SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2)

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SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2) Page 4

by Vox Day

  A little less than 12 hours later, at 9:31 AM, the Associated Press finally broke the bad news to SJWs around the world, “BREAKING: Donald Trump is elected president of the United States.” Even to the very end, the media was reluctant to give up its Narrative and simply report the obvious truth to the American people. I knew, and all of my readers knew, that Trump’s victory was inevitable, so how was it possible for the political experts and election analysts in the media to be unaware of the mathematical reality?

  Regardless, Donald Trump won the presidential election and, in doing so, dealt such a crushing blow to the SJW Narrative that SJWs around the world are still reeling in complete disarray from the severity of their cognitive dissonance.

  There are many useful lessons to be learned from the successful Trump campaign, and many books have been written about it and the man at the center of it. But as I am focused on SJWs, and better understanding and anticipating them, it is only the ways in which the successful Trump campaign exposed and illuminated SJW thinking and tactics that is of interest to us here. In this regard, consider how the Three Laws of SJW that were introduced in the preceding volume, SJWs Always Lie, could be readily observed in connection with the SJW opposition to President Trump, both before and after his inauguration.

  First Law of SJW: SJWs Always Lie

  “Trump and his minions are in the driver’s seat, attempting to pose as respectable participants in American politics, when their views come out of a playbook written in German. The playbook is Mein Kampf.”

  —Ron Rosenbaum, author of Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil

  “The late U.S. Poet Laureate Dr. Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them!” In other words, no one can hide his true nature. Never has this been more accurate for an American president than in the case of Donald Trump. Events in the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville have made this abundantly clear. For the first time in our history, a Nazi sympathizer occupies the Oval Office.”

  —“Donald Trump Is a Nazi Sympathizer”, Foreign Policy

  “Donald Trump the neo-Nazi sympathizer has achieved what Donald Trump the president has singularly failed to do: unite the nation.”

  —The president of the United States is now a neo-Nazi sympathiser”, The Guardian

  “Every day, and in countless and unexpected ways, Donald Trump, the President of the United States, finds new ways to divide and demoralize his country and undermine the national interest.”

  —“The Racial Demagoguery of Trump’s Assaults on Colin Kaepernick and Steph Curry”, The New Yorker

  Second Law of SJW: SJWs Always Double Down

  “I refuse to accept the US election results. We the first targets of Trump’s xenophobic thuggery and dangerous delusions, we the Muslims, the Mexicans, the African-Americans, women, we are here at the forefront of defying Trump’s ignominy. Along with millions of other Americans, we the most recent immigrants are now safely home at the dangerous delusions of an angry mob of white supremacist zombies shielding its wild fantasies behind democratic politics.”

  —Hamid Dabashi, Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University

  After Trump’s victory (for which there were abundant signs in the preceding months), both the Democratic party and the big-city media urgently needed to do a scathingly honest self-analysis, because the election results plainly demonstrated that Trump was speaking to vital concerns (jobs, immigration, and terrorism among them) for which the Democrats had few concrete solutions…. Had Hillary won, everyone would have expected disappointed Trump voters to show a modicum of respect for the electoral results as well as for the historic ceremony of the inauguration, during which former combatants momentarily unite to pay homage to the peaceful transition of power in our democracy. But that was not the reaction of a vast cadre of Democrats shocked by Trump’s win. In an abject failure of leadership that may be one of the most disgraceful episodes in the history of the modern Democratic party, Chuck Schumer, who had risen to become the Senate Democratic leader after the retirement of Harry Reid, asserted absolutely no moral authority as the party spun out of control in a nationwide orgy of rage and spite. Nor were there statesmanlike words of caution and restraint from two seasoned politicians whom I have admired for decades and believe should have run for president long ago—Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. How do Democrats imagine they can ever expand their electoral support if they go on and on in this self-destructive way, impugning half the nation as vile racists and homophobes?

  —Camille Paglia, “On Trump, Democrats, Transgenderism, and Islamist Terror”, The Weekly Standard

  “What president?” Norman said late Sunday night by his locker after the team beat the Oakland Raiders 27-10. “Not my president…. I’m telling you right now, this man is not welcome in Washington, D.C. He’s not. I hope he won’t be around when I see him. He’s not welcome. I can say that to your face. He’s not welcome.”

  —“Redskins’ Josh Norman: Donald Trump is ‘not my president’”, USA Today

  Third Law of SJW: SJWs Always Project

  Hillary Clinton said Friday that Donald Trump is threatening America’s democracy by not promising to accept the results of the presidential election. “We know, in our country, the difference between leadership and dictatorship. And the peaceful transition of power is something that sets us apart,” Clinton told a crowd of about 1,600 at the Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland.

