Deborah's Discovery

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Deborah's Discovery Page 24

by Fredrica Alleyn

  Pavin smiled at Elizabeth. ‘Lizzie, I’m sure you’d like to be the first victim, wouldn’t you, honey?’

  Elizabeth’s pert nipples hardened visibly and she nodded, walking into the middle of a quickly-formed circle and then standing in front of Pavin as he fastened the scarf round her head, checking that her eyes were totally covered. He spun her round fast three times and as she stumbled and tried to regain her balance, the rest of the group started a slow, almost tribal dance, weaving in and out, the men moving one way and the women the other.

  Deborah could imagine what it must be like for Elizabeth, stumbling around in total darkness, with no idea where anyone was and only the sound of the waves breaking gently on the sand in her ears.

  Lizzie stretched out an arm and half-fell against the group, her slim fingers immediately extending so that they grazed against Tansy’s shoulder. Immediately Pavin helped Elizabeth to lie down on her back, so that she had no way of judging the exact height of the person she’d touched while they worked on her.

  Tansy looked down on the tightly encased form of Elizabeth and flicked her tongue over her lips. She enjoyed Brian’s wife’s body; enjoyed its incredible responsiveness and the way she positively encouraged aggression in others.

  Silently Tansy knelt on the sand next to Elizabeth and then bending down she let her tongue circle the hard nipples where they protruded through the costume. She took special care to let her tongue flick hard against the holes where the nipple rings usually hung and Elizabeth moaned softly.

  ‘Any idea yet, Lizzie?’ said Pavin, but Elizabeth shook her head, trying to concentrate on what was being done to her so that she could identify the person quickly. She knew that as the game progressed it became far less tender than this quiet beginning.

  Tansy put her hands on the tops of Elizabeth’s bare legs and hooking two fingers of each hand inside the high-cut leg of the costume tugged upright as hard as she could. The tiny clitoral ring was pressed against Elizabeth’s swelling nub and she gave a startled cry at the unexpected movement while her legs began to move restlessly on the sand.

  ‘You must make a guess now,’ Pavin instructed her.

  Elizabeth thought hard. It was obviously a woman, but she could think of only one who would go straight for such direct erotic stimulation. ‘Flora!’ she gasped.

  ‘Wrong!’ laughed Pavin.

  Tansy stood up, well satisfied with her performance, and Elizabeth was again spun round and this time she had more trouble keeping her balance because her legs were slightly weak with her growing sexual desire.

  At last she tagged Martin. As she lay down, Martin’s hands peeled her costume straps off her shoulders and then he nibbled softly at the red marks left behind, pulling slightly on the skin so that the olive-skinned girl writhed with delight.

  Next he sucked on the protruding nipples, drawing them in past his teeth, making sure that they were grazed slowly but steadily the whole time and the rest of the circle watched as Elizabeth’s body began to twist and turn in front of them. She pushed upright, trying to press more of the areola into Martin’s mouth but he ignored her and instead lay face down on top of her, one leg between her open thighs, and rubbed, so that the clinging lower part of the costume dragged the ring back and forth making her clitoris move with it and the resulting friction triggered a climax in Elizabeth, whose body arched helplessly before falling back on the sand.

  ‘Well?’ asked Pavin as her body quietened.

  ‘That was Martin!’ she gasped.

  Pavin took off the blindfold as Martin stood up to take his turn as victim.

  ‘Obviously something he’s done before!’ he remarked, and they all laughed.

  Deborah watched as Elizabeth pulled the straps of her costume back up and came to stand close to her. ‘What was it like?’ she asked curiously.

  ‘It’s fabulous!’ enthused Lizzie, glancing across the circle to where Brian was watching her closely. ‘I hope I get another turn. I love the feeling of helplessness when the blindfold goes on and Pavin spins me round.’

  ‘Do we all get a turn?’ asked Deborah anxiously, her body so tight with excitement she dreaded hearing that this might not be the case.

  ‘Not usually; we almost always run out of time. Don’t worry, you’ll get a go. Pavin will want to see how well you play.’

