Cosmos' Promise: Cosmos' Gateway Book 4

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Cosmos' Promise: Cosmos' Gateway Book 4 Page 7

by S. E. Smith

  “Damn, I think I’m in love,” Garrett said as he gunned the MFV he and Rico were riding and chased after Cosmos.

  “Garrett, Rico, there is an entrance to a cave a little over seven meters underwater on the northern face of the cliff. RITA2 has deployed the sensors throughout the building but not all are online yet due to some interference caused by the security system. The entrance and cavern are both big enough to fit the transports. We will scale the wall up to the fortress. RITA2 is working on taking down the defense systems on that side of the fortress.”

  “What do you mean working on bringing them down? I thought your damn computer had taken control of the defense and security systems,” Garrett growled out.

  “What is with the body suits, Cosmos? What do they do? I hope they are waterproof,” Rico muttered as his eyes flickered through the displays on the inside screen of his helmet. “There is an opening on the north wall. It looks like a drainage pipe. I think we could fit through it. The sensors there are showing only a moderate security grid. I can get through it.”

  Cosmos flicked his eye over to the command screen to give him the same view Rico was seeing. Sure enough, there was a small drainage channel. The bars over it wouldn’t be a problem. He looked at the security the sensors were sending back. Rico should be able to take them out. They had seen worse.

  “So man, what about the suits?” Rico asked again. “Do they do some kind of super shit?”

  Cosmos felt the tug at the corner of his mouth again. This is why he liked the crew he worked with, they were totally unimpressed most of the time with his inventions. When he did invent something really cool, they took it in stride like it was just another toy they would get to play with for a while before they got a chance to try to destroy it.

  “You could say that,” Cosmos replied. “They make you virtually indestructible against most things. They also have adaptive technology built into them. While we can’t fly with them, we can come pretty damn close. RITA2 will help you with the operations. You have the contact lenses in that I gave you?”

  “Yes,” both men answered at the same time.

  “Jinx,” Rico said. “I get to drive on the way out.”

  “Damn,” Garrett muttered. “You better do a better job than you did when I let you drive when we were in Morocco.”

  “I did pretty damn good. I got us out!” Rico snorted. “And, Avery wasn’t pissed at me. I got her car back in one piece – almost. There were only a few missing parts.”

  “And a hell of a lot of dents – on my side of the car,” Garrett replied as he flicked through the prototype suit’s capabilities. “Damn, Cosmos, this thing has grips that let you walk up walls? What does the invisa-shield do?”

  “You’ll see,” Cosmos replied.

  He tilted the MFV he was riding on toward the water. Right before it hit the surface a clear shield formed over the outside of it, covering him in a flexible bubble that shifted so that it was streamlined in shape. The shield provided protection and worked automatically depending on the environment or threat. In this case, it provided protection from the water and because he was attached to the MFV, it was protected as well. He had only tested it a handful of times in the river along the warehouse and once out at sea. After a few trials and errors, he was able to perfect it. While it looked like a bubble, it was actually made of energy that expanded out from the suit forming a pocket between the two.

  Cosmos grinned when he heard the echoed ‘Oh shit!’ in his mic as Garrett and Rico followed him. They would be within range of the fortress’ scanners in another five meters. He didn’t want to take a chance of it picking them up. He guided the MFV downward until he was almost ten meters below the surface. They would be under the scanner and would stay below it all the way to the fortress. Once there, they would be close enough to slip undetected into the underwater cavern. They would leave the MFVs there, swim out then scale the cliff to the drainage pipe.

  “Cosmos, there is a problem,” RITA2 suddenly came on over his mic.

  “What is it?” Cosmos asked.

  “I’m detecting explosions at the fortress and a number of skimmers heading in,” RITA2 replied. “The defense systems are failing. Poor DAR is doing the best he can but it would appear there has been an explosion in the primary control room. It has taken out the main power. The attacking forces have destroyed the backup power. Defense shields are failing all over. I don’t think you are going to have to worry about going through the drainage pipe. The fortress is under attack.”

