Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set

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Copper Creek: The Complete Boxed Set Page 109

by Smith, Wendy

“I don’t know about that. He eats, poops, and sleeps. Same as Violet will for a while.”

  “I’m just hoping for the sleep.” Ginny grins.

  “I would too. Eli’s not that bad, but we’re still looking forward to sleeping the whole night again.”

  Ginny leans back. “I’m just so glad she’s here. Even if she doesn’t sleep, she’s my little miracle.”

  I grin. “I’m so happy for you two.”

  “Three,” Ava says.

  I laugh. “Sorry. Three of you.”

  She rolls her eyes, climbing off the bed and disappearing into the living room.

  “Ginny.” Constance stands in the doorway, a smile on her face a mile wide. “How are you doing?”

  “Feeling a lot better now she’s here,” Ginny says.

  “I bet.” Constance walks in and places two cups on the bedside cabinet. “Your coffee is in the living room, Corey.”

  “Is that a hint?” I laugh. Standing, I pass the small bundle that is my niece to Constance. Her mouth falls open as her eyes land on the baby. “She’s so precious.”

  I peck Con on the cheek, and nod at Ginny. “I’ll leave you ladies to it.”

  When I get to the door, I turn and look at the three of them. Constance sits on the bed, cradling Violet. It causes a surge of confusing emotions in me. We literally just had a baby boy, but I want so much to have a baby girl with her too. Maybe fate won’t see things the same way, but I’d love one of each. I could teach them both how to live off the land, how to hunt, and how to take care of themselves.

  A year and a half ago, I had nothing.

  Now I have everything.

  * * *

  I take in the sight of Owen on the couch with Eli.

  He’s taken him out of the capsule and is rocking him like a pro, Ava watching on. Eli appears to be fascinated with Owen.

  “I can’t believe we’re both here with our children. Whoever thought we’d be like this a couple of years ago?” Owen says.

  “Like what?”

  “All settled down and having babies.”

  I chuckle. “It’s a beautiful thing.”

  “Corey, look,” Ava says.” She holds up a large teddy bear.

  Joining Ava on the couch, I smile. “Who’s that?”

  “Daddy bought it for me. He got Violet the same one, but it’s smaller.”

  “Did he? That’s pretty cool.”

  Owen nods toward us. “We wanted to make sure Ava knew she was just as important to us as the baby. And that she’s going to be an awesome big sister.”

  I stroke her hair. “You’ll be great, Ava.”

  “Can I see Eli?” she asks.

  I hold out my arms, and Owen passes him over. “Here he is.”

  Her lips twist. “He looks a bit like Violet. But his hair is dark.”

  “Well, they are cousins. I bet Violet looks a little like you do when she’s older.”

  She beams. “Really?”

  “You’re sisters. There’ll be similarities. Are you proud to be a big sister?”

  Ava nods. I shift Eli to one arm so I can wrap the other around her. She snuggles in against my side. Eli yawns.

  “Is Eli tired?”

  I nod. “I think the car ride wore him out.”

  “Ava, do you want a hot chocolate?” Owen asks as he stands.

  She rolls her eyes as if he’s asking the dumbest thing in the world. “Yes.”

  Owen laughs. “Now I’m going to have three girls looking at me like that. Just as well I love you all so much.”

  “Can I have marshmallows too, Daddy?”

  “Of course you can.” He bends, giving her a kiss before standing and walking up the hallway.

  “Corey?” Ava asks.

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I think you’re a good daddy.”

  I grin. “That’s nice of you to say.”

  She leans in to take a closer look at Eli. I can’t wait until he’s old enough to play with his cousins. “When will he be able to walk?”

  I shrug. “Maybe a year? It’s hard to say.”

  Owen comes back into the room with a plate of pastries and Ava’s hot chocolate.

  Ava shakes her head with a dramatic sigh. “I have to wait a whole year.”

  Owen and I chuckle as she takes her hot chocolate.