  —“Clinton: Trump ‘threatens democracy’ by not accepting election results”, Cincinnati Inquirer

  Hillary Clinton’s campaign has refused to concede the election. Campaign chief John Podesta said that Ms Clinton won’t be admitting defeat on election night.

  —“Hillary Clinton refuses to concede election result despite Donald Trump being on the edge of victory,” The Independent

  In an interview Monday with NPR’s Terry Gross, Clinton raised that critique up a notch – not only questioning the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency but refusing to rule out the possibility of contesting the results if Russian collusion is proven by special counsel Bob Mueller…. This a big deal. The 2016 Democratic nominee, who won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, is expressly leaving open the possibility that she would pursue legal action to invalidate the last presidential election.

  —“Hillary Clinton just floated the possibility of contesting the 2016 election”, CNN Politics, 28 September 2017

  Nearly half of Republicans won’t accept this election’s results if the opposing candidate wins, according to a new Reuters-IPSOS poll. The survey, which was conducted online from Oct. 14 to Oct. 20, found that 49 percent of Republicans polled would not accept the legitimacy of this election if their candidate doesn’t win. It also discovered that 67 percent of Republicans would perceive another candidate’s victory as the result of illegal voting or election rigging.

  —“Nearly half of Republicans won’t accept the results if Donald Trump loses”, Salon, 25 October 2015

  Since the election Tuesday night, we’ve had two days (and counting) of leftists literally taking to the streets to shout and cry and burn flags because their preferred candidate lost. More such protests are planned. In New York City, protesters chanted, “Not my president!” from the streets of midtown Manhattan around Trump’s home on Fifth Avenue. In Oakland, Calif., rioters set garbage on fire, blocked traffic, attacked police and damaged local businesses.

  —“The Left’s hypocrisy on accepting election results”, Washington Examiner, 10 November 2016

  Those are but a few examples of the Three Laws of Social Justice in action concerning the 2016 U.S. Presidential election and its fallout; it would have been tedious, but not terribly difficult, to provide several thousand more. Nor have Donald Trump’s opponents calmed down much in the year following his election. Never-Trumpers, the moderate Republicans who supported every other Republican candidate during the primar
ies before turning to no-hoper Evan McMullin in the general election, hold firm in the faith that Trump is a puppet of Russia and Vladimir Putin, and regularly issue dire pronouncements about how Trump, his family members, and everyone who has associated with him are destined for prison. As was mentioned above, Team Clinton is still musing about the unlikely possibility of challenging the election results while more forward-thinking Democrats debate whether they should choose a black man, a black Muslim, or an Indian woman in 2020, or if they should simply go for broke and nominate an illegal alien.

  The one thing we can be certain of is that Donald Trump will defeat whatever champion of social justice the Democrats put forward unless he fails to build America its promised big, beautiful wall.

  Perhaps you may recall science fiction author John Scalzi, who provided the detailed example of the First Law of Social Justice in SJWs Always Lie. Here, in a post explaining his inability to write in 2017, he provides another useful example, this time of the psychological fragility of the SJWs and the way their defeat by traditional America at the moment of their expected triumph shook them to their core.

  The thing is, the Trump era is a different kind of awful. It is, bluntly, unremitting awfulness. The man has been in office for nine months at this point and there is rarely a week or month where things have not been historically crappy, a feculent stew of Trump’s s———– as a human and as a president, his epically corrupt and immoral administration, and the rise of worse elements of America finally feeling free to say, hey, in fact, they do hate Jews and gays and brown people. Maybe other people can focus when S—- America is large and in charge, but I’m finding it difficult to do.

  Here’s one way to put it: Twelve years ago, when Hurricane Katrina hit and the US Government flubbed its response and hundreds died, I was so angry and upset that I almost vomited in sadness and anger. It’s not an exaggeration, by the way—I literally felt like throwing up for a couple days straight. I eventually had to write “Being Poor” because it was either do that or go crazy. That was a week of feeling generally awful, and it wrecked me for another week after that. It took two weeks for me to get back on track with the novel I was writing at the time.

  Got it? Okay, listen: 2017 has been me feeling like I felt when Katrina hit every single f———- month of this year.

  —“2017, Word Counts and Writing Process”, John Scalzi

  Chapter 3: Defending the Narrative

  “Social justice and social equality is every individual’s responsibility to uphold and protect. Aside from the social justice issues that are recognized and not addressed, a whole slew of other social justice issues exist that have yet to be globally acknowledged.”

