Deborah's Discovery

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Deborah's Discovery Page 13

by Fredrica Alleyn

  Almost at once she felt herself becoming very damp, and the sensations were entirely different from those of normal intercourse. Pavin waited as long as he could before reaching down and carefully bringing her back up into a sitting position again. He then used his powerful arms and hands to lift her up and down vigorously as his own climax built to a glorious crescendo that he could no longer hold back and he felt himself losing control as his body was shaken from head to foot and his face twisted up in a grimace of delighted ecstasy.

  As his breathing slowed and he regained more sense of what was happening, he realised that Deborah still hadn’t finished. Remaining inside her he reached beneath the pile of pillows and took out a pencil slim vibrator then, before Deborah realised what he was doing, he was trailing its silky vibrating head down from her stomach button and through the pubic hairs, to where the inner lips joined and then onto the clitoral area itself, where he let it play all around the yearning flesh as she cried out and trembled above him until he could feel the forceful contractions of her internal walls as she at last climaxed with him inside her.

  She opened her eyes and smiled down at him. Pavin smiled back, then switched the vibrator back on and let it play over her still throbbing inner lips again.

  ‘No!’ gasped Deborah. ‘I’ve finished, don’t!’

  ‘Wait,’ he said softly. ‘You might get a surprise.’

  He was wrong, she thought to herself, there was nothing she wanted more than to rest. But then, within a few seconds, that glorious pleasure-ache was returning and her whole stomach and vulva was tightening as thrills of excitement darted along her nerves and she knew that he was right and that this time her climax was going to be even bigger.

  By this time Pavin was no longer inside her, but he slipped a finger into her vagina instead and it closed around him tightly, hungrily as the inner walls began their second series of muscular contractions and as she spasmed at the peak of her pleasure he let the tip of his middle finger just touch her cervix and Deborah screamed at the almost painfully intense feeling that seemed to go right through her body, piercing even the normal waves of climactic pleasure. Now, finally, she slumped down against him, utterly spent.

  Chapter Eight

  AT SOME TIME during the night, Deborah heard Pavin’s phone go and he muttered a few words before she slid back into sleep. When she woke in the morning she was surprised to find he was already bathed and in the process of getting dressed.

  ‘What’s happened to your usual lie-in?’ she asked with a smile.

  ‘Brian called during the night. Elizabeth has asked that Richard and I keep her company for the day, so I had to put duty before pleasure!’

  Deborah felt a surge of jealousy that she quickly tried to suppress. After all, as Pavin had explained to her on their walk, this was what the holiday was for. She tried to keep her expression neutral.

  ‘What about the rest of us?’ she asked.

  ‘You can either watch, Elizabeth never minds an audience, or you can find your own entertainment for the day. At some time you should try a few hours with Martin and Celia. They’re very experienced at giving pleasure.’

  ‘I’ll see,’ said Deborah, privately deciding that she’d watch at least some of Elizabeth’s time with Pavin and his personal assistant, Richard.

  Her second surprise of the morning came when she and Pavin entered the huge dining room. Beyond the silver-covered breakfast dishes, Elizabeth was standing entirely nude, her back towards the room. When she saw Pavin enter she leant forward from the waist and rested her forehead on her hands which were placed palm down on the top of the sideboard.

  Pavin’s mouth lifted at one corner in the lopsided smile that Deborah recalled from their first meeting, and before helping himself to any food he walked and ran the palm of his hand the length of her back before slipping it beneath her and up her stomach until he could reach her tiny gold nipple rings. These he tweaked softly and her back arched outwards, then he walked away from her and piled his plate high with food.

  Elizabeth stayed bent submissively face downwards, but everyone else in the room ignored her. Deborah, finding that she wasn’t in the least hungry, simply took a large cup of coffee and some scrambled eggs back to her place.

  Flora was sitting opposite her and she smiled at the newest addition to their holiday group. ‘Does the sight of Elizabeth like that disturb you?’

  Deborah decided to honest. ‘Yes, a little.’

  ‘Because you know she’s going to be in Pavin’s hands all day? Or because you want to touch her yourself?’

