by Paul Watson
Kane, Elisha Kent, 116–17, 160, 166
Keanik, Jacob, 338
Keenleyside, Anne, 283
Keith, Darren, 281–82
Kellett, Henry, 79, 137–39, 141, 142–43
Kennedy, Alexander, 133
Kennedy, John F., 145
Kennedy, John F. Jr., 145
Kennedy, William, 133–35
kerosene, invention of, 62
Key, Francis Scott, “The Star-Spangled Banner”, xxvi
King, Richard, 73–74, 77, 88
Kinglet, 309
Kingston, HMCS, 310, 312
King William Island:
Franklin’s death in vicinity of, 74
Franklin’s ships abandoned at, xxii, 193, 210–11, 297–98
Franklin survivors on, 53–54, 74, 79–80, 153, 169, 184–85, 193, 201, 210–11, 214, 234
Inuit hunting grounds on, 153, 206, 216
Inuit legends and myths of, 197–98, 287
Inuit statements about ships at, 169, 184–85, 193, 229, 242, 273, 297–98
Lady Jane’s interest in, 146
in paranormal visions, 103, 111, 112
searches for evidence at, xxii, 164–65, 166, 169, 194–95, 222, 233, 239, 242, 273
ships trapped in ice at, xxviii, 48
skeletons found on, 172, 192–93, 287
terrain of, 234, 239
Kogvik, Sammy, 325–28, 330, 343
Kosmos 954 crash (1978), 279
Kozak, Gary, 265
Krusenstern, 29
Kuseq (Inuit girl), 187
Lady Franklin, HMS, 113, 228
Lady Jane, 74
Lafitte, Jean, 5
L’Aigle, 4
Lake Huron, 260
Lancaster Sound, 43, 64–65, 70
Larsen, Henry, 197–98, 247
La Spirotechnique, 252
Learmonth, Lorenz A., 197–98, 235–37, 242–43
Lewis, Benjamin, 28
Lincoln, Abraham, 171
Liquid Air, 253
Lively, 42
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 67
Ludin, Chriss, 318
Lyver, Larry, 305
MacDonald, Tim, 298, 300, 308
MacInnis, Joe, 259–72
Mackenzie River, 79, 150
MacLean, Steve, 299
Maconochie, Alexander, 103, 104
magnetic field, 15
magnetic north, 1, 135, 147
Majendie, Ashurst, 95
Manhattan, SS, 265
Mansbridge, Peter, 289–90, 294–95, 298
Franklin Expedition discovery, xvi
Franklin Expedition route, xii–xiii
Franklin Expedition search, xiv–xv
marine archaeology, see underwater archaeology
Marriott, Rich, 319
Marsden, Michael, 239–40
Martin, Robert, 43
Martin Bergmann, R/V, 305–6, 307, 311, 322–23, 324–30, 335, 338, 343
Mary, 114
Mason, Bill, 259, 267
McClintock, Francis, 130, 141, 143, 162–70, 172, 173, 227, 233, 262, 335
The Voyage of the Fox in Arctic Seas by, 275
McClure, Robert, 136–37, 138, 143, 296
McDonald, Alexander, 54, 155, 166
McDougall, George, 139, 142
McIsaac, Daniel, 329
McIsaac, David, 328–29, 332
McKenzie, William A., 232–33, 235, 237, 239, 241
McLoughlin Bay, 112
McRae, Sheila, 303
Mecham, George, 137
Melville, Herman, Moby-Dick, 87
Melville Island, 13, 44, 71, 123, 136, 147
Mesmer, Franz, 94
Meta Incognita, xxvi
Métis, aboriginal and Scottish mix in, 301
Mexican-American War, 49, 67, 90
Montgomery, Lucy Maud, Anne of Green Gables, 224
Moore, Jonathan, 281, 297, 315, 316, 320
Moore, Thomas, 78–80
Mountbatten, Lord, 233
Musashi (Japanese battleship), 308
musk ox, 206
Napoleonic Wars, xxiv, 4–5, 148, 250
NASA, 287–88, 345
National Geographic, 271
navigation, 14–16
Nelson, Brad, 278
Nelson, Lord Horatio, 4, 250
Neovitcheak (Inuit hunter), 197–98, 235
Neptune (dog), 27, 84–85, 274, 297, 322
Newbern, 173
Newtsuit (diving gear), 264–65
Nichols, P.A.C., 236
Nixon, Richard M., 145
Noon, Bill, 309, 312, 313, 316, 319, 321
Norman, Mark, 256
North America, mapping of northern coast of, 73, 194–95
Northampton, Marquis of, 70
North Atlantic Drift, xxiv
North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle, 13
North Magnetic Pole:
