Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 13

by Robert Iannone

  “What Dazzle did really, really hurt her. “

  “And you? How are you feeling?”

  “Grammy, I planned to retire from the Sisterhood. I want to go to college then come back here and study at Aeri’elle’s university. I’m not the superhero type . . . I’m just your typical nerd.”

  “There is nothing typical about you, Syl,” said Ezra. “In your own way, you are just as amazing as Egg.”

  “I’m Egg’s Feminion . . . and hopefully I was a good one. If so, then great. But Egg is . . . magical. She really is. What Dazzle did was just wrong.”

  “You don’t think my granddaughter would benefit from a little ‘away time’? Time to reflect on everything she’s accomplished and time to mature?”

  “Grammy, I’m the same age as Egg so I’m just as immature. Take my point of view with a grain of salt. I think on-the-job training would work way better for Egg than for anyone else. She can’t sit still . . . she can’t stand to see people in trouble. By forcing her out of the sisterhood you did more harm than good.”

  Ezra corrected the girl. “You meant the Queen?”


  “You said ‘by forcing her out you did more harm than good’.”

  Sylvia looked over her shoulder to make sure no one could hear. “I meant you . . . as in Grammy. It was your idea, not Dazzle’s.”

  Grammy turned white with shock and guilt so Ezra hurriedly asked, “Why do you think that?”

  “Because I’m Egg’s Feminion . . . and it’s my job to know.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  “Grammy, I’ll never say anything to her. In this case, it’s not my place. You two are so close . . . if she found out she would never forgive you. She’ll never forgive Dazzle.”

  “But in time . . . ?“ It was more of a plea than a question.

  Instead of answering the question directly, the silly smart Syl said, “You gave Dazzle your granddaughter when she really needed the help. She just gave her back to you.”


  “Egg, please know that I was unaware what my mother had planned. Had she asked my advice, I would have been adamantly opposed. I am sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “So what are we going to do?” asked Bl’azzz to the group.

  But the group looked expectantly at their leader.

  “Listen, now was probably a good time for this to happen.” Everyone started to argue so she put up her hand. “Hear me out. There are twelve of us. Sassi, Aeri’elle, Meggy, K’ssss have already officially retired. Soo is engaged and we know what that means. Syl told me she was going to retire in a few years so she could go to college.”

  “What did I say?” Sylvia asked as she walked in to rejoin the group.

  “That you would have retired to go to college.”


  “That leaves six. But now that Paradox is free, I’m guessing Spirit is having second thoughts about the sisterhood. Right?”

  “About the Sisterhood . . . never. But you’re partially correct Egg. There hasn’t been a time in the last ten years when I was free to enjoy my family. We were always hiding from the . . . the bad guys. I do need time with them.”

  “I couldn’t be happier for you that you’re now getting it. Anyway, that would have left me, Bl’azzz, butterfly girl, Tee and Serenity. And I’m not always available since I’m still in school.”

  The girls all looked solemn but waited for their friend to continue.

  “Bree, you’ve been away from your family for going on two years. My guess is that spending time back home doesn’t sound so bad.”

  The girl looked down. “No, it doesn’t. But . . . just say the word and I’ll go where ever you want me to.”

  “I know you will.” She turned from the Wind’dancer to the newest sisters. “You two have a lot of living to catch up with. Doing it fighting bad guys would be wrong. Serenity, you’re going to get to work with K’ssss and the other super smart scientist on Aerianna – your new home. Being around people that care for you and appreciate that ridiculous brain of yours will be amazing. You’d just waste this great opportunity by gallivanting around the galaxy with me.”

  “I’m sorry . . . but you must be an avatar.”


  “No human being can be as caring, as loving as you are.”

  “Come on, stop.”

  “Make me, I dare you,” and she stuck out her tongue which surprised and delighted all the rest of the girls.

  “Wow, that was epic.”

  “Stupid word . . . just saying,” but she did with a big smile.

