Vistran Love: The Complete Series Books 1-4 (SciFi Paranormal Alien Romance)

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Vistran Love: The Complete Series Books 1-4 (SciFi Paranormal Alien Romance) Page 8

by April Osirus

  Brax wanted to throw his arms around her and press her against him. He wanted to taste her, fill her, keep her. But his ever vigilant brain reminded him that this human had no idea what she was asking for her. It wasn’t fair to her.

  He covered her small hand with his own large one. “Sarah,” he said, trying to keep his straining cock from brushing against her. “You don’t what you’re saying. Vistrans are different from humans. When we mate, we mate for eternity. At least the Vistran males do. We bond with our mates with not only our bodies but our hearts as well.”

  Sarah’s brow furrowed a bit. “So when you mate, you are mated for a lifetime?”

  Brax nodded. “Yes.”

  Sarah’s eyes glowed with unshed tears of hopefulness. “That’s good,” she replied slowly. “Because there’s no time I want away from you. A lifetime sounds like just enough for me.”

  Brax groaned, feeling himself drowning in the pool of love Sarah was pulling him into. She stepped towards him, pressing her full breasts against him. She raised her head, offering her sweet lips.

  A lifetime sounds like just enough for me.

  Me too, little one. Me too, he thought before capturing her lips with his own. He slid his tongue against her, tasting her warmth and sweetness. He explored her wetness, taking everything from her. His pulse roared against his ears as his heart roared in satisfaction at being near its true mate.

  Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck. Brax ran his hands down her body before settling at the neck of her gown. In one swift sure pull, he ripped the gown away, leaving her completely naked in the moonlight.

  Breaking away, Brax looked down to take in the gorgeous sight of his mate. Her large fair breasts heaved in want as they curved down towards her slim waist and then swelled out in her large soft hips. She was an absolute vision. And she was his.

  Picking her up with an easy strength, he carried her to his large bed. Laying her down, he removed his trousers. Sarah’s eyes widened as she caught sight of just how huge a Vistran could be.

  “Don’t worry, little one,” Brax said huskily. “I’ll go slow.”

  He lowered himself over her and then carefully bent his head over her puckered pink nipple. He closed his lips and sucked hard. Sarah arched her back and cried out as pleasure ripped through her body.

  She couldn’t believe she was finally feeling his body, his hands, against her own body. She had wanted him, needed him, the moment she had seen him on the docks. But it wasn’t until she was faced with leaving him forever that she had realized the truth.

  It was only with Brax that she could truly have freedom and a future. Because it would all be provided with the love they shared for each other. She knew she had found where she truly belonged and that was by his side.

  Brax raised his head and captured her lips in another bruising powerful kiss that left her breathless. Cradling her head in his large hands, he shifted between her legs. Sarah took in a deep breath preparing herself for him.

  Giving her another kiss, Brax thrust himself completely into her. His thick, hard cock plunged deep into her, even brushing against her womb. Sarah threw her head back and cried out, pain and pleasure swirling within her.

  “Wrap your legs around me, sweet one,” he whispered, his voice ragged with need.

  Sarah did as she was told, wrapping her legs around her Vistran’s torso and crossing her ankles.

  With slow, powerful strokes, Brax began plunging in and out of her. He groaned as he felt his cock sheath itself in its forever home. He could feel her body shudder as ripples of pleasure passed through him and into her. A powerful wave of love washed over him, intensifying the connection he felt with her. He knew he was about to mate with his one true love. And he never felt so ready.

  Sarah moaned with each thrust of her mate’s thick cock. She felt completely filled with Brax’s body and love. She felt every inch of him slide against her.

  “I love you,” she whispered, pressing her forehead against his.

  Brax growled at her words, feeling his heart burn with pleasure at her oath. He quickened his pace. He thrust harder, faster, deeper. Sarah cried out, the heat within her raging.

  Capturing her lips, he thrust into her hard one more time before they both exploded in a spray of chaos and love. Brax roared against Sarah’s lips as she cried out in a similar cry of release and completion.

  Brax imagined his seed planting itself deep into Sarah. He pictured her belly beautifully swollen with the product of their love. Feeling the true pure love of a heart mated, Brax gathered Sarah into his arms as they collapsed onto his bed.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her ear.

  Sarah sighed, contentedly. She had found her home.

  And she couldn’t have been happier.

  Alien’s Little Thief

  “The Vistran Triumph Crown? Are you insane?” Riley Andrews cried out.

  Jaegar shrugged. “Insane or not, that’s my price,” he said, his voice a raspy whisper.

  Riley leaned up against the wall behind her. Standing in a tiny alleyway in the busy city of Exxing, Riley was much closer to Jaegar than she wanted to be. The man, like most of the men that worked in the black market, was not a fan of observing hygiene.

