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Beauty's Kingdom

Page 26

by Anne Rice

  She lay on her arm gazing into my eyes.

  “Then this great lord came, the Grand Duke. He was most refined and spoke with such courtesy. I was told later he was the late queen’s uncle. He wanted me taken down for him to play with. He was most insistent in a gentlemanly way. He liked my eyes, my mouth. He wanted to see my bottom. He said he loved the texture of my skin.

  “The groom told him he must walk behind the ‘scaffold’ and there he could see my bottom plainly enough. Brenn, when the Grand Duke spanked my bottom it nearly brought me to climax. All the while he had his left hand against the collar around my neck and he was speaking to me in the most cultured voice. ‘Darling, darling,’ he said, ‘you’re the finest of the new stock that I’ve seen. Some slaves are infinitely better than others.’ Brenn, his voice could have brought me to the pinnacle, without the sharp spanks.”

  “I understand.”

  “But my groom said the Grand Duke would have to wait to have me to himself. The Grand Duke didn’t give up easily, but he was never really rude.”

  “Lovely,” I said.

  “Brenn, it’s over, all our struggles, our hopes, our dreams. It’s over. We’re here!”

  “For six months, Sybil,” I said. “We can be rejected in six months.”

  “But they won’t reject us, Brenn. I know they won’t. I faced my worst moment with the Queen, obeying her instructions to straighten her quarters, and when she paddled me I only wanted to please her more! That is the key, Brenn. I love her and want to please her and I do not care precisely why.”

  “What do you mean, ‘why’?”

  “Do I want to please her because she is beautiful and sweet? Or does she seem beautiful and sweet to me because she is strict and demanding? I don’t know and I don’t care. We were all alone, the Queen and I. No one was there, and the Queen said that I had taught her things. I couldn’t imagine what. It didn’t matter what she said, it was the tone of her voice, her air of easy command, the way she felt of my breasts, cuddled me, kissed me, and punished me. I was so sore by then, and yet I was utterly pliant.”

  She paused.

  She kissed me lovingly, her tongue playing on my teeth.

  “Brenn, you know how big the King is, what a tall man!”

  “He’s larger than life in all ways,” I said.

  “Yes, well, after the banquet, when I was given to him, I knew a kind of exalted fear. The sound of his deep voice produced a great dreamy and lofty abandon in me. He plunged his cock into me, Brenn, his cock, and it filled me as I’ve never been filled, worked me as I’ve never been worked. Oh, you do not mind my confessing this, do you?”

  “Certainly not,” I murmured. “Go on.”

  “He never stripped off his clothes or went near the bed, but simply took me as if I were a light, diminutive thing that he could taste effortlessly, pumping into me as he remained standing. And when he was finished with me, he had the groom slip a jeweled red glove over his right hand, and he plunged his fingers into me and touched secret places I hadn’t known existed, as if my most private parts were known to him, like a valley in which he’d wandered many a time. Brenn, I was gasping, groaning, out of my mind. I have never been so thoroughly worked, drained.”

  “Yes . . . ,” I said.

  “This was after the evening supper in the gardens, as I said, and I hoped and prayed he’d let me sleep somewhere in his chamber, anywhere, but he kissed me goodbye tenderly, and gave me over to Lady Eva and said to her that I must be trained in the Queen’s Stables, Brenn! That I was to be a pony girl for the Queen.

  “Lady Eva said this was a great honor and that I’d be taken there very soon. Brenn, what can this mean? I know what the words signify, but what will it be like to become a filly in harness pulling a coach or a chariot!”

  “I don’t know, Sybil,” I confessed. “But I’m to find out what it means to be a steed myself.”

  “I hope it’s like the X cross in the garden,” she said with a deep sigh. She smiled sleepily and dreamily. “I love being bound! I love the feel of the straps on my wrists and my ankles. I love the fragrance of the leather and gilding. I love the grooms who have firm hands. They don’t all have firm hands.”