compass unusable at, 186, 282
discovery of, 7, 29, 233, 239
and Operation Franklin, 233
Snow’s vision of, 111
North Pole:
Admiralty quest for, 62
commercial opportunities at, 291, 292
conquest sought, 261
earlier attempts to sail to, 60
Franklin Expedition’s proximity to, 45, 117
Open Polar Sea theory, xxiv, xxv, 45, 73, 117
passage to India via, xxvi
public desire for stories about, xxv, 66, 290
territorial claims on, 291, 292
U.S. expedition to, 229
North Star, HMS, 115, 137, 141, 143
Northwest Passage:
Amundsen’s first passage of, 180, 222
Canadian claims to, 279, 291
charting of, xxii, 14, 44, 143, 313–14
and Franklin Expedition, 133, 161, 164, 171, 332
Lancaster Sound entrance to, 43, 64
news broadcasts from, 290, 298
and oil industry, 267–68, 293
previous voyages to, 23–24, 44
St. Roch west-to-east voyage, 198
sea ice in, 74
searches for, xxii, xxiii–xxvi, 9, 12, 32, 36, 41, 57, 72, 91, 113
skepticism about, xxiii–xxiv, xxv
voyages through, 265
winter’s severity in, 74
Nourse, Joseph E., 276–77
Nuytten, Phil, 264–65, 266, 268–70
Ocean Alliance, 303
Octopus, M/Y, 308–9
Olmert, Ehud, 289
Ommanney, Erasmus, 118, 126, 129
One Ocean Voyager (Vavilov renamed), 312
Open Polar Sea, theory of, xxiv, xxv, 45, 73, 117
Operation Franklin (1967), 232–47
artifacts found, 244–45, 247, 248–49, 280–81, 284–85
called off (August 21), 244
“corollary benefit” needed for continuation of, 279
costs of, 232
Inuit as information source in, 235, 236–37, 240–41, 242, 273, 280
lead regiment in, 232
logistics problems in, 238–39
“Military Geography” in, 234
previous searches as starting points in, 233–35
principals bickering in, 232–33, 237
scope of searches in, 239–41
scuba divers engaged in, 242–47
shipwrecks as focus in, 236, 241, 242, 246–47, 263–64
and Woodman, 273–80, 282
Operation Morning Light, 279
Opium War, 79
O’Reilly Island, 112, 236, 245, 274, 279, 280, 283, 292, 298
Osborne, Doug, 266, 269–71
Ouligbuck, William, 149–52, 227
Ow-wer (Inuit seal hunter), 53
Palmerston, Viscount, 160
Pandora, 173
Park, Robert, 313, 316
Parks Canada, 255, 256, 266, 272, 291, 296–97, 310, 320, 324, 325, 335, 343
Parry, Sir Edward William, 7
and Ad
miralty board of inquiry, 119, 124–25
and Franklin Expedition search, 71–72
previous expedition of, 13–14, 26, 33, 38, 44, 45–46, 48, 69, 71, 74, 137
Pasha, Muhammad Ali, 75
Peddie (surgeon’s assistant), 155
Peel Sound, xxviii, 135
Penny, William, 63–65, 108, 113, 115, 118, 119–21, 132, 166, 228
Petersen, Carl, 115, 125–26, 166–67
petroleum industry, birth of, 62–63
Philosopher Cruises, 288, 299
Phoenix, HMS, 139–40
Pilkington, William, 277
Pim, Bedford, 137
Pioneer, 113, 137
Plover, HMS, 78–79
Polar Continental Shelf Program, 241, 287–89
Porden, Eleanor Anne, 65
Preston, William Ballard, 117
Preston’s Patent Ventillating Illuminators, 27, 322
Prince Albert, 110, 113, 114, 118, 134, 135
Prince of Wales, 43
Prince of Wales Island, xxviii, 13, 135
Prince of Wales Strait, discovery of, 136
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, 232
Putuguq, Ben, 327
Queen Maud Gulf, 113, 169, 183, 235, 273, 278, 292, 295, 297–98, 310, 334
Quincy, Josiah Jr., 67, 68
Rae, John, 19, 79–80, 88, 100, 146–59
and evidence of cannibalism, 154, 157, 229
and Franklin Expedition relics, 147–48, 152, 154–55, 157
honors and awards to, 148, 158
Inuit encounters with, 148, 151–53, 154–55, 165, 227
and Lady Jane, 146–47, 158–59, 164
