Playboy Heir

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Playboy Heir Page 16

by Brandy Munroe

  I knew Brad would have no idea what a PR Specialist was so I used the term personal assistant. I had believed that no matter how mad he was at me, somewhere deep down he cared about his son.

  "I don't give a fuck what your new boyfriend calls you," he insulted. "My sister always warned me you were a gold-digging whore and now I have proof. I don't give a damn about the brat. All those late nights with your boss, all those promotions. This has me wondering if he's even mine, Haley. As long as I am listed as his daddy I have rights. And if you want to keep your rights you have your new boyfriend pay for my next treatments or I take you to court and sue for custody. Since you ignored my warning about staying away from that playboy, it’s time to make you pay for your mistake,” he spat furiously, then left the room to rejoin his new plaything.

  I was so stunned I was speechless.

  Even after all these years, I had a hard time understanding how he could be so selfish and emotionally disconnected from his son. Was he so completely out of touch with reality he actually believed I cheated on him when we were married?

  I did not have the time to deal with his paranoid delusions or to deny his assumption that Aleksander was my boyfriend. In what universe did he think I would ask Aleksander for money to pay him off?

  I had to face the hard fact Brad was never going to be the man I thought he would grow up to be. He would always remain the bitter immature boy who felt the world owed him.

  It turned out, wherever Brad had gone he did indeed bring back some virus. With the sample of his blood the doctors were able to identify it and create an antidote to combat it. I was relieved to find out that Peyton should start feeling better soon and there should be no long term affect. He would be weak for a while, but with time and rest would make a full recovery.

  This was great news. I had been so worried about Peyton it had not registered that I had not heard from Aleksander. Shouldn't he have called me by now and let me know how the conference ended? He hadn't even called to see how Peyton was doing. Did he not care, or did he feel like he would be intruding?

  I should call him and give him an update and let him know I will be ready to return to work in about a week, once Peyton was released from the hospital and I could find someone to stay with him until he fully recovered.

  With all the extra hours I had put in leading up to the convention, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  I called his cell and was surprised it did not go to voicemail when he did not pick up. I would like to have left a brief message. Surely he would want to know what was going on?

  I had lost all track of time until Leona arrived, announcing, "Good morning, I heard the great news." She was fully dressed for work and I figured I must spent the past two days at the hospital.

  It was Monday and I had not heard from Aleksander. He must have been worried. I knew Leona would have the answers I was looking for. "How did the showing go?" I asked, excited but not sure why Leona was not showing much enthusiasm.

  "Let me show you," she said as she handed me the business section of the Times.

  On the page was the picture of the Aleksander's design and beneath it a caption, Oblivious hit the mark with its new revolutionary conception.

  I lowered the paper. "Oblivious doesn't sell men shoes. At least ,they didn't before."

  "Apparently, they do now, with this," Leona told me.

  "Oh my god, what did he do? How could he have done this? What did Richard do to him that would want to make him turn his back on him? How could he have sold us out like that? I know he doesn't need the money, so why?" I was practically hyperventilating at the prospect of what Aleksander had done.

  "Stop," Leona said. "Take a breath and explain who you mean."

  I stared at her like she had two heads. "He, who is he?" I screeched. "Aleksander! How could he do this to Richard, the man who gave him his second chance, the man he claims is his best friend, that who?"

  It was Leona's turn to jump in. "Haley, from what I understand, only two people knew about this new design, you and Aleksander.” After a long pause, she finished, “Aleksander says he didn't do it."

  "What do you mean, Aleksander says he didn't do it? Of course he did. Only two people knew about this, me and him, and I didn't sell anyone out, so that leaves him. He can't mess with people's lives, people's feelings, to satisfy some self-destructive prophecy. I believed him when he told me the book was lies, I believed in him." Bile rose in my throat and panic began to set in.

  I put the paper down. It dawned on me what Leona was implying. "Is he saying it was me? Is he throwing me under the bus?" I was shivering in anger. "He did it again. He did it to Ashley, now he’s doing it to me. He blamed Ashley, she said she didn't do it and he got away with it. He's doing it again. Does he have some hidden vendetta against Richard like he did his father, or does he get off on ruining people's lives like a masochist?" I knew I was rambling. I was vibrating at the thought of what I let this man do to me. What I let this man take from me.

  Leona came over and hugged me, "it's going to be okay, Haley."

  "No, it's not." I was blinking back the stream of tears that threatened to fall. "Do I have to be worried about being arrested for sabotage or something? It's my word against his, Leona. You know I would never do such a thing."

  Leona assured me that for now, this went no further than Richard, Aleksander, herself and now me. "Are you sure you two were the only ones who knew?” Leona questioned.

  "Yes, we worked behind closed doors. We told no one — we were so careful."

  "When exactly did the two of you come up with this?"

  I didn’t know where her questioning was leading, but at this point, I would take any advice I could get from my friend.

  "It was the day at The Boutique we did the interviews. Aleksander and I were alone upstairs. He showed me his design and I came up with the promotion concept. Every other meeting was done in his office behind closed doors. You believe me, don't you?" I pleaded.

