SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2)

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SJWs Always Double Down: Anticipating the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 2) Page 7

by Vox Day

  The media desperately attempted to tar him as a racist, as a Nazi, as a white supremacist, as the leader of GamerGate, as the leader of the Alt-Right, as a fraud, as a con artist, an antisemite, and pretty much every other disqualifying label they could manage to spell. But it wasn’t until an appearance on Bill Maher’s HBO show combined with an invitation to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrated the real risk of the British provocateur breaking through into the American mainstream that opposition research unearthed a few ill-considered remarks he had made in an interview with Joe Rogan two years before that they finally managed to find a rhetorical weapon capable of landing effective shots on him. More importantly, they were able to reach the corporations through which he derived his income.

  Accustomed to evading rhetorical blasts rather than absorbing them, and to ducking punches rather than evading them, Milo found it impossible to respond to the malicious and defamatory accusations of him endorsing and defending pedophilia with his usual aplomb. A victim of teenage molestation and outspoken critic of genuine pedophile-defenders at Salon and on social media, he went uncharacteristically dark for a few days before emerging to give an interview in which he appeared to be genuinely shaken. Sensing an opportunity, SJWs immediately swarmed. Simon & Schuster canceled his book contract despite it being a #1 Amazon bestseller; a few days later, Breitbart cut its ties with him.

  Felix Kjellberg was an even more unlikely, and seemingly less vulnerable target. The most popular YouTube sensation on the planet, Pewdiepie, as he is more commonly known, had 53 million subscribers on Youtube and his own network on MakerStudios where he played video games and presented silly montages. However, MakerStudios was bought by Disney in 2014, and after the Wall Street Journal publicized the fact that nine of PewDiePie’s hundreds of videos contained momentary clips of anti-semitic or Nazi-related images. Despite the fact that the video clips were obviously satirical and in no way serious—one was a group of Sri Lankan men holding up a sign that read “Death to All Jews,” while another featured Jesus saying “Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong”—Disney cut its ties with Kjellberg and denounced him for being “inappropriate” and clearly being too “provocative and irreverent.”

  YouTube reacted as well, although more moderately, as it demonetized one third of his videos, canceled the second season of Scare PewDiePie, and removed the PewDiePie channel from Google Preferred. Kjellberg, suitably chastened, vowed to be more family friendly, promising, “No more swearing, no more sexual jokes and definitely no more Hitler jokes. I wish I was joking, I’m not. It seems that YouTube has made some changes and about a third of my videos have become demonetized. I’m going to have to be family friendly from now on so I don’t go homeless. I love money too much.”

  As he remains on YouTube and now has 57 million subscribers, Kjellberg appears to be safe for the moment, but as has already been demonstrated to him, his entire platform can be taken away should he again behave in a manner deemed excessively inappropriate or too provocative by SJWs at his corporate master.

  That particular corporate master, Google, demonstrated the limits of its tolerance very publicly in August 2017, when a 10-page internal document titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber” that criticized the company’s heavily SJW diversity culture was leaked to the public. The author of what was subsquently described as a viewpoint diversity manifesto, James Damore, was fired, and in a statement remarkable for its textbook SJW doubletalk, Google CEO Sundar Pichai claimed the firing was due to Damore’s memo violating Google’s Code of Conduct by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in the workplace.

  A surprising number of Google employees were angered by Pichai’s action, nearly a third of them indicated in an internal poll that they did not approve of it, and several of them with whom I am connected sent me a series of screencaps from Google’s internal communications system that painted an ugly picture of how completely out-of-control many of Google’s SJW employees had become. I posted a few of excerpts from them on Vox Popoli, and tweeted several memes that paired direct quotes with pictures of the SJWs responsible. These excerpts and tweets were picked up by Breitbart Tech as well as other sites and spread rapidly around the Internet; needless to say, it didn’t take long to get back to the people at Google.

  To see the full extent of the SJW convergence at Google was pretty astonishing, even though I had been told about it months before by multiple Googlers, as they call themselves. Google had always been that way, but things had gotten increasingly out of hand ever since the election of Donald Trump had apparently unhinged more than a few of them. I did not post most of the screencaps I received, so this is the first time some of the following comments by Google managers and directors have been seen by outsiders. When reading them, keep in mind that these Google employees felt perfectly comfortable making these comments about their colleages openly in Google’s internal corporate communication system. To the best of my knowledge, none of them ended up meeting the same fate as James Damore.

  There are certain alternative views, including different political views, which I do not want people to share here. My tolerance ends at my friends’ terror. You can believe that women or minorities are unqualified all you like—I can’t stop you—but if you say it out loud, then you deserve what’s coming to you. Yes, this is “silencing”. I intend to silence these views; they are violently offensive…. I’m fine with conservatives, but they must actually have human souls.

