Scared to Death: Book Five and a Half Supernatural Enforcers Agency

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Scared to Death: Book Five and a Half Supernatural Enforcers Agency Page 8

by E A Price

  “One minute would be an improvement on my first time,” she said, and he laughed before pausing.


  “Seriously,” she sighed.

  “Jeez, no wonder you haven’t wanted to try again. Though it bodes well for me that the bar is set so low, because I seriously have no idea how long I can last. Seeing you in corduroy drives me nuts, seeing you naked might kill me.”

  Sydney blushed and shook her head. “You’re silly.”

  “No, just being honest.”

  “In that case, bedroom’s that way,” she murmured, nodding her head.

  Kurt’s face lit up like the fourth of July. “Are you sure?”


  He didn’t waste time asking her again, for which Sydney was glad. Hesitation on his part might have changed her mind, and given the aroused state of her body at that moment, the last thing she wanted was to spend a frustrated evening with her shower massager.

  Kurt scooped Sydney into his arms and barreled into the bedroom. The usually timid Sydney happily pulled off his clothes with the same enthusiasm he did hers. She stood before him, having never been naked in front of anyone since her mother stopped bathing her. Her last sexual encounter was so fast there was no chance to take off clothes. That was probably a good thing.

  Sydney stood before him, biting her lip and shaking slightly. It was probably nerves, but a part of it was also anticipation. She knew something wonderful was about to happen, and she couldn’t wait.

  Her nipples pebbled, and her breath quickened as Kurt surveyed her. She didn’t have a bad body. She might have preferred smaller hips, and her breasts were a little heavy, but she wasn’t too self-conscious about herself, and judging by the grin on Kurt’s face, and the reaction he was giving her south of the neck, she really had nothing to worry about.

  Kurt was gorgeous, as she expected. Leaner than a shifter, but still nice and toned, he was a six-foot-two, golden god of a man. As for his manhood, that was thick, hard and straining towards her.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  “Wow, yourself,” he smirked, standing in front of her.

  “I have my faults.”

  “None that I can see,” he murmured, settling a hand on her hip. The other tentatively cupped one of her breasts. He waited to see if she would object before kneading it and tweaking her hard nipple. A low squeak sounded in her throat. His warm hands sent electrifying shivers through her body, directly to her sex.

  His unsheathed member pressed against her stomach. Unsure what else to do, she wrapped her small hand around it, giving it an experimental squeeze. It was strangely silken yet hard as steel and throbbed in her hand.

  “You have to tell me if I’m doing anything wrong,” she admitted shyly, rubbing her thumb up and down his length.

  “I don’t think that will be necessary,” he said in a strangled groan.

  “Do you like this?” she asked, squeezing and stroking him slightly faster.

  The expletive he let out, and the way his hand tightened on her breast told her he did. His reaction made her feel bold, made her feel sexy, and made her want to try out all the things she’d only ever read about in her mother’s books – one, in particular, she thought he would like. She frowned as she looked at his hardness, wondering if it would fit. Surely the mechanics of it were all off, but it was always in her mom’s books, so it must work out.

  “If you like this, perhaps I could try…”

  Kurt placed a hand over hers, stilling her. “Sweetheart,” he crooned, and she looked up into his glittering eyes. “We have all night, and then the rest of our lives. Let’s take it slow. I want to show you how good it can be first.” His soft smile turned wicked, “And then I’ll let you go to town on me.”

  Sydney nodded, unable to hide her grin. “Ooh, I can’t wait.” Truly, she couldn’t. She had a lot of things she wanted to try to see how they felt and how effective they were – ever the inquisitive mind.

  He laughed a full body-shaking laugh and picked up her petite frame, throwing her on the bed. He kneeled between her thighs and kissed her sex until the honey flowed from her, and then he lay over her, thrusting inside her until, less than a minute later, it was her screaming his name and reaching her long overdue first orgasm.

  They made love all night long – or until they both fell asleep, exhausted, satiated and happy and after he had indeed let her go to town on him.


  Trina paced up and down in front of Sydney’s apartment. Damn that stupid little geek! She was stealing Trina’s man! Kurt was perfect for her – why couldn’t he see it? Why was he more interested in that strange little nerd?

  She should storm in there and demand he choose between her and Sydney, except… for once, her unfalteringly confident attitude wasn’t telling her that she would prevail. In fact, it was telling her that if pushed, he would choose Sydney, and she didn’t like it one bit.

