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Abramova, Z. A., 283
African buffalo, 90–91, 116, 101, 160, 172, 192
Ager, T. A., 234
Alaska: climate, 200–208; mummies, 37–44
Alaska Gold Co., 49
Albon, S. D., 93
Alexander, R. McN., 140
Allain, J., 289
American bison, 115, 119; behavior, 156; diet, 176; hump, 144–50; tail, 122; teeth, 176; tooth wear, 180–82
Anderson, E., 88
Anderson, J. H., 301
Anderson, P. M., 232, 270
Anti-herbivory compounds, 202–4
Antlers, 166; chewing of (“pica”), 216
Arthropod identification, 299
Ashworth, R., 90
Attack-flight response, 287–90
Aufeis, 20
Averikhin, A. I., 28
Azzaroli, A., 280
Badgers, 248–49
Baker, F., 262
Barnicot, C. R., 262
Barriers to colonization of New World, 275–77
Baryshnikov, G. F., 25, 78, 175, 190, 245, 255, 258, 259, 269, 270, 285
Batzli, G.O., 217
Berezovka mammoth, 3–7; fat thickness, 4; stomach contents, 4; tail length, 4–6
Bertram, B. C. R., 100, 104, 105
Beug, H.-J., 270
Birch Zone Interval, 59
Bison, 173; body size, 187–91; bonnets, 165; calf color, 159; cranial anatomy, 160–64, 182–85; diet, 182–85; facial skin, 165; horon size, 188; hunted, 273–90; interstadial size changes, 186; pelage, 123; premaxillary bones, 184; tails, 122; teeth, 177–80, 184; vertebrae, 144–50
Bissonette, J. A., 218
Blesbok, 136, 178
Bligh, John, 50
Blowflies, 86
Blue Babe: blood clots, 91; bones, 110; burial, 75; cause of death, 85–92; decomposition, 85; excavation, 61–65; fat, 83, 109; hair, 112, 116, 124–25; horn annuli, 130–31; horn growth, 82, 175; horns, 128; hump, 144–50; leg scratches, 89; live weight, 98; necropsy, 82; no blowflies in, 112–13; post-depositional changes, 110–13; preparation, 291; radiocarbon date, 61; scavenging of, 107–11; season of burial, 85; season of death, 81–83; skin punctures, 89–91; skin, 83, 109; tail, 118, 170
Body size gradient, 265; and available protein, 268
Bohlken, H., 197
Bombin, M., 246, 270
Bonnet-horned musk-ox, 245
Bonnichsen, R., 239
Boreal forest, 200–208
Borowski, S., 176
Bosinski, G., 285
Boutellier Interval, 61
Bovini: phylogeny, 192
Bowen, D. Q., 187
Boyce, M. S., 174
Braack, L. E. O., 83
Brandt, J. F., 3
Brantas, G. C., 155
Brown lemming, 251
Brubaker, L. B., 234
Brunnacker, K., 270
Bryant, J., 258
Bryant, S. P., 258
Budel, J., 270
Bygott, J. D., 104
Caecalids vs. ruminants, 266–67
Camel, 134, 245
Campbell, B. H., 176
Canter (gait), 134–35
Carbyn, L. N., 289
Caribou, 83, 118, 157, 167, 193, 202, 245
Cassoli, P. F., 270
Cattle, 182
Chaline, J., 268
Chapin, F. S., III, 204, 215
Cheetah, 95
Churapachi rhino, 34–36; gut contents, 34
Churcher, C. S., 246, 247
Cinq-Mars, J., 240
Clark, R. C., 176
Clashers, 160–64
Clovis sites, 281, 287
Clutton-Brock, T. H., 93, 158
Colinvaux, P. A., 27, 176, 180, 226, 232, 240–45, 246–55, 259, 263
Collared lemming, 251–52
Colorado Creek mammoth, 34
Coyote, 94
Craig, J. L., 76, 78
Cuticle analysis, 176–85
