Deborah's Discovery

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Deborah's Discovery Page 18

by Fredrica Alleyn

  Slowly everyone came back to earth again, although Deborah found it hard to shake off the almost overwhelming feeling of permanent sensuality that had filled her ever since she’d entered the carefully prepared dining room.

  Pavin put an arm round her. ‘It was your fault I lost! You were far too good at the game. And you looked fantastic.’

  ‘It was great,’ she said, smiling up at him. ‘What happens tomorrow?’

  The rest of the group turned to hear what he had to say. Pavin considered for a moment. ‘I think after this, tomorrow should be Deprivation Day for the women.’

  Brian laughed. ‘Excellent! My favourite day of the holiday!’ But the women said nothing.

  As they climbed into their bed, Deborah turned to Pavin and wrapped her arms round his back. ‘What is Deprivation Day? Does that mean we women all have to sit around knitting or doing flower arrangements, something non-sexual?’

  He chuckled. ‘Hardly! It simply means that although you’re all kept sexually aroused, none of you can have fulfilment until five o’clock in the afternoon.’

  ‘I don’t see how you can stop us,’ murmured Deborah.

  ‘Believe me, we’ve had plenty of practice at that,’ Pavin assured her. ‘You should find it a very stimulating day!’

  Chapter Eleven

  DEBORAH WAS AWOKEN the next morning by the feel of Pavin’s hands cupping her breasts from behind as he lay curled against her back. She gave a sleepy murmur of contentment and felt her nipples hardening against the slightly rough skin of his fingers.

  He blew lightly against the nape of her neck and she wriggled with sensuous joy, knowing that now his hands would roam further down her body and as she pressed back against his morning hardness his arms moved and he carefully pulled her top leg back at a slight angle so that his hand could wander more freely between her thighs.

  She found this kind of coupling delicious. Sometimes he would wake her in the night and was always slow and considerate then. She adored the feeling of being only half-awake while he brought her to a tender, caring climax. Her body responded quickly now to this familiar ritual and she was soon moist between her thighs and felt the slight tension within her abdomen, the tightening of nerve endings behind her pelvic bone that meant she was approaching a climax.

  Then, as she savoured the sensations, Pavin’s hands stopped moving and he rolled away from her. ‘Guess it’s time we got up, honey. They’ll all be down to breakfast promptly this morning.’

  Deborah rolled onto her back and reached out for his hand. ‘Hey, what about me?’

  Pavin chuckled. ‘Didn’t you enjoy that?’

  She rolled on top of him. ‘Very much, but it wasn’t enough!’

  He looked up at her, his blue eyes glinting with amusement. ‘It’ll have to be, Debbie. Remember, today’s Deprivation Day!’

  Deborah didn’t care if it was Abstinence Day, she had no intention of being left feeling the way she was now, aroused, tense and dissatisfied. She placed a hand between their bodies and moved herself up and down on him, letting her own fingers rearouse her.

  Pavin watched her, smiling, but when he saw her eyes start to widen and her lips to part he caught hold of her by her waist and deftly twisted her off him, at the same time bringing her hands round behind her back and tying them together with a pair of padded leather handcuffs that he’d already concealed beneath his pillow before he woke her with his lovemaking.

  ‘You’re not the first young lady to think of that way out of it!’ he chuckled. ‘Right, time to get you washed and dressed.’ Deborah couldn’t believe it when he carefully helped her out of the vast bed, waited until she’d used the bathroom and then joined her so that he could wash and dry her without releasing her hands.

  ‘Bath, shower or strip wash?’ he asked.

  Deborah thought quickly. The erotic possibilities of the first two were far too great under the circumstances. ‘A strip wash will do for now,’ she said sulkily.

  He traced a line beneath her naked breasts and she shivered with sexual tension. ‘Don’t get cross, Debs. The day will be something really special, I promise. Right then, a strip wash it is.’

  As he got to work on her, the same kind of scene was being played out in all the bedrooms, except that Elizabeth was already far more sexually tense and sensitive than any of the other women.

