Handcuffs and Lace: By the Balls

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Handcuffs and Lace: By the Balls Page 5

by Mia Watts

  “I swear that man needs to get laid,” Trick muttered.

  “Don’t talk. There’s nothing I want to hear from you,” Nathan snapped.

  “Not even an apology?”

  Nathan narrowed his eyes on him. He didn’t trust that an apology was the only thing Trick wanted to offer. At least, his body really hoped it wasn’t, and for that, he’d forever be grateful that no one could read his mind.

  “Nothing,” Nathan insisted.

  Trick kicked off his shoes and let them fall to the floor off the bed he was attached to. DiNossi had cuffed his other wrist, and Nathan detected the raw ring around his right from the hours in the car. It had to hurt, but Trick didn’t seem perturbed. He practically lounged on the bed like he was at a day spa.

  Trick draped his free hand across his chest. Two pillows propped up his head and he crossed his ankles. He kept his eyes on Nathan, unerringly. When he finally smiled, Nathan felt it like a kick to the chest.

  The man might not be conventionally attractive, but he was sexy as hell. And he knew it. Charisma rolled off him in waves making promises his eyes said he’d keep.

  “You know I want you.”

  His voice was dark and low. It gave Nathan an internal shiver that had everything do with prey recognizing its predator.

  “I know you want me, too,” Trick added. “Even diNossi knows it. You aren’t hiding anything by staying away from me.”

  “But I am cultivating a little necessary self-respect,” Nathan said.

  “Self-respect is over rated.”

  “Not when it’s all I have left.”

  “Is it? Judging from my conversation with diNossi while you were gone, he’s not going to say anything. You might take some ribbing from him, but that’s about it.”

  Nathan wasn’t sure he should believe him, though he sounded sincere. Still, he was a suspect in custody. He’d say anything. Do anything. That had not only been drilled into his mind at the academy, but proven to him that afternoon.

  A new thought occurred to him. One that made his blood turn icy. “Meeting you in the bar wasn’t a coincidence, was it?”

  Trick seemed to think about his answer, which was all the answer Nathan needed.

  “You knew? How did you know?”

  “I have my sources,” Trick said.

  “If your sources told you who I was well enough for you to seek me out, to fuck me up against a wall,” Nathan spat the words angrily. “Then why were you exactly where you needed to be for me to arrest you? What was the thinking in that plan?”

  “I thought it would be taken care of.”

  “It? Me? You thought I’d be taken care of? Like a hit?” Nathan got up, pacing the floor of the motel room.

  “No, I meant I thought the issue of arrest would resolve itself.” Trick looked a little guilty if the aversion of his eyes meant anything.

  “That’s why you mentioned the possibility of an FBI mole earlier, isn’t it?” Nathan said, with sudden understanding.

  Trick shrugged. For a guy who’d had no problems chatting it up all day, the shrug was an obvious tell.

  “You have a guy, and you expected him to take care of your arrest. Make it go away. That’s what it is,” Nathan proclaimed. “And fucking me in a bar was what, exactly? A souvenir?”

  “Fun,” Trick answered finally meeting his eyes. “It was fun. You are hot, and I wanted you. I didn’t know you were the guy who’d come to arrest me. I knew there was a cluster-fuck of Feds at your table in the bar and thought I could get some information out of you.”

  “You never asked me for information,” Nathan mused, thinking back.

  “Because you told me your name afterward, and that’s all I wanted: the identity of my arresting agent.”

  “An info-fuck. That’s what that night was,” Nathan decided, pissed with himself.

  “I just got through telling you that I thought you were hot. That should mean something.”

  “Not really. It just means my ass appealed to you, and you thought you’d get one up on the Feds before you were caught.”

  Trick sighed. “I didn’t have to fuck you. I could have intimidated the hell out of you instead. That would have been a smarter option. Consider it a compliment that you tempted me out of character. It’s not like I tell the guys I’m gay.”

  “I don’t suppose they’d take that well,” Nathan considered. A mobster with a thing for dudes? It didn’t fit the stereotype.