  Jaegar in particular seemed to cast a smell of rankness about him. He was about as tall as Riley herself with a greasy curtain of black hair that obscured most of his face. A piece of his nose was missing and Jaegar enjoyed telling different stories as to how the piece went missing. But like it or not, Jaegar was one of the most well connected men in the black market.

  And part of his success was his constant wariness. Unlike other small time dealers, Jaegar never set up permanent shops. He was always on the move and preferred hidden meetings.

  Which was why Riley was in an alley with the man.

  Riley sighed as her head rested against the wall behind her. Not looking anywhere in particular, she said, “That crown would be impossible to get.”

  Jaegar made a wheezy huff that was supposed to be interpreted as a laugh. “And I thought you were supposed to be the best thief in this quadrant of the galaxy,” he said with a dry voice.

  Riley snapped her head up and stared at Jaegar. “This has nothing to do with thieving,” she said. “This is about being suicidal or not. Until just a few years ago, Vistra was known as the warrior planet that had gone undefeated for millennia. And you want me to go break into their palace and rob them.”

  Riley waited for Jaegar to say something but he merely shrugged.

  She sighed. Although she had expected his price to be high, she had never expected it to be this high. She wondered if Jaegar was asking for such a ludicrous mark because he couldn’t fulfill his end of the bargain. Perhaps he was just hoping she’d fail so he wouldn’t have to come through in the end.

  “You know,” she said in a conversational tone, “that crown is worth way more than this.” She fingered the small raised bump beneath her turtleneck. Hidden beneath her dark sweater was the thin silver collar of a Corathian slave, the most populous and well-known slave colony.

  Hundreds of thousands of people were born, sold, or kidnapped into the Corathian slave trade. And once in, it was impossible to get out.

  Well, nearly impossible to get out.

  As far as Riley knew, she was the only one to have escaped. But it wasn’t just a simple matter of ducking one of the many Corathian slave overseers. The special collar all Corathians were given upon their enslavement was impossible to unlock or break. There was no key or special code to unlock it. No one had ever made such a thing because after all, once a Corathian slave, always a Corathian slave.

  Riley had managed to disable the tracking chip in the collar but she had yet to figure out a way to break the damn shackle off of her. And with it still on, tracking chip or no, she had to stay underground. Everyone could recognize a Corathian collar. Corathian slaves literally built everything—from ships to cities—within this quadrant of the galaxy. Despite the Fede
ration cracking down on slavery, the Corathian slave demand was too great to deny. They were a source of incredible labor at a dirt cheap price.

  With the collar still on, Riley had had to figure out how to survive without being able to rely on anyone or any city. She had quickly found herself in the dark and dangerous inner workings of the black market. Being slim and quite quick (traits that had helped her escape slavery), she found herself to be an excellent thief. And soon she had built up a decent business as a notorious thief who never failed a job.

  Night Thief.

  That was what people called her. With her glossy black hair that fell in long cascades down her back and her usual black turtleneck, she was as elusive yet omnipresent like the night sky.

  People had caught glimpses of the Night Thief and there were even Wanted holo-ads posted with an approximated image of her face broadcast in ghostly holographic detail. And yet, still nobody had been able to pin her. She was that good.

  But Riley knew this was a numbers game. It was only a matter of time before she finally did get caught. Whether it was down the road when she was older and her reflexes slower or tomorrow by dumb bad luck, Riley knew her career as a thief couldn’t last forever.

  She needed this collar off.

  That was when Jaegar had contacted her. She had been given the odd job by the black market lord over the years but he had specifically contacted her a week ago with the most tempting carrot a stick could offer.

  “I know how to get that collar off of you, pet,” Jaegar had said in that sickly raspy sweet voice he used when he thought he was being persuasive. “Come meet me in our usual spot in Exxing and I can tell you how you can get your freedom.”

  And so Riley had come.

  But good lord, she hadn’t expect the price of her freedom to be so high.

  Riley sighed again. “I suppose there’s no point in trying to persuade you with some other valuable and highly sought after item that could also just as easily get me killed?”

  Jaegar gave another wheezing laugh. “No, pet,” he said, shaking his head. “I want that crown.”

  Riley fixed him with a look. “You haven’t even told me how you can take off this damn collar.”

  Jaegar gave her a smile that made her skin crawl. “What does it matter to you? I’m telling you I know how to get it off. But there’s a price for that service.”

  The hunched over man gave her a calculating look through his greasy curtain of hair. “You know your time being an on the run thief is running short. You get caught and sent back to Corath, and you’ll be as good as dead. They are itching to salvage their record of zero escapees.” Riley gulped. She knew that was true. If she ever got caught, there was no way Corath would allow her to just simply return to slavery. They’d make an example of her. And the best and most demonstrative example was a swinging corpse.

  “So either die later by getting caught or die trying to get free now,” Jaegar said simply. He shrugged. “Your choice.”

  Riley remembered the sting of the overseer’s whip as she worked endless hours under unendurable conditions as a slave. Even without touching her back, she could still feel the ridges of the old scars. The stench of constant starvation, pain, and fear was just as real to her as the stench of the alley she stood in.

