Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2)

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Blaine (West Norton Boys Series Book 2) Page 16

by Dawn Doyle

  I sucked in a quick breath, his words causing me to squeeze my thighs together.

  Damn, I want him so bad.

  Blaine slammed his foot down again, speeding toward the place I’d kissed him while rubbing up against his body.

  God, he felt amazing.

  “I can see you, you know,” Blaine said, breaking my thoughts of what it was that he knew ‘exactly’ what to so with me and how I wanted to find out right now.

  I swallowed hard, my mouth filling again just as fast. “And?”

  He dropped one hand from the steering wheel and rested it on the gear stick. His eyes slowly turned to me, dropping down to my legs and then working back up my body to meet my eyes, his mouth turned up in that sexy as hell half smile he did. “If you keep squirming in your seat, we’re gonna have a problem.”

  I stopped moving, although with Blaine licking his lips as he side-eyed me proved more difficult than necessary. “Why are you talking to me like that?” I asked, my words coming out in a husky whisper, sounding more like a phone-sex worker than a regular tone.

  Blaine’s hand tightened around the steering wheel before taking the turn to Cedar viaduct. “Because I want to make sure I have you hooked before you come to your senses and realize you’re too good for me.”

  It was the other way around for sure. Blaine didn’t know me, not at all, and if he found out about my record and what I’d done, I didn’t know if he would realize I wasn’t worth the drama. His love for speed rivaled mine, so I knew there would be sparks flying under our hoods if we allowed ourselves to take that leap—I wanted to, there was no doubt about that, but I didn’t want him to think that my past would follow us around. I was almost free of it, but it would always be there in the back of my mind.

  I had to tell him before we got that far, I just didn’t know how to bring it up.

  Blaine’s jaw tensed, and when his frown deepened, I knew I had to say something. “You’re what I want, Blaine,” I stated, surprising myself with my hard tone. “So stop trying to hook me—you already have.”

  What the fuck am I doing?

  A huge boulder dropped in my gut, but the fall was cushioned when Blaine’s features softened, his brows relaxing and his hardened jaw unclenching.

  He drove a little further, then stopped the car before turning to me. “Tell me right now that you’re serious,” he demanded. “I don’t do relationships, so this is fucking difficult for me to even think about, but I want you, retweet. The second I heard your voice, I had to know you.” He cupped my face in his large hand, the warmth of his palm heating my already flushed skin. “I’m rarely serious, and I behave like a child most of the time. You gotta understand that there are things about me you won’t like, and there are things, many things”—he smirked—“that you will.”

  “I think that comes with most people,” I replied, the distance between us growing smaller as I spoke.

  “But the dislikes will outweigh the likes, Robyn,” he whispered against my lips. “That’s just a fact, but I want to keep you for as long as I can until you come to your senses.”

  I smiled, then stroked my mouth painfully slow over his. “Then it’s a good job I don’t have much of that, Summers.”

  His mouth crashed against mine, his tongue pushing between my lips to explore my mouth, his hands finding their way to my face, his thumbs running over my cheeks as he held me in place. My head tilted to the side as Blaine deepened the kiss, devouring me as I did him, my hunger growing by the second.

  I gripped onto his hair, tangling my fingers through his pale strands, gripping tightly, afraid that if I released him for just a moment, he would stop.

  I sucked in a shaky breath when his hand ran down from my face to my neck, continuing its way over my clavicle and toward my chest. I moaned into his mouth when he sucked on my lower lip before diving in for another kiss, and my hands smoothed down toward his shoulders, finding them round and solid. I kept going, eager to explore the rest of him while he took his damn time doing the same. I wanted to yell at him to quit stalling, to take me in his hands like I needed him to. The throb between my legs was becoming almost unbearable, the need to relieve the pressure there reaching breaking point.

  My fingers roamed over his hard pecs, the muscles tensing under my touch. “Blaine,” I whispered against his lips when his hand lowered to the top of my breast. He stroked over the swell, then cupped me over my white shirt sending pleasure shocks running through me.