  “No, they wouldn’t,” Trick agreed. “You were looking mighty fine that night, Agent Rohn. Then I heard your name and realized I’d just gotten a little too cozy with the guy I was trying to identify.”

  Nathan smirked. It occurred to him that things probably didn’t take Trick Montgomery by surprise very often.


  “I’m good where I am,” Nathan said, planting himself on the other bed.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “It wouldn’t matter if I believed you about that. I’m still not coming over there.”

  “Suit yourself,” Trick told him with a shrug.

  Nathan pretended to watch the news. The possibility of a mole inside the organization was definitely something he’d be putting in his report. They watched the national news in silence, then local news came on.

  “So you have two brothers? Since you each got a bunny and gave two away, and you didn’t mention sisters, you must be one of three kids. I still think you’re the youngest,” Trick began.

  The sudden conversation took Nathan off his guard. “What kind of name is Trick Montgomery?” Nathan snapped, wanting the subject off himself.

  “Patrick. They guys called me Trick because I always have something up my sleeve.”

  Nathan kept watching the news. He should flip channels, see what else was on. The last thing he wanted to do was listen to someone talk about the latest robbery on the local news. Then again, maybe it would keep him in the mindset he needed to do his job.

  “I was thinking about your mouth, Agent Rohn. Do you know what I was thinking about it?”

  Oh hell, he’d been thinking about Nathan’s mouth? May he never know that Nathan had wondered about Trick’s.

  “It looks pouty, like a woman’s. Funny thing though, I have no interest in kissing a woman. You, on the other hand, I’d enjoy kissing. Are you a flicker, Agent Rohn?”

  A what? Not that he’d ask the question out loud, or show any sign that he’d been listening.

  “A flicker is someone who flicks their tongue in an open mouth kiss. Are you a flicker, a rubber or a sucker?”

  Yes, yes, yes and some other stuff. Fuck. Now he was thinking about kissing the big oaf. Damn him.

  “How about moaning? Do you moan when someone kisses you just right?”

  He’d never thought about it.

  “Just a guess, but I think it must’ve been a long time since you were last kissed properly. It’s a shame. Your lips deserve to be kissed properly.”

  Nathan felt tight inside and out. Trick’s voice had been dropping lower and lower, competing with the chipper background noise from the television set. Nathan strained to hear him, to catch every word.

  “I’m chained to a bed. You could come over here, and I’d kiss you like you need to be kissed and you’d never have to wonder if I’d escape or if the guy outside cared. He didn’t care about me jacking you off. He’s not going to care about a little kiss.”

  The man was relentless! Unfortunately, he also knew just what to say to get Nathan thinking about the possibilities. He should just hang up his badge now. Call in for backup and tell his sector lead that he’d made a mistake and would rather flip burgers the rest of his life.

  Nathan heard the rustling of Trick moving around on the bed. In his more immediate vision, he saw the man toe off his socks. His legs drew up and the next thing Nathan was aware, a pair of faded blue jeans hit the floor.

  “You don’t mind if I get comfortable do you?” Trick asked. “Feel free to take off a few
layers yourself.”

  “I already did. My coat’s hanging on a hook with my tie.” He hadn’t meant to answer. He hoped the sarcasm in his voice put Trick off. It didn’t seem to work that way.

  “Do you sleep fully dressed, Agent Rohn?”

  Okay, that one he’d refrain from answering. There was no way to tell a man who was coming on to you that you preferred to sleep in the raw without it sounding like an invitation.

  Maybe he should put his coat and tie back on.

  They fell into silence. Finally. The news ended and a late night comedy show came on with all its canned laughter.

  Trick started coughing. Just a little at first, then more forcefully. “Water?” he asked through the scratchy sound of his request.

  Nathan went to the sink and filled up a plastic cup. He returned with it, waiting while Trick wiped tears from the corners of his eyes. He took the cup and took several longs gulps before handing it back. Nathan put it on the table between the beds, closest to where Trick was cuffed.

  The bed creaked and suddenly large meaty hands wrapped around his waist and awkwardly tumbled him to the mattress. Trick dragged him to the head of the bed and pinned him there.

