by Dusks, Rydre
SiyariDendo - See-arr-ee-den-doh
SolTansra - Sull-tanz-ruh
Stelliot OrrVieh - Stell-ee-ut Or-vee-uh
Sylvain - Sill-vayn
TeilaLouna - Tay-luh-loo-nuh
Terra - Tayr-uh
Toanwar Voelwrath - Toh-awn-warr Vull-rath
TorRhea - Torr-ree-uh
Tragedy En'siq - Tra-jeh-dee Enn-sick
Va'th Kaliqaiah - Vath Kawl-ih-kai-uh
Velzae - Vell-zay
Z'kada - zih-kaw-duh
Zlade Voelwrath - Zlayd Vull-rath
AbujruHenza - Ah-boo-roo-hen-zuh
Agastay - Aa-guh-stay
Alker - Al-kur
Cantor - Can-tohr
Ckin - Kinn
Crua - Kroo-uh
Esha - Eh-shuh
Gasaidiatt - Guh-say-dee-at
GreyCross - Gray-krohss
Iason - Ai-uh-sawn
Ifearor - Ai-feer-ur
Lenta - Lehn-tuh
Maater City - Maw-tur City
Roavo - Roh-ah-voh
Rove - Rove
Saydea - Say-dee-uh
Sheliaas - Shee-lee-aws
Souloroh - Sull-ur-oh
Va'lent - Vaw-lehnt
Anli - An-lai
Cantorian - can-tohr-ee-un
Cosiri - Koh-see-ree
Iasona - Ai-uh-soh-nuh
Ifearian - Ai-feer-ee-un
Lentan - Lehn-tun
Shelian - Shee-lee-un
Souloran - Sull-ur-un
Va'lentan - Vaw-lehn-tun
About the Author
Rydre Dusks is a 26-year-old artist who has also been writing novels for years. It took her nearly 14 years to publish Godling, but has many more books in the works, with multiple novels based in the Kairenz Jistora series.
She lives with her wife and young daughter in a small town in Idaho with their three cats and one snake. She has struggled for over a decade with anxiety and coming to terms with her autism. Aside from writing, Rydre loves to create artistic portraits of her story characters, play video-games, collect ball-jointed dolls, and defend her home against zombie hordes.