Harvesting Hope: in Saddleback Ridge

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Harvesting Hope: in Saddleback Ridge Page 12

by Milan Watson

When he braced himself over her she opened for him. They rocked together until Gemma felt the world disappear. Her hands ran over his back, her breath catching as her release built. They slowly danced towards an abyss. She held onto him even as she captured his mouth. She could taste his desire even as her own reached the edge. Gemma held onto him as they raced over it together, but instead of falling they flew.

  Breathless, a smile curved her mouth knowing she would never hold onto anyone else again. In Dusty’s arms was where she belonged.

  Chapter 26

  Dusty didn’t sneak out before the crack of dawn; instead he lingered in Gemma’s bed until the sun was high. After coffee in bed and a little cuddling, Dusty finally said goodbye after securing a promise that she would come out to the ranch later that day.

  As soon as the fresh morning air touched his cheeks when he stepped outside, his mind went over everything that happened the night before. He had a sour craw just thinking about Dean setting snares just to eat. He pulled up in front of the grocer and after piling a cart high with pantry essentials and a few sodas, he paid before heading back to Falcon Falls.

  As he pulled into the ranch gratitude washed over him. He had never appreciated Falcon Falls more than he did right now. This was his heritage and he was proud knowing it was just as important to his brothers and his father as it was to him. He pulled up in front of the ranch house just as Ford jogged down the stairs. “Did you finally tame that filly?” Ford asked as Dusty climbed out.

  Dusty couldn’t stop the easy grin on his face. “I wouldn’t put it like that but we’re on the same page.”

  Ford frowned before laughter erupted from his throat. “I was talking about Star-Gazer, not Gemma.”

  Dusty cringed. “Heck Ford! Use a name next time.”

  Ford chuckled. “But I’m glad to hear Gemma has been tamed,” Ford teased, emphasizing her name.

  “Bugger off would ya?” Dusty said, hauling the purchases out, making Ford frown.

  “You spend the night at Gemma’s or robbing the grocery store?”

  “They’re for Dean,” Dusty said, shoving two bags at Ford.

  That wiped the grin off his brother’s face. “Good thinking. Dad agreed we should give him some meat as well, and a little cash to tied him over.”

  “Good. I just don’t know how we can help him.” Dusty sighed. “Short of offering him a job there really isn’t much we can do.”

  Ford nodded. “I know, we’ll figure something out.”

  “First, there are chores to be done. Dusty you need to check on that filly of yours. Farley mumbled somethin’ this morning about her not nursing.”

  Dusty shrugged. “I’ll check on her but Farley’s convinced she should be plugged in at all times, nature doesn’t work that way.”

  Ford chuckled. “I’ve got the men moving the herd closer. We need to brand and neuter the late birthers.”

  “Who’s going out to Upton ranch?” Clayton asked with a frown.

  “I’ll go,” Dusty offered. He wiped sweat from his brow and sighed. “We’re halfway through the dog days of summer, but it feels there’s heat to come yet.”

  “Yup, so better get started before the heat pulls in.” Clayton turned and headed back into the house.

  Dusty checked on the filly who was just fine and nursing as she should, while Ford rode out with his men. It was a little before lunch when he loaded everything he bought back into the pickup along with a cold-box loaded with beef. He knew Dean was going to fight against accepting it, but he would drop it on the porch if that’s what it came to.

  As he drove to Upton Ranch he thought of Gemma again. Instead of his heart clenching with anxiety of losing her again, it swelled knowing she was finally his. A smile curved his mouth as he tapped the steering wheel. Although their properties bordered, the entrance to Upton Ranch was about twenty miles out from Falcon Falls’ entrance.

  He slowly bumped over the eroded gravel road only to feel his jaw clench when he recognized the neat little SUV parked out front. Memories slammed into his gut, making a cold sweat bead his face.

  Gemma wouldn’t run around on him, he promised himself even as doubt began to circle his happiness. He climbed out of the pickup and started towards the porch when the door opened. Dean and Gemma stepped outside without seeing him. Dean wrapped his arms around Gemma in a hug that made Dusty doubt everything they’d shared the night before.