  ‘Just because it’s bizarre,’ retorted Deborah, refusing to admit to her possessiveness of Pavin.

  ‘Why come here if you don’t like the bizarre? You can lead a mundane life back in London, I imagine.’

  ‘I didn’t say I didn’t like it, simply that it disturbs me.’

  Flora nodded, then pushing back her chair walked round behind Deborah on her way to collect more coffee. ‘You know why Pavin likes you, don’t you?’ she said softly in her ear.

  Deborah looked up at her. ‘For the usual reasons I imagine.’

  ‘It’s because you’re the image of Angela. That’s why we were all so shocked when you arrived; we thought he’d made it up with her. Pavin adored Angela really; and although he divorced her it was because that was what she wanted. He was heartbroken to lose her. They made the perfect couple. If only she’d enjoyed the island as much as he does then they’d still be together.’

  Deborah stood up, pushing her half-eaten eggs away from her. ‘Well, she didn’t, did she? And it isn’t surprising if I look a bit like her because men usually have a particular type they find physically attractive. Pavin’s already told me he favours leggy blondes,’ she added and was pleased to see a flicker of irritation cross the petite brunette’s face.

  ‘Where’s Richard?’ Pavin called down the table. ‘Has he eaten?’

  ‘He’s setting up his bedroom ready for the three of you,’ explained Brian with a glance towards his wife’s bare back. ‘I think he had quite a lot to do. You know the kind of involved games my wife enjoys playing!’

  Pavin seemed to deliberately take as long as possible over his food, and at one point Elizabeth shifted her position slightly. ‘Keep still!’ he said sharply, and at once she froze.

  ‘Personally I can’t think why she enjoys being dominated all the time,’ murmured Tansy as she left the table. ‘I think I’ll go and have a swim once I’ve digested breakfast. If anyone wants to join me they’re welcome.’

  ‘I might,’ said Celia and Martin nodded too.

  ‘How about you, honey?’ Pavin asked Deborah.

  ‘I’d rather watch Elizabeth,’ she said coolly.

  Brian laughed. ‘That should broaden your horizons, Debs! I think I’ll be there too. I can always explain anything you don’t understand.’

  Eventually even Pavin decided Elizabeth had waited long enough and he rose from the table, went over to the girl and ran his hands down the outside of her legs so that she quivered beneath his touch.

  ‘Let’s go and find Richard, Lizzie. He should be ready for us by now.’

  The room that Richard and Flora shared during these holidays was quite small compared to some, but again dominated by a vast canopied bed whose covers and hanging curtains, along with the canopy itself, were all made of the finest Chinese silk, shot through with riotous colours, while on the floor a crimson and yellow carpet covered a square in the middle, around which were polished dark boards.

  Chinese silk screens that matched the bed coverings were placed on each side of the bedhead and there were three comfortable armed chairs in which onlookers could sit.

  The first thing Deborah saw when she came into the room was a small, relatively modern table just in front of one of the screens and on it was a range of objects; jars, scarves and strips of leather and cord that made her wonder what lay ahead for Brian’s wife.

  He, Deborah and Flora were the only spectators, ev
eryone else having decided to find their pleasure elsewhere, but when Elizabeth stood at the foot of the bed facing the three watchers she dropped her eyes to the floor and a delicate hint of colour suffused her cheeks.

  ‘Now, now, Elizabeth! This is no time to be shy,’ said Pavin with a laugh. ‘I thought you enjoyed spectator sports. Right, Richard, how do you want her?’

  Richard emerged from behind one of the screens. He was entirely nude apart from a small posing pouch which only emphasised his already burgeoning manhood, and the dark mat of curly hair that ran up from the pouch in a thick line through the middle of his stomach and then covered his slim but well-muscled chest added to his attraction.

  Deborah thought that if she wasn’t so besotted with Pavin she could very easily fancy Richard, and from the way Flora was staring at him it seemed that she did too.