  “Yeah?” He dipped his head and pressed his lips to my neck, making my breath catch.

  “God, I won’t be able to talk if you keep doing that,” I whimpered, biting down on my lip to stop from crying out.

  Blaine’s tongue darted out and flicked over the spot under my ear, causing me to shiver. “Then don’t talk.”

  His hot breath against my skin melted me, my body sagging into his hands, his grip gently tightening around my breast. My nipple pinched tight as he ran his thumb over the hard tip, even through my clothes, as he continued his assault on my throat.

  My core clenched tight, my hips moving toward Blaine as though trying to reach him. The gear stick separated us, but it didn’t stop me from sliding my hand up his torso and wrapping around him while my other stroked down toward his stomach, the ridges like a damn washboard. I held him close, pulling him toward me, not daring to give him any space to release me. I hadn’t ever felt like this, a man wanting me and wanting him as bad in return. I craved more, to be out of my clothes and holding on while he gripped my hips and took me right there, but in the confines of the car, that wasn’t possible.

  “Robyn,” Blaine said, pulling back and gazing at my mouth for a moment before looking into my eyes. He kissed me gently, his hand still cupping and massaging my breast. He licked his lips and smoothed his hand round to trap my nipple between the inside of his finger and thumb.

  I gasped as a jolt ran down toward my core, the apex of my thighs thrumming with need. “I want you,” I mouthed, my voice not making it past my lips.

  “Fuck, baby, don’t make this harder than it already is,” he groaned, pain etched on his face. I sucked my lower lip into my mouth and ran my hands down his body toward his waistband. “I won’t be able to stop myself.”

  “I don’t want you to stop,” I managed, my words coming out on a shaky breath. If he did, it would give me a chance to think, for the rational thoughts to enter my head and put a stop to whatever we were doing. Right now, I knew what I wanted, and fuck if I needed to be snapped out of my lust-filled haze.

  Blaine kissed me again, then pulled back. “I don’t want to do this here.” He shook his head. “Fuck, but I want to, so fucking bad, retweet, you have no idea.” He rested his forehead against mine and closed his eyes, his hands coming up to hold my head with so much tenderness it was as though he was a different person.

  “What about what I want?” I asked, sliding my fingers over the button of his jeans. A large bulge hit the underside of my wrist as I did, only making me desperate to carry on.

  Blaine’s lids widened, the blue of his eyes almost gone as his pupils took over his irises. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded quickly, but the few seconds reprieve I’d been given allowed damn logic to seep through.

  Fuck you, thoughts, I want this right now!

  “Take me home,” I demanded. Blaine released me, and a gust of cold air hit me where he’d been. He put the car into gear and stepped on the gas, the tires screeching as he spun around. “Just get us there in one piece.” I placed my hand on his thick thigh and kept it there as we drove in silence to my apartment.


  I was thrown forward in my seat as Blaine hit the brakes, parking right behind my car. The silent journey had filled the car with so much tension, I was glad to get out and breathe fresh air.

  I reached the secure door and fumbled with my keys, trying to get the key in the lock, but my trembling hands made it difficult.

  Blaine stood behind me, his body heat
warming my back. “Are you in a rush?” he asked, close to my ear.

  My skin broke out in goosebumps, the prickles tickling my entire body. “Only to get inside,” I replied, smiling when I finally got the damn door open.

  I pounded the stairs with Blaine hot on my tail, and when I stopped outside my apartment door, I was halted with his hands on my hips. My eyes closed on their own when his fingers dug into my sides.

  “I want you so fucking bad,” he whispered into my ear.

  “Blaine, I swear to God if you keep doing that to me, we’re not gonna make it through the door.”

  He blew out a long breath over my neck, then chuckled. “If I knew you wanted me this bad, retweet, I would’ve suggested staying right here.”

