Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3)

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Totally Rocked? (The Next Generation Series Book 3) Page 9

by K E Osborn

  “How was that?” he asks as I slowly open my eyes.

  “Unbelievably good,” I murmur. I look into his eyes and he pulls his finger from my panties and brings it up and inserts it into his mouth and sucks on it. I cringe and shake my head.

  “That’s gross,” I say and he chuckles and shakes his head.

  “No sugar, that’s sweet.” He leans down placing his weight back in between my legs and kissing me strongly again. My clit is extremely sensitive, so having his jeans pressing against it is like agony and ecstasy all rolled into one. But more than that, it’s starting to make me feel worked up again as he begins to grind into me as he deepens his kiss. He brings his hand up into my hair and grips it tightly which forces out a pleasurable moan. I like it when he’s a little rough with me. I wrap my legs around his waist and grind myself into him. He moans into my mouth and I’m lost in the moment.

  Making out with Danger like this is pure heaven. I know I want to go further with him, and I thought maybe after what he just did he might have taken it further, but he doesn’t. Maybe he’s being cautious with me because he knows I’m a virgin. He wants to take things slow, I suppose. But I’m ready to take things fast. I’d love to have him inside of me right now and I’m prepared to rush this.

  “What the fuck?” someone yells and Danger breaks his lips from mine and we both look toward the door to see a man in a suit looking at us. “Get out of here. This is my fucking office and my club. You shouldn’t be in here. Fucking rock stars thinking they can just fuck anywhere they want to. Get the fuck out before I call the police,” he berates. I bite my bottom lip and unwrap my legs from around Danger. He slowly gets up and pulls my dress down to cover my panties from the grumpy old man’s perving eyes. Standing up, Danger takes my hand and we move to head out.

  “Sorry,” I say and the old man shakes his head.

  “Sorry? You’re sorry? Just get the fuck out now,” he exclaims.

  Danger pulls me to him and shakes his head. “Don’t talk to her like that man. There’s no need to be an asshole,” he says and I place my hand on Danger’s chest to let him know it’s okay.

  “Whatever, just get the fuck out,” the man reiterates and Danger and I walk past him and back out into the hallway and toward the VIP room. The man slams his office door shut behind us with a few more expletives and I turn to Danger and purse my lips together.

  “Oops,” I say.

  He shakes his head and frowns. “What an ass. That guy shouldn’t have talked to you like that,” he says and I start to giggle. “What? Why are you giggling?” he asks looking at me confused.

  “Imagine if he walked in like two minutes earlier?”

  Danger finally cracks a smile and sees the funny side of it.

  “Yeah, I guess that would’ve been a lot more awkward, but entertaining for him,” he says.

  I nod and giggle again.

  “You’re amazing you know that? You see the good in everything,” he tells me.

  “I like to think so. There’s no point dwelling on the negatives of life, it just gets you down,” I say as he pulls me to him for an embrace.

  “So you ah…liked what I did to you on the sofa then?”

  I lean up on my toes wrapping my arms around his neck and kiss him briefly then pull away and look into his eyes. “It was orgasmic, literally. I’d love to do that again, and more, if you’re willing?” I say finding some inner bravery that I didn’t know I had.

  “You saucy little minx. Look at you throwing yourself at me,” he teases.

  I slap his chest and scoff. “Well then, I can always withhold if you prefer?”

  “Our time will come, sugar. We just have to be patient.”

  I nod and smile as he leans down and kisses me pushing me against the wall and grabbing my arms pinning them either side of my head so I can’t move. I smile against his lips as he holds his body firmly against mine on the wall, so I can’t move at all. I adore his domineering side and enjoy the power he has over me, and even though I know that Chad thinks Danger’s a lost cause, I can see the good in him.

  “We should get back to the party?” I ask more like a question than a comment, and he nods.

  “Yeah, I suppose. Although I’d love to find another office and fornicate with you some more, but I guess that will have to wait for another time.”

  I giggle at his choice of words and shake my head, then I open my eyes wide and frown.

