In Bear's Bed

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In Bear's Bed Page 7

by Carol Lynne

  Deciding to go after Nate, Liam pushed through the swinging door that separated the dining room from the living room. He was stopped short by the sight of Nate sitting on the couch beside Michael. The two of them were laughing and acting stupid.

  Liam felt like a knife had been shoved in his gut. He quietly retreated back to the dining room. If Nate preferred Michael’s company, what the hell was he doing running after him?

  Chapter Ten

  “I need to finish a paper. You mind if I use the computer, Mr. Executive?”

  Liam stopped entering figures and turned around in his chair. “What the hell is your problem? You’ve been an asshole all week.”

  “Me? I’m not the one who’s been so busy trying to impress Jace Rawlings that I’ve left everything and everyone in the dust.”

  Liam felt his head spin. He couldn’t tell whether Nate was angry about the job, or the fact he had been working with Jace the last several days. “Am I trying to impress Jace? Hell yeah, because I need this job. I’m hoping if I work hard enough my mom can quit one of hers. Do you have any idea what it’s like to know someone you love is killing themselves so you can attend college?” He turned back to the computer and saved the data he’d been entering to the jump drive Jace had given him.

  Standing, he pushed passed Nate. “I’m sorry I’m not as entertaining as Michael. Matter of fact, why don’t you just move in with him. You seem to enjoy his company a hell of a lot more than mine lately.”

  Before he could open the door, a large arm slammed it shut. “Oh no you don’t. You don’t get to make a statement like that and just walk away.”

  Liam turned to face Nate. Crossing his arms, he waited for Nate to continue. “I’m not the one who’s been unavailable all week.”

  “Really? As I recall, one of the last things you said to me was that you needed time alone. I could tell something was wrong so I went after you. And what did I find? You and Michael, laughing it up on the couch. If that wasn’t a slap in the face, I don’t know what would be.”

  Nate released his hold on the door and walked towards the bed. “I was jealous. I’d had a crappy day and I came home to find you hanging out with Sam. If that wasn’t bad enough, the second Jace came into the room, your whole face lit up.”

  “Yeah, because I was hoping he’d offer me a damn job.” Liam walked over and sat next to Nate on the bed. “You didn’t even ask me if we’d won the soccer game.” Liam knew he sounded like a wounded puppy but that’s how he’d felt all week.

  “I’m sorry. I already knew you won. I asked Julian as soon as I got off the field.” Nate put an arm around Liam’s waist and lifted him onto his lap. “I don’t want Michael. He just has a way of distracting me from my problems. He never asks hard questions. It’s always just about shootin’-the-shit and having a good time. Doesn’t mean anything more.”

  Liam shrugged and looked over Nate’s shoulder. “Did you know he asked me if you and I played?”

  He felt Nate stiffen. “When did he ask you that?”

  “At the club that night. I was pretty leery of him because I got the feeling he wanted you, but then he came on to me, too. That’s when he asked if we played.”

  “And what did you tell him?”

  “I told him no. Or should I not have spoken for you?”

  “No, you told him right. I would never share you.” Nate ran his hand down Liam’s chest. “Has he bothered you about it since?”

  “No.” As Nate continued to stroke his stomach, Liam felt himself go hard. “Don’t suppose you’ll tell me what happened at the game to put you in such a bad mood?”

  Nate’s hand stopped wandering and clenched into a fist. “I missed a tackle that lost us the game.”

  “And when did you become a machine?” At Nate’s surprised look, Liam continued. “You’re human, Nate. So you missed a tackle. So you lost the game. Big deal. You’re one player. What about the rest of the game? Are you trying to convince me no-one else screwed up? I find that hard to believe. If that were the case you would’ve won despite the missed tackle.”

  A grin curved the edges of Nate’s mouth. “I think I should’ve talked to you sooner.”

  “Of course you should have.” Liam kissed Nate’s neck. “I love you and I’ll always be here if you need to talk.”

  “And Sam?”

