the trip. I viewed it as part of her severance pay. I assumed she would tell you if she wanted to. In return for my concern and my kind, travel gesture, she is blackmailing me. Some of her accusations were slightly true, but she made up most of it. Is she still there with you?"

  I was too stunned to speak, and an awkward silence stretched.

  "Honey, can you forgive me? I have no love for that woman at all. In fact, I'd love to see her in jail. I'm actually filing suit against her. It's the only avenue of defense I have left. What on earth made you think I was engaged to her?"

  "But..." I couldn't comprehend the question, and certainly not an answer.

  Rex's anger rose rapidly, "Just tell me. Did that bitch tell you we were engaged?"

  "Well, no, now that you mention it. She didn't tell me. I found out here at the hotel. Sharon called the office and made a reservation in your name. She said it was for her honeymoon. I just happened to be standing by the desk right after it happened. The hotel assistant manager is a new friend of mine, but she had no idea I was already engaged to you."

  Another long silence.

  "Rex? Are you still there?" All I could hear was breathing. I almost hung up the phone, but he finally spoke.

  "I can't imagine anyone doing that, but I guess it shouldn't surprise me. Sharon made me phone you and break off our engagement. I'm still not sure why. She knew a little too much about my business, but I haven't done anything that isn't commonly done with investments. After I fired her maybe she thought it was her mission to ruin my life, but why did she turn against you? I did what she asked because I didn't know what else to do at the time, but now that everything is out in the open, there is nothing to protect. I'm calling to beg forgiveness. Will you take me back? I know you might want to wait until all the investigations and lawsuits are over, but that is ok with me."

  "Investigations? What investigations?"

  "They found some irregularities in the accounts, but the SEC usually ignores such things. Even if they rule against me, they will only assess a modest fine. Please come back."

  I didn't know whether to be insulted or relieved. Something about that didn't sound right. My brain was numb. Then I heard footsteps on my terrace, and I suddenly realized Robert was coming through the door.

  "I have to go," I blurted and immediately hung up.

  I leapt up from the couch and grabbed the face I wanted to kiss.

  "Wow, I've only been gone a few minutes, but I'm keen for all the kisses I can get. What caused all this?"

  Instead of answering immediately I kissed him on the mouth, again. "I've made a decision. I'm going back to England with you next Monday. That is when you're leaving, isn't it?" I tried to sound extremely confident, but I was still shaking from the phone call.

  "I'm afraid not." Robert loosened my arms so he could look directly into my eyes. "There have been a lot of things going on while I was living on this dream island. A huge famine is devastating the horn of Africa. The entire country of Somalia is trying to flee into Kenya. All our supply lines for food and medicine are being disrupted by hostile forces, and I have to get back to London to find alternate methods of delivery. To make matters worse, half the food the U.N. sent to Somalia is being stolen from starving people and sold for profit. That makes our efforts even more important, and that isn't all. There is a cholera epidemic getting underway. The situation is horrible beyond imagination. I need to leave tonight, but I was just in the hotel office with John, and we can't get a flight to London until six in the morning. John and I are leaving for Athens in about two hours. We got reservations on the last flight out of Santorini tonight. There is a layover of several hours in Athens, so Anne arranged for us to check into a hotel at the Athens airport for a short nighttime nap before we leave for London."

  "No! No! No!" I hardly realized what I was saying. "Robert, Robert, this can't be happening to us."

  Robert had no idea how much my life had changed in the last few minutes. I didn't have time to explain everything. My whole world was flying into the winds of chaos.

  "Darling, I would encourage you to go with me tonight, but we couldn't find any more seats, and this is an emergency. People are dying by the hundreds and thousands. I will probably be sleeping at the club near my office in London for the next few nights. I won't be staying at my flat. You go on and finish your book research, then come in a few days or perhaps a week or two. I've already talked to Anne, and she will help you make arrangements. John has to go with me tonight because he works with me."

  I felt as if someone had sucked the air out of my lungs. My knees buckled, and I fell back onto the couch. Tears were pooling in the corners of my eyes. If I cried in front of him, it would look so selfish, and there was no time to explain the emotional phone call. My best bet was to collect myself and help Robert pack for his immediate flight. Half his things had migrated to my hotel rooms. I let my hair fall into my eyes to hide my conflicting emotions.

  "Robert, I don't know what to say. This is so sudden. Please let me help you get your things together. I am so overwhelmed that purposeful work may be the only way I can control myself. My heart is broken because you are leaving, but I certainly understand how important it is. There are some strange things going on in my life at the moment, but we can talk about that in a few days."

  He reached down and pulled me to my feet. "I do have time to kiss you goodbye. It hurts to leave you so suddenly, but we both realize there is no other way..."

  He knew I was crying when he kissed me.