  Before Deborah could ask her what she meant Martin was being turned around and the circle started moving once more.

  He kept his balance more easily than Elizabeth and quickly tagged Brian. It was obvious that Brian didn’t intend Martin to guess who he was because he merely slipped the trainer bottoms from the other man’s legs, letting his hands glide over the outside of his thighs and calf muscles as he did so, and then after removing them he licked lightly on the pad of each of Martin’s big toes.

  ‘That’s Celia!’ Martin said confidently, and Celia smiled at Brian across the circle.

  ‘Wrong,’ Pavin announced, amused at how easily Martin had been taken in. ‘Another spin, I think.’

  This time the huge, grey-haired American deliberately pointed Martin in Deborah’s direction and within a few seconds he had managed to tag her. Since he was now totally nude, Deborah crouched over his prone body and tongued across each of his hip bones in turn. This had the effect of bringing him instantly erect, and with growing excitement Deborah took each of his swelling testicles into her mouth in turn and sucked on them.

  Martin gasped, his body jerked violently and his breathing grew rapid. ‘Guess,’ instructed Pavin.

  Martin knew who it was meant to be, Pavin had told him before the evening began, and he only hoped that somehow or other Deborah had been where his boss had intended. ‘Debbie?’ he said, trying to sound uncertain.

  There was a round of applause, and Deborah realised that it wasn’t because of Martin’s correct guess but for her; now she would get to be the victim for the first time, and they were all anxious to see how she played the game.

  Her sexual arousal, which had been growing steadily during the first two rounds of the game, meant that when she stood in front of Pavin to have the blindfold fastened she was trembling slightly with anticipation. He let his fingers massage the nape of her neck in a brief, caressing movement before turning her around.

  ‘I wish I was taking part,’ he murmured softly. ‘I’d love to be the first one to touch you tonight.’

  Deborah wished that he was playing as well, but before she could respond with even the slightest of touches he was turning her three times and then she was lurching around on the soft sand, blindly groping for some human contact.

  The others circled her, their eyes bright. It was always fun to have someone new join them, to learn the secrets of another person’s body, and Deborah had certainly allowed them to learn a lot about her. There wasn’t a man or woman there who didn’t want to be the first to touch her this evening and when she finally managed to tag Celia on the arm the rest of them felt a pang of disappointment.

  Pavin’s hands grasped Deborah’s shoulders. ‘Lie back,’ he whispered. ‘Just feel what’s happening to you and try to picture who can be touching you.’

  Her mouth was dry. Everything was so quiet, even the sea was too far out for her to hear the small waves on the beach and no one in the group was making a sound. Everything was concentrated on Deborah and what Celia would do to her body.

  Celia had come prepared for the game. In the pocket of her shorts she had a small spray of the Evian water that she normally used to set her makeup. She withdrew it without a sound and then carefully, using only her teeth, she drew the edge of Deborah’s cut-off tank top upwards until the young blonde woman’s midriff and breasts were totally exposed. She then pointed the head of the spray downwards and pressed lightly on the button.

  As the unexpected water fell in a fine spray over her warm, tense flesh Deborah gasped aloud, and now she felt her seducer blowing softly on the damp areas so that they began to turn very cold. Immediately Deborah’s nipples were ha
rd while her stomach shook with the titillation.

  ‘Guess,’ said Pavin, watching her shaking body. Deborah tried to imagine who could have had the forethought to bring such a thing with them. The teeth that had accidentally grazed her flesh at one point felt like a woman’s and so she made a guess. ‘Flora?’

  ‘Wrong. Off we go again.’

  He grasped Deborah under her arms, lifted her to her feet and spun her round even more quickly. This time she fell to her knees and had to struggle up again in order to try and locate a fellow human being. Suddenly she was beginning to feel lonely and disorientated and she hoped that this time she would guess who her seducer was.

  When Paul was tagged, Pavin smiled to himself. He doubted if Deborah would guess Paul. He was far too skilled a player to give himself away. They all wanted Deborah’s turn as victim to last as long as possible.

