Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2)

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Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2) Page 13

by Dawn Doyle


  Blaine hadn’t called, hadn’t sent me any texts, and as I stared at my phone, hovering over the send button, I deleted my message instead. I couldn’t ask him about what happened a couple of nights ago, and I certainly couldn’t ask what his grandpa’s deal was. I had no right to pry into his life, especially since we weren’t dating. When we were together, though, it felt different, like the air between us was crackling with so much energy that our lack of familiarity wasn’t even a factor. We were just…whole. Then, I’d fucked it up by letting my stupid libido get the better of me instead of listening to my head, the part of me that rationalized what I was feeling toward Blaine was that I wanted him.

  Yeah, go me. After tossing and turning for the past two nights, trying to come up with a plausible reason for him to be so upset with me, it came down to one thing. I didn’t know.


  I liked him, seriously liked him, but the way he acted confused the hell out of me. It had begun to piss me off because I hadn’t done anything wrong except for embarrassing myself.

  A loud ringing startled me, causing me to drop my phone on the floor. I answered the call by tapping my earpiece while leaning over and feeling for it. “Hello, Alpha Cabs, how can I help you?” I asked, greeting the caller.

  “Hi. I’d like a cab from James Station, please,” the lady replied.

  I sat up, my eyes lifting automatically to the person standing over my desk. I looked at the screen. “Of course, Ma’am, we have a cab in the area, and one will be with you within five minutes,” I said in my most helpful tone. I connected to the driver’s system and began typing in the address to the train station over in West Norton, and Blaine’s face flashed in my mind. “Where to?”

  “I’ll be going to Dover City.”

  “No problem, Ma’am. Can I take your name?”

  “Of course. I’m Darcy.”

  “Your driver is on his way, Darcy. Thank you for calling Alpha cabs.” I disconnected the call, completely aware of Oscar’s eyes on me, and patched through to the nearest cab. “Jack, did you get the address?”

  “Sure did, honey. On my way there right now.”

  “Excellent. Bye, Jack.”

  “Bye, girl.”

  “You know the rules,” Oscar said when I ended the call. “No personal calls at work. You shouldn’t even have your phone out.”

  “I know. I was putting it in my drawer when I dropped it,” I lied. The screen lit up, and I had to use all of my willpower not to look at it.

  “Put it away,” he demanded. “Consider this another warning, Robyn.” He moved closer to me, his hand on the back of my chair and the other on the desk, the stench of his cologne burning my nostrils. “If you weren’t Mica’s friend, then I would be showing you to the door,” he snarled. “So, make sure this doesn’t happen again, or I’ll follow the strict rules and fire you.”

  I gritted my teeth. “Sure, Oscar. I’m putting it away right now.”

  I swore being Mica’s cousin made him think he could treat me like shit, then using the excuse of keeping me there because of him. Yeah, don’t do me any favors. Because my friendship with Mica was over, hurting his feelings by complaining to the upper management about my supervisor didn’t bother me in the slightest.

  Oscar straightened but remained inappropriately close to me as he looked down. “Make sure that you do.”

  I shuddered when he turned and left, slamming his office door when he disappeared inside. “Dick,” I whispered. I couldn’t wait to get out of there and go home, but I still had a four-hour shift to go at the coffee shop, and Mica was going to be there. I groaned just thinking about it.

  Two o’clock came, and I signed out of my computer, grabbed my stuff, and bolted out of there just as Oscar opened his door. I wasn’t giving him any chance to speak to me.

  I waved to Ria before I left, catching her dipping her head at Oscar’s stare as the door closed behind me.

  I checked my phone, seeing one text message, my pulse spiking when I saw it was from Blaine.

  ‘Hey, Luca, I’ll be over tomorrow after work. I need to speak to you about something.’

  Not intended for me, apparently, but it gave me the excuse to reply and to see if he would talk to me.

  ‘Hey, Blaine. You might want to send that again. You sent it to me instead. x’

  I got in my car and locked the doors behind me. Three dots appeared on my screen just as I was about to start the engine. I waited for his reply, anxiety building at what he would say.