  "Of course I believe you. But…” She paused and I didn’t like that pause. “Haley, I believe him, too."

  I was going into panic mode. What had I done? I slept with the man in that book. The monster, the great playboy Manly Manos. Not the Aleksander he led me to believe he was.

  "Technically you still work for me," Leona reassured me, "and will as long as you care to. I didn't want to take you off the books until all your commissions came through."

  "They're never going to let you do that," I told her sadly.

  "They have no choice. My contract states I hire and I fire with no interference. The boutique belongs to Mrs. Van de Graaf. For a brief period, the Van de Graaf's were separated. Mrs. Van de Graaf got the building in some sort of settlement. Then they reconciled and along came The Boutique."

  She gave me one last hug before leaving for work. Leona turned around and once again reassured me to let her worry about getting to the bottom of this. My only focus should be about the little man in the bed.

  I was not totally convinced I should not seek legal advice. I only knew one lawyer, and I knew him quite intimately. That very same lawyer that was causing all this pain and anguish. Would they really let me work in The Boutique with Leona, if they believed him?

  Where did I go from here?

  Chapter 29


  I returned to work on Monday my smiling, flirting, Manly self.

  "Don't take this the wrong way. You know I love you like a brother," Richard started. "I love Manly, he is a great guy to party with, a great guy to have as a wingman, but he is not the guy I took on as a business partner. Aleksander is."

  I understood Richard wanted to carefully approach the subject of my new behavior. "You have to deal with this, Aleksander. What steps do you want to take?"

  "None," I nonchalantly answered.

  "None?" Richard asked.

  "Let them spin their heels and waste their money," I sneered. "They'll never get it off the ground. Meanwhile, we need to light a fire
under our designers to meet our deadline."

  I looked up from my desk to see Richard still standing there. I decided to let him in on my morning activity. "I called Oblivious. I didn't think they would tell me who their designer was, but they did confirm it was a woman. I want to deal with this internally, low key, my way."

  "And no sexual harassment suit," Richard stated.

  I was not going to dignify that question with a response. I knew I did nothing wrong.

  "The Upstairs will open on time and I am offering a bonus for anyone who can come up with something unique to add to the line." I stood up from my desk to face Richard head on. "We'll be ready. I'll be ready," I corrected, "with or without a personal assistant." The words came out so vile, so bitter, so final while I held the door to office open, giving Richard his cue to leave.

  As Richard turned, Leona greeted both of us in the doorway of my office. She entered, not waiting for an invitation. She closed the door and sat herself on the oversized armchair that mirrored the ones in The Boutique.

  She plopped down her oversize purse and declared, "You fucked her, didn't you?"

  Our jaws gaped open as she continued before I could defend myself.

  "I was at the hospital to see her and find out how Peyton was doing."

  That was when it registered. "Her son is actually sick?"

  "Yes! Where do you think she has been this whole time?" Her tone was angry, questioning.

  I felt a twinge of guilt. I thought she was using me and the phone call was a diversion to avoid being at the convention when I found out about her betrayal.

  "I showed her this," she handed me the controversial Times article, "and she freaked out." I opened my mouth but Leona butted in. "She is devastated." Without any regard for my feelings she blurted, "She thinks you pulled an Ashley."

  My fist clenched at my side. My face must have turn fires-from-hell red with anger. I venomously stuttered, "She says I did this? What bloody godawful reason would I have to do this?"

  "That was exactly what she was wondering. What could Richard had possibly done to you that you would want to hurt him that way? What possibly she could have done for you to hurt her this way?" With her sweetest sing-songy voice Leona added, "She may have used the word masochist."

  She wasn’t letting me defend myself. She pinned me down with her scary as fuck glare. This time her voice was serious, low. "It wasn't what she said, it was the way she said it and I knew, I just knew, what the two of you did. If I’m not mistaken, I have never asked you for anything except this one thing. You just couldn’t keep it in your pants, could you? And before you get your panties in a bunch, I gave her the same warning. Unfortunately, you’re both consenting adults, but I still get to be upset with both of you.” She let out a loud huff.

  I could see it took every ounce of self control for Richard to stand there and keep his mouth shut while grinning ear to ear over Leona’s rantings.

  She wasn't done with me. She pulled an envelope out of that gigantic purse and handed it to Richard. He took it, staring at her quizzically.

  "It's my contract," she intercepted, "the one that says I run The Boutique. I hire and I fire and since I never officially took Haley off the books, she works for me and will remain to until either she or I decide otherwise. I am not going to leave her stranded with no job and a son to support."

  I was spitting nails. "You believe her? You believe she didn't do this?" I jerked the contract from Richard’s hands. As a lawyer, I would find a loophole.

  "Yes, I believe her." Then she walked over to me and took the contract from my hands. "And like I told her, I believe you too," she told me soothingly. "And I won't pick sides, so don't ask me."

  Leona turned, picked up her purse, and before she left me to ponder and digest the information she fed me, she retorted, "If you keep to The Upstairs and Haley works downstairs we shouldn't have a problem, should we? I need to get to The Boutique. I have interns to deal with and a special project I decided to take upon myself."