  Paul, who recalled Deborah’s fascination with Brian and the fact that she’d been out with him on her own earlier that day, decided to behave more in Brian’s fashion. She would still remember his touch, his ways, and it should be easy to fool her.

  Harshly he dragged her shorts down her long, shapely legs and when he saw that beneath them she was wearing only a G-string, he knew that he could fool her. He dug the fingers of his hands into the top and jerked upwards, splitting her sex lips apart and bringing intense pressure to bear on her yearning, damp flesh. Deborah groaned, it felt so good that her juices felt hot with desire as they flowed from her and there was the instant bunching sensation in the pit of her stomach that told her she was close to coming.

  Pavin, standing above her, watched her body responding to Paul’s treatment and felt himself becoming painfully erect. He longed to take her there on the sand himself, but there was plenty of time for him to enjoy her later. Right now she belonged to them all and her abandonment to this was exactly what he’d hoped for.

  Keeping the G-string cruelly tight against her inner flesh, Paul then pushed a hand up beneath her top and gripped one breast, digging his fingertips in around the outsides exactly as he knew Brian did.

  The tightness of his grip, the glorious streaks of red-hot pain that changed swiftly to glorious pleasure and the incessant pulling against her inner sex lips brought Deborah to an immediate climax and she went rigid on the sand as her back arched and her shoulders pressed down into the beach.

  ‘Who is it?’ Pavin asked, even before her last tremors had died away.

  At least now she would be free, thought Deborah. It had been exciting and stimulating, but she wanted to see again, and so she quickly gasped, ‘Brian!’


  She couldn’t believe her ears. ‘No! I can’t be. It was Brian, I know it was.’

  ‘I hope you’re not suggesting I’m cheating?’ queried Pavin, pulling her limp body upright once more. She didn’t reply. Knowing that he wouldn’t lie she suddenly realised that everything had been done deliberately in the way Brian would have done it, simply to confuse her.

  This time when she stumbled over the sand, her legs heavy and aching, she realised that if she wasn’t careful they could keep her as the victim all the evening. They all knew the way they behaved and could duplicate these patterns. She would have to look past the obvious and try for someone the complete opposite if she wanted to be freed.

  The third time, she tagged Elizabeth. Brian’s wife knew what was expected of her. Normally her role was submissive, she was never the sexual aggressor, but Deborah was not expected to guess and so she must play the game differently.

  While Pavin was lying Deborah down, spreading her legs wide so that her sex was only protected by her G-string, Elizabeth quickly dipped her hands into a tiny pool of water that had collected in a rock close by and then rolled them in the soft sand. When she was kneeling beside Deborah’s body she tugged the tank top upwards until Deborah’s arms were above her body but still caught in the garment, which meant that virtually the whole of the Englishwoman’s body was exposed.

  Next she leant down and massaged the mixture of salt water and grainy sand all over the blonde’s breasts, paying special attention to the nipples, their peaks now so hard and pointed; rolling the sand over them until the grains were embedded in every tiny crevice.

  Deborah began to moan. It felt so strange, her skin prickled and burned and filled her with a despairing need for a kinder touch, a soothing lotion or the cooling water that had been sprayed on her earlier. Yet at the same time this same sensation increased her desire, and her clitoris began to throb. Elizabeth knew very well what Deborah would be experiencing. Now she dipped her still-damp hands into the sand again and very slowly started to spread the coarse grains over the inner thighs which trembled beneath her hands.

  Deborah hardly dared to breathe in case the arousing but wickedly pricking mixture was put between her thighs, onto her most vulnerable places, but Elizabeth had her attack well planned. Once the thighs were covered, forcing Deborah to keep her legs apart or risk having the sand touch her sex lips, she massaged what was left even more firmly into the base of her victim’s stomach, pressing and moving the tissue so that between her widely spread legs Deborah could feel her clitoris being indirectly stimulated, rubbing up and down inside its protective hood and then felt the covering flesh rotating around the entire clitoral area. The burning heat grew and grew deep within her and she knew that she was going to come again in front of them all.