Cuvier, G., 2
Cwynar, L. C., 180, 226–27, 233–34, 236, 240–41, 255
Davis, B. M., 238
Decomposition, 83–85
Degerbol, M., 195
Digby, B., 3
Dima, 7–24; age of, 14–15; burial, 23; cause of death, 12; geology of site, 10; preservation, 18; radiocarbon date, 9–10
Dimery, N. J., 140
Dixon, E. J., 245
Dome Creek bison, 37
Dubrovo, I. A., 12, 17
Duffield, L. F., 131
Duiker syndrome, 141
Duvanny Yar Interval, 60
Eagan, Dan, 49
Edwards, M. E., 234
Effie mammoth, 41
Eisenmann, V., 262
Eland, 178
Elephant, 4; tooth complexity in, 261; mortality, 16; season of birth, 14
Empel, W., 143
Ehrlich, Paul, 167
Erosian, 55, 78–79
Estes, R. F., 141, 154–56
European bison, 115; behavior, 156; determining age of, 131; hump, 138–39; tail, 122
Ewer, R. F., 97
Extinction, 285–87
Fairbanks, Alaska: climate, 209; photoperiod, 223
Fairbanks Creek bison, 38
Ferrets, 248–49
Fighting behavior, 160–72
Filin, V.R., 175
Flerov, C. C., 37, 118–29, 164, 173–74, 191
Fox, 94, 107
Frazer, A. F., 155
Freeze-drying, 22
Frenzel, B., 270
Frison, G. C., 179–80
Fuller, W. A., 82, 131
Gaits, 133–40
Gallop (gait), 134–35
Garfinkel, H. L., 234
Garut, V. E., 34
Geikie, J., 2
Geist, V., 101, 117–29, 141, 147, 166, 172, 191, 264
Gentry, A. W., 192
Gilbert, M. B., 187, 189
Gipson, P. S., 176
Giraffe, 134
Giterman, R. E., 270
Globeva, L. V., 270
Goats, 160
Goldstream Formation, 59
Gönnersdorf site, 6, 25, 283, 285
Gonyea, W., 90
Gorlova, R. N., 28
Granqvist, Eirik, 51, 94, 292–98
Grime, J. P., 235
Grizzly bear, 88, 94, 109, 193
Gromova, V., 195
Ground squirrel, 215; chronological distribution, 250; mummy, 43–44
Groves, C. P., 192
Growing season, 268
Guinness, F. E., 93
Habgood, T., 240
Haféz, E. S. E., 160
Hair, long in north, 116–19
Hamilton, T. D., 76–78, 186
Hampster, 250
Hanby, J. P., 104
Hanks, J., 14
Hansen, H. C., 218
Hansen, R. M., 176
Happy Interval, 61
Harington, C. R., 95, 187, 226, 239, 269
Hartebeest, 136
Harvey, P. H., 158
Haynes, G., 15, 87, 109, 179
Hedenstrom, M., 2
Helmeted musk-ox, 43
Herz, Otto F., 3, 4
Hinkes, M., 176
Hoffecker, John, 281
Hofman, R. R., 176
Hoof loading, 201
Hoof size, and substrate, 262
Hopkins, D. M., 59–61, 74, 174, 184–87, 240, 258, 270
Horns, as defense, 171
Horse, 173, 239; chronological distribution, 243–44. See also Selerikan horse
Howorth, H. H., 2
Hubbard, R. E., 176
Hultén, E., 185
Hump: ecology, 140; engineering, 134; muscles, 138; stretch ligament, 139; functional significance, 150–53
Hunting (of bison), 273–90
Ice wedge, 20, 57
Il’inskii, S. P., 13
Impala, 178
Indigirka bison, 37
Interglacial climate, 187
Ivanova, E. I., 13
Iverson, J., 195
Jaczewski, Z., 156
Janssens, J. A. P., 186
Jerboa, 250
Johnstone, R. C. B., 15–16, 246, 256
Jones, R. L., 218, 262
Juna, H. G. J., 217
Kahlbuy rhino, 34
Kahlke, H. D., 250
Kaisen, O. C., 114, 131, 133, 181, 189–91, 195
Karsten, P., 101, 118–29, 147
Kelsall, J. P., 201, 262
