Holly Madison (Sins of the Father, 2)

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Holly Madison (Sins of the Father, 2) Page 4

by Khan, Jen

  Emma was tending bar and Olivia was running around like a loon. Same ol’, same ol’.

  He hadn’t seen Emma since he’d shown up at his brother’s house with a case of beer and an attitude. Holly had been getting under his skin and he’d needed to talk it out. Hell, who was he kidding? She’d already embedded herself deep within.

  Emma was pregnant with his future niece or nephew and marrying his brother not long after the baby was born. The two of them deserved a lifetime of happiness after what they had been through. With the whack-job who had raped and tried to kill her and her dickhead father, it had been a fresh surprise when Braden had announced at a Sunday dinner that luck was finally on their side.

  Tristan quickly moved to the bar, took a stool and settled in. Two things were on his mind: a cold beer and Holly Madison.

  “Hey, Tristan,” Emma called when she got closer. Her eyes brightened and she lifted her hand to tuck a loose strand that had escaped from her ponytail behind her ear. She popped the top of a beer, placed a bar nap in front of him, and plopped the bottle on top of that.

  “Hey, Em,” he murmured. Then he snatched the beer she offered and took a pull.

  Damn, that’s good.

  “Hey, brother!” Olivia hollered from the other end of the dining area.

  “Hey, brat,” he responded before losing sight of her as she bobbed and weaved through the mass of diners. It was five o’clock, which meant happy hour and the beginning of the dinner rush. Holts was always busy around this time.

  “Tristan, we have to talk,” Emma stated as a matter of fact, snapping him out of his thoughts. He wasn’t quite ready for this conversation, but he knew that it had to happen at some point.

  He tilted his head to the side and skimmed his eyes over her face. “What’s going on, Em?”

  “I can’t let you hurt my girl again. You know that, right?”

  He was definitely not ready for this conversation.

  “She’s beautiful, has a good job, loves to the max. She has a shit dad who has been in jail since she was nine or ten years old but has an amazing mother. If anyone can cancel out her luck in the dad department, it’s definitely her mama. She cares so much for everyone else that she never makes time for herself. She works hard and dedicates herself to helping others.”

  “Go back a sec. What did her father do to end up in the slammer?” Tristan interrupted.

  Emma shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?”

  “No, I don’t know.”

  “Em, you’ve known her for half of your lives and you don’t even know why her father went to jail?”

  Tristan watched as the red crept up Emma’s cheeks. She really had no clue why her best friend’s father had been sent to prison. He must have done something big to be put away for this long. He marked that down on his mental to-do list: Google Mr. Madison.

  “It’s not something that I choose to press her for. I have always known that she had an absent father, but I never pushed the topic. It makes her uncomfortable.”

  Tristan nodded his head in acceptance and took another swig of his beer.

  “Look, T, Holly is a quiet laid-back kind of gal—“

  “Until you piss her off. Then she has one hell of a flying fist,” he jabbed.

  Emma laughed. “Yes, well, if you weren’t in your office giving the business to Giggles—“

  “Jesus, she got to you too?”

  “Anyhow, my point is that I want you to make sure that you know what you’re getting yourself into with Holly. I don’t want you running her through the ringer and then tossing her aside when what you perceive as something better comes along, shaking her tail at you.”

  “Not gonna happen. I’m goin’ in on this with my eyes trained on the prize. I know I was stupid and made a mistake. I didn’t know we were going to be doing this exclusive thing. I told her the other night that I couldn’t make her any promises but that I wanted to see where this thing goes with us.”

  “She’s definitely worth the shot, T.”

  “I know she is.”

  Emma pulled another beer out of the cooler, twisted the cap, and extended it to him in exchange for his empty. Tristan kept his eyes on her the whole time, waiting for more. If he knew Em, he knew that this conversation wasn’t over yet.

