Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set Page 47

by Smith, Wendy

  Short, sharp breaths come from her, and I dig my fingers through her hair, pulling her into a kiss. My tongue finds a gentle rhythm with hers, and we’re in sync, beautiful melodious sync.

  “Drew,” she whispers as I detach my lips from hers and drop them to her neck. She gasps as I lay a trail of kisses down to her shoulder before disappearing under the sheets to return the favour. “I didn’t make you come.”

  “I’ve got something to take care of first.”



  She giggles as I part her legs and plant kisses on her thighs. Her body tenses as anticipation builds, and she sighs loudly when my tongue makes first contact with her clit.

  I want things to always be this special between us. I’ve loved other women, but none so much as Hayley.

  I probe her gently with my tongue. Her hips flick toward me, and it’s all I can do to hold myself together. She undoes me every single time. A rush of emotion overwhelms me.

  She cries out so loudly that the people living in the next property over could probably hear her, let alone her parents.

  “Roll onto your side,” I say, positioning myself next to her.

  Hayley’s eyebrows shoot up, and I grin. I slip one arm beneath her and spread her legs with my other hand. From behind, I guide myself into her, and she gasps as I push.

  “I love you,” she says, leaning her head back.

  Raising my free hand to her face, I run my index finger down her cheek. “I love you, too.”

  I hold her tight, thrusting hard. I’m buried so deep inside her, but it could never be deep enough. She’s mine, and I want her to miss me when I’m gone.

  She moans.

  Hayley’s the past I wish I had, the present I need, and the future I long for all in one.

  “Marry me, Hayley,” I whisper.

  Her eyes flicker open, and she stills. “What did you say?”

  “I want you all the time like this. Not so far away I can only imagine it.”

  “Drew,” she whispers.

  “I need to be able to touch you. Not just talk about it. I need you.”

  Tears form in her eyes, and I slow my pace. My whole heart is in her hands, as it has been from the start. Once we were together, it was only ever her. No one else can compare.

  “I need you, too.”


  The tears drop from her eyes and roll away. I bend my head and tenderly kiss each temple until they’re gone.

  “Yes. Yes, Drew, I’ll marry you.”

  My heart breaks free and soars. Everything I’ve ever wanted is right here. We’ll build our life together as husband and wife, and screw everything and everyone that came before. Hayley’s my everything forever.

  “You make me so happy,” she says.

  With our gazes locked, I come. I let out a strained groan, emotion overwhelming me.

  My lips crash onto hers as I claim her mouth. I’m greedy, and want every tiny piece of her. She’ll never have to worry about anything again, not have to deal with shitty situations alone. I’ll always be there for her, no matter what.

  She sighs as I pull out of her, roll her onto her back, and hold her tight.

  “I think we should have a baby too.”

  Hayley laughs into my chest. “One thing at a time.”

  “Of course. We’ll get the wedding out of the way and then we’ll start on making babies,” I say. She looks up to meet my gaze. “That’s if you’re interested.”

  “You know I am. You’re just in mega-speed mode.”

  I nod. “You’re twenty-eight, so we have seven years to get the baby-making out of the way before our chances start decreasing.”

  She slams her palm into her forehead. “I don’t believe you just said that. Here you are being all romantic and sweet, and we’re now talking about my biological clock?”

  “Given my occupation, don’t you think I’m always thinking about that?”

  Laughing, she pulls me down to kiss her. “I’m not surprised, but can we talk about the serious stuff later?” Love radiates from her smile. “I will make babies with you. But one thing at a time.”

  “I want everything with you.”

  She turns off the bedside lamp. Curling up around her, I close my eyes. When she’s in my arms, I don’t worry about anything.

  “Drew?” she whispers.


  “I want everything with you, too.”



  She’s ravenous in the morning, and her mother raises an eyebrow, presumably at the amount of food Hayley’s eating. It’s good to see her this way. I know from personal experience that when you have a busy schedule, it’s easy to neglect yourself. This break has done us the world of good.

  “What are your plans for the day?” Sonya asks.

  Hayley’s mouth is full, so I decide to speak up. “I don’t come this way often, so we thought we might take a drive around, maybe do some shopping.”

  She nods. “I’m sure Hayley’s wardrobe needs a refresh.”

  I shoot a glance at Hayley and pat her on the back as her eyes bulge. She needs to swallow her food before she has a rant and chokes. “Hayley can go crazy with whatever she wants.”

  Hayley swallows and wraps her arms around my neck. I turn my head to plant a kiss on her nose.

  “You must have a good income to buy a house, provide my daughter with everything she needs.”

  I smile at Hayley’s eye-roll. “I do alright for myself. Enough for both of us.”

  Sonya sits back with an unsatisfied look on her face.

  David smiles as he sits at the table. “Good morning, you two. Have a good sleep?”

  I nod.

  “I had a great sleep,” Hayley says. “It’s nice to be home.”

  “Maybe you can come home more often.” He shares a smile with her, and she moves her chair closer, leaning her head against mine.

  “I’ve got some calls to make.” Sonya leaves the table, and David sighs.

  “I hope she wasn’t giving you two too hard a time.”