  “What is it, sugar?” Danger asks noticing my change in demeanor.

  “Well, I got satisfaction but you didn’t. Do you want me to give you a hand job or something?” I ask.

  He smiles and chuckles. “No sugar, I think feeling your tight pussy contracting against my fingers was satisfaction enough for me and tasting you was a bonus. Plus, I’m all in for delayed gratification and all that. I can wait for another time and a better place. I want you to feel comfortable when we’re doing stuff like that, and being in a club like this for your first time probably isn’t the best way to learn what sex is all about.”

  I smile and nod. I knew he was a good guy under all that bad boy image. He really cares about my feelings.

  “Okay, but as long as you’re sure? I don’t want you to feel like you were duped or something.”

  “Sugar, I got to touch and taste you. Trust me, I got more out of it than you did,” he says and I laugh this time.

  “I doubt that my orgasm was unimaginable. Way, way better than me touching myself,” I say and he smiles like he’s proud of himself.

  “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he says and then leans down to kiss me again. “But if we don’t go back to the party like now, I’m going to have to touch you again. But it’ll be in the hallway right here where anyone can see, so let’s go before I can’t control myself,” he says looking down at my pussy licking his lips. He then takes my hand and rushes us back to the party. I laugh and follow closely, holding his hand tightly and smiling all the way like a bloody Cheshire cat.

  We arrive back at the party and Chad looks at me frowns as Danger drops my hand and walks in and over to Ryan, Matt, and Nate. I want to follow Danger, but I’m also drawn to Chad and want to see why he looks so down.

  “You coming, sugar?” Danger asks looking at me. Chad takes a long drink of his beer and turns away from me.

  I bite my lip and look back to Danger. “I might just check and see that Chad is okay, and then I’ll come and join you,” I reply and he nods.

  I walk over to where Chad is sitting on his own drinking and take a seat next to him and look right at him, but he doesn’t look at me.

  “Chad?” He exhales and slowly turns to look at me. “What’s wrong with you?”

  He shakes his head biting his lip and flaring his nostrils. “You were gone for a while with him,” he says and then takes another long pull of his beer.

  “Yeah, so?” I say and he half laughs.

  “Right,” he says and leans back into his seat and looks away from me again.

  “Why are you being weird?” I ask and he looks at me, no, more like glares at me and frowns.

  “He’s a jerk, an idiot, and he treats you like dirt, Ella. When will you see that?” he argues.

  I sit up straighter and furrow my brows. “He’s actually a really decent guy under the bravado, and if you spent the time to get to know him rather than judge him on face value, you’d see that like I do.”

  “Whatever! I don’t know what’s wrong with you, that you have to lower yourself into thinking you’re only good enough for someone like him. You’re worth so much more than that.” He emphasizes the word and points, I’m insulted but flattered at the same time.

  “Well, I don’t know what your issue is here Chad, but you’re not my brother or my father so you need not worry about me. I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself.”

  “Yeah, until he breaks your heart. Then you’ll come crying to me to help you, and I’ll have to be the one to put you back together,” he says and I furrow my

  “Well, that’s what friends do Chad. They’re here for each other if something bad happens or goes wrong,” I say and he scoffs.

  “Friends, yeah, that’s it isn’t it?” he asks and I shake my head wondering what the hell has gotten into him.

  “What is wrong with you? I came here to cheer you up not get into a fight with you.”

  He stands up, picking up his leather jacket and drinking the last of his beer. “Then I’ll make it easy on us both and leave,” he says and starts to walk away.

  “Chad,” I exclaim, but he doesn’t stop. I reach out and grab his arm, but he flinches out of my grip and keeps walking.

  I stand up and face him. “Chad!” I call out, but he continues to walk away from me and out of the room. I fold my arms over my chest and wonder what the fuck has gotten up his goat. I shake my head and look back over to Danger, who’s looking at me and half smiling, so I walk over and sit down next to him in the booth. At least his frosty demeanor at the after parties has softened, and now I can talk to him while my dad is around. Caleb is talking to Aston and Slayed are all talking together while I sit in the booth with Recoil and some of the VIP guests.