  “I guess so.”



  In the past year, Mia and I have been through a lot. Falling in love, all while keeping it as secret as we can. The death of my mother. Now, the birth of my niece and nephew.

  I’ve never been so happy or so homesick.

  I moved into Mia’s place after Christmas. Most of my stuff is in storage in the garage because she had everything. Garrett’s occasional flybys are irritating, but we’ve managed to keep under his radar.

  So far.

  When he has seen her, he’s been quite aggressive about them getting back together. But Mia’s strong, and she knows she has me behind her.

  We both know we should declare it all. But we’re so close to the end and being able to leave Auckland for good.

  Now I get her all to myself for the break between semesters, but home’s on my mind.

  “You’re brooding.”

  It’s day two of the holidays, and she’s right. I am. “We should go to Copper Creek.”

  “We?” She joins me on the couch. I want my family to meet her. The only reason they haven’t yet is in case anyone in town from uni sees us together.

  “I want to visit my family. And I don’t want to go without you again.”

  She plays her bottom lip between her teeth.

  When she gives me a small nod, I grin. I place my hands on her arms. “I know you’re scared, Mia, but we’re so close. My family want to meet you, and we can trust them.”

  “I know we can.” Tears form in her eyes. “It’s not just fear. I think we need to declare our relationship when uni starts again.”

  My mouth falls open. “Are you ready for that?”

  “It’s all I ever think about, James. We’ve hidden for so long, and I hate it. Garrett is just proving he’s going to be a pain in the arse no matter what, so let’s do it.”

  I lean over, kissing her so hard she pushes me away.

  “I can’t breathe when you do that.” She laughs.

  “Sorry. I just want to go and meet Eli and Violet. And show you off to my family. They’ll love you, Mia. I promise.”

  She gives me a timid smile. “I can’t wait to meet them.”

  * * *

  On Saturday morning, we pack her car. It’s more economical over a long distance, and I like driving it. It’s newer than my Toyota and bigger.

  “Are you going to tell anyone we’re coming?” she asks.

  “I sent a text to my dad earlier in the week. There’s a barbecue at Adam’s this afternoon, so we’ll go there first and then onto Dad’s afterward, if that’s okay. It means you get to meet everyone.”

  “That’s a little overwhelming.”

  “I’ll be by your side. I told you they’ll love you. It’s easier than going to see them all individually.”

  “I guess.” She shrugs.

  “Let’s get going. Sooner we’re on the road, the sooner we’re there.” Leaning over, I press a tender kiss to her lips.


  “It’ll be fun. I’m not sure when the last time was that they were all together.”

  “Any particular reason this time?”

  I shrug. “I mean, it could be because I told Dad about you coming to visit.”

  She laughs. “Great. No expectations whatsoever.”

  “We’ll be fine.”

  Once we’re on the road, she grows more relaxed. Last time we were down this way, we were in separate cars. This is our first road trip.

  “I like not having to drive,” she says as we make our way out of Hamilton. “It’s nice being the passenger.”

  “We should get out of town more often. It’ll
be good to see the country together.”

  “Maybe we can when the year is up.”

  I grin. “I love that idea. I’ve seen from Copper Creek to Auckland, and that’s about it.”

  She sighs. “I went to Christchurch for a conference once. And I’ve been to Australia a few times.”

  “I’ve been to Samoa. With you.”

  “Maybe we should go again to celebrate my divorce.” She laughs.

  By the time we take the final turn off to Copper Creek, she’s fast asleep.

  It’s good to see her stress-free. There’s always a part of her that doesn’t turn off, knowing that Garrett can and will still make her life difficult.

  I’ll be glad when I can take her away from all of that. She’ll never have to want for the love and affection from me.

  Coming up to the last few twists in the road, I nudge her arm. “Wakey, wakey. We’re nearly there.”

  She blinks a few times, and gives me a hazy smile. “Where?”

  “Copper Creek. We’ll be at Adam’s in just a few minutes.”