  It disappeared, and nothing came, my hopes deflating once more. He’d decided not to reply?

  I slammed my hand against the steering wheel, trying to release my pent-up frustration. “Damn it!” I yelled. What I thought could have been the beginning of something different for me, had disappeared just as quick. Just like my freedom had.


  “You’re early,” Aunt Joan said as I walked in, her eyes narrowing.

  “Light traffic,” I replied, heading to the ladies’ room to change into my barista uniform. “Don’t worry, I kept to the speed limit. Black box, remember?” Oh yeah, that handy little device would let the authorities know if I dared to creep over the limit—the only reason I was still permitted to drive.

  “Good.” She left the counter where Mica was serving, his eyes on us, and followed me to the bathrooms. “You have five months left,” she said, resting her hand on my shoulder. “Don’t mess up, honey.”

  “I won’t.”

  “I’ve seen that look in your eyes before. You need something to focus that trapped energy on. After what happened at the party, I understand, but don’t let one moment of weakness mess up everything you’ve worked for.”

  “You don’t understand,” I fired back, my eyes welling with unwanted tears. I was stronger than that; I had to be, but they still came. “You have no idea what I’ve been through, or what I’m going through right now.”

  I walked into the bathroom, but Aunt Joan followed me. “I understand more than you know,” she said as I yanked my clothes out of my bag. “Your parents—”

  “Please don’t,” I cut in, slamming my hands down on the basin. “They disowned me already. I don’t need to hear why, or how they felt, they’re out of my life.”

  Aunt Joan stroked the back of my head. “Okay, honey. If you need to talk, you know where I am.”

  “Thanks,” I choked as the first tear fell down my cheek. Once Aunt Joan left, they fell freely, staining my face with hot streams, coming faster than I could wipe them away. “Stupid fucking Aaron.”

  I looked down and rubbed the hidden scars on my left arm, right over where it had broken, then over my upper thigh where my femur had snapped. My bones had long healed, but the memories of what came after would stay with me.

  I never felt more alone in my entire life as I did right then.


  “What’s up?” Luca asked as I dropped myself down into the soft cushions of the huge chair she and Lucian always shared. She sat opposite, perched on the edge of the couch, her hands in her lap.

  Luca was the only one who never looked at me like I was up to something. Since that night at the pit, when I’d raced to get her to save Lucian’s life, we’d gotten close. I would never let anybody hurt her, even Lucian. I would rather him kick my ass than see her cry again because of us—because of me.

  When I didn’t reply, she spoke again. “Come on, Blaine, you told me you needed to talk, so talk.”

  I took a deep breath, then let it all out in one go. “I think I fucked up with Robyn.”

  I hadn’t seen her because I was busy, but I know I’d left a bad feeling between us.

  “What happened?” Luca stared at me with her huge blue eyes, older than her years, and waited for me to speak.

  I licked my dry lips, wondering if showing how weak I was, was a good thing or not. “How do you know if somebody likes you for you, not just because of what you look like?”

  Luca flin
ched at my question, blinking quickly. “Wow, I didn’t think that’s what you wanted to talk about,” she said, then waved it away. “I guess, for me, it’s how they treat you. Lucian was always touching me, wanting to hold me, as well as having a regular conversation.” She smiled as though thinking about it. “His eyes would go all soft when he looked at me, and when he…uh…” Her face flushed and I sat up straight.

  “Oh, yeah?” I pumped my eyebrows. “This is getting interesting.” I licked my imaginary pencil and held out my invisible notepad. “I’m gonna need details.”

  “Blaine,” she chastised, shoving my knee playfully. “Remember Cadence and the others that came after her?” One brow shot up.

  “How could I forget?” I chuckled. “Cadence was when you and I first met.” I exaggerated a wink. I’d had my head between her legs when Luca had walked in on us at Grace’s party. The look of shock on Luca’s face was priceless, turning to horrified when I’d asked her to join us.

  Her face flamed further. “Well, the way those girls looked at you then, that kind of look that never changes when they just want your body.”