  Will the author ever be promoted again? If the author is promoted, we send a clear signal that their work output—the work output of a single engineer—is worth more than the irreparable harm their document has caused to 1000s of Googlers. If the author is promoted, we grant him more power and influence to harm Googlers that don’t fit his bigoted worldview…. There is no reason for the author to remain here and only damage can come of it.

  God, please let our inevitable public statement be less toothless than that internal mail. We need to say “Wow, that was some bullshit right there. We’ve fired that guy into the sun and updated our code of conduct to say not to do anything that looks even a bit like that, ever. Also, we’re looking at how we can change our interview processes to notice toxic opinions like that, because seriously, wtf, where did that come from?

  So, let me be straight. These are shitty opinions. I say this with all my hats on; ally, director, manager, human. They are the antithesis of what we’re trying to do at Google; they are intellectually lazy, biased, and unkind. They have no place here…. Leave it at home. IF you’re not prepared to live it at home, then leave yourself there.

  Google HR—don’t be mean to actual Nazis they are valued coworkers. Me:: They’re Nazis. No. I will absolutely go out of my way to make sure I never work near anyone involved with or who endorsed that garbage. Because Nazis. And you should absolutely punch Nazis.

  From now on, I’m going to devote at least the first third of my 45 minute interview time to a discussion of experience with diversity. If the first fifteen minutes doesn’t satisfy me, I’ll continue the discussion. If need be, it will take forty-five minutes. I would encourage others to do the same.

  While Google appears to be doing very little to quell the hostile voices that exist inside the company, I want those hostile voices to know: I will never, ever hire/transfer you onto my team. Ever. I don’t care if you are a perfect fit, or technically excellent or whatever. I will actively not work with you, even to the point where your team or product is impacted by this decision. I’ll communicate why to your manager if it comes up. You’re being blacklisted by people at companies outside of Google. You might not have been aware of this, but people know, people talk. There are always social consequences.

  One of the great things about Google’s internal communication mechanisms (G+, mailing lists, etc), is that, as a manager, I can easily go find out if I really want to work with you…. I keep a written blacklist of people whom I will never allow on or near my team, based on how they view
and treat their coworkers. That blacklist got a little longer today.

  These Google SJWs did not react at all well to discovering that their tantrums were not merely being broadcast to the entire company, where they knew they would be safely ignored, but to the entire world, where they were not. Internal alarms went off, more name-calling ensued, dire predictions were made, and the entire company promptly went into lockdown mode.

  Google CEO Sundar Pichai has canceled the company’s much-anticipated meeting to talk about gender issues today. The move came after some of its employees expressed concern over online harassment they had begun to receive after their questions and names have been published outside the company on a variety of largely alt-right sites.

  “We had hoped to have a frank, open discussion today as we always do to bring us together and move forward. But our Dory questions appeared externally this afternoon, and on some websites Googlers are now being named personally,” wrote Pichai to employees. “Googlers are writing in, concerned about their safety and worried they may be ‘outed’ publicly for asking a question in the Town Hall.”

  Pichai was set to address the search giant’s 60,000 employees in 30 minutes in an all-hands meeting about a recent post by recently fired employee James Damore. In it, the software engineer claimed that women might not be as good as men at tech because of biological reasons, like “neuroticism.” In other words, they could not handle stress and high pressure as much…. Several sites like this one [this was literally a link to my blog -VD] have been publishing internal discussion posts and giving out information on those employees.

  In addition, in a move that many Googlers found already disturbing, Damore did his first major interview with alt-right YouTube personality, Stefan Molyneux (ironic, I know, since Google owns the online video giant).

  —“Google CEO Sundar Pichai canceled an all-hands meeting about gender controversy due to employee worries of online harassment”, Recode, 10 August 2017

  By “online harassment”, the employees actually meant “people finding out that we were threatening and harassing our colleagues”. But you knew that, of course, because SJWs always project. And given that SJWs always double down, the fact that Google did not pull the plug on my Blogger blog and my Gmail account as I half-expected tends to indicate that there are still some sane elements reining in the social justice warriors in the interest of actually pursuing conventional business objectives, as did their relatively restrained response to the Pewdiepie affair. That being said, it is probably only a matter of time before the growing mass of SJWs within Google manage to converge the company entirely, at which point it is likely to go the way of Facebook and officially make social justice its primary corporate objective.