  As much as Riley hated to admit it, the man was right. Risky or not, if this was her shot at freedom, she had to take it.

  “Fine,” she said, nodding in determination. “Give me the details.”


  Arc swallowed a yawn as he straightened his already rod straight spine. It wasn’t appropriate for a Vistran palace guard, let alone a Vistran Captain, to be seen yawning.

  But there was no rule against mentally yawning.

  Arc indulged himself in a good mental yawn. It was only a few years back when getting chosen for palace guard duty was considered a stroke of miraculous luck. Vistran soldiers were constantly training or fighting with brutal rigorousness. They reached levels of exhaustion where every fiber of their muscles would quiver and shake and their eyelids could hardly stay open. In fact, Arc was pretty sure he’s had training sessions where he’s practiced completely asleep.

  Guard duty then was considered a short reprieve from such demanding schedules. You were allowed to just march and hold up gates. You got regular meals and decent hours of sleep. Every soldier gave a groan of relief when he finally got his shot at being a palace guard.

  But planet Vistra had changed quite dramatically over the last few years. After having conquered anything worth conquering in their corner of the galaxy, they had finally opened their doors to the rest of the galactic community. A flood of information, technology, foods, and culture came pouring into Vistra. There was less of a need for soldiers and more of a need for guards, escorts, and essentially, maids. Granted, they were seven and half foot, giant, hulking maids but Arc knew they were maids nonetheless. They escorted and cleaned up after foreign guests while protecting them from the minor dangers of being on a warrior planet.

  Arc looked up and down the road. He was holding up the eastern gate of the palace today.

  No one.

  He squinted his eyes and saw in the distance the busy docks. It seemed like all the action the Army had used to get had transferred over to the docks. Ships from all across the galaxy were constantly coming and going.

  Arc mentally sighed. Why had he stayed with the Army?

  He had had a chance to leave a few years back. After Vistra’s doors had opened, the Army had offered their soldiers the chance to end their military contracts earlier. Some had taken the offer. Arc hadn’t.

  He had just been promoted to Captain. He had a squad of men under his command. And Vistran soldiers trained together in a tight knit community. His squad were as good as brothers to him. And these brothers were looking to him for leadership and guidance. They needed him. So he had stayed.

  But now he was beginning to think it was a mistake. He thought briefly of his friend Loku. Last he had heard, Loku was in between mercenary work. His friend had always enjoyed the nomadic nature of the Vistran Army and had missed it once Vistra had become more peaceful.

  But Arc had felt too tied to Vistra and his responsibilities to his fellow soldiers. He also enjoyed his home planet, despite its flaws—it’s biggest flaws being the lack of women.

  Thinking of women, Arc looked over his shoulder and glanced at the gleaming palace that stood behind him. Somewhere in the sprawling palace were King Rom and his human Queen, Avia.

  It was becoming more common for Vistran men to mate now with human females. With how similar they were anatomically, it did make sense. Arc had even heard a rumor that the dock overseer had also taken a human mate.

  Arc was surprised to see that the human women had not been scared off with the responsibilities of Vistran mating. Vistran males mated for life. Once they chose their partner, they were bonded together for eternity. Vistran females didn’t have this gene and for them, they took the mating process very seriously. Even Vistran females were sometimes nervous of the deep connection mating made.

  But these tiny humans were fearless. Arc chuckled. And they were female, nonetheless.

  Earth must be filled with quite a race of fearless female warriors, Arc concluded.

  But human or Vistran, Arc was ready for a mate. He had already reached his mating age several years ago, like many of the other Vistran men, and was ready to find his heart’s partner.

  Arc was a fearless warrior, a dedicated leader, and a loyal soldier. He was relentless when training and an unmatched combatant on the field. He had stormed through battles and fought off whole platoons. He had done much in his life.

  But a soldier cannot fight without something worth protecting.

  He needed to find his someone to love and protect.


  Riley quietly blew a slow breath as she felt the small ship shudder as it slowly descended. She looked around the small cargo space. It was a tight squeeze of five people.
The ship wasn’t the normal cargo ship delivering the usual large order of supply or goods. This was a small transport ship from Daluh that was coming back to deliver a missing pallet of Daluahan fruits and a small package of Daluahan nanochips that had not been properly delivered with its original order.

  It was an odd combination of goods to be sure but Riley wasn’t one to complain. The small ship meant less security and scrutiny and an easier chance to sneak aboard. So Riley had grabbed a delivery uniform, buttoned up the collar so it was snugly above her slave collar, and had kept her head low as she confidently strode onto the ship with the other four delivery workers.

  Nobody in the small cargo space had done even a double take to check who this mysterious woman was. They didn’t even seem to notice the delivery shirt buttons straining to hold back a full and curvy chest. They hardly took note of the pants slipping a little around her trim waist. The deliverymen were all too keyed up over their destination: Vistra.


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