  He was sure there was a reasonable explanation for Dean Upton hugging his girl, but he wasn’t sure he’d keep his fists down until he heard it. Instead he turned and started carting everything towards the porch.

  “Dusty?” Gemma called out, surprised.

  Dusty tipped his hat before glancing at Dean. “Dean.”

  “I don’t want your charity Caldwell, I made that clear.”

  Dusty shrugged. “It ain’t charity, its food. Since I’ll have to shoot you if you set snares again I thought this was a better option.” His voice was strained but only because he wanted to know what the heck Gemma was doing at Dean’s.

  “I ain’t gonna take it,” Dean said stubbornly.

  “Dean, don’t be foolish,” Gemma pleaded with him. “They’re being neighborly; I know you would have done the same if the tables were reversed.”

  Dean opened his mouth to argue as Dusty set down the cold box of beef. A sigh escaped him. “Thanks Dusty.”

  Dusty tipped his hat before he turned and headed back to his pickup. He’d talk to Gemma at Falcon Falls, this wasn’t the place to question her loyalty and he wasn’t prepared to lose her again over a misunderstanding. He left in a cloud of dust and headed back home. He shoved the image of Gemma hugging Dean to the corners of his mind and instead allowed himself to think of what they had shared the night before.

  Chapter 27

  “Thank you, Gemma, I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” Dean said as he walked Gemma to her car.

  Gemma smiled. “Let’s work out the details before you thank me. It’s been good seeing you again, Dean, now get them groceries inside before they ruin.”

  Dean sighed. “I hate taking it from them.”

  Gemma frowned as she slipped in behind the steering wheel. “They gave it to you, Dean, take it.” She paused and searched his gaze. When she’d arrived there had been nothing but despair and anger in his gaze, now there was a flicker of hope. “Do you know why I moved back from Denver, Dean?”

  “You missed your folks?” Dean hedged.

  Gemma laughed. “Yeah some, but mostly because here people still care. It’s not just about the profit and the next big thing; it’s about the person next to you. You should be grateful for that instead of turning your nose up at it.”

  Dean huffed. “I’ll try to remember that.”

  “You do. I’ll be in touch as soon as I have news.”

  Gemma shifted the car into gear and left Upton Ranch. When she reached the Main Road she knew she had her work cut out for her with Dusty. She hadn’t wanted anyone to know about her plan until she had some surety, but after having Dusty find her there she knew she couldn’t keep it from him. The situation had been too similar to nine years ago with Joe Parker. She was grateful that he didn’t make a scene, but then Dusty never did. He just walked away.

  She pulled up behind his truck and knew he wouldn’t be in the house. There was only one place Dusty went to when he was upset. She grabbed one crutch, knowing she’d be taxing her ankle if she walked all the way to the stables. Hobbling and huffing she arrived at the entrance to the stables. Bracing herself for the argument that was bound to happen, she took a moment to catch her breath.

  Dusty was standing in front of Sammy’s stable murmuring to the horse. Gemma’s heart stopped as she watched him. Up until now she hadn’t been ready to name her emotions but without a doubt she knew it was love that she felt for the handsome man before her. “Dusty…”

  He turned to her and instead of the cold anger she expected he walked to her with a grin. He scooped her off her feet bef
ore crashing his mouth against hers. The affection and passion was so unexpected that Gemma couldn’t help but giggle. “That was not the hello I expected.”

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since I left your bed this morning,” Dusty said, brushing a strand of hair from her face after gently setting her down.

  “I thought you’d be angry?” Gemma asked, shaking her head.

  Dusty shrugged. “You couldn’t be with a man who doesn’t trust you. If you were at Dean’s I’m sure you had good reason, besides you came home to me.”

  Gemma’s heart swelled. Her apartment in town was home, but Dusty was right. Home was wherever he was. For a moment she just clung to him letting the scent of horses and Dusty cloud her mind. His trust meant more to her than any promise ever could. “If you help me back to the house, I’d like talk to your whole family.”

  Dusty frowned. “It sounds serious. Are you suing him for your ankle?”

  Gemma smirked. “Yeah, I’m sure he’d hug me if I were suing his ass.”