  “Sam? He’s nice. I think he feels a little out of place being the new guy. I was just trying to make him feel welcome. Besides, I owe Aaron a lot. If it weren’t for him and Demitri we wouldn’t have met.” He licked Nate’s soft lips. “And I’m very glad we met.”

  “I’ll have a talk with Michael.”

  “No, that’s okay. I think as long as he knows the ground rules I won’t worry about the lustful looks aimed your way.”

  “Lustful looks?”

  “Oh, come on, Nate. The man practically devours you with his eyes whenever you two are together.”

  “Really? Damn. I guess I never noticed.” Nate smiled. “Guess that means you have yourself a stud.”

  “Bring your head back down to earth, stud.” Liam chuckled.

  Nate moved his hands around to squeeze Liam’s ass. “How about we take a little work break and have some of that good make-up sex I’ve heard people talk about? It’s been killing me to sleep next to this sexy body and not feel like I can enjoy it.”

  Liam pulled off his shirt in one fluid move. “Enjoy all you want.”

  The following day was a home game for the football team. Liam loved home games because it meant the soccer team played a couple of days earlier and he was able to watch his man in action.

  After giving Nate a kiss goodbye, Liam worked for a couple of hours. He really enjoyed his part-time job and hoped Jace and Tony were pleased with his work. Jace was a great guy and Liam was more in awe of him every time they talked, but of course he’d never tell Nate. Liam wasn’t interested in Jace sexually, though he was one hot specimen. Nope, for Liam it was the thrill of being taken seriously even though he was much younger than the executive.

  Come to think of it, Jace had been spending a lot of time at BK house lately. Liam wondered if it was loneliness or interest. Maybe someone at the house had caught Jace’s eye. He vowed to keep a look-out for any signs of attraction. Liam half hoped it was Charlie who’d captured Jace’s interest. Charlie was fabulous and deserved a guy just as great.

  A knock at the door brought him out of his matchmaker musings. “Come in,” he called, saving his data.

  Sam stepped in smiling. “Care to walk with me to the game?”

  “Sure, let me clean up a little,” Liam answered. “Do you know if Charlie’s going over?”

  “Yeah, I think so. He’s downstairs talking to Jace.”

  “Jace?” Liam smiled to himself. “Is he going to the game with us?”

  Sam shrugged. “Who knows? I can barely get a word out of that guy.”

  Liam thought he detected a little anger in Sam’s voice. “Are you attracted to Jace?”

  “Wouldn’t matter. He treats me like a kid. Evidently college men aren’t his style.”

  Looking up at the clock, Liam pulled on his jacket. “If we don’t get going we won’t get a good seat.”

  They walked downstairs to find Charlie and Jace waiting beside the door. “I was starting to wonder if you were going to the game,” Jace joked.

  “Yeah, sorry, I was inputting the latest data you dropped by.” Liam followed the trio out the door and across the parking lot.

  “You’re doing a good job, Liam. Keep it up and there’ll be a fulltime position available once you graduate. I mean if you’re interested.”

  “Interested? Hell yeah. Kind of depends on Nate, though. I’m not sure where he’ll end up after this year.” The words hit Liam like a ton of bricks. He hadn’t really thought of Nate graduating. Liam knew Nate had to do his student teaching next semester and had even found a position in town to do it, but what would happen after that?

  What if Nate secured a spot
in the draft and moved away? There was no way Liam could compete with the available men Nate was sure to attract. Shit.

  “You coming in?” Sam chuckled as he handed his ticket to the man at the front gate.

  “Yeah, sorry.” Liam stepped up to the window and showed his student identification card. After getting his ticket for general admission, he quickly worked his way through the gate and joined his friends at the stairs. Looking up into the stands, Liam was glad they hadn’t been any later. The only spots open would require them to either sit apart or ask people to squeeze in.

  “Any suggestions?” Jace asked.

  “Smile and beg?” Sam suggested.

  “You could bat your eye lashes a little. That might help.” Jace joked, and gestured for Sam to proceed.