mapping mission of, 148–49, 160
and Ouligbuck, 149–52, 227
report to Admiralty filed, 156–57, 158
and Starvation Cove, 153
Rasmussen, Knud, 183–87, 213, 346
Rattler, HMS, 32
Reid, James, 39–41, 43, 155, 293
Renovation, 128
Repulse Bay, 19, 149, 160, 172
Rescue, 116, 118
Research In Motion (RIM), 298–99, 303
Resolute, hamlet of, 287–88, 290, 304
Resolute Desk, 145
Resolute, HMS, 113, 130, 136, 137, 139, 141–42, 143–45, 161
Richardson, Sir John:
on clothing and gear, 132
on Franklin Expedition nutrition, xxviii–xxix
and Franklin Expedition search, 77, 79–80, 86, 88, 146, 147, 150, 161
on previous Arctic journey, 11–12, 24, 150, 302
recommendations from, 23
Rick, John, 255–56
Robb, J., 127
Rogers, Stan, Northwest Passage, 288
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 145
Roots, E. F., 241
Ross, Sir James Clark:
discovery of North Magnetic Pole, 7, 29, 233, 239
and 1845 Franklin expedition, 7, 8, 112
and Enterprise expedition, 81, 82, 122, 164
expeditions to Antarctica, xxvi, 20–21, 33, 78, 123
and Franklin Expedition search, 68, 77, 81, 82, 98
and Inuit, 211
and Lady Jane, 81, 82, 105
on movement of sea ice, 50, 71
stone cairn left by, 49, 50, 71, 210, 233
and Victory expedition, 29–30, 73, 149
Ross, Sir John, 28–31, 165
and Admiralty board of inquiry, 124–25
backup plan urged by, 31, 50, 60, 123
and Beck, 115–16, 122, 123, 125–26, 132
and Felix expedition, 114, 118, 120, 123
and Franklin, 7, 29, 31, 50, 57–62, 69, 70, 71, 123
and homing pigeons, 123–24
and Inuit, 29–30, 212, 214
and Lady Jane, 86, 160, 239
mirage seen by, 28–29, 69, 125, 135
notes left by, 122
rescue mission urged by, 58–62, 69–71, 77, 113–14
retirement refused by, 57, 62
as “Toolooark” (Raven), 30
and Victory expedition, 29–31, 36, 50, 60, 73, 129, 149, 212, 213
on weather warnings, 59–60, 64
Ross, W. Gillies, xxx
Ross (Victory) Expedition, see Ross, Sir John
Rotermund, Lina, 325
Rowley, Roger, 233
Royal Canadian Air Force, 278
Royal Canadian Geographical Society, 311, 312, 313
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 188–89
Royal Canadian Navy, 256, 310, 324
Royal Geographical Society, 148, 160, 171, 224
Royal Marines, 38–39
Royal Navy:
and Arctic exploration, 248
and Battle of Trafalgar, 4–5
and Belcher court-martial, 143
bell as symbol in, 52
and Britain’s imperial power, 10, 278
control of Franklin’s ships ceded to Canada by, 344–45
delays in Franklin search, 72–73, 77
and Erebus discovery, 319
faith in technology, 17–18
flying the flags, 52
food and gear supplied by, xxvi–xxvii, 23, 24–25, 58–59, 130–32, 152, 281, 315
Franklin Expedition searches (1850), 109–10, 113, 136; (1852), 133, 136
and Lady Jane’s requests, 107–8, 109
and Napoleonic Wars, xxiv, 4–5, 148, 250
planning for 1845 Franklin expedition, 7–12
prejudice toward indigenous people, xxxi, 126
public petition to, 160–61
quests of, xxii–xxvi, 3, 16, 60, 91, 113
and reports of cannibalism, 154
and Resolute, 143–44
rules for abandoning ship, 51–52, 141–42
snobbery of, 121, 343
Victualling Department of, 24–25, 58–59
at Whitehall, 9–10
Royal Society, 16, 70, 162
and Arctic Explorer mission, 311–13
Arctic territorial interests of, 292, 299, 303
and Crimean War, 148
Imperial government of, 90–91
Rutherford, Blair, 304–5
Sabine, Edward, 36
Sainsbury (ship’s mate), 139
Samik (shaman), 185
San Juan (Basque whaling boat), 257–58
Schimnowski, Adrian, 306, 323, 325–26, 327, 329, 330, 331, 335, 344