  She held his eyes a moment before nodding. “I’m not going to make you suffer too much longer. I just want you to know that you snagged a good one. Don’t let her get away. She likes you. She’s never taken a chance on a man before. Don’t get me wrong. She’s had dates of course. I mean, look at her. Her problem is that she gets so lost in taking care of everyone else that she doesn’t think to actually take care of herself. She has had a few fruitless endeavors and decided long ago that she would rather dive into her word porn than waste her time on a man who is just going to break her heart in the long run.”

  Word porn?

  Tristan held his beer to his lips and stilled like a statue as he listened to Emma rant. She was on a roll now and he was powerless to stop it.

  “And you want to know something? She’s right to. Nine times out of ten when you meet a man, he doesn’t regard your feelings. He’s an asshole going after his own orgasm. Men chew up girls like Holly and spit her out without a second thought. She’s smart enough to know this and chooses wisely. For some reason, T, she chose you. She wants you. There is something between the two of you that does it for her. Do you know that feeling? Do you feel that when you are around her?”

  Tristan watched Emma while she took her rag to the bar and furiously wiped it clean. He did feel something special for Holly. He wasn’t quite sure exactly what that feeling was yet because he had never felt that way about another woman. That’s why he had pursued her and was still pursuing her now. When she’d walked in on him and Giggles—shit, now he was doing it—he’d seen the pain in her eyes right before her tiny fist connected with his face. He never wanted to see that pained look on her again. Anyone else wouldn’t have gotten a second thought out of him. He hadn’t realized just how deep she had gotten into him. Maybe if he had known sooner, there wouldn’t have been a“Giggles. Tristan had never claimed to be very bright.

  “See, T, I have learned over my thirty years that life can be shit. We aren’t always the cause of that shit, but we have to live it nonetheless. No matter how many times you get slapped down by life, you gotta stand up, square your shoulders, look that asshole in the eye, give it the finger, and keep on going. Giving up is never an option. I tried to give up, but none of you would let me. I tried to run and I’m still here. I tried to push Braden out of my life for good and that dick still kept coming back for me.”

  She stopped and smiled at the bar. “Now, I’m living the dream that I never thought would be possible. I’m marrying the love of my life. I’m having his baby. I’ll never regret taking chances. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have this amazing life that I do now. Thirty years of hell, T. Thirty fucking years, and one day, it all changed. I saw you the other night when you came to my house to talk to Braden about her. I heard your conversation about your feelings. Don’t make the mistake of not giving it your all with this one. She’s a keeper. You’ll see.”

  Tristan stared at her without uttering a single word. If he was honest with himself, he’d admit that was a little scared of his soon-to-be sister-in-law. She’s a tough broad and had just gone on an entire rant without taking so much as a breath. He adored Emma, but damn.

  Without warning, she burst into tears.


  He stood from his stool, rounded the bar, and held her in his arms. Then the crazy woman started laughing. Hysterically. He put his hands to her shoulders and held her back a little to catch her eyes.

  “What’s gotten into you?” Tristan asked.

  “Sorry, babe. It’s these damn pregnancy hormones. I just want you two to be happy,” she hiccupped.

  He sighed, shook his head, and brought her close. “
I’m going to go for it, Em. I’ll do my best not to fuck it up, okay?”

  She quickly shook her head against his chest. “I know you will, T.”

  “I gotta go. I’ve got a class that I’m teaching tonight.” Tristan kissed the top of Emma’s head and gave her a light pat on the back.

  He made his trek to the exit, waving to a couple of the regulars and his sister. He turned just before heading out the door and saw Emma smiling at him from where he’d left her. She was beaming. He returned the smile and pushed the door open.

  He really hoped that he didn’t fuck this thing with Holly up.

  “Oh my god. So, I totally have to tell you about this new business that Charlena and I are starting,” Olivia squeals right before shoveling a piece of Emma’s baby shower cake into her mouth. Charlena is one of the Holts regulars who, within no time at all, became one of our gal pals once Emma started working there last year.

  The girl is off her rocker, which is probably why she fits in so well here.