  Chapter Six

  Morning came and I felt awful. Sleep had evaded me, and I was too exhausted to get out of bed. It was major deja vu. Hadn't I just been through this? I had no idea what I should be thinking. Was I too hard on Rex? Had he been forced to leave me by a criminal? I wondered why he didn't confide in me. If he had told me Sharon was blackmailing him, I could have faked a breakup to deceive her. I think I'm a good actress. Maybe he thought I wouldn't believe him or that I would be too confused. Perhaps he was right; I was still confused. Why did she involve me in blackmail? Had she destroyed our marriage plans out of revenge? Was that her way of getting even because he fired her?

  We were supposed to be friends, but she never told me she had been fired. She led me to believe she quit in order to pursue a new career. I never thought to ask Rex about it, and now I didn't know who was telling the truth. By blaming Rex, was I helping Sharon in her illegal endeavors? I needed Robert here to advise me, but should anyone ever ask a lover for advice about past romance? Sadly, I realized Robert was still on a plane and out of communication range. I needed to hear his voice.

  My phone rang, and I heard my only friend on the island, Anne.

  "I was just out on the patio and didn't see you. And you haven't called to order breakfast yet. If you don't feel like eating on the terrace, I'll have some food delivered directly to your room and pamper you with breakfast in bed. Just let me know. I'll take a break so we can whine and dine together."

  "Anne, you're so thoughtful. I confess I'm still in bed. I didn't realize it was so late. I'll grab some leggings
and a pullover tunic as quickly as I can. Just have them send my breakfast to the terrace with an extra beverage for you. I'll take some juice, yogurt, and fruit."

  I was hardly out the door before breakfast arrived on my table. Once again I had little appetite, but perhaps if I nibbled... The morning light on the white walls was like a painting: pale blue, rose, and gold. Sometimes the beauty of the place was difficult to comprehend. Anne waved from the office door and walked toward me.

  "I see you ordered hot tea with lemon," I tried to smile at her, but it was a feeble effort. My hair was still rumpled, so I tried to comb it with my fingers.

  "Yes, I'm sure you know how hard it is to get tea with lemon in Europe. The last time I flew back to America I connected in Paris and the French airlines always serve tea with milk." Anne smiled and pointed at my tray. "I ordered several croissants to share as well."

  "Oh, thank you so much. I know what you mean about the tea. By the time they find lemon and artificial sweetener, the tea is usually cold. On the flight to Greece, the attendant was certain I was confused. She asked me twice what I wanted with the hot tea and then informed me she couldn't get it until she served everyone else. I don't think I can drink tea with milk. It sounds awful. I wonder how I will manage tea in England. Am I going to offend everyone?"

  "Well, it won't be a problem around Robert. He always orders coffee, and you usually drink juice."

  "You have a great memory."

  "Well, it is part of my job. Are you excited about going to England? I'm sure Robert told you he made all the arrangements for you to join him. When you finish your book research, I'll do your itinerary and make your reservations. You don't need to worry about a single detail. He has even arranged for your transportation from the airport to his flat. And if you need someone to help with your book and photos, I have some vacation days I haven't taken. I'd love to accompany you to any location on the island."

  "Oh, that's wonderful. You don't realize how much I need your friendship while I'm here alone. I feel quite distressed, having been left twice."

  "Your trip has certainly been strange. I'm a little sad myself. I was getting attached to John, and now I don't know if I will ever see him again. I try to see the glass half full. You and I are lovesick, but not everyone gets to be lovesick in Santorini. Perhaps we are the lucky ones."

  I didn't think it would help my relationship with Anne to talk about blackmail and investigations, so I tried to hide my true emotions. I ducked my chin and sipped some juice.

  "John speaks so highly of Robert. He really admires him. Even when Robert was a child, he helped his father shelter refugees from Rhodesia, the country that is now Zimbabwe. Some of their activities were considered illegal, but that didn't stop them. They have always been involved in humanitarian causes, even when it put them in danger. John said living with that kind of political upheaval caused Robert to suffer from mild post-traumatic stress disorder. He has trouble sleeping and is often awakened by terrible nightmares. Working with the charity is his way of coping with the situation."

  "Robert didn't say much about that. I was impressed with his modesty. While he was here, he was sleeping soundly. I never noticed a problem. Now that I'm getting to know him, I can see why he really needed a vacation. I suppose growing up amidst so much poverty and turmoil strongly shaped his personality. I know he is passionately devoted to helping victims of the famine. I hope this tragedy in Africa doesn't put him in danger. I would be terrified for him. Does he still have a farm in Africa?"

  "His father had a farm in Rhodesia, but it was seized by the country's dictator. Mugabe gave the land to his army buddies, so Robert grew up in Kenya. That was where he met John. They have been friends since childhood. I believe Robert's family sold the Kenyan farm when they moved back to the London area."

  "I didn't realize John was from Africa too. I knew they had been friends for a long time, but not that long."

  "They are both British citizens as well. They have dual citizenship."

  "Well, I miss Robert already. I should get busy on my book as soon as possible to take my mind off all this, but I don't know how I am going to concentrate. I really appreciate your offer to help. It means so much to me. I'll let you know tonight about my plans for tomorrow. I'm going to work on a better book outline today."

