Big Bad Bear (Forbidden Shifters Book 3)

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Big Bad Bear (Forbidden Shifters Book 3) Page 2

by Vanessa Devereaux

  Please don’t go to voicemail.

  “Hello Josie.”

  “Hi Mom, you doing anything right now?”

  “Well, I was heading out to my art class, why?”

  “You think you could skip the class this week because I really need your help.”

  “You okay?”

  “Not really, someone I was pursuing overpowered me and they’ve put me in my own handcuffs.”

  “For god’s sake, Josie, I told you that job wasn’t suitable for you.”

  Okay, I’d lied to her but I didn’t want to get the lecture over the phone. There was plenty of time for me to tell her the truth once I got out of the cuffs.

  “I’m fine Mom, but I’d appreciate you coming to help me out of them. I can see the keys over by the window but he’s cuffed me to a bookcase.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to call the Enforcement Department for something like this?”

  “No, no, I’d rather you come get me.”

  “Okay, I’m on my way but where are you?”

  “Renton Bay.”

  “Renton Bay, that’s going to take me an hour to get there.”

  “I know Mom, but hurry okay because my arms are starting to ache.”

  Chapter Two

  Okay, I was a big bad bear for leaving Josie Moss handcuffed like that but the look after yourself instinct of the werebear had kicked in causing me to do such a desperate and despicable thing.

  My cock still twitched remembering how she’d looked naked and being buried deep inside her. Not only had she been my first virgin but the first hybrid I’d ever met. I wondered if it had been mommy or daddy who’d been the werebear.

  She was probably as pissed as hell right now and she more than likely would be on my trail again. Under any other circumstance I’d love to meet up with her but I was a bear on a mission.

  I looked at the clock on the car’s dashboard, hoping she’d found some way of getting out of the cuffs. Yeah, it had been mean of me, especially after just taking her innocence, but I needed enough time to put some distance between the two of us.

  Boy she was in for a rough time. If she’d inherited any of the werebear sex drive, and now that she’d had her first taste of pleasure, she was going to find herself thinking about fucking 24/7. Hell, she might even find herself masturbating at her desk at work. Well, that was assuming the human side of her wasn’t the stronger of her two personas.

  I pulled into the roadside café. I parked the car and went inside to see my next two clients sitting huddled in a corner. They’d sounded young and desperate on the phone and in person I knew my first impression had been right on the money. He was as I suspected, werebear and she was a non-shifter. Most of my couple clients fall into that category.

  I walked over to them.

  “Liam Quinn at your service and I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “We thought you’d forgotten about us,” said the male who I guessed wasn’t more than twenty.

  “Just got detained with some important business. Now if you’re ready let’s go so I can get you to safety.”

  The young man stood and helped up the young woman who looked like she was about ready to give birth any day and because of that and if they were caught, both of them would be in big trouble. I took both their bags and led them to the car and put everything into the trunk.

  “We have the money if you need it now,” said the girl.

  “Nope, this one’s on the house for me being late.”

  “Are you sure?” asked the young man.

  I nodded. I was in a good mood for some strange reason. Oh no, that’s right. I knew exactly why I felt so good. I opened the car door for them and they slipped into the back seat.

  “You going to love Sanctuary,” I told them. I glanced at them in the rearview mirror. They looked in love and happy and I suddenly envied them.

  The young man rubbed her belly and then looked up at me as I continued to observe them in the mirror.

  “Why don’t people understand that we can all get along perfectly?” he asked me.

  I guessed Josie had met with her own fair share of bigotry and being the outcast. I guessed she was one tough cookie and all the more reason for me to expect her on my trail again.

  Chapter Three

  Gooseflesh was breaking out on my skin but that wasn’t the worst of the discomfort, my arms ached and although my pussy felt sore, for some reason I felt as horny as hell.

  I tried to slide downwards so I could sit on the floor but I knew that would pull on the cuffs and they’d start cutting into me. It had been about forty-five minutes since I’d contacted mom and if she’d left soon after we’d finished our conversation, she should be here very soon.

  My stomach rumbled and I shivered. My mom was without doubt going to give me an ear lashing for my stupidity. My supervisor, well he might just fire my sorry ass for letting Liam slip through my hands like he had. I was this close to getting my guy. Liam Quinn was a Transporter who’d been on our radar for six months. I was the only one in the field office who’d managed to track him down. Bringing him in tonight would have met accolades and a fast track to promotion to supervisor but my hormones had taken over. Shit, shit, shit.

  I jumped when I heard a tap, tap, tap on the window. I hoped it wasn’t a peeping tom or someone looking for Liam. Instead I saw my mom’s face pressed up against the pane.

  “Try the door, he might have left it open,” I called to her.

  Sure enough he had. Oh great, real nice of you leaving a naked woman in a house with the front door unlocked.

  My mother stepped into the living room and immediately put her hands on her hips.

  “Josie Moss you are naked.”

  “And how did you figure that one out,” I said.

  “I don’t think you’re in any position to give me any lip.”

  She was right. “The keys are over there and just get me out of these cuffs,” I said.