  I froze, then slowly turned around, his hands sliding over my hips as I did, but never letting go of me. He stepped forward, so close that my breasts pressed against his upper abs. “Oh, you wouldn’t have made it this far if you had,” I fired back, slightly narrowing my eyes and smiling slyly. I tilted my head back and lifted up onto my tiptoes, allowing my mouth to get as dangerously close to his as possible without losing my willpower and dragging him down toward me. “If you want something, you have to work for it.”

  He dipped his head, but I pulled back before he could kiss me. His lips curled up. “Are you making me start all over again?” His eyes fell to my mouth, then further to my chest.

  I reached behind me and turned the handle, letting the door swing inside. “I think you’ve worked hard enough for tonight.” I stepped backward into my apartment.

  Blaine followed without letting his hands drop from me. His jaw flexed. “Damn, baby, you’re going to fucking destroy me.”

  Not if you destroy me first.

  I kept that thought to myself. I didn’t want to think about how he would react knowing I’d raced with Aaron and ended up causing a huge fucking mess. I wanted to allow myself some fun instead of guilt stabbing at me every fucking day. No, I wasn’t going there right now. I wanted Blaine, and he wanted me, and I was going to give in to whatever the hell needs I had that were desperate to be met. I just hoped my heart could take it when he turned his back on me.

  Blaine kicked the door shut as we cleared the threshold, his fingers digging into me as he yanked on my waist. My body collided with his, a gust of air rushing out of me at the impact. His arms banded around me, one hand running up my back and to my low ponytail. The tie was pulled down the length, my hair hanging free.

  “That’s better,” he said, then slammed his mouth against mine, picking right up where we left at the viaduct. He pulled back, panting hard. “Bedroom.”

  I walked back, guiding him across the living room toward the door, losing our shoes on the way at the same time my hands ran down his solid torso until I reached his waistband. I popped his button, then a flinch in his pants nudged at my hand. My core clenched in reply, my underwear already damp in anticipation for what he could do to my body.

  Blaine’s fingers grabbed at the front of my shirt, the fabric opening and moving down my arms, revealing my white bra, the thin polka dot fabric leaving nothing to the imagination. I let my shirt fall to the ground then reached up to grip his black Tee, but his hands were already grabbing the back and yanking it over his head.

  He was breathtaking, his body tight and sculpted, every inch of him begging for me to taste. I grabbed at his jeans, shoving the denim over his hips at the same time my black pants slid down my legs. He grabbed something from his pocket before shucking them off his feet.

  “Damn, Robyn,” Blaine said. I tore my eyes from his mouth watering V-line as his tone cracked. “God, you’re fucking hot as hell.”

  There was no need to reply to that. Instead, I let my actions speak for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling down to my mouth to taste him, sliding my tongue inside and swirling it with his, sucking on his lips and nibbling with just enough force to make him hiss.

  My knees hit the mattress as I stepped back, and I lifted up on top, working my way back until I could lie down, Blaine coming with me and resting between my thighs that opened up for him.

  He lifted up onto his elbows and pulled back from the kiss, staring down at me. He took one of my hands and pressed a square packet into my hand. “Let me know when.”

  I nodded, then he lowered again, kissing my neck. One hand cupped my heavy breast, then tugged at the fabric to free it. His mouth left me, then closed around my nipple. My back arched at the sensation of his teeth gently biting down and then circling his tongue around it to sooth the area.

  “Yes,” I whispered, unable to stop from squirming underneath him as he showed the same attention to the other side, my fingers tangling in his hair as he lifted, squeezed, and caressed my breasts. Wetness gathered at the apex of my thighs as he lifted and squeezed my aching orbs.

  I felt a tickle on my stomach, his fingertip trailing down toward the place I needed him the most, the pulsing almost painful with the building pressure inside.

  As he continued south, my arms were freed of my straps. I unhooked my bra, and Blaine pulled it free, throwing it to the side.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last long,” he complained, his eyes fixed on my chest as he caressed my naked flesh. My tight buds stood proud, pinching more as Blaine teased and tugged on them, his hands working over me like an expert.