  With a sigh, Sam turned on a winning smile and made his way up the bleachers. Charlie followed Sam, radio in his pocket and earphones dangling around his neck. Next was Jace with Liam bringing up the rear. Sam managed to find a row that wasn’t too crowded and sweet talked his way into four available spots. Liam shook his head as he took his seat. “Amazing,” he mumbled to himself.

  At half-time, Liam was able to buy himself a giant Coke and hot dog. It may have seemed silly to everyone around him, but he finally had money in his pocket for the first time in a long time. He’d cashed his first official paycheque and deposited a third into a savings account, a third went to his mom with a note that said I love you, and a third was in his pocket. He knew he wouldn’t always keep an entire third out for himself, but after going so long without, it felt nice for a change.

  Towards the end of the third quarter, Liam was starting to get sleepy, the unusually warm fall afternoon taking its toll. He could barely keep his eyes open when the unthinkable happened. Right there on the twenty yard line, Nate collapsed. There hadn’t been any warning that Liam could tell. One minute he was blocking and the next he was on the ground. As if in slow motion, Liam watched Nate’s knees buckle before he landed face first on the chewed up field. “No!” Liam shouted. The sound of his own voice sounded distorted to his own ears. No, please God, please don’t take him.

  Liam jumped out of his seat and frantically tried to get to the aisle. He felt like his legs were mired in mud as he made his way down the stairs. He wasn’t even aware of the people he brushed or knocked out of the way. His entire focus was on getting to Nate. Was this it? Had the defect finally taken his love away from him? Damn Nate and his father for being hard headed.

  As he made it to the bottom of the bleachers he looked out across the field and saw a team of coaches and paramedics attending Nate. Not without me, Liam thought and bounded over the guard rail and onto the track that circled the field. A security guard tried to stop him but Liam was quicker and evaded capture.

  Nearing the cluster of men, Liam saw Nate. He was sitting up and shaking his head as the paramedics asked him questions and took his vital signs. Not being able to breach the tight protective circle, Liam glanced around. The defensive lineman that had gone up against Nate stood off to the side. Liam swallowed around the knot in his throat as he looked at the watery-eyed football player. He knew the image would forever haunt him.

  The circle began to break up as Julian and Justin helped Nate to a standing position. The crowd cheered, thinking everything would be fine, but Liam knew differently. He finally caught Nate’s gaze.

  Nate gestured him over and tried to smile. Liam knew what Nate was doing. He knew he’d try and play this spell off as something less serious than it actually was. Well, Liam was done with it. As he walked towards the gate he shook his head. It was time for an intervention.

  “Liam!” Nate called to him.

  Taking a deep breath, Liam stopped and turned. He saw Julian arguing with Nate, and Nate shaking his head.

  “No!” Nate shouted. “The game’s not over. Justin may not let me play, but I can still watch.”

  Liam looked at Julian. He could tell he wasn’t the only one that had been through a scare. Julian shook his head and they walked Nate to the bench. Liam reluctantly walked over to Nate’s side. Standing in front of Nate with his fists on his hips, Julian leaned forward so Nate could hear him above the crowd. “If I see you so much as blink too fast, I’m hauling your ass to the emergency room, got it?”

  “Yes, sir,” Nate agreed.

  Turning to Liam, Julian gestured to the bench. “Have a seat and make sure he keeps his ass on this bench.”

  Liam sat next to Nate. He was seething, but at the same time all he wanted to do was wrap Nate in his arms. Liam closed his eyes and tried to sort out his feelings. A large hand covering his brought his eyes open.

  “I’m sorry,” Nate said. It was evident by the look on Nate’s face he knew what he’d put Liam through.

  Shaking his head, Liam sighed. “I love you, Nate. You know I do, but I can’t watch you play anymore. If you want to live and die on this goddamn field, that’s your business, but I can’t enjoy a game knowing you could collapse at any second and never get back up.”

  Nate looked at him with pleading eyes. “It’s who I am. If you truly love me, you have to accept that.”

  Liam remembered trying to convince himself that a lot of careers were dangerous. No matter how he spun it, though, this was different. He hadn’t fully realised it until he’d seen Nate collapse. “So no matter what I say you’re planning to play again.” It wasn’t a question, because Liam was afraid he already knew the answer.