  “You okay? That looked intense,” Danger says placing his hand on my leg under the table.

  I nod and frown. “Yeah, I have no idea what it was about, though. He seemed really pissed off at me and I have no idea why,” I say and Danger winces.

  “Do you think it’s because of me?” he asks and I shake my head even though I know it is.

  “No, I believe he just has some weird issues he needs to sort out. I’m sure he’ll get over it,” I say and Danger smiles while some blonde bird laughs like a hyena over the other side of the booth.

  I look across and Ryan and Matt are both sitting with girls on their laps and Nate is on my side with a stack of empty alcohol glasses in front of him. These guys sure know how to party and yet it seems while they were partying, Danger was spending his time in an office with me rather than on multiple girls and alcohol. Now if Chad thinks he’s so bad then why would he be doing this night after night at every party we go to? I think Chad has Danger all wrong. And I don’t know what Chad’s issue is, but I hope he gets over it sooner rather than later, because honestly, I need my best friend around. And if Chad is going to ignore me because I’m going to be spending my time with Danger, I don’t want to have to choose between them. It’s a choice I can’t make. A choice I won’t make. And if that’s the road that Chad is going to take, then I’m going to have to think long and hard about what I’m going to say to him. He needs to settle down because for the next five months Danger is a part of both of our lives whether he likes it or not.

  Chad’s been so on and off with me over the last two weeks. He talks to me about band stuff and that’s about it. I’ve missed talking to him, but because he’s basically avoiding me I’m spending most of my time with Danger and let’s just say things are heating up between us. For the last two weeks since we got caught in the office at the club, we’ve managed to find a way to keep getting closer and closer at the after parties. We find hiding spots where Danger can work me up into a frenzy. The last couple of nights I convinced him to let me return the favour and I gave my first ever blow job. I had no idea what I was doing, but he came quickly so I guess I did it properly, and anyway, he talked me through it. I was a little shy at first when I saw the size of his cock and the fact that he had a piercing through the head. But he was patient, and I have read teen magazines so I was pretty sure I knew the basics.

  We’re in Rome at the after party after playing at the amazing PalaLottomatica Arena. The packed out ten thousand five hundred capacity crowd was spectacular and so much fun. But right now I’m dancing with Danger at the La Brama Club, which roughly translates to desire in Italian, which is quite fitting for how I’m feeling right now. Dad and the rest of Slayed have called it a night. I’m still on a rush from the show and I’m finding it hard to calm down. We have another show here tomorrow night, so we don’t have any early morning flights or anything that will interfere with me having a good time, so I can stay up late and party. Which is exactly what I plan to do.

  Danger was not so much avoiding me, but not being as affectionate as he is right now when Dad’s around. But now that Dad’s gone, Danger is making use of the time we have together and is grinding on me while we dance. We’re dirty dancing and I love it. His leg is pressed up in between mine and his body is flush up against me. His hands are on my arse as mine are wrapped around his neck and my fingers are fiddling with his hair. Both of us are laughing and having a great time.

  I can’t help but notice Chad sitting in the corner drinking alone and watching us. I wish I knew what his deal was lately, but I don’t want to focus on him tonight. Tonight, I want all my focus on Danger and how good his thigh feels pressing up between my legs, which is making me crazy. He looks into my eyes and as the beat drops he grinds into me again. I exhale as he presses harder between my legs against my pussy. He knows what he’s doing and he knows this is turning me on. Smiling he leans down pressing his lips to mine in an open-mouthed forceful kiss as we continue to dirty dance and grind on each other. His tongue massages mine and his grip on my arse tightens while I moan into his mouth. I really want to take this out of here so we can make out without people around. I want to be intimate, but tonight I wish to take it even further if I can. I feel ready and I have a connection with him. I’ve been on tour and playing this make-out game with Danger for three weeks now. I’m eighteen, and my body is screaming at me to take the next step. I want to so badly that everything inside of me is aching and clenching at the thought of Danger being inside of me. My clit is throbbing and I can’t stand it anymore as he grinds into me on the dance floor one more time. I pull my lips from his and look into his eyes. He smiles and I put on my most serious face.