  “Can you tell me who it is and how many?” Cosmos asked.

  “I can give you a ballpark. Thank goodness you had me deploy those cute little bugs. Now that DAR has gone down, I have full access to them all now. Give me a second and I’ll have the information you are asking about. I’ll also see if I can connect to the frequency that those attacking are using so I can pick up what they are planning,” RITA2 said anxiously.

  “Garrett, Rico, we are going in hot,” Cosmos said grimly.

  “We heard,” Garrett replied in an icy voice. “I hope to hell your weapons can take these bastards. They move like lightning when they want.”

  “The suit will help compensate for some of that,” Cosmos replied. “It won’t make us run faster but if they try to attack, it will stop them – I hope,” he added under his breath.

  “Great, it’s Istanbul all over again,” Rico grumbled. “Let’s go kick some ass.”

  “Cosmos, from what I’ve gathered there are at least forty warriors attacking. They want the females,” RITA2 said worriedly. “I tried to help DAR get back online but he hasn’t responded yet. I can’t patch into him to help give him a boost. They have landed in the central yard. I detect hand-to-hand combat going on with the few guards at the fortress. I’m afraid they will be quickly overwhelmed. DAR did do a lock down of the section housing the women before he went down but I’ve already detected a breach in the outer doorway.”


  Cosmos jerked as Terra’s voice suddenly filled his head. She sounded both scared and angry. A feeling of completeness filled him as her voice washed through him. It was as if the last missing piece to a puzzle had finally been put into place. He opened his mind to her, reaching to touch her in return.

  Terra, tell me what is happening. I’m coming for you. I’m almost there, Cosmos thrust out desperately, hoping that she could hear him.

  I heard the guards talking. There are warriors attacking! They have breached the security systems, Terra replied. I am trapped in the room they put me in.

  Do you know which part of the fortress you are in? RITA2 can send some of the sensors there so I know what to expect. How close are the warriors to you? Cosmos asked in a deceptively calm voice. Are you safe for the moment?

  I think so, Terra replied, her voice shaking even in his mind. I am not in the main part where the other women are being kept. I’m not sure where I am but I know the other females were kept in a different part of the fortress. I heard the witch that is in charge of this prison tell the guards to keep me away from them until I had adjusted.

  Adjusted? Cosmos asked.

  A hint of amusement colored Terra’s voice as she replied. I haven’t been very cooperative, I’m afraid. I detest the outfit they expected me to put on.

  Good for you, Cosmos chuckled before he sobered. I’m about twenty minutes out. You keep yourself safe until I get there. I’ll have RITA2 give me updates. You focus on staying safe.

  I will. Terra’s response fluttered through his mind as if she was thinking of other things as well. I almost have the lock figured out. I’ll have more of a chance if I can get out of this damn cell. There is no way I can hide from anyone in it. And Cosmos…, I knew you would come, thank you.

  You can thank me later, Cosmos growled back. I promised you I would come and nothing will keep me from getting you out of there. Just to warn you, your father is really on my shit list right now.

  That’s okay, Terra snorted. He’s on mine too. Be

  You too, Terra, or you’ll know what it feels like to piss me off, Cosmos murmured before he felt her drift away again as Rico’s voice echoed in his ear.

  “Cosmos, hey man, you there?” Rico asked in a concerned voice.

  “Yeah, Rico, go ahead,” Cosmos said.

  “Does RITA2 have a location lock on your girl?” Rico asked. “And what about the other women? We can’t just leave them,” Rico said in a steely voice.

  “We aren’t going to leave them,” Garrett said in a cold voice.

  Cosmos sighed. “I don’t have a fix on her yet but I’m working on it. She’s okay for the moment. She is being held separately from the other women. I’ll go after her while you guys help the other women. RITA2 has their location. You heard what she said. There is no sense in stashing the MFVs. We’ll travel faster on the surface. Let’s go and make sure it is a cleaner escape than Istanbul was,” Cosmos added before he shifted the MFV toward the surface.

  “Shit, forty to two,” Rico muttered. “Not bad odds. We’ve had worse.”