  Shaking my head, I smile. “No more a hard time than my mother gave Hayley.”

  “It’s hard to say who’s worse,” Hayley says, but I disagree. Visiting my mother left Hayley crying and breaking up with me. This is nothing. “If we’re going shopping, I’m going to go and get changed.” She kisses my cheek. “See you shortly.”

  My eyes are on her all the way into the house.

  “Sonya wasn’t that bad, was she?” David asks.

  “She’s fine. I know she’s just looking out for Hayley. I’m just waiting to be asked for my bank balance.”

  David laughs. “She’s been preoccupied with finding the perfect man for Hayley for a long time. Hayley’s gotten it right, I reckon.”

  “Me too. Speaking of that, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  His brows knit. “What?”

  “I asked Hayley to marry me last night.”

  A smile I’m not expecting crosses his lips. I’m not sure how much of a stickler he is for tradition, but I guess I’m about to find out.

  “That’s wonderful. I’m assuming she said yes?”

  I nod. “I’ve just done things a bit back to front. I should have spoken to you about it first.”

  He chuckles. “I figured things were heading this way. I’m not that surprised.”

  “It was a bit of a spur-of-the-moment thing. It’s been on my mind, but I didn’t plan it.”

  He grips my shoulder. “Thank you for talking to me about it. I’m over the moon, and maybe now you’ll distract Sonya with wedding plans.”

  I grin; I can’t help it. The thought of Hayley walking down the aisle toward me sets my soul alight.

  “I hope so. I’m taking her out ring shopping today.”

  “Great.” He presses his lips together. “If you don’t mind me asking, are you okay to get her what she wants?”

  For a moment, I blank, and th
en it clicks. He’s asking me if I have enough money.

  I nod. “I’ll be fine. Knowing Hayley, she’ll want to get something small and subtle, but I want something big enough to show the world she’s mine.”

  “Good for you. I didn’t mean anything by it. What I want is for my girl to get everything she deserves.”

  “That’s what I want too.”

  He grins. “I think you’re good for her, Drew. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her so happy.”

  “Are you ready to go?” Hayley stands in the doorway, a huge grin on her face. It’s fair to say it’s been stuck there since I proposed last night. I hope I always make her smile that much.

  “Someone’s eager,” David mutters.


  “I hope you find something you like,” he says to Hayley, waggling his eyebrows.

  Her eyes widen. “You told?”

  “Well, I kinda didn’t ask for his permission first.”

  David stands and crosses the room, taking Hayley in his arms and kissing her cheek. “Congratulations, sweetheart. I think you picked the right one here. I won’t tell your mother; I’ll leave that to you.”

  As he sits back at the table, she rolls her eyes. “Chicken.”

  “I’m the one who has to live with her. I’ve got to be the good guy.” He winks, and the love he has for his daughter is clear to see.

  At least we have his approval.

  * * *

  It takes three stores and a lot of other shopping along the way, but she finally lays eyes on a ring she falls in love with. My heart dances at the joy in her eyes, and I slide it on her finger in front of the counter. Hayley flings her arms around me, and I hold on tight, closing my eyes as I breathe in her excitement.

  This is the woman I’m going to spend my life with.

  It’s not the biggest ring in the store, but it’s simple and classic and what she wants—white gold with a single diamond. Her eyes sparkle as much as the stone does as she takes a step back.

  “It’s perfect, Drew.”

  “You’re perfect.”

  Not caring who sees us, I slide my hand around to brace her head and kiss her. My heart bursts with love for her, and I can’t get enough of this. I break a little thinking that after this weekend, we’ll go our separate ways again, even if it’s only for a short amount of time.

  “Don’t wait to find a job,” I whisper.

  She screws up her nose. “We talked about this.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  Hayley slips her arms around my waist. “I don’t want to either.”

  “So remind me what we’re waiting for then?”

  She chuckles. “I don’t want anyone thinking I’m with you for any other reason than I love you.”

  “I blame your mother for you thinking that way. You’re not going to be an ornament in my home, Hayley.” After another quick kiss, I smile. “You won’t just be my wife—you’ll be my partner. That’s what I want.”

  “It’s what I want, too.

  “Then, let’s do it. You just have to work out your notice, right?”

  “A month.”

  “Then give notice when you get home, and we’ll sort out a moving company to pack all your things and move them.”

  Her eyes search mine as if she’s trying to see if I’m kidding, but I’m not. I don’t give a crap about anything else right now. It scares me that she’s still living in the same town as Ash Harris, but more importantly, I want her with me so I can love her.

  “You did say once you were gonna be bossy when it came to me.” She grins.

  “Too right I am. I’m sick of us being apart when there’s no need for it. Anything you want, Hayley, it’s yours. I’m yours.”

  Tears roll down her cheeks, and I hold her tight.

  The woman behind the counter gives me a forced smile. “Here’s your receipt, sir.”

  I take it with a laugh, because when I’m with Hayley, nothing else matters.

  * * *

  With a car full of bags, we make our way back to her parents’ place. Hayley spends the whole journey examining her ring finger, shifting the diamond so it sparkles. We’ll need to have it adjusted, it’s a little tight, but she didn’t want to leave the store without it.