  My mother picked them up and then walked over to me and turned the locks.After freeing myself, I rubbed both my wrists as I watched my mother pick up my clothing, half of which was ripped.

  “Did what I think happened, happen?” she asked.

  I sat down on the nearest chair, wincing as I did so and decided it was best to stand.

  “Sore vagina, young lady?” asked my mom.

  I looked to the carpet and avoided my mother’s gaze.

  “I’d hoped when you had sex for the first time it was going to be with a nice young man who would be your one and only love.”

  I’d hoped so too but along had come a werebear named Liam Quinn.

  “Don’t go lecturing me. Who let a shifter get into their panties and if that wasn’t bad enough he knocked you up during the process.”

  I went cold and my heartbeat picked up. Condom, it hadn’t felt like he’d used one, not that I would know what the difference between a sheathed and unsheathed one actually felt like inside me.

  “I’m hoping he used protection,” said my mom.

  I didn’t respond and instead decided to put my panties back on.

  “Come on young lady, upstairs to the bathroom or wherever the bathroom is in this place and you’re going to soak in the tub and rinse out your vagina. If you get pregnant and end up locked up like me, well it will not only break my heart but your grandmother’s too.”

  Before I could protest, my mom had hold of my arm and was dragging me out of the room and up the stairs.

  “In case you’re wondering I had my first orgasm too,” I said. I have to admit I was sort of proud of that fact. Two rites of passage in one night.

  “I’m glad to hear that but you won’t be so cheerful if you start getting morning sickness combined with cravings for things like raw salmon.”

  Holy cannoli salmon in any state of doneness sounded pretty good right now because I was starving.

  My mom finally found the bathroom and began running the water in the tub.

  “Now in you get and make sur
e you stay in there for a bit so the water can do its job, let’s hope we’re not too late.”

  My mother turned and slapped the door shut. I knew she was doing it for my own good. My mother had become an outcast when people found out she’d had sex with a werebear and was having his baby. The law as it still does, punishes women by giving them a prison sentence and it’s where I’d been born. When she was released she’d lost friends, lost her job, and while things had changed in the last twenty-five years, especially now the new legislation had been passed, getting pregnant with a werebear’s baby is still against the law without prior permission to mate.

  I reached over to the bottle of bubble bath and squeezed it into the water. I turned off the taps and lowered myself into the warm suds. I looked around the bathroom and saw an electric razor and bottles of cologne and aftershave all of which made me think of Liam.

  “How are things going in there?” my mom called through the door.

  “I’m giving my pussy a good rinse as we speak.”

  “Josie Moss, you know I hate that word.”

  I smiled. I splashed water between my legs, sensing it was probably pretty pointless. If he hadn’t used a condom then there was a good chance I was already pregnant. I pushed my finger inside my pussy wincing at first but then realizing just how good it felt. I rested my head back and started to slide my finger in and out, thinking back to how it felt when Liam was thrusting inside me. I was drooling and moaning and hadn’t realized it until I felt a familiar pulling in my pussy.

  Before I knew it I was climaxing and my head slid under the water. I panicked, kicked out and then couldn’t believe what the bad bear had turned me into.

  “You all done in there because I’d like to get home?” asked my mom.

  Yeah, that’s all I wanted to do too. Go home, crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head and forget today had ever happened.

  Chapter Four

  I guess this was a day that was supposed to be full of first time events for me. First one, taking a virgin’s innocence, second one meeting my first hybrid, third, it pretty much looked like the young woman was going to give birth before we reached Sanctuary.

  “You’re sure?” I asked when she’d announced her water had broken after we’d just entered the cover of the forest area.

  “Positive and I’m having contractions.”

  I knew nothing about babies and delivering them just about getting werebears and people safely to a place where humans and Enforcement could no longer hurt and punish them.

  “She can’t go any farther,” said the young man.

  “Okay, we’ll stop here for the night,” I said. “I’ll put the tent together.”

  I can usually do that in twenty minutes but the young woman’s groans and screams distracted me.

  “Why don’t you get into the tent and lay on the sleeping bag,” I told her.

  “Have you ever delivered a baby?” the young man asked me.

  “Nope, how about you?”

  He shook his head. He knelt down beside her. “Honey, let’s get you out of your pants and I’ll take a look okay?”

  She cried out again but finally she let him slide off her jeans and panties.

  “You have a flashlight?” he asked me.

  “Sure,” I said, pulling one out of the bag. He took it from me and shone it between her legs.

  “Do you think that’s the baby’s head?” he asked me.

  Geez, like I wanted to look at another werebear’s woman’s pussy? In fact, doing so can usually end in a fight. I took the flashlight and took a quick glance.

  “I’d say that’s a baby’s head,” I said.

  “How about I hold Lizzie and you guide the baby out while she pushes?” he asked me.

  Wait a minute I wanted to say, why don’t I hold her while you deliver your own baby, but I didn’t have the heart to.

  Before I knew it I was leaning in between Lizzie’s legs with my hands on a baby’s head as the mom to be screamed and pushed. About an hour later, a baby girl had entered the world.