  “Yeah, not bad,” Garrett agreed wryly. What he didn’t add was that those odds weren’t against aliens who could move faster and were trained for battle from the time they were in diapers. “Let’s go kick some ass.”

  Chapter 9

  Terra worked the panel off the side of the wall with the small tool Mak told her to always carry with her. Her big brother had always looked out for her. Ever since she could remember, he had always had time for her.

  When she was seven, he had taken her under his wing teaching her how to defend herself and how to escape should she ever be taken. When she was eleven, he had given her a special tool that contained a small laser cutting beam, light, and additional blades as a gift. He made her promise to never go anywhere without it.

  Out of habit, she had slid the tool into her pocket before she had left Cosmos’ home and had not taken it out. That was one of the reasons she refused to change. After her arrival she had been taken to a room where she was instructed to change into the heavy gray gowns the females were expected to wear. She had refused. She had no intention of changing out of her comfortable blue jeans and cotton blouse that Tilly had given her. If she was to escape, it would be much easier to do so in the pants than the heavy gown.

  Lady Mey ‘Toc Keila was informed of her refusal. The Grand Dame of the fortress swept in long enough to recite a long list of rules and instructed the guards that Terra was not to be fed until she had complied with the rules. Terra really didn’t care what the woman had to say, she didn’t plan on being there long enough to care if she missed a few meals.

  “Come on,” Terra whispered under her breath as the explosions that had begun shaking the fortress minutes ago sounded closer. “Remember to slice through the wires on the right side,” she muttered out loud remembering Mak’s instructions.

  The panel fell to the floor next to where she was kneeling with a loud clatter. She ignored it as she let the small beam from the laser cut through the wiring. The door to her cell clicked as the lock disengaged. Terra stood up, keeping the small tool in her hand. The laser could be used as a weapon if needed. She cautiously opened the door to her cell and peeked out. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the corridor was clear. Slipping out of the room, she looked back and forth. The explosions were coming from the way she was led into the holding area so she figured she would be better off heading in the opposite direction. Running down the long hallway, Terra rounded the corner and almost plowed into Lady Mey ‘Toc Keila who was standing in the hallway looking pale and shaken.

  “Oh!” Terra squeaked as she skidded to a stop in front of the older woman. “Is there another way out of here?” She demanded when she saw the Grand Dame’s eyes widen in surprise.

  “What? How…?” Lady Mey ‘Toc Keila whispered looking with dazed eyes at Terra before looking beyond her.

  “Is there another way out?” Terra demanded harshly as she heard a loud explosion coming from the direction of her former cell. She gripped the woman’s left arm and pulled her further down the corridor, away from the noise.

  Lady Mey ‘Toc Keila’s frightened eyes turned back to Terra. “Yes, but it will only lead you out to the outer walls of the fortress. There is nowhere to escape to,” she choked out in terror. “It is better to die than to be taken by those savages.”

  Terra jerked backwards when she saw the older woman raise her right hand that she had hidden in her long skirt. A laser pistol was tightly gripped in the slender white hand. The pistol shook dangerously as she pointed it at Terra.

  “I promised to protect the women that were brought here,” Lady Mey ‘Toc Keila whispered in a trembling voice. “I swore to your father that I would not let anything happen to you. I’m so sorry, Lady Terra.”

  Terra stumbled back against one of the doors lining the corridor. Shaking her head, she put her hand out in front of her as she stared at the woman in horror. The look of regret in the woman’s eyes told Terra there would be no stopping her from her task.

  “No, please,” Terra begged. “My mate is coming for me. Please… don’t.”

  “It’s too late,” Lady Mey ‘Toc Keila replied just as three warriors burst around the corner, charging at them. “I swore on my life to protect you.”

  Terra fell backwards as the laser pistol fired. She let out a cry as she felt weightless for a moment before the breath was knocked out of her as she hit the ground. Lady Mey ‘Toc Keila’s screams of terror rang in her ears as darkness swallowed her.


  Cosmos pushed the MFV to the max. They were just clearing the wall to the fortress when he felt a wave of terror swamp him. It took a moment before he realized that the terror was not coming from him but from Terra.