  At that moment a small group of Brits descended the stairs and gasped at the majesty of the view. They immediately grabbed their cameras and photographed everything in sight, including me. They were obviously new arrivals, complete with luggage. Anne rose to greet them.

  A short, plump woman with a safari hat shouted, "Allo. We're here! Just shuttled in from the airport." She pointed to Oia and asked what it was.

  "It is another village here on the island, very lovely," Anne replied.

  "Is it possible to trek there from here?"

  "Absolutely. The hiking trail runs along the summit, and it goes right through this hotel."

  The lady in the safari hat handed Anne a hotel voucher. "You have our reservations. Can we leave our luggage with you while we give it a go?"

  "You certainly can. Your bags will be in your rooms when you return. Just go back up one flight of steps and turn left. The path will take you straight to Oia."

  With Anne gone, I found a shady corner on the terrace and smiled with amusement at the energetic tourists. But my mood changed immediately when I was forced to open my netbook. A blank page is intimidating under normal circumstances, but the emotional war inside made the page my combatant. I needed to make a decision, but who was telling the truth? And then there was my future. Should I be writing a book? I was homeless, jobless, and possibly about to become an expatriate. I had never been to the U.K. and now I was about to move there to live with a man I hardly knew.

  I made one decision. Sharon may have lied to Rex and to me. We were both victims, but my feelings toward Rex had changed. In some ways the whole adventure had produced entirely unexpected results. People climbed mountains, sailed around the world, and consulted holy men to learn about themselves. I found a sense of self quite by accident. What I felt for Rex had been an illusion borne out of insecurity and immaturity. My time in Santorini might not produce a book, but it had made me into a woman. I wanted to go with Robert, even if Rex was totally innocent. In fact, I felt pretty sure that Sharon had been stealing from Rex and later blackmailed him as a distraction while she made her escape. Coming to Santorini with me gave her the perfect escape route.

  It became too hot on the terrace, so I headed inside, turned on the travel channel, and immediately fell asleep on the couch. I didn't wake up until my cell rang. I was overjoyed to hear Robert's voice. He sounded like a British actor on the phone. That smooth, mellow voice always seemed unreal.

  "It feels good to be home, but I miss you already," he said.

  "Exactly where are you?"

  "I'm heading for my flat to get some clean clothes, and then straight to my office. Are you still planning to join me when I get things sorted out?"

  "Of course I am. I was just thinking of you. A group of elderly British tourists arrived at the hotel and dashed off on a hike to Oia before they checked into their rooms. As you well know, it is miles to Oia. Their accents reminded me of you. I felt a pang of sorrow because you are so far away."

  "Jolly good for the tourists. That attitude helped the British conquer the world." Robert laughed and then turned serious. "I can feel the pain of distance too. Perhaps we can stay busy so the time will pass quickly. I can't wait to have you in my bed."

  "I pray your work will be successful. It is so vital. It's important to me too, but being without you hurts."

  "That's why I wanted to ring you, to let you know I'd arrived safely. I was thinking of you all the way home. I've already rung my office, and things don't look good. The reports are full of bad news. Kenya had to send forces to Somalia, and there has been some violence in Kenya as a result. I'm sending you all my love, but I need to go now because I'm at my flat. Get all
your research done so I can enjoy those magnificent breasts soon."

  "That sounds wonderful. I'm working on it now," I lied. "Goodbye, darling." I felt tremendous relief when I hung up, even with the same blank page staring at me.

  Confidence filled my afternoon, so I made a new plan. I ran inside to tie a scarf around my hair. I still had Robert's jeep rental, and I wanted to celebrate my decision. I might even do a little research. There was enough time left in the afternoon to revisit Oia and have dinner at a restaurant famous for its sunset view. I ran across to the hotel office to see if Anne wanted to go.

  "Of course I want to go. My evenings are as empty as yours now that John is gone. I get off work in about fifteen minutes. Is that ok?"

  "That's perfect. I need to buy some cereal and soft drinks from the little market at the top of the steps. I can put them in the jeep and meet you in the parking lot. Bring something to cover your hair because it is a great top down day." I smiled and waved before trying to run up five flights of stairs, but I managed only three flights before starting to huff and puff.

  Chapter Seven

  In the jeep Anne and I kept a careful eye on the sheer cliffs. A careless move could result in a free fall to sea level hundreds of feet below. The danger and beauty were exhilarating, but I suddenly wished for someone else to drive. The jeep was a rental and not insured for Anne to drive.

  Much of Oia is a pedestrian only village. We parked in a convenient parking lot and set off to explore the galleries and shops again. Such a charmed place and the water was visible from the main path. The sunlight reflected off the mirror blue sea. Staying here would be like living in a fantasy. I was looking for an old movie set in Oia. We were wandering out of an exotic jewelry store when Anne grabbed my arm.

  "Look! There's Sharon?"

  "Where? Are you kidding?"

  "No, I'm not kidding at all. I didn't get a good look, but Sharon and a short man with dark, blond hair just went around the corner." She pointed to the right, but I didn't see anything, just the usual group of wandering tourists.


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