  “Damn it, Blaine, I want you now,” I moaned, tearing at the foil packet he’d given me.

  He grinned, then stroked along the seam of my panties. His hand dipped inside, and I gasped, the sensations taking over as his finger slipped between my folds and circled my entrance. “Oh, baby, I know.” His mouth opened as he slid the tip inside me, rubbing along the rough wall and driving me fucking crazy.

  “I can’t take much more.” Perspiration broke out over my skin, a light sheen covering me as he worked his finger inside my pussy. When he added another, I cried out as my walls began to tremble. My hips rolled as he continued to torment me, driving me so close to the edge that I could barely hold on, the pressure becoming too much. I was so close to orgasm that I stopped breathing. His fingers pulled out of me, and in my weakened state, I barely felt him take the condom from my hand.

  Blaine lifted over me, his mouth finding mine again. “You’re mine, Robyn,” he growled against my lips, and all I could do was nod. “Say it.”

  I couldn’t say anything as a large tip probed my entrance, then pushed inside. I breathed out a ragged breath as he slowly eased into me, the discomfort of being stretched to accommodate him making my mouth hang open.

  “Say it!” he demanded when his hips met mine, his cock buried deep inside me.

  “I’m yours,” I replied, wrapping my arms around him. “And you’re mine, Blaine.”

  His eyes fixed on mine as he could see right through to my soul, reading everything that was etched on there, exposing all of my insecurities and secrets. “I am, baby. I’m yours—you fucking own me.” He pulled back a little and surged forward, his lips muffling my cries as he thrust again and again, his speed increasing along with my pulse.

  Blaine was so deep inside me that every time he pushed forward, I felt him pounding against my cervix, driving me insane with pleasure, my walls clenching around him as he drove into me.

  I lifted my legs higher, gripping him like a vice, my hands stroking down to grasp his tight ass as he pounded into me over and over.

  His mouth left mine as he worked me, his hips rolling so perfectly and hitting every fucking spot inside of me that screamed for attention. My orgasm was right there, and I was hurtling toward it like a tornado, the storm about to break and destroy everything in its path.

  “Blaine,” I gasped, our breaths mingling together. “Oh, god, I’m right there.”

  My back arched the elevation giving Blaine access to my breasts, his hands gripping and teasing as his cock brought me to the edge and threw me over. Sounds of pleasure, moans, and skin slapping skin filled the room, singing in unison with the heavy b
eat of my wooden headboard slamming against the wall with every thrust.

  “Robyn,” he grunted, then kissed me as my climax hit, my eyes rolling back in my head and my body convulsing with a thousand electric shocks hitting me all at once, the current racing outward from my center to everywhere it could possibly touch.

  His thrusts quickened as he thickened inside of me, my name whispered into my neck as he shuddered above me.

  We lay together, the room silent except for the sounds of our heavy breathing, gradually slowing as we came down from our climax.

  I winced when Blaine slid out of me, already knowing I would be feeling him still there long after.

  I turned on my side as he lay next to me, reaching over to pull me into his side. I rested my head against his chest, feeling too comfortable wrapped in his arms. “That was amazing,” I whispered, not meaning to say it out loud. I closed my eyes, my embarrassment poking at me and warming my face.

  I heard Blaine swallow before he spoke, his voice tight. “Fucking phenomenal.” He turned and kissed my head, then got up off the bed. He looked over his shoulder as though waiting for something.

  “Oh, it’s there,” I said, pointing in the direction of the bathroom. And just like that, he walked away, and I did what any other girl in my situation would do—I stared at his bare ass.

  He was back in less than a minute after I heard the flush, and I stared. I had a chance to see his body before he joined me on the bed again, everything tight, in proportion and just plain jaw-droppingly sexy, I couldn’t concentrate on just one place. When I got to the brain-frying lines, though, that’s when I paused. God, he was perfect in every damn way, and he was mine.

  “Come here,” he said, his voice gruff.

  I moved into his open arms and nestled up to him. “I didn’t think you would be the cuddling type,” I said with a smile.


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