  I nodded. “Okay, so if someone looks at you all warm and gooey and shit, they’re into you?”

  Luca laughed. “I can’t believe I’m giving you, Blaine Summers, relationship advice. Aren’t you supposed to be the king of romance?”

  I stood, picking the shoulders of my hoodie as though it were an expensive jacket. “Of course I am, but there’s only so much I can do. I’m exhausted from turning away all the women who want a piece of this.” I ran my hands over my covered six-pack, then smacked my ass for good measure. “You know how it is.”

  Luca shook her head and stood, too. “Of course, silly me. How could I forget?” She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  “I’m good,” I replied.

  “Hey, what the hell are you doing with my woman?” Lucian asked as he walked in. Luca’s face lit up like she’d received a new puppy.

  “Sorry, Loosh, I just can’t keep them away. Your fiancée isn’t safe from my animal magnetism either, no matter how much I tried to turn it off.”

  Lucian narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, yeah,” he said while pulling Luca to his chest. His left brow was still a little swollen from a recent fight, but that was a fairy kiss compared to what he’d taken in the past. “What do you need?”

  I shrugged. “Can’t I come over to see you guys without needing something?” I had to calm myself down when his brows lifted in reply. “I’m not after a boost, and I don’t need to dump a ride. I just came over to say hi cos I haven’t seen you guys in a few days. I’ve got three more work shifts straight, so I’m probably not gonna see you until next week.” Adulting sucked ass, and the more I was forced to grow up, the more I hated it. “I take it Charlie’s stalking someone, and Nate is making someone miserable?”

  Lucian nodded. “Yeah. They have a case right now, but Charlie did say he wanted to catch up with you.”

  “Yeah? Why?”

  Lucian took my seat with Luca, and I sat where she had earlier. “Something about that Mica guy. He said he emailed him again, asking if he had anything on you yet.”

  That fucking prick was getting on my last fucking nerve. “Where’s Charlie now?”

  “Right here, douchebag,” he said, and I turned to see him walking in. He sat beside me. “That scrawny asshole is pissing me off.”

  I smirked. “Charlie, I know this is sudden, but can I take you out on a date?”

  He leaned away from me. “What the fuck? Are you insane?”

  I batted my eyes, “Only for you, big boy.”

  I air kissed toward him, and he shoved me back. “Ugh, fuck off!”

  I laughed hard for the first time in weeks. “Nah, but there is something I need after all.”

  Charlie pushed the dark blue sleeves of his jacket up his arms, then rubbed his hands together, a glint in his eye that we all wore when we were up to shit that would royally piss someone off. “Tell me more.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna need some wood, nails, and some sticky tape.”

  “What the fuck for?” Lucian asked.

  I shrugged as I chuckled. “I have no fucking idea.”


  We pulled up a couple of stores away from Thorsty For Coffee, making sure that we weren’t seen by anybody inside.

  “So, you definitely don’t have the urge to go on a hit?” Charlie asked.

  “For the fifth time, no,” I said, looking around as I got out of the car.

  “Okay, it just feels weird being in a car with you that you actually own—it’s surreal.”

  I shook my head and sighed. “If I get the desire to pull an expensive lady with thick rims tonight, I’ll let you know, okay? Until then, whatever needs I have, I can fill them all by myself.”

  Charlie nodded, but his eyes narrowed. “All right then, but you’re making Nate nervous.”

  I bristled, my focus shifting from what I’d intended to do to the friend that acted like anything but. “What the fuck is he nervous for?” I asked. “He needs to stay out of my shit, Charlie.”

  Charlie scanned around us, then moved closer, lowering his voice. “Hey, he might seem like a hard-ass at times, but he’s worked more than I have on this Mica guy.”

  I jerked my head back. “What?”

  “Yeah, he has. He hasn’t given me anything yet—he wants solid intel first, but I think he has something to make him leave you the fuck alone.”

  “So what are we doing here?”

  Charlie let his head fall back, then lifted it again. “You’re a difficult prick sometimes, ya know?”