  ‘First we oil her,’ he said to Pavin, and taking a bottle from the table he poured a few drops into Pavin’s outstretched hands and some into his own. ‘Remember, Elizabeth, you can only have your orgasms when we tell you, but if you have them at any other time the game stops. It that clear?’

  Elizabeth nodded.

  ‘Good,’ continued Richard. ‘Obviously we don’t expect you to have one while we’re oiling you, but to make quite sure a small one doesn’t escape our notice the spectators will keep a close eye on you!’

  Elizabeth was pushed towards the onlookers and then the two men started oiling her body, Richard working down her back and over her buttocks while Pavin’s large hands spread across the width of her breasts and he tenderly massaged the scented oil into her small firm breasts with their suprisingly long, dark nipples and wide areolae that seemed to cover most of the surface of the breasts.

  Deborah, who was watching Pavin more closely than Elizabeth, noticed that despite the tenderness of his touch, every time he glided across the surface of her breasts he would let his little fingers catch in her nipple rings and the resulting tugs would pull the long nipples sharply to the sides, stretching them to the limit before his hand began the return journey and they slowly eased back into position before being extended sharply to the opposite sides.

  From the widening of Elizabeth’s dark eyes, it was clear that this pain-edged pressure was highly stimulating for her, and when he finally left her breasts alone and moved across her abdomen her breasts were rounded and plump, the internal tissue straining against the enclosing flesh.

  He oiled her belly and the sides of her waist as Richard worked down between the cleft of her buttocks, and at one point Richard slipped a well-lubricated finger into Elizabeth’s tightly closed second opening. Once again her flesh responded, her nipple rings swung in the air and she had trouble keeping her toes still on the carpet beneath her feet.

  ‘If she’s not careful she’ll climax now and put an end to her morning’s pleasure,’ said Flora, her voice excited. ‘Pavin’s really skilful at playing her body. Last summer he spent hours with her. It drove Angela mad.’

  It was driving Deborah mad too, but not with rage. She wanted to feel him oiling her just as he was oiling Elizabeth. She watched from the edge of her seat as his hands moved down to the other woman’s lower belly and now his fingers pressed tightly against the flesh.

  A fleeting expression of discomfort crossed Elizabeth’s features, quickly followed by the blush of arousal this caused her. ‘How tight you feel,’ murmured Pavin. ‘I love it when your body’s swollen with desire and need. We must fill it even more.’

  Then his oiled fingers glided briefly between her thighs to linger for a few moments around her outer sex lips, pushing them together and downwards, creating pressure on the trapped clitoris and then turning the visible section of her clitoral ring between finger and thumb. Her eyes widened and she tried to withdraw her clitoris a little. Pavin tugged more firmly on the ring and this time she squirmed with discomfort and it was plain from the way her breathing grew more rapid and her head went back that this was highly stimulating for her.

  Finally she was totally oiled, her body gleaming like a statue, and Deborah realised that Elizabeth was a beautiful young woman. Her figure was small but perfect and her colouring combined with what seemed like a submissive shyness made her highly desirable. She could quite understand why Brian had married her.

  ‘Well done!’ laughed Richard and he came round to study her from the front. ‘Now lie on your side in the middle of the bed and pull your knees up to your chin. As Pavin said, we want to fill you until every part of you is tight as a drum.’

  Obediently Elizabeth lay down gracefully, and then Richard was reaching for a piece of tubing with a tiny flat sac at the end of it. He covered the sac in oil, rolled it into a tube and very gently eased it into Elizabeth’s rectum while Pavin continued to play with her breasts from the other side of the bed, again stretching the nipples out and then releasing them like pieces of elastic.

  The young woman’s mouth was open with the sensations he was causing and because of this her muscles were relaxed and Richard found it comparatively easy to insert the roll of rubber inside her. Once it was fully in he fitted a rubber bulb attachment to the protruding end and squeezed it with slow steady movements.

  ‘Now the sac inside her will inflate,’ explained Brian. ‘Eventually it will be touching the walls of her rectum and she’ll feel as though it’s pushing through her vagina.’