  We pull into the driveway. A late-model, bright red Ferrari sits in front of the house, and we park behind it.

  “Flash car.”

  Hayley flicks me a smile. “Welcome to my life. Wonder who it is. We’ll take all this stuff in so I can sort it out. Some of the clothes can go in my suitcase.”

  I grab the bags from the boot of the car, as she shoves her engagement ring in my face. “Mum’s going to go nuts.”

  “At least your dad is fine with it. In fact, he offered to help pay for it.”

  Her mouth drops open. “No.”

  “I told him no. You’re my girl, and I take care of whatever it is you need.”

  She flings her arms around my neck and plants a tender kiss on my lips. My heart is so full right now.

  We walk inside, and her father greets us with a big grin on his face. “Did a bit of shopping, did we?”

  “Someone did.” I laugh, nodding toward Hayley.

  “Your mother’s got some old friend of yours outside.”

  Hayley smiles. “I’ll just get these upstairs and be back in a minute.” She reaches for the bags, but I shake my head. “I’ll take these up to your room.”

  “I’ll come with you. There’s something in there I want.”

  We mount the stairs together, Hayley with an arm hooked in mine, and her head on my shoulder. She’s happy, and that’s all that matters to me right now.

  “Is there really something in these bags you want?” I ask.

  “I just wanted to be with you. Facing Mum can wait.”

  “Are you that worried she’ll be upset?”

  Hayley pauses at her bedroom door. “She’s a lot like your mother, I think. Hates that she can’t control my life. I could bring home a famous movie star and she’d hate him because she didn’t choose him.”

  I walk in and drop the bags on the bed.

  She wraps her arms around my waist and nestles into my chest. “I choose you, and that’s what matters. After everything we’ve been through together, there’s nothing she can do to disrupt my mood.”

  “Why’s that?” I feign innocence.

  She raises her face to smile at me. “Because I made the right decision. I’m marrying the man I love.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “So you’ll settle for a humble doctor instead of a movie star?”

  “There’s no one else I’d rather have.”

  For a moment, I close my eyes and hold her tight. I love her more than everything else in this whole world, and I don’t know if I can let her go at all after this time together.

  “Should we go and spoil my mother’s weekend with the news?” She grins.

  “Do you really think it’s going to do that?”

  Hayley shrugs. “I don’t care. I’m marrying you, Drew Campbell, whether she likes it or not.”

  God, I love her.

  We walk down the stairs, hand in hand. Her mother’s waiting at the bottom.

  “Mum, I’ve got something to tell you.”

  Sonya turns, a fake smile plastered all over her face that leaves my eyebrows rising. This can’t be good. I know Hayley’s determined not to be hurt by her, but I know what my mother did to her. I tighten my grip.

  “Hayley, there’s someone here to see you.”

  Sonya takes Hayley’s hand, and Hayley shoots me a confused look, following her. I trail along behind as Sonya leads us out the back of the house into the bright sunshine.

  “Do you remember our phone call when I told you Courtney Jackson’s son had been asking after you?” Sonya speaks in a low voice, and I realise there’s a blond man sitting at the outdoor table. It doesn’t take much to click that he owns the Ferrari out front.

ley groans. “Mum …”

  I catch her gaze and raise my eyebrows. She shrugs in return.

  “When you told us you were coming home, I invited him around.”

  Her eyes are full of irritation. “I’m here with Drew.”

  “Yes, but it wouldn’t hurt to see him. Maybe become reacquainted?”

  When Sonya says that I know she’s just like my mother. She even has the balls to be brazen about it.

  “Drew’s standing right there, and I need to talk to—”

  “Jamie. Here’s Hayley. She’s just been out shopping with her … friend.”

  My anger’s building, but I don’t need to say anything. Jamie stands and walks around the table, extending his hand. “Hayley. It’s been years.” When I think he’s about to shake her hand, he pulls her to him and kisses her cheek. I don’t miss that his hand lingers holding hers as he lets her go.

  “Yeah, I think that’s enough,” I say.

  Sonya turns her gaze on me. “Jamie and Hayley knew each other a very long time ago. Hayley had such a crush on him when she was a little girl.”

  “Mum.” Hayley’s voice is louder than before, and even Jamie takes a step back. “Stop it.”

  Her mother raises her hand to her chest with faux offence. “Stop what?”

  “You’re incorrigible. I bring the man I love home and you try and set me up with someone else?” Hayley’s shaking with anger, and I slip my arm around her shoulder. She waves her hand around under her mother’s nose.

  Sonya blanches. “You’re engaged?”

  “Yes. To be married, in case there is some way you could misinterpret that.” Hayley spits the words at her mother. “That was the thing I had to tell you.”

  Sonya glares at me. “You didn’t think you should maybe talk to us first?”

  David steps out onto the decking.

  “For Christ’s sake, Sonya. The girl’s twenty-eight years’ old. Drew spoke to me about it this morning, and I said I was more than happy for the two of them.” He comes up beside us and grips my shoulder. “They’re in love, and they’re happy. Isn’t that what we always wanted for Hayley?”


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