Jungle Warriors, Crime Fighters

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Jungle Warriors, Crime Fighters Page 26

by Doug Houser

  “Wow, I hadn’t given those considerations any thought but now that you mention them, I totally agree. Having Nellie as part of our management team could open our eyes to things that we might otherwise overlook. What do you think about that, Peeps?”

  “I totally agree. I was just thinking back to when we were brainstorming about what to do about the Williams and Warner families. When we brought Nellie into the discussion, she put us, well, especially you, KC, right into our places, no ifs, ands, or buts. I could see her advocacy on issues being really valuable. Holy shit! Something just dawned on me as a result of all this bonus talk. We were so involved with those family’s moves and houses, cars and education that we totally forgot to give Brit, Cheryl, Jerome and Billy a proper celebration party.”

  “Holy shit is right,” Top grinned. “I like BBQ. I think we should make it the official celebration meal of our Special Ops department.”

  “Well, we got so focused on helping those other folks that we totally forgot about our own people,” KC stated. “If it weren’t for the fact that our hearts were totally in the right place, I’d be really embarrassed about that. Top, how about you check the schedules of those four and find a time when we can get them together for a big thank you and celebration of a job well done, like we just had for Cedric’s team. Plus, we’ll announce that they have bonuses coming.”

  “Will do. I’ll arrange a nice spread. Now, before we move on, let’s take a vote. Are there going to be three partners or four? And by the way, my vote is for four.”

  “Mine too,” Peeps nodded.

  “Hold on just a moment,” KC said.

  “Now what?” Peeps shook his head at his KC. “You were the one who just said we should make Nellie a partner. Top and I agree. So let’s make it official.”

  “Oh, yes, of course, I agree. Let’s make Nellie a partner,” KC replied. “My question is should we give Nellie a retroactive bonus for her first Special Ops role, Operation Keisha? How are we going to name our ops by the way? Anyway, Nellie’s training is a large part of our success. Our Special Ops fund did really well on that Williams operation. What do you think?”

  “Give her a bonus,” Top said.

  “Of course,” Peeps concurred. “We have the funds and we are using them wisely. Nellie has asked for nothing and is very deserving. Give her a partner bonus, KC.”

  “Good. I’ll have accounting give her a bonus. I’ll get with Jacoby and have him amend our partnership agreements for the two companies. Do you guys want to wait for him to do that or should we get with Nellie right away?”

  Top said, “Hell, this is exciting. Let’s see if she’s available right now.”

  “I agree.”

  “Ok, Top, call the gym.”

  “My pleasure.” Top hit a speed dial number and after two rings it was answered, “This is the gym, Jasmine speaking, can I help you?’

  “Jasmine, it’s Top. Is Nellie available?”

  “Hi, Top. Hold a sec, she’s right here.”

  Nellie came on the line, “What’s up?”

  “Nellie, I’m here with Peeps and KC. We’d like to speak with you about an important issue that just came up. Have you got a few minutes to join us in the conference room?”

  “Sure. I’ll be right up after class.”

  Nellie came into the conference room and took a seat near her three bosses. KC said, “Nellie, as you know, the three of us have run these companies from the very beginning. We know that every person working here is important to the organization and each one needs to meet certain standards. But the three of us, as the management team, have kind of wandered into a malaise whereby we think of ourselves as rather indispensable. And in our defense, there’s no doubt that every organization needs leaders to provide direction, vision for the future and supervision. The three of us like to think that we’ve done a pretty good job of providing those things. But, about fifteen minutes ago, we unanimously agreed that our management team would be stronger and more effective if it had a fourth member. With that in mind, we’d all three very much like for you to join us as our fourth partner.”

  “Oh my God. Are you serious?”

  “Absolutely. We all feel that what you’ve done and are doing for this organization makes you an extremely important member of it and even more importantly, that the addition of your insights and perspectives on issues will add another dimension to our thought processes and decision making.”

  “Wow. This is really overwhelming. I’m not normally speechless but right now, I think I am.”

  “Believe me, this is as exciting for the three of us as I think it is for you,” Top said.

  “KC is right. All three of us are sure that you being a part of our management team will make it stronger,” Peeps said.

  “I’m almost starting to grasp this. Is it actually happening, for real?”

  “It is, as long as you want to accept the additional responsibility,” KC replied.