Ker, R. K., 140
Khatanga mammoth, 24
Kirkpatrick, C. M., 218
Kislev, S. V., 247–48
Koch, W., 143
Korobkov, A. A., 175
Kowalski, K., 195, 255, 269–70
Kra, Z., 176
Krausman, P. R., 218
Kubiak, H., 29
Kudu, 178
Kuropat, P. J., 258
Kurtén, B., 88, 95
Kuz’mina, Y., 262
La Brea tar pits, 71
Lachenbruch, A. H., 57
Lapparent, A., 2
Lawhorn, H., 176
Lawn adaptations, 183
Lawn forming grasses, 207
Laws, R. M., 15–16, 246, 256
Lazarev, P. A., 30–31, 34
Leroi-Gourhan, A., 126, 289
Lion, 90–91, 172, 245, distribution, 98; killing techniques, 91–93; male ornamentation, 103–4; pride size, 103; sex ratios, 100; tooth enamel, 99; tooth fragment, 97–100; buffalo kill, 287
Loess, 53–55, 62–65, 71
Lott, D. F., 156, 172
Lyell, Charles, 1
McDonald, J. N., 43, 133, 158, 174, 191, 194
McHugh, T., 156
McKendrick, J. D., 176
McNaughton, S. J., 260
Maglio, V. J., 260
Magpie, 107
Mammoth steppe: arguments for, 227–29; aridity, 208–15; concept, 269; faunal coherence, 268; map of, 254; name, 270; nutrient recycling, 211; pollen influx, 229–39; seasonality, 219–25; soil temperature, 222
Martin, P. S., 187, 189
Matthews, J. V., Jr., 53, 86, 226, 240, 245, 247–48, 253, 270
Meagher, M., 176
Mech, L. D., 100
Metel’tseva, Ye. P., 34
Microblades, 283–85
Middendorf, A. Th., 2
Mikhel’son, V. M., 8
Milkowski, L., 176
Mineral licks, 218
Mining, gold, 65–68
Miquelle, D., 176
Molars, and diet, 261
Moose, 83, 100, 118, 180, 192; easily killed, 289; mummies, 40–43
Morlan, R. E., 240
Morris, Desmond, 167
Mouse, 114, 215; mummy, 43–44
Mule deer, 193
Mummy: definition, 22
Murie, O. J., 128
Musk-ox, 116, 160, 172, 191, 245
Nazarov, V. I., 247–48
Nelson, R. E., 187, 247
Nikitin, V. P., 12
Olivier, R. C. D., 256–58, 260
Olsen, F. W., 176
Oryx, 156, 167
Pace (rack), 134
Paleolithic art, 285; bison, 115, 118–22, 126–27, 151–52, 158, 290; lion, 93; woolly rhino, 36; distribution, 274–76
Parker, E. S. C., 15–16, 246, 256
Pearl Creek, 45, 58–59, 77, 107, 174, 190
Peat, 62–65
Peden, D. G., 176, 259
Petersburg, S. J., 101, 156, 164, 172
Péwé, T. L., 20, 53–61
Pfitzenmayer, M. E. V., 3
Pica (eating shed antlers or bones for minerals), 215–19
Pika mummy, 43
Pingos (subsurface ice intrusions), 21
Plant biomass, 74, 206
Polar desert, 255
Pond ice, 20
Poplin, F., 118, 144, 149–50, 172
Porcupine, 215
Potassium, 217
Powers, W. R., 281
Preparation of Blue Babe, 291
Pronghorn antelope, 187
Quackenbush, L. S., 2, 4
Raven, 107
Ready Boullion Formation, 59
Red deer, 118, 239
Reed, C., 160
Reger, Dick, 45
Reher, C. A., 179–80
Reindeer. See Caribou
Rhino: African, 37; tooth complexity, 261; wooly, 34–37, 239, 245
Riabchun, V. K., 12
Ritchie, J. C., 180, 213, 226–27, 234, 236, 240–45, 255, 263
Roan antelope, 182
Rocky Mountain goats, 129–30
Roe, F. G., 81
Roman, Walter 45–47, 68, 117
Roskosz, T., 143, 147
Ruminants, 266–67
Saber-toothed cat, 95–97
Sable antelope, 182
Sage, 212
Saiga, 187, 191, 245, 263