  Terra! Cosmos silently called out. What is it?

  Cosmos, Terra called out in desperation. Lady Mey ‘Toc Keila…

  Terra! Cosmos called again when Terra’s voice abruptly faded from his mind.

  “I’ve got her, Cosmos,” RITA2’s voice echoed in his mic. “I was able to patch into the system thanks to those darling little sensors. I’m working on getting DAR back up. He should be online in another twelve minutes. You better move it, though. I don’t think he is going to be very happy when he comes back online.”

  “Where is she, RITA2?” Cosmos asked, setting the MFV down on the upper wall of the fortress.

  “I’ve downloaded a map to her,” RITA2 replied. “You may want to hurry. I’ve sealed the door to the room she is in but there are at least three warriors trying to get into it. The door is re-enforced, thank goodness. From the communications I’m intercepting, they are requesting additional explosives. Hurry, dear.”

  “Detonate a sensor near them,” Cosmos growled as he jumped off the MFV and pulled off his helmet.

  He looked down into the interior courtyard. Three large skimmers sat in the center with an additional three hovering above them. Men, locked in battle, fought viciously with each other. It was easy to see those wearing a dark gray uniform were being overwhelmed by those dressed in a wide variety of different clothing. Loud feminine screams rose from one section of the fortress. Eight dark warriors surrounded a small group of women dressed in long, gray gowns. The women huddled together as the men pushed them towards one of the skimmers. His eyes jerked over to two additional warriors who were struggling to pull another woman toward one of the other skimmers. A loud war cry sounded as a small figure dressed in a colorful gown suddenly attacked one of the men.

  Cosmos turned to look at Garrett and Rico as they pulled their helmets off. “Go help those women. I have to get to Terra. She is in trouble. We have twelve minutes and counting to get off this rock before RITA2 gets the defense system back up,” Cosmos bit out turning.

  “Hot damn,” Garrett said with a grin. “Forty warriors and twelve minutes, I think this is going to be a new record, Rico.”

  “Usted y sus registros malditos. Uno de estos días, usted habrá registro de otra per
sona, mi amigo,” You and your damn records. One of these days, you will be someone else’s record, my friend, Rico growled back with a frown as he watched one of the men strike the smaller woman. “That asshole is mine,” he added with a nod toward the huge male trying to drag the smaller woman toward the transport.

  Rico gripped the unusual pistol Cosmos gave him earlier in his hand as he jumped over a low wall onto a set of stone steps leading down to the center courtyard. Garrett watched his friend for a moment before he followed him. His eyes moved to the center area again, narrowing on the slender figure of the taller woman who fought fiercely against the man still holding onto her.

  Yes, he thought savagely, it was definitely time to kick some ass.


  Cosmos ran along the upper rampart to the far side. A narrow door sealed the end. Raising his palm upward toward the door as he ran, he sent out a small pulse of energy from his gloved hand. The door exploded inward, ricocheting against the back wall before falling limply to the side.

  “Damn, I need to adjust the intensity of this thing,” Cosmos muttered as he climbed over the mangled door to the stairs leading down.

  “Cosmos, I’ve detonated one of the sensors. It has pushed the men back for a moment but I don’t think it is going to last long,” RITA2 whispered in his ear.

  “Why are you whispering?” Cosmos growled out.

  “Oh, I just thought it added to the adventure and mood,” RITA2 said cheerfully. “In all the movies the heroes are always whispering to each other during a mission.”

  Cosmos shook his head as he wound his way down the stairs. Only he would get stuck with a computer that was as weird as Tilly – in a very good way, he quickly added with a slightly guilty conscience.

  He jumped the last couple of steps once he reached the bottom. He stopped as he came to another door. He quickly accessed the sensors in the area. The corridor leading to Terra was on the other side. Pulling a small tubular device from his waist, he aimed the laser cutter at the metal surrounding the lock. Within seconds, the beam cut a ragged line around it. Cosmos pushed the door open at the same time as he reached out to Terra again.


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