  “Well, you three know that I want what’s best for the people here and the companies. If you think that my input will add something in that regard, then I’ll gladly do whatever I can to contribute.”

  “We look forward to that. Peeps, you’re closest to the refrigerator. I think there’s some champagne left. Let’s pop the cork and make a toast to our new partner. Nellie, Jacoby will be preparing amended partnership agreements for the two companies that we’ll all have to sign to make it official, but I think we all agree that the matter is settled.”

  Peeps did the honors of popping the cork and pouring the bubbly into four glasses. Top raised his glass and said, “Here’s to our new partner and to our long-term success.”

  Peeps said, “May our new partner provide insights that the rest of us might have overlooked.”

  KC followed with, “With the added wisdom of our new partner, may our companies achieve successes that the original three partners could not have achieved without her.”

  Nellie asked, “May I make a toast, too?”

  “Of course!”

  “Ok. To you three, who gave me a chance when you didn’t even know me. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to enjoy doing the most fun and demanding job I could have ever imagined.”

  They all drank and Peeps refilled the glasses, and said, “If you think your job was demanding before, wait until you have to deal with all the crazy ideas KC comes up with.”

  Lots of laughter ensued and the group of four diligently finished off the bottle. KC said, “As long as we’re celebrating, I should tell you guys about the phone call I received this morning.”

  “A celebratory phone call?”

  “Well, not exactly but a report of what happened in Columbus today. I hope to get some video, but let’s just say our team really put the screws to that gang.”

  “KC, we know your faith in Cedric was well-placed, and that’s all we need to know,” Top said.

  “Another successful mission is all that matters,” Peeps added.

  “Well, I’m a little curious,” Nellie replied. “Details intrigue me.”

  “All I know is we’re now three for three with these things, so the over-confidence bug is lurking,” Top said, “You youngsters can tell stories all night if you want but I’m going home. Once again, congratulations, Nellie and welcome aboard.”

  Peeps followed along, “Me too. With you on board, Nellie, things around here are going to work out just fine.”

  Nellie responded, “Thank you, both. I’m really looking forward to getting more involved with the planning you guys do. Thank you. Good night.”

  After Top and Peeps had gone, KC said, “Wow, it’s later than I thought. I’ll bet you have an early morning class tomorrow.”

  “I do, but if you recall, a while back I asked about being able to see the rest of your quarters, upstairs. I never did get an answer.”
/>   Nellie looked at KC with the hint of a smile on her full lips.

  KC paused for a few seconds before saying, “Well, at that time you were my employee and Cheryl’s call saved me from having to give you an answer that I didn’t want to give. Now, you’re no longer an employee.”

  They both stood up. KC grabbed their two glasses and another bottle of champagne.

  “Where should we begin?” he asked with a smile and followed Nellie toward the stairs.

  From The Author

  Regarding Those Still MIA

  Since the end of the war in Vietnam, the remains of 1049 U.S. personnel have been repatriated. However, as of May 31, 2018, 1597 U.S. personnel remain classified as MIA. In an on-going basis, the governments of the United States and Vietnam assist agencies, veterans groups and families of the missing in searching for the remains of those MIA, hoping and wishing that they can be repatriated and given proper burials.

  There is also an ongoing search for still missing, former enemy soldiers. The Vietnamese government lists over 300,000 wartime combatants as MIA as of this writing. I strongly urge anyone who has information regarding the fate of a former enemy soldier, in the form of identity papers, journals, photos, cards, letters they received from home, orders, sketch maps of gravesites, or other documents that might help in identifying the missing, to send them to:

  Vietnam Veterans of America

  Attn. Veterans Initiative Program

  8719 Colesville Rd, Ste 100

  Silver Springs MD 20910

  Please include a description of when, where, and how the items were found and the fate of the individual from whom the documents were taken, e.g. POW, KIA, etc. This information may be submitted anonymously. Vietnam Veterans of America’s Veterans Initiative Program will return this information to the appropriate authorities in Vietnam.

  There are two very good reasons to help with these efforts by the Vietnamese to locate their MIA. 1) It is the right thing to do, morally and 2) If we help them, it could well motivate them to sustain and even increase their efforts to help us.

  Thank you, in advance, for any assistance that you can provide. You never know, maybe your kindness could provide closure for an American and/or a Vietnamese family.




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