  Deborah swallowed hard, and watched Elizabeth start to squirm as the device did as her husband had described and expanded until it was filling her to capacity. At one point her body was shaking with sexual excitement and they thought for a moment she was about to come there and then. Finally, just when Elizabeth felt certain that she could take no more, Richard stopped, and with a deft movement removed the inflating bulb and fitted a seal to prevent any air escaping.

  Pavin swiftly pushed Elizabeth onto her stomach and slid a hand beneath her, again pushing and probing downwards across where her abdomen was lying against the bed, and this had the effect of accentuating the pressure within her so that she wriggled and squirmed against his hand, gasping in reaction to what was happening to her. She had never felt so many different sensations of pain and pleasure-tightness, and darts that coursed through her like electric currents as over stimulated nerve endings shouted messages to her brain.

  Pavin pressed steadily until she began to moan, and then he pulled her to her feet so that the spectators could see the rubber tube protroding from between her tight buttocks. He patted them lightly and Elizabeth gasped as the swollen sac within her pressed against her rectal walls and almost precipitated an orgasm.

  Richard laughed. ‘Not yet, Lizzie. Now, turn and face everyone.’

  Slowly she turned again, and it was clear from her distended stomach, swollen upthrusting breasts and trembling thighs that she was aroused almost to the point of no return.

  Pavin slipped a leather collar over her head and then fastened two leather straps that dangled from it round her swollen breasts, the better to accentuate her large protruding nipples and trembling tender tissue.

  This done he bent and put his tongue inside one of her nipple rings, then licked around the areole before taking the ring between his teeth and moving his head back with a swift tug. He repeated the action twice on each of the breasts and the leather straps fitted more snugly on Elizabeth as her breasts expanded yet further.

  For Elizabeth it was bliss and torment at the same time. She loved the way Pavin played on her weaknesses, using her need for domination to take her to the edge of pain and yet keeping the pleasure at a high level too. She adored the way he could make her entire body come alive, until it felt as though there wasn’t a part of her that wasn’t sexual, but at the same time she feared him because within him there was no love for her. With Brian there was love, and that meant that the danger was never total, with Pavin it was absent. This was why she needed the holiday, and yet now, at this moment when she was at Pavin’s mercy, she wondered fearfully what he might do to her without the cons
traints that love provided.

  She soon found out. As her body continued to swell beneath the men’s manipulations, the confining straps and the wickedly air-filled sac within her rectum, Pavin suddenly produced a string of very large, transparent marbles. ‘These are to fill your other opening,’ he said with a thin smile. ‘I want you more swollen that you’ve ever been before. Lie back on the end of the bed, I’ll insert them.’

  Elizabeth started to obey, and immediately the pressure on the highly sensitive walls of her rectum increased. She started to sit up again, but Richard caught hold of her nipple rings and pressed down on them. ‘You heard what Pavin said, Lizzie. Lie back.’

  Elizabeth had no choice but to obey and felt her stomach thrusting upwards with the pressure beneath her. Then Pavin was parting her oiled legs and Richard took hold of one while Pavin thrust a firm thigh in front of the other. He then carefully opened her outer sex lips with one hand while with the other he inserted the first of the cool, smooth glass marbles into her vagina.

  She was very aroused and her own secretions made it slip easily inside. ‘Now contract your vagina,’ Pavin instructed her. ‘Pull it deep inside you, and the others will follow.’

  She knew that she had to obey him, despite the fact that the marbles only served to expand her vaginal walls so that both her passages were full and her body felt as though it couldn’t bear any more stimulation.

  Deborah and Flora watched with increasing excitement as the marbles disappeared inside Elizabeth’s frantically contracting vagina. All the time Richard was urging the young woman on while Pavin let his hands caress her stomach, knowing that this meant she had pressure from above and below her vagina and that the whole feeling of fullness would extend to her bladder so that every possible nerve ending would be alive with bitter-sweet pleasure.

  Once the last marble was inside her, Pavin bent over Elizabeth. He tightened the leather straps beneath her breasts, flicked his fingers across the tender flesh under her arms and then pulled her to her feet and paraded her in front of the silent watchers.


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