  “Touché.” Dusty chuckled.

  Instead of taking her elbow like she expected, he scooped her up and carried her to the porch. Men were working, horses were grazing not far from the house, and in the distance she could see Ford and the ranch hands driving the cattle closer. It was so different from Denver, but somehow it suited her.

  Dusty suited her.

  He set her down on a bench on the porch. “Wait here while I summon the troops.”

  Gemma couldn’t help but feel nervous as the Caldwells joined her one by one. She could see curiosity in their gazes, but she wouldn’t say a peep until everyone was present. Dean Upton was their neighbor and the idea she had wouldn’t directly affect the Caldwells, but if she were to make Falcon Falls her future she needed to respect their input.

  “The gang’s all here,” Dusty said, taking a seat beside her.

  Ford leaned against the railing; Clayton sat in his rocking chair. Drake and Logan were seated on Adirondack chairs. Gemma drew in a deep breath trying to calm her nerves before she began. “I went to see Dean Upton this morning. Dusty told me what happened last night and the debt he’s in.”

  Clayton frowned. “Dusty, you know ‘bout this?”

  “No,” Gemma answered on Dusty’s behalf. “He knows I was there but I wanted to tell all of you together why. My boss in Denver has been humming about having a ranch for years. Nothing big, not even to ranch. Just a place to wind down whenever the city gets too much. When Dusty told me about Dean, that had me thinking. I had a pretty good idea how big Upton Ranch was, but I wasn’t sure. After talking to Dean, I knew it was big enough.”

  “Big enough for what? You’re talking in circles.” Ford huffed.

  “I pitched the idea to Dean to sell a piece of his ranch. At the far end against the highway. It’s only about a tenth of Upton Ranch, but by my initial calculations the sale would pay his debt and leave him with enough to buy some cattle to start over. It would be tight for the next year, but after next year’s spring auction he’d be back on his feet.”

  Dusty shook his head even as he began to chuckle. “You found a way to help Dean and save his ass?”

  Gemma shrugged. “Of course my boss would have to come see the property for himself, but I have a good feeling that if I do some creative designing I could convince him.”

  “I would’ve hugged you as well,” Dusty said, reaching for her hand.

  Silence hung over the porch as everyone processed the news. It was Logan who spoke first. “Too many ranchers are selling off their land to developers. It takes away from the land, I’m not sure if this is the right option.”

  Clayton cleared his throat. “Logan, she’s not developing a village of damn yuppies. She’s selling a piece of Upton Ranch to one man, not even to ranch. I think it’s the perfect solution. Thank you, Gemma, I’m sure Dean is grateful to you.”

  “He is.” Gemma smiled although Logan wasn’t completely convinced. “Logan, I’ll have him sign something that promises never to develop the land into a yuppie village.”

  Logan sighed. “Fine, that’ll ease my mind.”

  “Gemma, you’re a star. Now if there isn’t anything else, I need to get back to the cattle.” Ford put his hat back on.

  “I’m done.” Gemma smiled. “Thanks for coming.”

  Once everyone was gone and it was just Gemma and Dusty left, he turned to her with that warm brown gaze. “Have I told you that you baffle, intrigue, infuriate and inspire me?”

  Gemma chuckled. “Have I told you that I love you?”

  Dusty’s breath caught as he searched her gaze. For a moment the air stood still. It was a hot afternoon, the type of heat that made you catch your breath. But Dusty’s eyes were like a tall drink of water as a smile began to curve his mouth. She had wanted to say it first; she wanted to see the shock and surprise in his gaze. After years of what if’s and why not’s, she was ready to commit.

  “You’re supposed to say that when you’re someone’s girl. Are you my girl, Gemma?”

  Gemma’s laughter was soft as she stroked a hand over his square jaw. “I’m your girl, Dusty… I’ve always been your girl.”

  Dusty framed her face as he searched her gaze. “I loved you after three dates, I loved you when you left although I was angry, and when you came back I realized that love never went away. I love you Gemma, and I’ve never said those words to any girl before.”

  Gemma’s heart swelled. “So what happens now?”

  Dusty chuckled. “I’d like more than three dates this time, let’s start with a lifetime. We can work out the details later.” He stood up and held out his hand. “Have you seen my place?”