  “It’s a gift.” My mom had said that to me right after she got home from the party when I wouldn’t talk to her about why I walked out of there. Well, she left out the prick part, but I wouldn’t blame her if she thought it. “Some might say it’s endearing,” I added.

  “Like fuck it is, it’s annoying as hell.” He wiped his hand over his forehead. “Anyway, like I said, I don’t know what he has on the guy, but spooking him until we find out more will be fun.”

  “Then what the fuck are we waiting for?” I asked, turning in the direction of the shop.

  I opened the door, walking in ahead of Charlie. Sure enough, Mica was behind the counter, smiling at a woman as he handed over her change. His smile dropped like a cement block in water the second he saw me, his nose scrunching up when his mouth tightened in a pitiful scowl.

  “Mica, dude,” I said, strutting my ass toward him like we were best buds. “How are you, man?”

  “What are you doing?” he hissed.

  “Me?” I feigned innocence, placing my hand on my chest. “Mica, I’m here to get my favorite coffee, of course. I brought one of my good friends along to try the delicious blend served here.” I placed my hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Isn’t that right, Charlie?” I kept my eyes on Mica, watching him for the moment Charlie stepped around me to my side. “Charlie, meet Mica. Mica, meet one of my very best friends, Charlie.” I had to force myself to keep my face straight when he turned paler than my hair, and that was difficult to achieve with his tan.

  “I believe we’ve met,” Charlie said, holding out his hand. “Well, not in person, anyway. Just over a few emails.”

  Mica stared at Charlie’s hand in horror. “What the hell is going on?”

  I leaned toward him, making sure I dipped low enough to meet his beady eyes, letting him know I wasn’t fucking around. “Next time you think about looking into me, at least make it interesting.” A lazy smile formed on my mouth as he understood what I was talking about. “And if you try to come between me and what’s mine, I will fuck you up, got it?”

  He swallowed hard, his bulging eyes not leaving mine. “Yours?”

  I nodded. “You know what I’m talking about, asshole, so don’t play dumb with me.”

  “I don’t think he does get it, Blaine,” Charlie said, crossing his arms over his c
hest. “I think he needs a hint. A fucking strong one.”

  “I think you’re right, buddy,” I replied, still glaring at Mica. “Robyn is mine, and if you fuck with her, you’re fucking with me, got it?” The way he spoke to her outside the retirement home ran through my mind, and I clenched my fists on the counter. I still had to find out who’d jacked his ride to follow us, but I had my suspicions the second I saw he was still there at the party.

  His eyes fell on my balled hands, then snapped back up to me. “Yeah, I got it,” he rushed out, nodding so quickly it looked like his head was vibrating.

  The employee room door opened and the rage inside me fell away when I saw Robyn walk out, her head down as she focused on the tray in her hands. I walked up behind her, inhaling her floral perfume as I made my way toward her. I waited for her to put the tray down. “Hey.”

  She spun around, her eyes wide with surprise and her sexy mouth open. I took her hand, lifted it, and spun her in a circle before tipping her back over my arm. I dipped my head, pressing my lips against hers.

  I pulled back and looked into her eyes. “Miss me?” Instead of seeing the gooeyness I wanted, I saw a fiery temper that would burn me to the fucking ground.

  “Let me go,” she spat. I pulled her upright and did as she asked. “What the hell are you doing here? You ignore me after we kissed, I hear nothing from you for days, and then you turn up out of the blue and expect me to fall apart in your arms? I don’t fucking think so.”

  God, she was pissed, and she was so fucking hot I wanted to crush my mouth to hers again, just to taste some of the anger on her tongue. I bet it tasted like bitterness and hatred, the kind of combination that made me more attracted to her.

  “Wow, I expected a declaration of love, but this is… This is too much, Robyn. I don’t know what to say.”

  Her eyes blazed, and she jammed her hands under her armpits as though she was trying hard not to hit me. “You think you’re funny?” she hissed. “We’ll see who’s funny, Blaine. Get out of this shop, and don’t fucking come back. I don’t have time for childish games, okay? I have enough going on in my life without dealing with your crap .”


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