  Brian had awoken her early. He’d fastened her hands before he began and then played for what seemed like hours with her nipple rings, watching her face by candlelight as he twisted and pulled on them. The painfully intense feelings that Elizabeth always experienced when he did this were reflected on her face, and he could bring her so close to an orgasm by this means alone that several times she was sure he’d gone too far and then just as her legs started to go rigid and her body to suffuse with warmth he would stop moving the rings and press the palms of his hands flat over the tops of her breasts until the glorious feelings died away and she was left shifting restlessly on the satin sheets.

  Once or twice he’d let her fall into an early morning doze for a short time, but then he’d woken her and played with her body again, using his fingers to touch on delicate spots inside her elbows and knees, increasing the pressure until pain started to shoot through her, at the same time licking around her clitoral ring with his tongue, but always stopping at the very last moment.

  By the time he came to take her to the bathroom she felt stretched to the limit and exhausted by thwarted need. Her eyelids drooped heavily. Of all the men it was Brian who was best at this game and she was grateful that he wouldn’t spend the whole day with her.

  Flora hated this game. Normally it started quietly for her because Richard wasn’t very good at it, but this year he seemed to have changed and to her amazement he’d woken her at six and spent some time sponging her down with warm water and soap suds before massaging in body lotion. As a result, although she hadn’t come close to climaxing she was more than ready for sexual satisfaction on the one day of the holiday when it was guaranteed she wouldn’t get it until the end of the afternoon.

  Tansy and Celia, together with Paul and Martin, were the first into the dining room. Tansy was wearing a cream satin chemise with a plunging neckline and lace covered breast panel that hid her breasts but dipped into a small V-shape between them. Beneath it she had matching lace-trimmed satin French knickers and cream hold-up stockings.

  Celia had been dressed by Martin in a red stretch bodypiece with a ruched front panel that was fastened by a concealed zip which ran the whole length of the front, down under the crotch and up between her buttocks at the back. Round her neck she had a small thin gold necklace and a matching bracelet adorned her wrist.

  ‘Very sexy!’ commented Pavin when he and Deborah entered the room. The two women glanced quickly at him. They knew very well that they’d been dressed in this way for two reasons; to heighten their sex appeal and to make them easily accessible for the men to arouse during the day. The trouble was that the clothes were sexy to wear as well, and this meant that their senses were permanently heightened.

  Pavin had chosen Deborah’s outfit on the same basis, but of all of them she was the most aroused, because her clinging playsuit was made of black rubber. It had a halter neck and plunging neckline while two small silver chains crossed the V-shaped opening between her concealed breasts. The back of the suit was thonged and between her legs the rubber left a gap for her sex lips. Again tiny chains covered this opening. Her entire body was tightly enclosed, subtly pressurised and designed to continue the arousal Pavin had begun earlier.

  When Flora and Richard joined them, Flora was in a green two-piece with high-cut briefs and a short-bodied teddy that left her entire stomach temptingly exposed. The top of the teddy was fastened with press studs so that it could easily be opened for access and as she crossed the room in black silk stockings and high heels she looked as sexually arousing as the other women.

  Elizabeth and Brian were the last to join them. Deborah had expected Eliza
beth to be in some highly complex leather costume but to her surprise she was wearing a multicoloured soft flowing kaftan with long, wide sleeves, a high collar and hanging almost to the floor. As she crossed the room to where the breakfast dishes were kept the sun shone in through the window and it was clear that beneath the kaftan she wore nothing at all.

  What everyone gradually realised as they watched her was that with every movement she made, the material of the kaftan caressed her nipple and clitoral rings, brushing against them, occassionally snagging on the slight roughness of the join of the rings and generally making sure she was stimulated the whole time.

  The only thing all the women had in common was that their hands were fastened behind their backs.

  They were spoon-fed by their partners whilst sitting at the table, and Deborah found the pressure of the black rubber suit uncomfortable, especially when she tipped back her head to let Pavin tip scrambled egg into her mouth and her upthrust nipples rubbed against the covering. With his free hand he reached casually down into the plunging neckline and eased the rubber away from her nipples for a moment, rolling them each in turn between two fingers. When he released the suit she was actually more aroused than when he’d started and because of this her stomach and vulva swelled slightly and again the rubber constrained her.