  “Don’t ever stop with the smiles. Promise?”


  “Tee, you’re in the same position as Serenity. You need time to live with other people as their equals . . . not as their servant. Running around with me would just be wrong.”

  “Anything I do with you would be very, very right.”

  “Thanks. Oh my gosh, I am just so happy that you’re here. Serenity, it was amazing what you did for her.”

  “Egg, if you compliment me one more time I promise you I’m going to cry. So stop.”

  “Nothing wrong with a good cry. Or a hug.”

  “So, what about me?” asked the F’yre Dragon who was feeling very embarrassed. There was nothing special about her to warrant a comment from anyone.

  “If I may?” asked Meggy.

  “Go for it.”

  “Well, I am not sure how to say this. However, my brother told me something in the strictest confidence.”

  “Spill it, girl or we’ll tickle you,” demanded Egg.

  “I believe you are the ticklish one, not I.”

  “Meggy . . .”

  “Sorry. Well, apparently that very handsome friend of his . . .”

  “Py’wackit?” interrupted Bl’azzz.

  “Yes. That is the one. Well, I understand that he asked my brother to introduce him to that incredibly cute, and heroic, dragon. His words, not mine.”

  “Oh. Who?”

  “You, of course. Soo, if you please . . .”

  “Right. You deliciously-ditzy, delightfully-dumb, discombobulated-dragon.”

  “Really? Me? Wow.” No one had ever asked to be introduced to her before. Certainly no one that cute.

  “Hey, sea slug – what’s with the triple triple?” teased Egg.

  “Impressive I know. It comes from being in love with a silly-smart, super-sexy sea-serpent.”

  “Nice,” said her friend who was still smiling from the thought of meeting Py’wackit.

  “Anyway guys, it just seems like now is as good a time as any to disband the Sisterhood.”

  “So you forgive my mother?” asked the Princess hopefully.

  Egg looked the girl in the eye. “Never.”

  “That saddens me, greatly.”

  “I can’t help it. I hope it doesn’t end our friendship?”

  “We are Hameggattic Sisters . . . now and forever.”

  “Yeah we are.”

  “So, Egg - you will come visit, right? Are you going to get your ring back?” asked BreeZee.

  “I don’t want the ring.”

  “But how will you return?”

  Egg started to cry despite promising herself that she wouldn’t. “I won’t be back,” she managed to say. “This is goodbye.”

  Into the ensuing maelstrom of angry protests, the Princess spoke up loudly to be heard. “That is unequivocally unacceptable. You simply can’t do that.”

  “Shame on you . . . you used a contraction.” But Egg’s attempt to lighten the mood failed.

  “Please, Egg . . . take the ring. Promise us you’ll visit,” begged Soo.

  “I can’t come back. I just can’t. It would hurt too much.”

  “What about us?” persisted the sea serpent who was devastated by the thought of never seeing her friend again.

  Egg shrugged. “I can’t answer that.”

  Soo still wasn’t satisfied. �
��Syl, you’ll have your ring, right?”

  “No. I won’t come back without her. I couldn’t.”

  So they argued, and cried and hugged for the rest of the hour. Then Sylvia gave her ring to Tee’ka who took them both to Earth. The girl returned moments later . . . sobbing uncontrollably. She had lost her best friend.

  And the Hameggattic Sisterhood was no more.

  Chapter 3 – Conversations with a Queen

  “You sent for me, Mother?”

  “Yes, M’egg-Alynnia. I would have your thoughts on what has transpired.”

  “A little late for that, is it not?”

  “You are upset for your friend . . . and that is understandable. However, you are still a Royal Princess and I require a response.”

  “As you wish. What you did was unfortunate. I have rarely seen you make such a bad decision.”

  “You forget my attempted friendship with Violetta.” It was meant to lighten the moment. It didn’t.

  “I did not forget.”