  “Oh yeah, girl. This business is going to make us rich!” Charlena cries before taking a shot of Fireball Whiskey.

  Leave it to this group of ladies to have cake and liquor at a baby shower. It is a little early to have a baby shower for Emma, but we had nothing else going on and the girls were dying to show off their latest venture. Curtis has been itching to meet everyone so he joined us. And wouldn’t you know, he fits right in.

  I smile politely as we all converge into Emma’s living room, carrying our plates and drinks. I decided on a margarita, which Emma made me with a big frown on her face. Then everyone else had to have one, so she made pitchers of the stuff on a huff and grumbled, “I can’t wait ‘til this baby is outta me. I’m going to have ten margaritas. Hmm.”

  “So, what’s this business you speak of?” I ask the two of them, knowing damn well that they would tell me whether I want to know or not.

  “Toys! We’re selling toys.” Olivia claps, bouncing up and down in her spot like a little girl at a One Direction concert.

  “Toys? As in kids’ toys?” Emma asks while planting herself on the couch next to me and putting her feet up on the coffee table.

  “Hell no. Toys of the erotic kind,” Charlena informs.

  I immediately begin thinking of ways I can get the hell out of here while placing my plate on the table in front of me and taking a massive gulp of my margarita.

  “Oh, honey. I’ll take two of everything,” Curtis chimes in with a giggle and a smile.

  I look to Olivia, who is now rummaging through her bag and pulling out the biggest…I don’t know what that I’ve ever seen. How in the hell is that supposed to work? And is that even possible?

  “This here, ladies, is the B.O.B. 3000! Isn’t it awesome?”

  “What the hell are you supposed to do with it?” I ask, seriously wanting to know the answer.

  “I know what I want to do with it,” Curtis retorts.

  Emma giggles, Charlena snorts, and Olivia tosses the B.O.B. 3000 to him, clapping her hands.

  “Then it’s all yours, sugar,” she tells him.

  “Muthafucka,” Charlena groans. “We been in business for all of five minutes and you’re already givin’ away all of the merchandise. I’m just gonna shake my head at your ass all the way to the poor house.”

  “Simmer down, girl. There’s plenty more where that came from. Besides, I know these girls—” Olivia starts.

  Curtis clears his throat. “Ahem.”

  “And gentleman.”

  “Oh no, honey. I was just clearing my throat. I love being one of the ladies.”

  That causes another round of giggles.

  “They’re gonna make us rich.”

  “Because they’re a bunch of damn freaks. How did I get mixed up in all of this? Where is my damn drink?” Charlena looks around animatedly. She grabs her bottle of Fireball and pours another shot. Before she downs it, she looks to me and says, “You wanna see the merchandise?”

  Before I can open my mouth, she shoots up to a standing position, takes her shot, grabs her enormous bag that clunks and clinks, and hefts it up on the table. She starts pulling out a multitude of colorful and interesting gadgets. Everyone’s eyes are on us. I’m the only one who’s shocked.

  “What’s your pleasure? Dildos? Clit stimulators? Anal beads? I have lubes and massagers. What do you need to get off?”

  Oh my god. I feel like I’m at a drug deal gone very bad. I can feel the heat coursing through my veins. Clearly, Charlena never gets embarrassed. Neither does Olivia.

  “Give her the jackrabbit,” Olivia states, pointing at this little bullet-shaped thing with a remote attached to it.

  “Oh hell yeah, girl,” Charlena responds, tossing it to me.

  It lands on my lap and I have no choice but to inspect it.

  “Go ahead. Turn it on.” Charlena smiles, tipping her chin at me.

  I turn it in every direction, trying to figure out how that is to be achieved exactly. I grip the remote and use my thumb to slide the power button to on and the damn thing comes to life. I can feel the vibration on my thighs. It tickles. I switch the button all the way up and it takes off like it’s at a damn drag race. It shoots straight off my lap, landing on the floor by my feet and flopping around like it’s trying to make its grand escape.

  In search of the great vagina.