  Trina clicked her fingers as a brilliant idea came to her. She should set the apartment on fire – that would end whatever was happening in there. Okay, maybe her first idea wasn’t the best, but she was sure to come up with something better.

  She was deep in thought when a large, meaty hand tapped her on the shoulder. Trina let out an uncharacteristic ‘eep’ and flung out her arm, trying to send a zap at the person fondling her shoulder. The huge hand caught her wrist, and the male grunted.

  “You shouldn’t startle people like that!” she snapped, a little flustered.

  “Sorry,” he rumbled, unconcerned by her angry tone.

  “Who are you?” she demanded, still annoyed at being startled.

  “Chad,” he replied. His eyes raked her up and down, and a smile touched his lips. Something that should not have delighted her, but it did. He wasn’t a bad looking guy. Altogether a lot bigger than the men she usually dated – probably a shifter. In fact, he was huge – everything about him was huge. Everything? her curious and dirty mind asked.

  “I’m Trina,” she said, putting a flirty lilt into her voice. “Are you here to see Sydney?”

  He hesitated. “Sydney and I were supposed to mate… but I guess that won’t be happening now.”

  “I guess not,” she agreed sourly before perking up. “Let’s go get a drink.”

  Chad gave her an almost predatory grin.


  Lucie curled up next to Cutter. He was staring at the ceiling, his body tense and unmoving.

  “We don’t have to go to bed yet,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “You need your sleep,” he rumbled.

  Lucie sighed and placed her hand over his heart; the beats were strong but quicker than normal. “I can look into sleeping pills for you.”

  Cutter made some noises of disapproval.

  “There are some really good ones on the market now. I could even get Rick to prescribe them and…”



  “No. I don’t want that.”

  “You could go to sleep and wake up without any nightmares at all.”

  “I won’t take drugs. What if you woke up in the middle of the night, desperate for me to ravish you and you couldn't wake me?”

  “I’ll try and contain myself until morning,” she said wryly.

  “What if something happened in the night? What if some mother-fudger broke into our house? I need to be able to wake up and protect you.” His heartbeat sped up, and Lucie bit her lip.

  “James, you worry too much. I don’t want you to suffer.”

  “Sweetheart, if I have to put up with a few bad dreams to keep you safe, then it’s a small price to pay.” He pressed his palm to her baby bump.

  Lucie pressed a kiss to his neck. “Maybe we could stay awake for a few more minutes.” She placed her hand over his. “What do you think of the name Lily if it’s a girl?”


  Wolfman finished punching out the mugger and turned to her. Avery grinned at him.

sp; “My hero,” she breathed.

  He strode to her, his black cape whipping behind him. “Always,” he whispered.

  Avery snuggled deeper into her bed and enjoyed a very raunchy dream.


  Kurt stirred, and the warm body half on top of him wriggled.

  “Morning,” he murmured, happily remembering the night before.

  Sydney giggled softly. “Morning.”

  “Morning,” added a gruff third voice.

  “Good morning,” put in a feminine voice.

  Kurt snapped his eyes open and let out a yelp as Sydney squealed and tried to burrow under the covers. Making sure the covers were definitely over both Sydney and his manhood, Kurt glared at his mother and an enormous, beast of a man who could only be Sydney’s father, Bill. His mother’s usual yellow aura spiraled into red anger, and as for Bill – his was all red.

  “What the fuck?” Kurt spat. This was not how he wanted the morning after a night of epic lovemaking to go. But then, was there ever a good morning to wake and find parents in the bedroom, glowering?

  “Language,” the parents said in unison.

  They looked at each other and narrowed their eyes.

  “What the… hell are you doing here?”

  Bill curled his fists into balls and Kurt briefly wondered whether the man actually thought his daughter had been a virgin and whether he was about to get beat up. As lame as it was, he knew he could rely on his mother to protect him and was almost glad she was there.

  “Syddy!” roared the male.

  “Really, there’s no need for yelling,” trilled Christine in her most patronizing tone.

  Sydney’s small head, surrounding by an enormous crown of exceptionally frizzy curls popped out. She kept the covers up to her neck, but didn’t object when Kurt put his arm around her and pulled her against him – united front and all that.

  “Daddy,” she scolded. “I asked Denzel to give you the key for emergencies.”

  “You don’t call this an emergency?” he spluttered.

  “Spending the night with my boyfriend?” she asked in a level voice.

  “You’re supposed to be engaged to Chad!” he exploded.