  “It was late, very late, when the King sent me off. The whole castle was quiet. Yet who should come down the passage but the Grand Duke? And Lady Eva allowed him some minutes with me in his chamber! I had not even been bathed since I was with the King, but when Lady Eva told the Grand Duke, he thought it amusing that she even cared.

  “I was brought on hands and knees by a leash into his quarters. Why, it had the grandeur of an audience hall, his immense parlor, and he examined me all over, kissing me and squeezing my flesh, and burying his face in my hair. Such an elegant man. He said he was honored to share my little secret bower with the King. When he took me, it was with hard slow thrusts. He’s older, of course. But he was incomparable in his grace, his deliberation, his slow rhythm. He brought out of me all I had left to give when I’d thought I had nothing. And like the King, he was standing while he took me. He called me his sweet little parcel, and his finchling, and he teased me about being a plump little bird with a very red tail. It might have sounded vulgar coming from someone else, ‘tail.’ I mean such a common word! But from him it sounded affectionate and tantalizing to me.

  “He did spank me a little, but then Lady Eva was standing by, and the great clock in his parlor struck the hour and he let me go.”

  “Hmmm, I wish I had seen him,” I said, “known who he was. Sybil, you do realize the nature of this paradise, don’t you, that there are all kinds of strength, all flavors of mastery.”

  “Yes, darling, and he was such a distinguished man!”

  “Yes, an older distinguished man.”

  “And then the King and the Queen and . . .” She sighed.

  “Yes, all of them.”

  “What do I want, Brenn?” she asked. “Do I want to be the Queen’s filly or do I want to be the Grand Duke’s little finchling with a very red tail?”

  “Maybe you’ll come to be both, Sybil,” I said. I snuggled against her, felt her hot breasts pulsing against my chest, her hand playing idly on my back.

  “Brenn, do you think anyone will come looking for us?” she asked.

  I laughed. It woke me out of my drowsiness to laugh. “I don’t care if someone comes looking for me,” I said.

  “Nor do I, but I asked Lady Eva about it before she gave me over to be bathed. She said the King and Queen would never hear such requests. No one looking for us would get past the gates. I was so glad to hear this.”

  “They’ll simply disown us, perhaps,” I said. “Again, I don’t care. I’ve cared about a multitude of things in the last twenty-four hours, but about that I do not care.”

  She was silent. I opened my eyes. She had finally dozed off, and slept peacefully and deeply. I touched her lips carefully with my fingers. Sweet Sybil.


  The following evening we were anointed in the Goddess Grove. We’d spent the day being measured, tested in many ways, and trained in simple deportment, how to answer any and all questions with modesty and respect, and how to eat and fetch with our teeth and not our hands. We were together some of the time and at other times not. We were given potions to drink and studied for our behavior afterwards. One potion enflamed me so miserably that I wept. Another potion made me sleep at once. In a yard, we were made to trot in a circle around a central pillar and spanked hard as we did it, and then we were groomed meticulously, our nails being trimmed. And I was shaved more than once by the gentlest barbers. But not my pubic hair or any body hair. My pubic hair was carefully groomed, fluffed, even curled a bit here and there, though it was curly enough already.

  At last at dark, we were assembled with ten other new slaves to be anointed.

  The Goddess Grove was venerabl
e, ancient, we were told. It had fallen into ruin in the old kingdom, but our new monarchs had restored it.

  Our procession moved silently through the great gardens and then out and down a broad path towards it with lighted torches. Many lords and ladies watched.

  It was a place of thick soft grass and abundant flowers.

  A great half circle of arches in the grove held some twelve antique statues—some broken, some whole—of gods and goddesses. Flickering lamps illuminated each of these figures or groupings. I knew Aphrodite spanking her disobedient Cupid with a sandal, and Dionysius and the great god Pan. I knew Apollo as he tried to capture Daphne. And Priapus, yes. Others I could not identify. The grass was cool and torches were flaring everywhere, but the light was shadowy and an air of mystery enveloped us.

  The King and Queen came into the grove and received each of us by name, for kisses and embraces, and we were prompted to repeat our vows to serve in our own words. Sybil was positioned some distance from me, but I got a good glimpse of her and she looked glorious, her hair never more lustrous and beautifully groomed with flowers and jewels.