  This time her head tossed from side to side in the sand as her upstraining breasts continued to feel the incessant pinpricks of the sand and her lower belly was massaged so cunningly until at last she felt the tightness rising to a crescendo of release. ‘Yes! Yes!’ she gasped, and her hips twisted away from Elizabeth in her final climactic paroxysm.

  ‘Who was that then, Deborah?’ asked Pavin, his voice surprisingly steady considering his rising desire for Deborah as she lay at his feet racked by her second orgasm.

  Deborah thought quickly. The ideas, the way it had all been done, seemed like Brian’s, but the touch had been that of a woman. She went to say Flora, and then stopped herself. Flora was too obvious, she must choose the opposite. A picture of gentle, docile Elizabeth, awaiting her own torment with such eagerness, sprang into her mind and she decided to take a chance on total role reversal.

  ‘Elizabeth!’ she said clearly.

  Pavin was very surprised; he had expected her to name Flora, but he realised that she’d worked out how they’d been playing the game with her and admired the way she’d kept sufficient control of her senses to guess her seducer.

  ‘Correct. Very well done, Debbie. Right, I think the food’s ready now. After we’ve eaten entertainment is voluntary!’

  Deborah shivered as Pavin gently untied the blindfold and removed it from her head. She blinked in the slowly fading light. At first she felt terribly self-conscious but then, realising that everyone else had gone, she let out a quiet sigh of relief.

  ‘You played well,’ said Pavin, kissing her gently on the forehead when what she longed for was a passionate kiss on her mouth. ‘I hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did.’

  Deborah nodded. ‘The blindfold and the open air made it utterly incredible, and because I couldn’t see I was frightened and all the sensations were more intense.’

  ‘Of course, that’s why it’s done.’

  ‘The trouble is …’

  ‘What?’ he asked, but his laughing eyes told her he already knew.

  ‘The more I play these games, the more you all teach me the different ways I can be stimulated, the more sex I seem to need.’

  ‘That’s even better! I’ll try and take care of that for you later. Right now, let’s eat.’

  They had charcoal-grilled sausages stuffed with dried apricots and wrapped round with rashers of bacon, pieces of chicken in a spicy breadcrumb covering and small steaks marinated in red wine and spices, plus numerous salads and sticks of French bread. It was all washed down with glasses of chilled Chardonnay or ice-cold beer and then wh
en they had eaten enough, Pavin and Deborah slipped away from the cove and walked quietly up the cliff path to the castle.

  Deborah had never wanted Pavin as badly as she did at this moment, and she could tell by the pressure of his arm round her and the way he kept stroking the side of her face and her bare arms that he felt the same.

  The stairs to their room seemed endless.

  Chapter Fifteen

  AS SOON AS they entered the bedroom, Pavin peeled Deborah’s tank top over her head and then crouched down to ease the tight G-string from between her damp, clinging inner lips. He let his tongue glide briefly up along the parting, and she nearly fell to the floor at the delicious weakness that assailed her as a result.

  ‘You need a bath to get that sand off,’ he said softly. He then carried her through into the bathroom and filled the huge tub with steaming water before pouring in some scented oil. Within seconds the entire room was flooded with the fragrance of jasmine and through the steam she saw him removing his own clothes and then he was lifting her up and lowering her into the scented depths.

  Deborah slid down until everything but her face was concealed, then watched as Pavin joined her, his huge, tightly muscled body making the water rise dangerously near the top of the bath so that Deborah had to sit up in order not to swallow any.

  As she’d originally suspected, the bath had been designed in order to accommodate Pavin and a companion, and so at last they were able to sit together in the warm intimacy of a tub and Deborah watched him rest his leonine head back against the opposite end, his eyes half-closed.

  ‘Didn’t you want to play the game with us in the cove?’ she asked, indolently dipping a sponge into the water and running it down the valley between her breasts.

  ‘No, I enjoyed watching. You’ve no idea how exciting I found it seeing you pleasured at my feet.’ He stretched out one leg and this time his toe was able to slide freely up between her sex lips without the constraint of leggings between them.


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