  “We’ve been through this,” she sighed. “We’re not right for each other.”

  “And this one,” Bill pointed a meaty finger at Kurt, “Is right for you?”

  Sydney twisted and smiled shyly up at Kurt. “I think so.”

  Kurt beamed and was about to kiss her when a cough that could cut through glass sounded.

  “How lovely,” said his mother, though her tone suggested it was anything but that. “However, my son is dating a fellow witch. Witches mate with witches, and I assume rhinos mate with rhinos.” She cast a disparaging glace at Bill, but he just nodded like she was actually making sense.

  “She’s right.”

  “You didn’t mate a rhino,” argued Sydney to her father.

  “And you didn’t mate a witch,” said Kurt to his mother, with a slight warning tone in his voice. If she started her anti-shifter ranting again, and hurt his future mate or father-in-law, he wasn’t sure he would be able to forgive her. Sydney was part rhino – there was always the possibility that a recessive gene could kick up and one of their future kids could be a rhino, too.


  “Don’t you sass me, young lady. And you,” Bill jutted his chin at Kurt, “put your damn pants on and get out.”

  “Don’t you dare order my son around!”

  “I’ll order him around if he’s naked and in my daughter’s bed!”

  The parents started arguing, and Sydney slipped back under the covers. This time, Kurt joined her.

  “Any ideas?” she asked.

  His eyes flickered up and down her naked form. “Plenty.”

  Sydney snickered. “About our parents?”

  “Maybe just one,” he said thoughtfully.

  He shuffled out from under the covers to find sparks flying from his mother’s fingers and Bill readying to shift into his rhino. He addressed Bill.

  “I’m sorry about this.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for,” said Christine waspishly.

  “She is his only daughter…”

  “And you’re a catch – he should be thanking all the goddesses that you would date his daughter. No offense, dear,” she said to Sydney, currently peeking out of the covers. “You seem lovely.”

  “I guess I’m just not good enough for her…”

  “Too right,” agreed Bill.

  On the other hand, his mother looked like she was about to explode. That was when Sydney jumped in.

  “I apologize as well, I mean, I’m sure it’s a disappointment to you that your son’s dating someone who doesn’t have magic. I mean, I’m just a human.”

  That calmed Christine a little but riled up Bill.

  “Not just a human, young lady. You’re perfect just like your mother.” He turned to Christine. “Your son is lucky to have my daughter.”

  “Well, your daughter is lucky to have my son.”

  “Maybe we could agree that we’re both lucky?” put in Kurt.

  The two parents glared at one another before nodding shortly.

  “Good, now, perhaps if you could leave the bedroom, we’ll get dressed, and then why don’t we all go out for breakfast?”

  “That sounds great,” agreed Sydney enthusiastically. “Call mom and the boys.”

  Christine rolled her eyes. “A meal surrounded by rhinos – how delightful.”

  “Mother,” warned Kurt.

  “Just don’t hog the syrup,” advised Bill, “you could lose a finger.”

  Christine laughed lightly, but on realizing he was serious, her mirth died. The two parents left, and Kurt pressed Sydney onto her back and kissed her.

  “Morning,” he breathed.

  She giggled. “Good morning.”

  And in spite of the rude awakening, it was a good morning – the first of many to come, because waking up to Sydney made everything wonderful.


  One Month Later – A Wedding

  “They certainly make a striking couple,” commented Sydney, her arm tightly curled around Kurt’s waist.

  “I’d say they were made for each other.”

  They watched as Chad and Trina pushed cake onto one another’s face. Trina put a dainty morsel onto the side of his mouth, and Chad scooped a bucketful all over Trina. Surprisingly, she laughed and they kissed through the cake.

  Yep, Trina would boss him around, and Chad would do whatever she wanted – match made in heaven for both of them.

  “I like to think we made this happen,” said Kurt, just a little proudly. “That our happiness was so all-encompassing it spread to them too.”

  “Sure,” chuckled Sydney.

  “Are you happy?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, there you go. There’s just one more thing…”

  Kurt took hold of her hand and pulled her into a hidden alcove. While Trina wanted a huge spectacle and everyone watching her, Sydney wouldn’t. She liked to keep all their intimate moments private, and for them alone.

  Kurt dropped to his knee and pulled out a ring box. “Marry me?”

  “Yes!” she squealed and launched herself at him.

  He caught her and kissed her, and then kissed her some more.

  The end


  Thank you for reading!

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  Best wishes





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