  —Pachamama Alliance

  As I described in SJWs Always Lie, SJWs mindlessly following the social justice Narrative are rather like a school of fish, moving together in perfect harmony with every twist and turn it takes, no matter how convoluted or contradictory it might be. Each SJW is highly sensitive to the current position of the SJWs around him, which allows for rapid changes in direction according to the needs of the Narrative. George Orwell memorably labeled their thought processes in 1984; the SJW ability to engage in doublethink permits them to readily accept that War is Peace, that day is night, that blacks cannot be racist, that kidnapping and torturing a white man is not a hate crime, that Russian intelligence denied Hillary Clinton the U.S. presidency, and every other momentary belief the Narrative requires them to simultaneously believe, no matter how absurd, or false, or self-contradictory it might be.

  But occasionally, these sudden shifts prove too much for an SJW. Perhaps he is cursed with an unfortunate memory that recalls how yesterday, we were not at actually war with Eastasia, but Oceania. Or perhaps his mind is simply not flexible enough to accept the eighth impossible thing the New York Times requires him to believe before breakfast. In such cases, the SJW suddenly finds himself turning right while the rest of the school turns left and very quickly finds himself alone, defenseless, and much to his surprise, a high-priority target of his former friends.

  Consider, for example, the surprise of gay, liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose SJW credentials would seem to have been absolutely impeccable, when he observed there was no evidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin had engineered the electoral victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election, and that the idea that Putin might have done so was more than a little ridiculous.

  I’ve done some, you know, pretty controversial and polarizing reporting in the past decade when I’ve been writing about politics. And when you do that, you obviously get attacked in lots of different ways. It’s not just me; it’s everybody who engages. It’s just sort of the rough and tumble of politics and journalism. But I really haven’t experienced anything even remotely like the smear campaign that has been launched by Democrats in this really coordinated way ever since I began just expressing skepticism about the prevailing narrative over Russia and its role that it allegedly played in the election and, in particular, in helping to defeat Hillary Clinton. I mean, not even the reporting I did based on the Edward Snowden archive, which was extremely controversial in multiple countries around the world, not even that compared to the attacks now…. But because Democrats are so desperate to put the blame on everybody but themselves for the complete collapse of their party, they’re particularly furious at anybody who vocally challenges this narrative. And since I’ve been one of the people most vocally doing so, the smear campaign has been like none that I have ever encountered. I have been accused of being a member of the alt-right, of being an admirer of Breitbart, of being supportive of Donald Trump, of helping him get elected and, of course, of being a Kremlin operative. And it’s just this constant flow, not from fringe accounts online, but from the Democratic operatives and pundits with the greatest influence. In fact, Howard Dean, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, went on Twitter three weeks ago and said, “I think it would be really interesting to find out whether The Intercept is receiving money from Russia or Iran”—something that he obviously has zero evidence or basis for suggesting, but this is what the Democratic Party has become.

  —Glenn Greenwald, Democracy Now, 6 January, 2017

  It may have surprised Greenwald to have been accused of being on the payroll of Russia or Iran, but then, when one considers that Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Michael Flynn, Michael Flynn Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Roger Stone, Carter Page, Michael Caputo, Michael Cohen, Nigel Farage, the Fox & Friends morning show, Mike Cernovich, Trey Gowdy, Valerie Plame Wilson, Adrien Chen, Julien Assange, and Wikileaks have all been similarly accused of being Kremlin spies, it was almost inevitable.

  And given what we know of the Three Laws of Social Justice and the SJW tendency to project, it can hardly surprise the reader to learn that to date, the only actual evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election is $100,000 in Facebook ads bought between June 2015 and May 2017 on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. The 3,000 ads “sought to sow discord among religious groups” and “highlighted support for Democrat Hillary Clinton among Muslim women.”

  The Washington Post headline: “Russian bought Facebook ads support Hillary Clinton, BLM”. BLM, of course, refers to Black Lives Matter, the violent, rabble-rousing anti-police group that appears to be the primary cause of escalating homicide rates in cities such as Baltimore and Chicago. As a consequence of the BLM-inspired riots there, Baltimore had already seen more homicides by the middle of September 2017 than in all of 2002, when the television show The Wire was first broadcast and served as a showcase for the dangerous streets of the Maryland city.

  Furthermore, according to Hillary Clinton’s 2010 financial disclosure form, Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 the same year that Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, signed off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, a mining company with mines that p
roduce more than 10 percent of the USA’s total uranium production.

  SJWs always project.

  The fact that the social justice Narrative is reliably false is precisely the reason that SJWs defend it so ruthlessly. They know, as most of their opponents do not, that it will not stand up to detailed or prolonged scrutiny. That is why they react so harshly to even the most innocent questioning of it and why they respond as if they are being attacked when they are merely being questioned about it. Ironically, it is this oversensitive defensiveness of the Narrative that often leads neutral parties to begin having doubts about its truth, especially when they witness SJWs overreacting to those whose only crime is to have asked a few inconvenient questions.


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