  ‘There’s one thing about this day,’ Tansy called down the table as she watched Deborah struggling to come to terms with what was happening to her. ‘We certainly don’t get neglected!’

  ‘I like it,’ admitted Celia. ‘At least, I like the idea. In practice it becomes a bit overwhelming, but remember you won’t be the only one reduced to screaming pitch before the day’s over.’

  None of the women ate much, and they settled for only one cup of coffee knowing that natural breaks would be few and far between. Once the men had eaten, the entire group went down to the swimming pool area and there the women were stretched out on poolside loungers while the men enjoyed a swim and threw a ball around in a game of water polo.

  Every so often one of the men would leave the water and attend to one of the prone women. Deborah didn’t want to know what was happening to anyone else. She knew that it would be as much as she could do to cope with what happened to her, and since other people’s arousal seemed to be such an aphrodisiac for her, she thought it wiser to remain in ignorance. Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but hear the half-muffled groans and soft sighs that these visits elicited from their victims.

  It was Martin who finally came to see to Deborah. Being British himself he was less attracted to her than the other men were; she was a type with which he was familiar, but he could quite understand her fascination for a man like Pavin. He was also becoming intrigued by her blossoming sexuality.

  ‘Spread your legs, Debbie,’ he said quietly. ‘You’re going to enjoy this I promise you.’ She didn’t even open her eyes, but simply did as he said and waited for what was to come.

  Martin covered his erection with a soft, pliant ripple sheath. Once pulled on it squeezed at the base of his shaft and so enabled him to maintain an erection for as long as he wanted while the deeply etched ripples on the surface ensured that the recipient enjoyed quite a different experience from normal.

  Deborah felt Martin’s hands pulling at the fastening to the chains that covered her protruding vulva and within seconds she was fully exposed to him. He found the effect of the tight rubber surrounding her sex lips highly erotic because it made her seem swollen and excited before he’d even begun.

  The cool, soft head of the ripple sheath moved between Deborah’s outer sex lips and she drew in her breath in surprise. It wasn’t like anything she’d felt before. Slowly Martin moved his hips back and forth, and as he did so, Deborah’s rubber suit gripped her burgeoning flesh more fiercely so that she was pushed out towards him even more and he had to part her outer lips with his hands in order to let himself slide along her moist channels, while the cool ribbing teased the inner walls of those outstretched sex lips.

  Now it was Deborah’s turn to give a soft groan of excitement and she lifted her hips on the lounger to give Martin easier access to her. He saw her opening, and could almost sense the hunger within her, a hunger which he knew would increase as the day went on.

  ‘Hey, don’t take all day!’ called Richard from the pool.

  Quickly, Martin let the head of the ripple sheath slide into that needy, aching opening and as he slid back and forth the ripples rubbed against her vaginal walls. Deborah’s breasts strained upwards and sharp flashes of pleasure darted through her pelvic area. Without realising it she began to move in the same rhythm, and immediately Martin stopped and withdrew. Carefully he refastened the chains over the damp, frustrated tissue of her outthrust sex, whispered ‘Until later,’ and then slid back into the pool.

  Deborah lay on her back, her hands fastened to the sides of the lounger, and tried to slow her breathing. It had been a delicious sensation and with a few more thrusts and just a fraction more stimulation of breasts or clitoris she could have come so easily, but she knew it wasn’t to be. When her body refused to settle back into any kind of stillness she realised just how long a day it was going to prove for her hungry body.

  When the men had finished in the pool they got dressed and then led the women through into the room where the water bed was kept. Pavin decided to turn his attention to Flora. He knew her well, knew what particular kind of stimulation could drive her to the edge of insanity and he decided to use that knowledge now.

  As he stepped towards his secretary she felt her mouth go dry. At last Deborah was going to see for herself the kind of sex Flora and Pavin enjoyed together, and although Flora knew it wouldn’t end in total satisfaction she still longed for his skilful manipulations.