  “I see. So you feel that my actions were totally uncharacteristic of my style of governing?”

  “I do.”

  Rose changed the subject abruptly. “If my discussions with the governments of the former Starlight Alliance succeed, how do you suppose it will affect us?”


  “Not Aerianna. Us.”

  Meggy went silent as she considered what her mother was implying. Rose waited patiently. A half a minute later, the Princess said, “Are you suggesting that you are considering a leadership role in the new coalition?”

  “As Serenity suggested, if I do not, someone with less noble ambitions might. We cannot allow that to happen. In truth, I wish I never heard of the Alliance. However, we must live with the decisions I made. Make the best of it . . . as an Earthman might say.”

  The Princess stared hard at her mother. “If that comes to pass, you will abdicate your Crown.”

  “I cannot rule Aerianna and a federation of worlds. One or both would suffer.”

  “Then I would be crowned Queen.”

  “In the normal course of these things, yes.”

  “But this is not normal?”

  “You would not be worthy to be Queen if you cannot answer one question.”

  Meggy waited, but her mother said nothing. Then it dawned on her. “The question would be . . . why did you disband the Sisterhood.”

  Rose smiled at her daughter . . . very proud at her obvious intelligence. “That is the question.”

  “And the answer?”

  “Is yours to intuit.”


  “You sent for us, your Majesty?”

  “Yes, sisters.” The use of that word was an old habit, one that would be very difficult to break . . . but it was no longer appreciated by those who it was meant to complement. So it was not surprising that they frowned in response. “I apologize. Ladies.”

  “How may we serve you?” asked K’ssss with the utmost politeness and with absolutely no warmth. It took Rose an extraordinary effort not to show the hurt she felt.

  “The three of you are not citizens of Aerianna therefore I have no legal authority to command you. I do, however, have a strong relationship with the two leaders of Zynn-Zaz’zia and it is for their sake I request your help.”

  That surprised BreeZee. “What exactly are you asking us to do?”

  “I have had discussions with your father and Howl. They are in agreement that their world . . . your world . . . has stagnated. They would like Aerianna’s help to change that.”

  “I’m not from there,” said Tee’ka.

  “True. However, Zephyr would like to extend an invitation for you to become a citizen of Zynn-Zaz’zia.”

  BreeZee was ecstatic. “Tee, that’s so wonderful. Come live with me, please.”

  The girl was both surprised and happy at the thought. But she asked, “Would Egg approve?”

  Before either sister could respond, Rose said, “Tee’ka, these are decisions you need to make for yourself. It is correct to seek advice if you are uncertain . . . but it is not alright to seek approval. You serve no one but yourself. Do you understand?”

  “I’m learning,” was her honest opinion.

  “Excellent. When Egg comes to visit, I am sure she will be proud of whatever decision you make.”

  “She’s not going to visit.”

  “Of course she will.”

  Tee’ka opened her hand to reveal Sylvia’s ring. “I took Egg and Sylvia home. This is Syl’s ring. I don’t know what you did with Egg’s. They have no way to return.”

  Rose fought back a wave of nausea that threatened to overcome her. If she underestimated Egg’s feelings before . . . she couldn’t now. The girl she helped create a thousand years ago, the one that saved her, her people, her husband . . . had been rewarded with unimaginable pain. The thought sickened her. To Tee’ka she said, “I will have the ring, please,” and she held out her hand.

  K’ssss broke the awkward silence. “What exactly did you want us to do, your Majesty?”

  Regaining her composure, Rose answered “For Zynn-Zaz’zia’s sake, I would like the three of you to work together to formulate and implement a plan to help your world develop into a more sophisticated society. Educate the populace, find products to manufacture, encourage the arts . . . K’ssss, in a way it is much like you are doing with your young sea serpents. Bring your world to maturity. You will have all the resources of Aerianna to call upon. Aeri’elle in particular can help you with creating schools and universities.”