Sanderson, I. T., 16
Scavengers, 88
Schaffer, W., 160
Schaller, G. B., 91–94, 97–107
Schloeth, R., 155
Schweger, C. E., 186, 240, 270
Segregation ice, 20, 61, 65
Selerikan horse: age, 33; preservation, 32; radiocarbon date, 30; stomach contents, 33
Sellmann, P. V., 76–78
Serebrovskij, P. V., 270
Sevastianov, M. D. P., 3
Sexual dimorphism, 156–58
Shandrin mammoth, 27–29
Sheep, 81, 129–30, 160, 163, 187, 245
Sher, A. V., 173–74, 187, 195, 255, 269, 270
Shilo, N. A., 12
Short-faced bear, 88, 94
Shult, J. M., 101, 156
Sikes, S. K., 25
Sinclair, A. R. E., 90, 100–106, 164, 287
Skinner, M. F., 114, 131, 133, 181, 189–91, 195
Smuts, G. L., 100–105
Sneva, F., 176
Snow, limits to mammals, 251
Snowshoe hare mummy, 43–44
Sodium, 216
Solifluction, 71–73
sp; Solonevich, N. G., 27, 31–33
Spoer, J., 176
South-facing slopes, 212
Spiess, A. E., 98
Springbok, 178
Starunia rhino, 35
Steppe adaptations, 154–55
Steppe bison: ferocity, 287–90; fossil record, 194; horn function, 168–71; horn growth, 175; metacarpal size, 190; pantaloons, 120; radiocarbon dates, 245; survivorship, 181; tail, 122
Steppe pika, 250
Steppe vole, 250
Steppes, distribution of, 214
Stewart, D. R. M., 176
Stuart, A. J., 268
Sun angle, 264
Sutcliffe, A. J., 217
Swiezynski, K., 137
Tankersley, N. G., 218
Taphonomic bias, 245
Taphonomy, 68–79
Tarbykin, 3
Tarpan, 256
Telfer, E. S., 201, 262
Tiger, 104
Tikhomirov, B. A., 27, 31, 34, 246
Timordiaro, S., 12
Titov, E. E., 12
Tolmachoff, I. P., 3
Topi, 136
Trot (gait), 134
Turner, A., 280
Ukraintseva, V. V., 12, 17, 27, 31–33, 247, 258–59
Van der Hammen, T., 224
Van Orsdol, K. G., 104–6
Van Vuren, D., 176
Van Zyll de Jong, C. G., 121–22, 197
Vangengeim, E. A., 250, 270
Vavra, M., 176
Vein ice, 20
Vereshchagin, N. K., 8, 11, 12, 25, 31–33, 78, 95, 173, 175, 190, 195–96, 245, 255, 258, 259, 269, 270, 281, 285
Vikhireva-Vasil’kova, V. V., 33
Viljoen, Petrie, 107
Vivianite (mineral), 79
Vollosovich, C. A., 3
Vrba, E. S., 255
Waddington, J. B. C., 238
Walker, D. N., 174
Walther, F., 166
Wapiti, 167, 212, 239
Wardrop, I. D., 262
Washburn, A. L., 22, 222
Watanabe, O., 20
Water buffalo, 190
Weeks, H. P., Jr., 218
Wells, P. V., 186
West, F. H., 27, 176, 240–45, 246–55, 259, 263, 281
White-tailed deer, 193
Wijmstra, T. A., 224
Wildebeest, 136, 178
Wilson, M., 190–92, 194–97
Woillard, G., 255, 270
Wolf, 87–88, 94, 100, 107, 109, 187
Wolverine, 94, 107, 188
Woolly mammoth, 173, 239; burial, 23; ears, 8, 25; fat, 24; gut contents, 27–28, 255–62; migrations, 247; predation, 11; preservation, 18; tail length, 4–6; tooth complexity, 261; trunk, 8, 26
Woolly rhino, 34–37, 239, 245; horns, 35
Wright, H. E., 79
Wu, T. H., 74
Wynne-Edwards, V. C., 167
Yak, 51–52
Yavlovski, 3
Yegorova, T. V., 31–33
Yudichev, Yu. R., 28
Yurtsev, B. A., 226, 255
Zablocki, Von M., 196
Frozen Fauna of the Mammoth Steppe: The Story of Blue Babe Page 32