  “Danger, will Ryan be in your hotel room tonight?” I ask subtly trying to get my hint across.

  “He doesn’t have to be.” Danger smirks while leaning down and kissing me softly this time, no urgency or harshness about it like most other times.

  “Maybe you could find out if he can find somewhere else to crash?” I suggest and Danger’s eyes light up. Then he lets me go and looks at me with very serious eyes.

  “Are you asking what I think you’re asking?” I simply nod my head. “Are you sure? I mean we can wait longer?”

  “No, I’m ready,” I say and he smiles and nods.

  “Wait here!” He leans in and kisses my lips quickly then races off over to Ryan, whispers something in his ear and Ryan smirks and nods.

  Smiling, I wrap my arms around myself as I stand in the middle of the dance floor feeling like everyone is looking at the virgin who’s just agreed to get lucky for the first time.

  I look over at Chad, who seems to be frowning at me so I smile at him, but he looks away. I furrow my brows. He seems pissed off at me all the time. I have no idea why. I hope I haven’t done something to offend him. Danger comes back and wraps me in his arms and all things Chad are forgotten.

  “Hey, Ryan is good for the night he found some Brazilian bird to go home with. The room is all ours. I can’t wait to fuck you hard, so hard you’ll find it hard to walk tomorrow,” he whispers in my ear. I tense up as he takes hold of me, he immediately notices pulling back looking at me. “What?”

  I bite my bottom lip worrying about how he might take what I want to say to him.

  “What, Ella?” he repeats.

  “Can you take it easy on me the first time?”

  He runs his hand through his hair. “Man, I really wanted to fuck you hard Ella,” he says and I bite my bottom lip and tense up even more.

  “I…um…” I trail off because I don’t know what to say.

  “It’s fine, just forget about it,” he says turning around in frustration and I start to panic.

  “So this isn’t going to happen then?” I ask and he turns back and shakes his head looking calmer.

  “Not the way I wanted, no. Man, I was so looking forward to fucking you into the middle of next week. I’ve been wanting that for three weeks Ella, you’ve been working me up to it. Now, I have to be careful and delicate with you, it’s not something I know how to do.”

  I bite my bottom lip and look down at the ground. “I’m sorry.”

  He exhales and steps up to me and takes my head in my hands and pulls my head up so I’m looking at him.

  “No, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m being a dick. You’re a virgin, so fucking what. I can be gentle with you the first few times and then we can work up to my style. We have five and a half months’ worth of time to build up to what I want. I need to control myself and be good to you first before I’m bad to you—”

  “Bad to me?” I ask opening my eyes wide in confusion.

  “Bad in an exquisite way, sugar. Trust me, Ella, I’ll take you places you’ve never dreamed of going,” he says and takes my hand as we start to walk off.

  “So you’re okay then, with the whole ‘V’ thing?” I ask quietly and he chuckles and nods.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Just means you’ll be nice and tight around my cock,” he says.

  I gasp and giggle at his words, as he drags me out of the VIP room at the club and down to the waiting chauffeured car. My stomach is fluttering with giddy butterflies and also churning at the same time. It’s not every day a girl loses her virginity and, to be honest, I’m a little nervous as well as excited. I know I want this, there’s no doubt in my mind. I’m so glad it’s going to be in a hotel room for my first time and not at some club in some small room or bathroom somewhere.

  We get to the car and Danger opens the door for me. I slide in and he follows quickly shutting the door behind me. The driver sets off and I move in my seat to face Danger. He grabs my thigh and pulls me over to straddle him in the back of the car. I giggle as I sit on top of his lap and wrap my arms around his neck as his hands find their way to my arse. I bring my head down in line with his and look into his eyes. His are hooded and full of lust and I can tell he’s as excited about this as I am.


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