  “That is quite an undertaking.”

  Without thinking, Rose said, “Just another challenge for the Hameggattic Sisterhood.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she blushed. It wasn’t an emotion one ever witnessed with the Queen of Aerianna.

  K’ssss looked at the other two girls who nodded their agreement. “We accept the challenge. However, with all due respect, please do not refer to us as sisters or mention the Hameggattic Sisterhood. You gave up the right to do either.”

  Rose allowed the insult to go unchallenged. “As you wish.”


  “Your Majesty”.

  “Thank you for coming, Serenity.”

  “Before you begin, may I speak honestly?”

  “I would have it no other way.”

  “If I had somewhere else as appealing to live . . . I would choose not to stay on Aerianna.”

  “I understand. Regardless of the reason, I am very pleased that you do intend on remaining.”

  “Sorry to be rude, but you being pleased is of no interest to me.”

  Again, Rose let the insult go unchallenged. “Given that sentiment, consider your answer carefully before you speak. As a citizen of Aerianna, you must obey our laws and me. Are you prepared to do that?”

  Serenity stared at the woman who destroyed her first real chance to be part of something noble . . . a sisterhood filled with love and friendship. But, she was a realist. Until she learned to be a contributing member of a society – putting her lonely, bitter existence behind her – she would never be happy. “I am.”

  “In that case, I have a task . . . a challenge to be more precise . . . for you.”

  “And that would be?”

  “Aerianna is about to become a part of a new federation of planets. We have had very limited experience in dealing with diverse cultures and ideas. You come to us at an opportune time. Your intelligence, your worldview . . . brings a different perspective to our way of thinking. However, you are not from Aerianna . . . therefore my people will consider you an outsider. I would have you remedy that perception.”

  Serenity was shocked. What the Queen was implying was that if she, Serenity, could integrate herself into Aeriannian society . . . to become one of them . . . she would be asked to advise, perhaps represent, the Queen in some fashion. It was an incredible honor.

  But Rose was still the person that disbanded the Sisterhood and hurt her friend terribly. That made the deci
sion very difficult.

  “I will consider the challenge.”

  “That is all I can ask.”


  “Your Majesty.”

  “Aeri’elle, thank you for coming.”

  “How may I help you?”

  “Your university is progressing satisfactorily, is it not?”

  “Yes, m’am. I believe my father and I have plans that can serve the three races well. I’m very excited. We should be accepting our first students in just a few months.”

  “I am sorry but you must delay your opening.”

  Aeri’elle’s beak fell open. “May I ask why?”

  “Because your charter has changed”.


  “Yes. The university will no longer serve dragon, serpent and human.”

  “I don’t understand? That was the whole purpose of creating the institution”

  “Aerianna is about to change . . . and so must your charter. You are now tasked with serving not only Aeriannians but species from throughout the former Starlight Alliance. In addition, we can presume other worlds will join us over time. You must anticipate ways of serving them also.”

  The dragon’s eyes lit up. This was incredible. “Yes, your Majesty. Oh, yes. We can do that.”

  Rose smiled affectionately. Aeri’elle’s reaction was heartwarming . . . and right now, she needed that. But, the Queen wasn’t finished. “There is one more item. As Aerianna experiences the influence of the new worlds that will soon be our partners in cultural exchange and trading, we will need new ways of thinking. We will need a new generation of young minds to help us manage these evolving relations.”

  “Yes, your Majesty?”

  “I need you to choose and train your replacement. After the re-chartered university opens . . . and all of the issues are worked out . . . you will be nominated as our Ambassador of Education. You will travel throughout the federation, discussing your educational methods with others in your position. You will learn what they may have to offer. Hopefully, they, in turn, will learn from you.”

  Aeri’elle was speechless. It was an incredible honor and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But her feelings were tempered with the still-fresh wound of the end of the Sisterhood. “Thank you, your Majesty. May I ask for some time to think it over?”


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