  Then as the Lord High Chamberlain held the oils for the King, we were anointed as slaves of the realm, by the King’s thumbprint on our foreheads, and the Queen decorated our heads with green garlands. Lady Eva came forward to anoint our private parts and claim them for the pleasure of the realm as indeed our entire persons were claimed. There was the strong sweet smell of gardenias and lilies everywhere. And we were made to kneel down before our sovereigns to receive their final blessing.

  The King wished us a long life in the kingdom and reminded us of our protections and promises. His voice was natural and sincere as if he trusted completely to the words themselves. There was no cloying artificiality.

  “Tomorrow,” said my groom as he led me away, “you’ll be a plaything of the King. And mark you scramble to obey his slightest command. To be the King’s pet is a great honor.”


  He was a man of good height, clean limbed and well built, with a gentle, appealing face and eyes of near-perfect cobalt blue that made Beauty think of fine glazed porcelain. He had a youthful manner, not becoming of necessity in a man of his age, but not off-putting either. Beauty liked it.

  And in his narrow face and almond-shaped eyes, Beauty could see something of the late Queen Eleanor, his first cousin.

  But his real charm lay in his fine manners and his vibrant and tender voice, coupled with a thoughtful reticence. That one so handsome should seem so unaware of it, well, that too had its appeal and perhaps united all of the other seductive traits he possessed in the eyes of Beauty.

  “Lord Stefan, please, be at your ease,” Beauty said. She sat opposite him at the table, the morning sun spilling down into her private parlor from the high-arched windows. “You need hold nothing back from me, my lord. I am your queen. I am listening.”

  It was plain he wanted to open his soul. Tears hovered in his eyes suddenly, and Tristan who sat beside him, Tristan who was taller, stronger, and so much more imposing, reached out for Lord Stefan as he might to a younger brother.

  Long years ago, when Beauty and Tristan had been slaves together on their return voyage from the sultanate, Tristan had told her all of his love for this diffident and sweet lord who had failed to be Tristan’s master. And Beauty had forgotten none of the story. Lord Stefan and Tristan had known each other and loved each other before Tristan was brought as a bound and naked slave to the feet of Queen Eleanor. What a disaster that she’d given Tristan over to the fearful and anxious Lord Stefan to master.

  Lord Stefan’s hair was a golden brown, exquisitely highlighted by the sun, and that he wore it very long and very full gave him a slight suggestion of the feminine. But his shaven beard and mustache were thick and had left a dark shadow on his face, attesting to his virility. And then there was the touch of hair on the backs of his wrists and even on his long fingers. And the depth of his voice, so like a smooth thick syrup when he spoke. But then what about the exquisite character of his dress, his lace shirt studded with tiny pearls and the heavy slashed balloon sleeves that covered it with the lining of violet silk? It was all rather confusing. Virility, femininity—for Beauty they had more to do with the subtle presentation of self than any physical attributes.

  And in Lord Stefan’s eyes, Beauty saw timidity and anguish that might belong to any soul, regardless of gender.

  As for his slave Becca, what an icy and merciless gaze she cast on him from her place in the corner, where, naked and still, she rested back on her heels gazing at him. Her breasts were almost too big to be beautiful, but not quite. And her mouth was not cruel but coldly perfect. Her flaxen hair, parted in the middle, made Beauty think of her own hair. She had an oval face not unlike Beauty’s face as well and large well-shaped hands. She sat there utterly still as if she controlled every fiber of her physical being. Her eyes were paler than those of her master, an ice blue as vivid as the coral tint of her lips and her nipples.

  She put Beauty in mind of a white panther if such a thing existed—a sleek white cat the size of a human.

  “Your Majesty,” said Lord Stefan. “I cannot bear it anymore. I am unable to pretend any longer. In the last years of the old kingdom, I died on the vine like everyone else. No, Tristan, don’t protest. I did. You know I did. I might as well have lived in any kingdom or no kingdom at all. I kept to my chambers with Becca. And it was a farce, I tell you, whenever we appeared together before others.”