  “I have to. Don’t you see that?” Nate applied more pressure to Liam’s hand.

  “No, I’m sorry but I don’t.” Liam gave Nate’s a return squeeze before standing. “I’ll be back after the game, but I need to get out of here and do some thinking.”

  Nate’s face went from concerned to stony. “Do what you have to do. I’ll see you back at the room.”

  Liam turned and walked off the field as the crowd around him continued to cheer for the game already back in progress. His lover could have easily died and no one except him and the coaches seemed to care. Liam looked at his watch as he headed towards home.

  Chapter Eleven

  Liam felt only slightly guilty for going through Nate’s desk drawer. Finding what he’d been looking for, he opened the address book and found Shonda’s number. He’d not spoken to Nate’s sister before, but from the way Nate talked about her, Liam guessed they were close.

  Punching in her phone number, Liam waited.


  “Hi, is this Shonda Tucker?”


  “We haven’t spoken, but I’m hoping you know who I am. My name is Liam O’Brien, and I…”

  “I know who you are,” Shondra quickly said. “Has something happened?”

  That was the big question. “Yes, I believe so.” Liam went on to explain what happened earlier.

  “They didn’t take him to the hospital?” Shondra sounded shocked.

  “No, ma’am, but I have a feeling Julian—he’s the team trainer—will make him go as soon as the game is over. The reason I’m calling is because I think it would help if we staged some sort of intervention. I know your father…”

  “Oh, don’t even get me started on Dad. He’s pushed Nate to play football since he was a baby. He’s obsessed. My mom washed her hands with the situation years ago. My parents almost divorced over Dad’s overly enthusiastic attempts to make Bear the vessel of his own lost dreams.”

  “Do you think your mom and maybe you and a couple of your sisters would be willing to fly up and talk to Nate? I’ve tried, but I don’t have what it takes to break down years of brainwashing.”


  “Yes, ma’am. Nate feels his worth as a man hinges on his ability to play football. He thinks without it, he’s not only failing himself but your father as well. I think the latter plays on his mind the most.”

  After a few seconds, Shonda spoke. “You really love him, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Too much to watch him die for the w
rong reason. Did you know there’s a defibrillator he can have implanted? If his heart were to stop, the device could very well save his life. The problem is, most college and professional sports teams won’t allow players to compete with one, liabilities and all that.”

  Shonda seemed to think it over for a few moments. “I’ll talk to my mom. We’ll all be taking a huge chance if we do this. You know that, right? Not only do we risk alienating my dad but Nate as well.”

  “I know what you’re saying, but to be honest, it hasn’t fully sunk in yet. I can’t imagine not having him in my life, but I truly think he’s heading for death if he continues playing.”

  They said their goodbyes and Liam hung up. He looked around the room and sighed. Knowing Nate like he did, Liam was sure if the intervention had any hope of being successful Nate would have to go into it open-minded. Being at odds with the person who spearheaded it wouldn’t help his case.

  Taking a deep breath, Liam put a jacket on and headed back to the stadium.

  Bear’s head was pounding by the time he took a shower and dressed. All he wanted was to go back to his room and sleep, preferably wrapped around the man he loved.

  “Bear,” Justin called from the doorway to his office.

  “Yes, Coach?”

  “Can you come in here?” Justin didn’t wait for a reply, simply turned around and headed back into his office.

  God, not now. He was sick and tired of people thinking they knew his body better than he knew it himself. Gathering his bag, Bear walked into Justin’s office. Not only was Coach eyeing him, but the offensive coach Peter Lange and Julian.

  “Do I have to sit or can you yell at me while I’m standing?” As soon as the words left his mouth, Bear wanted to pull them back in. He’d never spoken to his coaches in such a manner. The stress of the day must be getting to him more than he thought.

  Looking at Justin, Bear bowed his head in shame. “I’m sorry, sir.” Walking to the empty chair, Bear sat and waited.

  “I’m thinking of pulling you from the line up,” Justin said.


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