  “Wow,” Emma whispers.

  Wow is right.

  “Orgasmatron,” I hear Olivia say.

  “Ooooo…that’s the one for me,” Curtis informs everyone. Then he sashays around the table and snatches it from her.

  I watch in unconcealed astonishment as Charlena and Olivia continue to unload the contents from their bags. I didn’t know they make things like this. I mean, I’m no prude, but I’ve never owned a toy. I always, how should I say, take care of business on my own.

  “Holy shit,” I gasp when Olivia unearths a double-sided dildo that has two heads that are the size of my fists.

  We’re still playing and giggling for the next half an hour, inspecting items and trying to figure out how people use some of these things when Emma says, “Tristan came to see me at the bar yesterday.”

  I cough on my margarita.

  “He says he wants to make a go with you. Make it work.”

  “You fuckin’ with Tristan, girl?” Charlena asks. Her eyes slice through me, Emma, and Oliva and she proclaims, “You bitches know he’s nothin’ but trouble, right? I mean, don’t get me wrong. He’s a hot piece and I’d fuck him six ways to Sunday, but he’s a panty chaser.”

  We all nod in unison.

  “But he sounded genuine when he came to see me,” Emma says.

  “I’m sure he did. Look at her.” Charlena points her finger motioning up and down. “But I just gotta say, his head ain’t straight enough to take on a woman the likes of you. You got sass and class. He has a dick that every female from Tryon to Spartanburg is quite familiar with.”

  Damn, if she doesn’t have a point.

  Once Charlena gets stuck on a thought, she feels the need to see it through to the end. This is probably not good for me or the hope I carry that Tristan and I will work out in the long run.

  Charlena is short. Let’s go with five foot two—if she’s lucky, two and a half. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a big enough mouth to overcompensate for what she lacks in the height department. She is round in all of the right areas, has dark-brown hair that is cut short, and always looks fantastic. She has dark-mocha skin and dark eyes.

  She is also the only African-American woman in three counties who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the color of one’s skin. I don’t care what she says. She loves hanging out with what she calls us, “Crazy-ass white people.” She is always late, always fired up about something. She is always in dire need of something, and drama follows this chick everywhere, but we all adore her and she is quickly becoming part of our little broad squad. She’s ornery and always in our business. She’s always in our business beca
use she cares. If she isn’t, then you should be mindful to stay clear of her. If she has something to say, no matter what it is, she is going to say it. Plain as day and straight to your face.

  Another awesome thing about her is that, even through all of this and a spit-fire attitude to boot, she is vastly gentle, thoughtful, and insightful.

  “You’re right,” I sigh, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

  Charlena’s eyebrows shoot up and she keeps on speaking her mind. “Girl, if I was with a man like Tristan, I would hogtie him, throw him under the bed, and only let him out when I need servicing.”

  “Oh god. Not you too!” Olivia gasps. “I don’t know how much more of this shit I can take without my ears bleeding.”

  “Oh, honey, you’re just gonna have to get over it. When a girl has brothers as sexy as yours—”

  Olivia interrupts that thought with a show of her hand and a hollered, “Stop!”

  “I’m just sayin’. The things I could do to them if I got my hands on one. Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

  “Well, I’m taking my time with him. I want to see where it all goes before I make any sort of commitment,” I state.

  “What’chu gotta take your time for? You already had sex with him. You ain’t foolin’ no one,” Charlena declares.

  My head leans against the back of the couch and my eyes search the ceiling. For what, I have no clue.

  Olivia interrupts my thoughts with her own two cents, “All I know is that, for the past year that I’ve known you, I can tell that you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. You’re smart, successful, beautiful, and sexy as all get out. I just don’t want my brother to take any of that light out of you.”

  Well, hell.

  “This Tristan fella sounds hot, hot, hot!” Of course that came from Curtis.

  I really need another margarita for this. I lean over to grab the pitcher of margaritas Emma made for us a little while ago and pour some of its contents into my empty glass. I feel all eyes on me.


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