  I thought she might be ugly but she was in fact, beautiful and it made me think about Josie, half werebear, half human and I wondered if she’d been this pretty.

  “Thank you, thank you so much,” the young man said, as he held his daughter. “If it’s okay with you, we’d like to call her Quinn with an e on the end.”

  I think I blinked back tears.

  At least Quinne wouldn’t have to go through her life with a bear tattoo on her belly to show that her parents had committed a crime.


  I was dead on my feet by the time we got to our destination the following afternoon. It had been a long day especially now we had a young girl who’d just given birth, and a baby in tow. I gladly accepted the offer from the president of this Sanctuary to stay overnight in one of the cabins.

  I pulled back the curtains and looked up at the moon and the stars. It sure was pretty out tonight. I turned to look at my bed wishing that I had someone to cuddle up to. I guess the young couple I’d brought here had made more of an impact on me than I’d first thought. Or maybe it was being with Josie Moss.

  I took off my sweater and pants, crawled into bed and turned off the light. I thought I’d fall straight to sleep but I couldn’t even shut my eyes. I kept thinking about Josie. Her arriving at the door and how she’d looked naked and handcuffed to the bookcase.

  She’d enjoyed the slap on her ass. I knew by the look on her face she would have loved for me to stick around longer. And being inside her was pure heaven.

  My hand slid under the covers before I’d even realized it, and pretty soon, I was jerking off while seeing nothing but Josie’s pretty face and that big gorgeous body of hers.

  I came quick and fast, almost ashamed that I’d resorted to this sort of thing to find release.

  Just what had Josie Moss done to me?

  Chapter Five

  When I woke up the next morning, I was stiff and sore. I thought I’d sleep like a baby but I hadn’t. I’d tossed and turned because I’d thought about Liam Quinn the whole night and not just because I was going to get into big trouble when I reported in to work later that day.

  I started to think about him kissing me and the whole taking my virginity thing. At first I’d been angry with myself for letting him get to me so easily but somewhere in the middle of the night I’d decided I wouldn’t have wanted to lose my innocence to anyone else but a werebear.

  My father was a werebear which made me half werebear so it wasn’t that odd that I’d fallen for one and let him overpower me like he had. I turned over and punched my pillow.

  Ever since I’d been with him I was feeling as horny as hell. I wanted sex again and the chances of it being with Liam or any other werebear or even a human for that matter, were slim. My job kept me busy and I hadn’t been out on a date since high school. How sad was that?

  I pushed my fingers down onto my clit and was about to go to work on it when my alarm sounded. One thing on my list of things to do today was buy myself a vibrator.


  I rehearsed over and over in my head what I was going to tell my supervisor. I even stood in front of the mirror in the bathrooms at the Enforcement Center practicing my lines like an actress about to go on stage. It was at that point I noticed that Liam had even given me a hickey on my neck. I pulled up the collar on my uniform to hide it and left the bathroom fully prepared to meet my fate.

  I walked straight to the supervisor’s office and knocked on the door.

  “Come in.”

  I stepped inside to see him raise his hand letting me know he was just finishing up with his phone call. He signaled for me to sit which I did. I bit my lip while I waited for him and then when he did, my heartbeat picked up pace and definitely not in the same way it had during my encounter with Liam.

  “I don’t see that Liam Quinn was processed last night.”

  I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry sir, but I let you down. I kn
ow you entrusted me with capturing him but he got the better of me and gave me the slip.”

  He banged his fist down on the desk making me jump. “I knew this one was a tricky son of a bitch. I hope you weren’t hurt in any way.”

  “No sir, not at all,” I said.

  “I’m going to raise the profile on Mr. Quinn to dangerous and put a priority on his arrest.”

  I knew what that meant for Liam and I hated that my lying about what really happened would mean his name and photo would be broadcast everywhere. When they did find him he’d be spending a minimum of twenty years in prison and then banishment forever. It also meant the Second Team force would be hunting him and they weren’t the nicest bunch of guys when they captured a werebear. I had to do something.

  “Sir, if I could still remain on this case. I think I can track him down. Plus, now I know what I need to do to successfully bring him in. It would mean a lot to me if you trusted me to do this.”

  I’d had to really fight to get this position because being a hybrid we weren’t usually given the first pick of jobs but my supervisor had been the one to speak up on my behalf during my interview and I knew he trusted me.

  However, this time around had I sounded convincing enough? For Liam’s sake I hoped I had. What I was going to do if and when I found him was another thing, but for now I wanted to be the one to go look for him again.

  My supervisor looked out of the window and then back at me.

  “If you think you can handle it then I’ll give my permission but I’m still going to make this a second level pursuit and put a reward on Liam’s capture that way all our bases are covered.”

  I couldn’t protest anymore or the supervisor would get suspicious.

  “And if you need backup, call because next time you might not be so lucky.”

  I stood. Running into Liam the first time around, oh yeah, I’d be lucky all right.

  Chapter Six

  I’d left Sanctuary early and it wasn’t until I stopped to fill up the car with gas that I glanced into the café housed next door to the station and saw my face plastered up on the Second Tier Criminal Alert tablet.


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