  “What the fuck?”

  Trick slammed a hand over his mouth, breaking off his cry for help. That’s when Nathan realized that both of Trick’s hands were free.

  Chapter Six

  Nathan’s eyes widened above Trick’s hand. Grinning at the smaller man, he said, “I always have something up my sleeve, Nathan. I told you that. Remember when you have someone in custody, you take your clues where you can, recognize them and make sure you’re ready for their next move.”

  Trick straddled Nathan’s tossing body until the rest of him was better pinned down.

  “You’re new at this suspect delivery thing, so we’ll call that tip a freebie.” He winked at the kid, whose labored breathing huffed through his flared nostrils.

  Trick kept a hand over the agent’s mouth as he quickly unbuttoned the starched white shirt. He unpinned one arm at a time to pull the shirt off the agent’s body. For a slim guy, his FBI button-down shirt hid a lot of lean, compact muscle.

  He gripped one arm, then the other and clapped the cuffs into place around the headboard post. It put their bodies at an angle across the bed, but Trick decided he could work with that.

  “I also remember telling you that there were things I wanted to do to you. Here’s the catch. I don’t do guys who don’t want to do me. You’re cuffed. If diNossi walks in, that’s what he’s going to see. You’re in the clear for responsibility and I, well, I’m still here with you.”

  Nathan mumbled behind Trick’s hand. Trick moved it, but kept ready to slam it back into place. “It won’t be consensual.”

  “Then it won’t happen. I’ll tell you what will happen though.”

  Curiosity burned up at him behind the fire of anger.

  “I’m going to finally find out that burning question I had about how kissing you feels,” he answered for Nathan.

  “I’ll bite your tongue off, asshole,” Nathan swore.

  “I might like that.”

  Trick bent over him, leaning down until their noses touched and he knew Nathan could either look him in the eye, or close those big brown beauties. A touch of pride lit Trick’s chest when Nathan glared at him in silent belligerence.

  He dragged his hand off Nathan’s mouth, half expecting the agent to yell, head slam him or bite like he’d said he might. Since he didn’t, Trick could only assume that Nathan needed to be kissed even more than Nathan had realized.

  He brushed his mouth across Nathan’s, teasing him with the slightest touch, testing him to see how he’d react when given the opportunity to attack. They stared each other down. The more Trick swept his relaxed lips across Nathan’s, the more panicked the brown eyes got.

  Trick ran his hands down Nathan’s arms with the barest touch, meant to tickle the sensitive skin inside his arms. Nathan gasped. It was small, but Trick heard it all the same. His mouth settled on Nathan’s, marrying their warm, moist lips as though they had all the time they needed to get this right.

  Nathan seemed to resist him at first, but the more Trick softly plucked at them, the more Nathan’s mouth relaxed. His eyelids fluttered closed, leaving the slightest slit behind which he continued to watch. That stubborn refusal to give over completely brought a hitch to Trick’s heartbeat. Yeah, he liked this kid’s attitude.

  Finally, Nathan kissed him back. It was tentative, an almost negligible capture of Trick’s lips. And that’s when Trick went in for the kill. His mouth parted and he tested the seam of Nathan’s lips with the tip of his tongue, sighing his pleasure when Nathan let him enter.

  He was salty from the fries, and sweetly cola flavored. Trick settled in, tasting him, gently pushing Nathan’s limits until the other man not only stopped resisting him but openly returned his kiss in a way that had Trick’s head spinning.

  He’d meant to tempt Nathan, but the tables had flipped on him. Nathan, cuffed and pinned, seduced him with nothing more than his honest response to the way Trick made him feel. It was humbling and wildly erotic. He wondered vaguely if Nathan had any idea how powerful his submission was.

  All that man tenderly tempting him and only taking what Nathan allowed, made for a powerful aphrodisiac, Nathan realized too late. His body felt like melting jelly. He didn’t want it to stop.

  It doesn’t have to, his brain whispered.

  Trick’s hand trailed over Nathan’s chest, pausing to caress his nipples. His hands came up again to touch Nathan’s face. He tugged Nathan’s chin down and swept deeply inside his mouth. Nathan responded by sucking Trick’s tongue until the man shuddered and moaned.