  Very gently, Pavin drew her towards the water bed. ‘Bend forward from the waist,’ he said quietly and she complied instantly. She had her back to the rest of the group and when Pavin pulled down her high-cut briefs her tight little buttocks aroused all the men.

  Reaching in front of her, Pavin unfastened the top half of her outfit so that her breasts hung free and then pushed her face down onto the water bed, at the same time pressing the button that caused it to vibrate more intensely.

  ‘Lean forward on your arms, rest your head down and keep your buttocks raised,’ he said softly. ‘I’m going to make sure you’re very clean, Flora; very clean indeed.’

  Excitement gripped Flora like a vice and she squirmed against the undulations of the bed. This had always been their secret, something never before shared, but she didn’t mind Deborah knowing because it would show the Englishwoman exactly how far Pavin liked some of his games to go, and what kind of sex she could expect to be introduced to if she stayed with him.

  As the other four women watched, each with a man behind her casually fondling and caressing her body in the way each individual responded to best, Pavin opened a small box and took out a strange-looking item, rather like a small candle holder, from which protruded what Deborah at first thought to be a long, thin piece of wax.

  He held it up for them all to see more clearly. ‘This is one of Flora’s favourite toys,’ he explained. ‘It’s merely a soap stick, made from remnants of various bars, then moulded together into this candy-shaped twist. Not only does it arouse her; as its soapy qualities make themselves felt it causes other feelings too, that I’m sure you can imagine very well for yourselves. This, combined with other stimulation, is Flora’s idea of bliss.’

  Even Elizabeth looked surprised, and Celia shivered, but Tansy felt a spark of excitement. She could imagine very well what Flora would soon be feeling, and wondered if she might try it herself some time.

  Flora heard him talking and longed for him to begin as her breasts filled with extra blood due to the massaging movement of the water bed. When Pavin’s finger spread lubricating jelly around the flesh between the cheeks of her bottom she tensed in anticipation and then as he pulled her nearer to the foot of the heaving bed and carefully tw
isted and turned the soap stick until it was deep inside her rectum she gasped at the heavy, tingling sparks of arousal already beginning within her.

  With one hand, Pavin continued to twist the soap stick, making sure that it touched every part of those paper-thin rectal walls, and every time he increased the pressure, Flora’s belly cramped as her bowels, irritated by the sensation, started to heave and writhe.

  Pavin slid his free hand beneath her belly and massaged it firmly for a few minutes, hearing her groans of pleasure beginning to mix with sounds of increased discomfort.

  Now his hand moved lower and he massaged her pubic hair, then slid the whole of his palm down between the join of her thighs and pressed up against her vulva, so that the contractions within her back passage and bowels were increased by the stimulation of all the nerve endings within her heavily lubricated vulva.

  As the soap stick turned and the hand on her sex pressed harder it all became too much for Flora. She’d never before done this on the water bed and the increase in every sensation meant that she was feeling the pain as well as the pleasure more acutely.

  ‘That’s enough!’ she gasped. ‘Please, stop the soaping now. I can’t control myself.’

  ‘Of course you can,’ whispered Pavin. ‘Surely you want to show the others how skilful you are at this little game?’

  She did, but she wasn’t sure she could bear it. Then as Pavin, in total defiance of what she’d said, rotated the soap stick more swiftly within her rectum while parting her sex lips and carefully inserting one finger into her vagina, pressing down hard against the swollen little gland that identified her G-spot, she felt the pain and discomfort being overwhelmed by the ecstasy of the tortured nerve endings gathering together for their moment of release and her head went back in readiness.

  She had forgotten what day it was. Pavin swiftly pulled her from the arousing bed, removed the soap stick and turned her to face the rest of the group, holding her arms tightly to her sides and keeping her absolutely still so that the delicious gathering sensation was halted in its tracks and all Flora could do was stand there, her breasts heaving, her eyes frantic and wait as very slowly the sensations died away and she was left with nothing more than a heavy ache at the base of her tight abdomen.


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