  When she takes a deep breath, I take her hand in mine and rest it on the gear lever. I can’t wait for my family to meet her.



  I’m not sure about this.

  James has told his family very little about me.

  Not about my pending divorce, or that I’m one of his lecturers. Or that he’s twenty-three and I’m forty-one.

  My stomach is in knots.

  As if he senses it, James reaches across and takes my hand in his. “You okay?”


  He nods. “They’ll love you.”

  “Are you sure? You have this way of making me not feel the age gap, but if they have a problem …”

  “Corey and Constance have something like twelve years between them. It’s no biggie.”

  I let out a breath. “That’s what you say. Twelve is very different to seventeen.”

  “Babe, if we’re going public, there are going to be people who have an opinion on it. But you know what? I don’t care.” He raises my hand to his lips. “As long as I have you, that’s all that matters.”

  I nod. “I love you.”

  He grins. “Love you too.”

  We turn into the main road of Copper Creek, and I lean back in the seat and close my eyes. I can’t even remember meeting Garrett’s family; it’s like they just turned up in my life one day. His mother was so lovely, but in hindsight, Garrett took after his father: controlling, demanding, and angry.

  I’m looking forward to meeting James’s dad. And I’m sad I didn’t meet his mother before she died, although from what James has said, in her prime she would have had a problem with our relationship.

  “Adam’s place is just down here.” He slows when we approach a garage. The driveway’s full, so James pulls into the yard in front of the main building. “At least we can park the car in the shade here.”

  He climbs out of the car and comes around to my side while I’m picking up my handbag and sorting myself out. Opening the door, he extends his hand. I grin, taking it and stepping out.

  He leads me up the driveway behind the garage. It’s love at first sight when I see Adam’s house. I’d love a place like it. The verandah running around to the back of it makes me think of my parents’ house. I can’t wait to see the inside of this place. It’s a real mix of old and modern.

  “Shit. I left my phone in the car. Stay here and I’ll be back in a second,” James says.

  I smile. “You and your phone.”

  He shrugs. “Damn millennials.”

  I laugh as he disappears back around the side of the house.

  “You must be Mia.”

  A crazy-tall man approaches. I can see a passing family resemblance. James is big, but this guy?

  “That’s right. And you’re … Corey?”

  He smiles, and his smile is so much like James’s. Even if it’s hidden behind a thick beard. “That’s right. I’m sure James has told you all about us. Where is he?”

  I grin. “He left his phone in the car.”

  He shakes his head. “I swear he’s got some attachment issues around that phone. Though the last times I’ve seen him, it’s been because you’ve been at the other end.”

  I laugh.

  He nods toward the house. “Come this way.”

  Instead of taking me through the front door, he leads me around the back of the house. He pauses at the corner. “You know, he’s been really secretive about your relationship.”

  I swallow hard.

  “But I know he’s trying to protect you. I just don’t know what from. If there’s anything any of us can do, let us know.”

  For a moment, I just stare. I never had siblings to stick up for me. Is this what it’s like?

  He smiles. “Are you okay?”

  I nod. “I’m just not used to family support.”

  Corey frowns. “That’s no good. You’d better get used to it then.”

  I can’t stop myself. I grin, and he does the same in response.

  “Welcome to the family, Mia.”

  A group of women sit at a table on the deck when we turn the corner. Nerves churn in my stomach. I’ve been alone for a long time, except for James and the odd visit with Kelly. It’s been a while since I’ve socialised with a big group of people I don’t know.

  Corey puts his hand to his mouth and lets out an ear-piercing whistle. So many eyes turn toward us. “This is Mia. Mia, this is everyone.”

  “Mia.” A dark-haired woman smiles. She stands and walks toward me. “Come over here, and I’ll introduce you properly. I’m Hayley.”

  So many faces are looking at me, but the thing I really notice is the children. I turn my head to see a blonde girl, maybe about five, running around. She’s closely followed by a smaller blonde girl, and two even smaller children.