  When Trick finally pulled away, he looked as dazed as Nathan felt. His blue eyes had a dreamy quality that managed to soften his features into handsomeness. If this was how Trick looked when he kissed, he needed never to stop kissing. The combination of tenderness and need directed at him, made Nathan shake with the urgency to rip the other man’s clothes off and devour him.

  He did want Trick. It was stupid. It was career suicide. It didn’t make sense. There were one-night stands, and then there was this—the hint that there was more depth, more to offer than a mutual banging session. Nothing as romantic as love at first sight. Yet something indefinable.

  “I changed my mind,” Nathan breathed.


  “Sex,” Nathan admitted strangely comfortable saying it. He should have feared it was a set up, but from the look on Trick’s face, he wanted to just as badly. “I want it. With you. Now.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “A mobster with a conscience. Who knew?” Nathan joked nervously.

  “A warm-blooded FBI agent. Just as rare.”

  “I’m sure,” Nathan said, watching with interest as Trick smiled.

  “You trust me?”

  “Not at all. You’re still in FBI custody.”

  Trick nodded pointedly to the cuffs that kept Nathan in place.

  “Don’t be fooled by a little metal.”

  Trick chuckled warmly. He sat up and pulled his t-shirt off, throwing it to the floor.

  “At the risk of incurring another joke about my age, there’s a condom in my wallet.”

  Trick did laugh then.

  Nathan smiled widely. At least they were on the same page. “Sex doesn’t change anything though. I’m still bringing you in.”

  “Sure, but first, I’m going to bring you off. You don’t mind, do you?” Trick asked rhetorically.

  Trick pushed a hand underneath Nathan’s ass and retrieved the wallet. He took out the condom and tossed the wallet onto the growing pile of clothes on the floor.

  “Only one,” Trick noted. “I guess I need to get creative.” He wiggled his brows and came down for another long, lingering kiss.

  Nathan would be sorry to see those end. The man knew what he was doing. Day-end stubble scraped Nathan’s cheek and part
of his upper lip. He smiled when he remembered wondering if he’d feel that instead of Trick’s upper lip. The softness remained though. Trick didn’t suffer for having a thin lip and hard edged lower one. If anything, the effect was dizzying to Nathan’s senses. Soft, hard, scratchy and smooth kept him interested and eager for more.

  “Relax,” Trick murmured against his mouth. “We’re under FBI protection with our own personal guard out there and everything.”

  “Who knows what we’re doing.”

  “Who suspects what we’re doing. If he didn’t see it happen, he can’t report on it.” Trick said.

  “He saw what happened in the car,” Nathan reminded him.

  “Okay, you’ve got me there. So let’s say your ass is already in the cooker. That just means you can rest in the knowledge that you might as well make the most of it and turn the heat to high.”

  Trick undid Nathan’s pants and tugged them down.

  “My very own FBI agent, stripped and ready for whatever I give him,” Trick whispered.

  “Why is he out there when he suspects this is happening?” Nathan asked suddenly.

  “Who cares?”

  “I do. Why isn’t he slapping you in cuffs and insisting that I stay away?”

  Trick pulled Nathan’s pants all the way off then removed his own shirt. Trick was solid muscle. Between the power in his body and the impressive cock, Nathan had no doubt that he’d be sore for days afterward.

  “He’s not unsympathetic,” Trick told him. “That’s all I’m going to say.”

  “Wait, so he does know what’s happening in here?”

  Trick lifted an eyebrow. “You mean what isn’t happening because you’re worried he’ll walk in, don’t you?”

  Nathan tugged on the restraints. “Something’s off.”

  Trick dragged the side of his finger up the length of Nathan’s cock. Nathan felt it like a stroke to every nerve ending. “Not yet, it isn’t. We’ll get you off soon enough.”

  “He should be in here demanding you be put back into cuffs.”

  “You’re looking a gift horse in the mouth, Agent Rohn. How do you know diNossi hasn’t had his own share of federal fun in years past?”


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