  What is perhaps most remarkable, however, and demonstrates that literally no one on the planet is entirely safe from potential SJW swarming and personal destruction, is the unexpected fate of the gender-confused queer rock band PWR BTTM. A mildly punkish two-piece drum-and-guitar band with a penchant for simple riffs and catchy melodies, they write short songs with titles like “Ugly Cherries”, “I Wanna Boi”, and “Dairy Queen” and are vaguely reminiscent of a more restrained Electric Six. They consider themselves to be advocates for gay pride and queer visibility, and make a regular habit of wearing more makeup than Adam Ant, David Bowie, and Prince combined. They also prefer to use gender-neutral honorifics, switch instrument roles in the middle of their concert sets, and refer to themselves as Mx. Bruce and Mx. Hopkins.

  It is more difficult to imagine a more SJW-approved rock band than this pair of musical performance artistes. And indeed, they were the darlings of the college tour circuit, until a photo appeared of Hopkins standing on a beach five years before, next to a swastika drawn in the sand. Hopkins made the elementary mistake of apologizing for his past insensitivity, explained that it was merely “a time in my life where I thought being ‘politically incorrect’ was really funny and had literally no concept of my actions,” and assured everyone that the photo did not represent who he is today.

  Unsurprisingly, his (or her, or xir, or whatever pronoun Hopkins happens to use these days) apology went over about as well as past apologies from Nobel Prize-winning scientists have, and SJWs promptly swarmed the band. Accusations of sexual misconduct and “boundary-crossing behavior” were made, and despite efforts of the two band members to point out that they were gayer than Elton John, more gender-confused than Bruce Jenner, and every bit as committed to social justice, gay pride, queer visibility, female empowerment, breast cancer awareness, Tibetan independence, the European Union, and Black Lives Matter as anyone else, they were rejected by their fellow SJWs faster than a vampire fleeing the approaching rays of the dawn.

  The fallout was swift and absolute, with rapid-fire rejections over the next 48 hours: Touring members of the band abruptly quit; several opening bands withdrew from an upcoming tour; Salty Artist Management announced that it had severed ties with PWR BTTM; the Hopscotch Music Festival dropped the band from its lineup; and the record label Polyvinyl released a statement saying that it would no longer be distributing PWR BTTM’s music. Father/Daughter Records, which released the band’s debut album, followed suit, and by Tuesday, PWR BTTM’s music was no longer available on iTunes or Apple Music. Polyvinyl confirmed that the band’s distributors had requested that its music be removed from streaming services and online retailers.

  “There is absolutely no place in the world for hate, violence, abuse, discrimination or predatory behavior of any kind,” Polyvinyl said in its statement. “In keeping with this philosophy, we want to let everyone know that we are ceasing to sell and distribute PWR BTTM’s music.” The company added that it would refund purchases of “Pageant” and make donations to nonprofit organizations that support victims of sexual abuse and LGBTQ-related violence.…

  The speed and severity of the response may have surprised some—particularly in the absence of an identified accuser or an official complaint—but the queer punk community has learned, over the years, practices of acceptance and support for its most vulnerable and marginalized members, who often don’t feel safe reporting an assault or violation to authorities.

  —“Last week, PWR BTTM was the Next Big Thing in punk. Now the band is in ruins, and fans are reeling.”, Washington Post, 16 May 2017

  The rapid decline and fall of PWR BTTM should suffice to demonstrate the utter mercilessness of the social justice warriors when it comes to those who violate the Narrative in even the smallest of ways. Contrary to the average person’s understanding, the more successful you are, the more vicious they will be when they turn on you. SJWs have neither friends nor allies, and they do not hesitate to turn on each other in a heartbeat.

  Chapter 5: The SJW Convergence Sequence

  In SJWs Always Lie, I described the conventional SJW attack sequence. It is an eight-step routine that can be easily observed in most public SJW attacks on individuals. This attack sequence is based upon the foundation of a narrative defined by the SJW and is intended to validate that narrative while publicly demonstrating the SJW’s power over his target. The sequence is the practical implementation of Rule 12 of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

  RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

  The eight stages of the SJW attack sequence are as follows:

  Locate or Create a Violation of the Narrative.

  Point and Shriek.

  Isolate and Swarm.

  Reject and Transform.

  Press for Surrender.

  Appeal to Amenable Authority.

  Show Trial.

  Victory Parade.

  In like manner, the convergence of institutions tends to follow a recognizable pattern that operates in much the same way as the SJW attack sequence, but on a
larger scale. This pattern can be usefully described as the SJW convergence sequence. We can see how it has played out for the last sixty years in fully converged institutions such as academia, the mainstream media, and the publishing industry, we can see how it plays out today in partially converged institutions such as corporate America and the various Christian churches, and we can see how rapidly the cancer can metastasize in institutions that are just being infiltrated today, such as the game industry and the open source software community.

  Regardless of the nature of the institution, the same general pattern of behavior is reliably followed, to such an extent that it is relatively easy to identify how badly an institution is converged, and its resultant ability or inability to perform its primary purpose, on the basis of what stage in the convergence sequence has been reached by the SJWs converging it.


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