  Beauty understood. Of course. But she didn’t say so. I am living my own farce, she thought, pretending that I love wielding the paddle and the strap, pretending that I delight in the submission of others. I admire it, and I envy it, but I don’t delight in it. I delight in the glory of the Court, the realm, the well-run kingdom of Bellavalten, the kingdom they now call Beauty’s Kingdom, but I don’t delight in anyone’s submission. It does not send my blood rising. But this Beauty had confessed to no one and she did not confess it now.

  Of course Laurent knew. Laurent knew Beauty as he knew himself, and he had always known how to handle her, take her, thrill her, and leave her satisfied. But they had never really spoken of it, not in the old days before the gates of the kingdom came crashing shut behind them.

  And now in the midst of the great revival of the immense Court that swirled around them, Laurent assured Beauty that she must in all things please herself.

  “If it does not come naturally to you to enjoy disciplining slaves,” he’d said, “then don’t do it, my darling. Leave it to Lady Eva. Leave it to me. Leave it to your grooms. Who says that you must enjoy wielding the paddle? You are queen here, Beauty. Not Eleanor. Eleanor is gone. All those around you long only to make you happy day and night.”

  But Beauty had not been entirely comforted by Laurent’s words. She wanted a deeper immersion in the thrilling complexities of the kingdom, and held herself to be too timid and unsure.

  She struggled now to clear her mind and look at Lord Stefan, who was in such need of her.

  “And how so is it all a farce, my lord?” she asked him. Uppermost in her thoughts was the resolve to listen, to be attentive, to comfort, and to solve the problem of this soul who depended so upon her.

  “I long to serve,” said Lord Stefan in a tremulous voice. He looked directly into her eyes. That was hardly difficult for her or anyone, thought Beauty. For what did her eyes say, but that she wanted so to help him? “My queen, I long to serve with all my heart! I always have. My cousin the late queen despised me utterly for it, forbade me ever to speak of it to her or to others, excoriated me for my unseemly weakness.”

  Beauty said nothing. Tristan leaned closer to his friend, the fingers of his left hand gently cradling Lord Stefan’s shoulder.

  Nothing quivered at all in the alabaster face of the feline Becca. Indifferent as a cat. As secretive and aloof.

  “Go on, my lord, tell me all,”
said Beauty. Her heart went out to Stefan.

  “You know there was an old custom in the kingdom, that on Midsummer Eve, those of the Court who wanted to be slaves could become slaves—but only to be sent to the village. And the Queen forbade me from ever disgracing the royal family by such a step, threatening me with banishment if I were even to suggest it. And so I kept my peace and I lived as one condemned to burn with passion forever without respite, and did what I could, sought what I could in secret.” His eyes shifted, lighted upon Becca, and then veered away as if he had been slapped. He looked to Beauty. “Your Majesty, now that the new kingdom blossoms like a magic garden planted and watered by the wise women of legend, I am in ever-increasing agony!”

  “My lord, what would you like me to do?” asked Beauty. “Hasn’t my lord, the King, set up a manor house where you might go to seek the discipline you so crave, without judgment?” Oh, how I should like to go there myself!

  “Yes, my queen, and it was very generous of the King to allow this,” Stefan replied.

  “Nonsense, my lord, the King was happy to allow it. And I am happy that it is allowed. We do not conform to the ideas of the late Queen Eleanor.”

  “My queen,” Tristan said. He spoke softly, haltingly, waiting for Beauty’s permission to continue. She nodded at once. And he went on, “What Stefan wants is to come to live with me permanently in my household.”

  “Ah, well why not?” said Beauty. “I can see no reason to prohibit it.”

  “But as my naked slave,” said Tristan, “entirely subject to my authority and bound to me for six months like any postulant to the kingdom, and thereafter for years of his own free will and mine.”

  “Ah. Well, I see no objection to it whatsoever,” said the Queen. “And my lord, the King, has entrusted this matter entirely to me, and won’t question my decision. Why not, Lord Stefan? Why not?”


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