  Gemma frowned. “You mean the one behind Ford’s?”

  “It’s got a better view; I really think you should see it,” Dusty said with a glint in his eye.

  Gemma laughed as they sneaked around the house, it was the middle of the day and the ranch was buzzing with commotion but Gemma didn’t care, her body was already buzzing to be touched by Dusty.

  Chapter 28

  “I can’t wait to surprise the men with this,” Gemma said as she slipped the seared salmon onto a serving dish.

  Kelly nodded. “I know, if we’re going to be small town girls, we’ll bring the city to them.”

  “What are you girls cooking?” Betty asked as she walked into the kitchen. It was early evening and after spending most of the afternoon with Dusty, Gemma was starving. She had found Kelly scouring the fridge before the two of them decided to cook dinner. They knew Betty was coming over tonight, but wanted to give her the night off.

  Gemma smiled at Betty as she pulled her into the kitchen. “We’re taking them on a tour of tastes around the world.”

  “Wow!” Betty chuckled. “You girls have really gone to town.”

  Kelly smiled. “We might have taken things too far, but when we got to the grocery store and saw they’d opened a new health section, we binged.”

  “We’ve got quinoa salad, grilled salmon, basil and mint mashed potatoes, roasted aubergine, oh and…” Gemma said opening the fridge. “Watermelon, mint and champagne cocktails.”

  “Nothing eases a burden like tiny bubbles,” Kelly added with a wink.

  Betty’s eyes widened. “Sounds like a feast.”

  “When all the boys are back we can have a cocktail on the porch,” Kelly added.

  Gemma couldn’t help but be surprised at how comfortable she felt in the Caldwell home. But with five men in residence the kitchen was neutral territory and although Gemma could barely cook to save her life, Kelly was a whiz in the kitchen. She had played lackey for the most part and couldn’t help but be amazed as her favorite dishes came together.

  “I’m sure they’ll love watermelon cocktails after a long day’s work on the ranch.” Betty chuckled as she headed upstairs to put away her bag.

  “Do you think she was being sarcastic?” Kelly asked with a frown.

  Gemma shrugged. “No, of course not.”

>   Cocktails were poured, sprigs of mint added along with crushed ice and placed on a tray. They carried everything out to the porch as the men started arriving from all corners of the ranch.

  “Here you go.” Gemma handed Dusty a cocktail.

  Just like with Betty no one had questioned her presence. Gemma couldn’t help but be grateful because although she and Dusty had declared their love for each other she wasn’t sure how she would’ve answered.

  Dusty took a sip and flinched. “What is this? Coolaid?”

  Gemma frowned even as Clayton began to cough. “Is there a reason we’re drinking cough syrup on ice?”

  “If this is payback for leaving the engagement party last night,” Ford began, glancing at Kelly.

  Gemma turned to Kelly with a frown. “Okay, maybe they don’t like the cocktails, but I’m sure they’ll love the food.”

  “I’ll fetch us some beers,” Logan offered, heading inside.

  Betty took a sip of her cocktail. “Did you see how nice his office looks?”

  Nods were given but Gemma sensed there was more to the nods than anyone let on. Clayton was the one who finally broke the silence. “Leona wouldn’t have wanted us to keep her sewing room as a shrine to her. I think its good Logan has settled in, hopefully now he’ll start getting some work done.”

  A chapter had closed, Gemma realized. Leona Caldwell had been gone for a long time and she could see that everyone around her still honored her memory with soft gazes.

  “What’s for dinner?” Ford finally asked, popping the top off his beer on Logan’s return.

  Gemma glanced at Kelly with a smile. “Ford, I don’t think you know how lucky you are. Kelly is a genius in the kitchen. We’ve got grilled salmon, quinoa salad, and roasted aubergines.”

  Ford looked like someone had just knocked over his beer. “We have to eat it?”

  “Apple pie, Ford, apple pie,” Clayton said with a hint of a grin. His eyes were hooded beneath his bushy brows but Gemma could see the teasing glint.

  “Sorry no, there isn’t apple pie,” Gemma said cautiously.


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