Schimnowski, Oksana, 300, 302, 306, 323
Schwatka, Frederick, 168, 197, 217, 333
Scoresby, William Jr.:
and animal (“zoistic”) magnetism, 93
on the dangers of ice, xxv, 40, 41, 58, 73, 87
drawings of ice crystals by, 293
on Franklin Expedition searches, xxiii, 62, 88, 89, 163
and Lady Jane, 93, 102, 146
on possible Arctic survival, 128–29, 132
skepticism toward North Passage voyages, xxiii–xxiv, xxv
Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, 263
and Cousteau, 249, 252, 253, 256
deep-sea diving gear, 251
early days of, 249
military frogmen, 250
and Operation Franklin, 256, 280
and underwater archaeology, 249–59
Seabotix ROV, 331–32
Sealab III, 260
Secondari, John, 233
Shakespeare, William, stories of, xxx
Shaw, Bob, 242–45, 246
Shawinigan, HMCS, 324
Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, xxviii
shipwrecks, xxx, 129
Allen’s interest in, 308–9
Breadalbane, 145, 264–72
credit given for discovery of, 313
Erebus discovery, 318–23, 324, 343, 345
international agreement about, 258–59
Inuit location of, 167, 219, 274, 276, 279–80, 281, 297–98, 321–22
in Lake Huron, 260
looting of, 266
and MacInnis, 259–72
and Operation Franklin, 236, 241, 242, 246–47, 262–63
remaining on ocean floor, 258–59
remotely operated/piloted vehicle (ROV/RPV) in assessment of, 266–68, 330–32
renewed search (2008), 291–92, 295–306
San Juan, 257–58
and SCUBA, see SCUBA
and ship’s wheel, 266–72
Terror discovery, 329–35, 343–44
and underwater archaeology, see underwater archaeology
UNESCO viewpoint on, 258–59
Shubin, Neil, 288
Simpkinson, John, 106
Simpson, Thomas, 44, 194–95
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, CCGS, xxi, 280, 292, 309–14, 316, 319, 320–21, 324, 335
Skewes, Rev. J. Henry, 101–2, 104
Skull Island, 282–85, 286
Smith, Harriet, 100–101
Smith, John, 114–15
Smith, Shirlee A., 235
Smithsonian Institution, 276
Snow, William Parker, 110–16, 118–19, 165, 171
Somerset Island, 74, 98
Sons of Liberty, 67
Sophia, HMS, 113, 228
Spitzbergen, Norway:
North Atlantic Drift at, xxiv
reindeer in, 127
whales in waters near, xxv
Stanley, Lord, 6, 8, 36
Starvation Cove, 153, 197
Stenton, Douglas, 283, 292, 313–16
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 40
Stirling, Andrew, 314–16, 343
Stirling, Harvey, 314
Stromness, Orkney, ships docked in, 38–39
Sub-Igloo (underwater habitat), 261–62
Sublimnos (underwater habitat), 260–61, 262
Sutton, Sir Richard, 162
Takkiruq, Jamie, 345
Tattannoeuk (Inuit interpreter), 150
Taylor, Rev. E. T., 67–68
Taylor, Zachary, 66, 90–92, 116
Taylor Island, 239
Teekeenu (Inuit place name), 53
Terror, HMS:
discovery of, 329–35, 343–44
in Franklin Expedition, see Franklin Expedition
library of, 26
previous voyages of, 19–21, 84
search for, xxii, 323, 324–29
in War of 1812, xxvi
Terror Bay, 326–34, 335, 343
Thorne, Robert, xxvi
Three Oceans Program, 288
Tiktaalik roseae fossil, 288
Titanic, RMS, 259
Todd Islands, 192
Tookoolito (Hannah), 228–29
Too-shoo-art-thar-u (Inuit hunter), 53
Torrington, John, 46, 118
Treleaven, Cameron, 223–27
Trudeau, Justin, 335
Trudeau, Pierre, 259
Truelove, 88
Truman, Harry S., 145
Tulluhiu (Inuit hunter), 30
underwater archaeology, 249–59
and artifact conservation, 254, 255, 266, 268–72, 274, 281
and Bass, 254
and Erebus discovery, 315–18, 321–23, 344, 345
hydrography in, 309, 310, 316
industrial applications of, 266, 267