  “The oldest one is Ava—she’s Ginny and Owen’s. Then there’s Rose, who is Lily and Adam’s youngest, and then my two, Amelia and Logan,” Hayley says.

  Nodding, I look back at her. “I’ve heard the names. It’s just putting faces to everyone.”

  “Mia, you made your way back here.” James walks toward me, a big smile on his face.

  “Corey found me. Hayley was just about to introduce me to everyone.”

  Hayley slips an arm around my shoulder. “I’ve got her.”

  “Grab a beer,” a blonde woman sitting opposite where Hayley sat says.

  “Thanks, Lily.” James reaches for the chilly bin. “Want one, Mia?”

  “That’d be great.”

  Hayley steers me toward the table, pointing around. “Mia, this is Lily.”

  The woman who spoke smiles warmly at me. “It’s so good to finally meet you.”

  “You too.”

  “And at this end of the table are Ginny and Constance.” She points to them both. I smile at the sight of them breastfeeding their babies.

  “So, they must be Eli and Violet.” I point at the babies. Corey sits beside Constance.

  “That’s right. Take a seat.” Ginny nods at a chair. “How was the drive?”

  “Long, but it’s so nice to be out of the city.”

  “Here you go, babe.” James places a Tui beer in front of me. “You met Corey. What about the others?”

  I shake my head.

  “Over by the barbecue, the one holding the tongs is Adam, and standing beside him is Drew. And I can’t see Owen.”

  “He’s in the kitchen making us some dessert for after lunch,” Ginny says.

  James sits in the chair next to me. He takes one of my hands in his and squeezes it.

  “James has told me all about Owen’s baking. I can’t wait to try some.”

  “Good. Because I made something extra special in your honour.”

  I turn to look in the direction of the house as Owen makes his way toward us.

  “I hope you like it.” He holds out his hand. “I’m Owen.”

� I shake his hand. Everyone’s so friendly. I hate that I didn’t come here to meet them earlier.

  “James’s secret lady. We were all beginning to think you were a figment of his imagination,” Owen says.

  James laughs. “I don’t think I could conjure up anything as wonderful as Mia.”

  “Wow. You really do have it bad, little brother.” Owen laughs. He walks around the table, and bends to give Ginny a tender kiss. She smiles up at him.

  “Need me to do anything?” he asks.

  She shakes her head. “Violet’s nearly asleep.”

  “She does have that milk-drunk look about her.” He peeks over at Constance. “So does Eli. They make a great pair.”

  Constance laughs. “I’m hoping he’s taking his cue from his cousin. He’s not usually this easy to get to sleep.” She turns to Corey, on the other side of her. “Let’s hope he emulates Violet tonight too.”

  “Amen to that.” He holds out his arms, and Constance passes the baby over. His face tells a story. He’s a man completely besotted by his son. It makes my heart ache a little for what James and I can never have. Not that I’ll ever admit it.

  “They’re such lovely babies.” I grin.

  “They’re a lot quieter than usual. You arrived at a good time.” Constance laughs.

  “We’re in for a lot of trouble once they can run around,” Ginny says.

  “I’m sure they’ll just follow Ava. If we have her under control, the others will fall into line. Won’t you, little guy?” Corey takes Eli’s hand in his. His fist looks huge in comparison to the baby’s, and it makes me smile even more.

  “I hope you guys are hungry. There’s a ton of food.” Adam approaches. He smiles at me. “Hi, you must be Mia. James has told us nothing about you.”

  I laugh. “Well, he’s told me about you at least.”

  “You’ve got us all at a disadvantage then.” Drew walks up behind Adam and sends James a pointed look. “This guy’s been keeping you all to himself.”

  “Anyway, we’re just going to grab some trays to bring the cooked food to the table, and we’ll be ready to eat.” Adam passes me, brushing my shoulder with his hand. “It’s good to finally meet you.”


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