  With raised eyebrows from both of us at her comment, she hinted, "If my hunch is correct, I will have my own big reveal." With that last statement she exited my office.

  "I'm not buying the innocent act,” I slammed my hand on my desk. "I want to hear it from her. I'm going to the hospital. I want to see for myself this sick kid of hers and I want her to look me in the eyes and tell me why. And you,” I point to Richard, “had better not attempt to stop me.” I grabbed my jacket and stormed out of my office.

  When I got to the hospital I did not find Haley but Annette sitting by the side of the weak, fragile child. I looked down at Peyton. It pained my heart to see this rumbustious entertaining child lying in a bed hooked up an IV. I remembered the outings we spent together. I had grown to love the boy.

  I couldn’t believe my first thought was that Haley could possibly use her son. Use me, yes, I was a grown man. But not her son.

  Annette explained what had transpired during my absence including the incident with Haley's ex. She told me she was sitting with Peyton so Haley could go home get a shower and change. I could tell Annette liked Haley. It was going to be difficult for her and for me when I would have to confide Haley's betrayal.

  First, I needed to figure out what to do about my personal assistant.

  Chapter 30


  I locked the back door as I entered the quiet, lonely house. It was missing the shouts and laughter that Peyton and I filled it with. I made myself a cup of herbal tea and retrieved my paper from the front steps. I sat at the kitchen table and opened the Times.

  There, mocking me, was Aleksander's design. I read the article, hoping to get insight. It wasn't just about Aleksander's design; it included my concept for naming the new shoe.

  He sold me out as well as throwing me under the bus. As bad as things got with Brad, as selfish as he had been and still was, the disgust and hatred I had felt over that revelation was nothing compared to the hurt my heart held with Aleksander’s betrayal.

  I couldn't read any more of this. I turned to the entertainment section. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, there in the entertainment section was me, Richard, Aleksander and Mad-Dog’s smiling face up against my ear.

  The caption read, Playboy Manly Manos with his "PR Specialist" partying with Bad Boys of Rock Get Bent. My title PR Specialist was in quotations, insinuating something lurid.

  At least they hadn't printed my name, but this was the last thing I needed with Brad already threatening me.

  The only two things keeping me sane today was knowing my son was recuperating and that I still had a job. I could keep a roof over our heads and food on the table while I finished my degree. Then I would have choices.

  Not my original choice, but plans change. Maybe this was how things were supposed to turn out in the end. Maybe I wasn't meant to stay in Tranquility. Was this fate stepping in and screaming at me to get as far away from Aleksander and Brad as my degree would take me?

  I jumped as someone began pounding on my front door. I knew there was no way Brad was not going to find out about that article. I might as well face it here and not risk another incident at the hospital.

  I took a large breath and opened the door. My stomach lurched and I felt the air escape my lungs as if someone punched me in the gut. And why wouldn't I? Isn't that exactly what he had done to me?

  There, standing on my front doorsteps, was Mr. Tall, Dark and Brooding himself. None other than Mr. Aleksander Manos. I felt an ache and excitement at the same time. These contradicting feelings had me confused, disoriented. How could I feel so much hatred and so much passion for the man staring at me with those dark smoldering eyes? My body was a damn traitor.

  He stood there with that same arrogant smug look of entitlement. The same look he gave me when all I wanted was a cold bottle of water. Water was not going to quench the thirst I was feeling at this moment.

  I had no sense of how much time had passed while I stood there staring
at him.

  Of course his first words would be, “So, Shoe Girl has a mean side, does she?"

  "Only when I'm backed into a corner. We're back to Shoe Girl, are we? Well then, hello, Mr. Manos."

  I turned my back on him and walked towards the kitchen, leaving the front door open. I knew he wouldn’t dare enter without an invitation. I left him, palms straddling the doorway like the last time I left him standing there. It was a smart move on his part not to come in, I thought.

  Returning from the kitchen, I slapped the paper against his chest, turned to the picture of us at the seedy club, and forged ahead. "Or should I say Manly."

  I mimicked his tone. "Let loose, Haley, no paparazzi, Haley, be an idiot, Haley."

  He looked at the article. "Haley, I am so sorry." He did not just apologize. "These things are very rare in those clubs but nothing is infallible," he calmly explained.

  "Wow," I exclaimed. "When you sell someone out, you really sell someone out. Was this another way to discredit me, making your version believable?"

  "My version believable," he hawed. "My version is believable because it's the truth."

  "Your truth, your version." I was insulted by his insistence. Not sure how much longer I could endure the sparring session I blankly asked him, "What do you want, Aleksander?"

  "I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me why. Why did you do it?" For a split second I was sure I saw genuine hurt in his eyes but I quickly came to my senses.

  "I can see why Leona though you so innocent," I alleged, "but then you've had practice at this before." My nerves were too frayed to continue. I chastised myself for thinking he might have come to explain himself, to beg for my forgivenesses.

  I slammed the door in his face. My knees buckled and I slid to the floor. Everything came flooding at once; Peyton's illness, Brad's threats, Aleksander's betrayal. I began to cry. A deep visceral cry, not from anger, not of hatred, but from someone who had been shattered to the very core of their being.


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