Protector's Curse

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Protector's Curse Page 6

by Keith Walsh

  “My father always told me: never say never,” said a voice from behind him. Gallant’s eyes narrowed and his expression darkened as he looked at the man who had just spoken. His memory not yet restored, he was unaware that he had already been introduced to this man.

  “It’s good to see you awake again, Sir,” continued the man and Gallant sensed sincerity in his voice. “I assure you there is no need to look at me that way, I mean you no harm.” Gallant’s expression lightened a little upon hearing those words and also by the memory of this man defending him returning, although his name still eluded him. “It’s okay Mr Giant,” said Amber as she pulled away from their embrace. “This is God and he made all your cuts go away. See?” she pointed out where his wounds had been. Gallant looked where her finger pointed.

  “Aye, I see that, Princess,” he said before locking eyes with the man she described as God. “Well, I know you are no deity but my wounds are sure enough healed so I ask, are you gifted?” Callis laughed, a good hearty laugh, before answering,

  “No, I am certainly not a God although the child will not believe me. To answer your question, no, I am not gifted either. The disappearance of your injuries is something I had hoped you could explain…” he stared at Gallant with a raised eyebrow.

  Gallant looked back at him with a confused expression. “And why would you think that?” he asked, after some time had passed. Callis took a moment to search for any hint of pretence but he found none and believed the giant’s confusion to be genuine. He shrugged and said, “Well if you truly do not know, then perhaps we should continue this conversation a little later when the child is resting.”

  “Her name is Amber,” replied Gallant doing little to disguise his irritation, but Callis ignored the reaction. “Of course – Amber. Perhaps we can continue our conversation when Amber is sleeping?” Gallant still looked confused. “As you wish,” he replied. Amber didn’t understand all the chatting but remained silent because Sister had told her off before for interrupting adults when they were talking.

  “By the way, my name is Callis,” said the man, while extending his hand to Mr Giant, partly out of politeness and partly to help the man up. Gallant accepted the extended hand and heaved himself to his feet. Once there he shook Callis’ hand, remembering now his earlier introduction.

  “I’m Gallant. Or Mr Giant as Amber likes to call me, if you prefer,” he said with a smile. “Nice to meet you officially Gallant. Not that Mr Giant isn’t appropriate but I think Gallant will do better,” said Callis returning the smile before looking to the sky. “It will be dark soon,” he observed, “and it would be good to be away from here before night falls completely. The bear’s corpse and the amount of blood that has been spilled here is likely to attract more predators, and there are worse things than bears in this forest after dark,” continued Callis, glancing around prophetically before looking back at Gallant.

  “Aye, you are right of course but I think you mistake the current circumstance,” replied Gallant. Callis just looked at him, interested to hear more. “I am grateful for your help, both in protecting Amber and in your care of my wounds. And although I would like to know how they have disappeared, I do not think it wise for you to travel with us.” The words were spoken with an even tone but his eyes were intense. Callis, taken aback slightly by this exchange, met them and held his gaze.

  “It was not my intention to travel with you but I would not risk the journey back to my village alone as I would certainly need to travel through the night. I simply suggest that perhaps we stick together until dawn breaks and we can go our separate ways then. By that time my companions should be a day away and it will be safer to travel in the sunshine anyway. What do you think? There is also the reward for slaying the bear. Wealth may not be of importance to you but the prize is a pretty penny,” continued Callis before Gallant could offer any response. Gallant listened, scanned the area around them, looked quickly to Amber and finally back at Callis.

  “Well, you are correct in your observation. The reward is of no matter to me so do with it as you please. On your other suggestion, I intended to travel through the night but I do not know these woods like you and you have hinted at there being greater danger than bears? Given this, perhaps staying together until dawn is not such an unreasonable idea.” Callis looked relieved. “However,” he continued, “if we are to set up camp for the night, I think it only fair to warn you that the girl and I are being pursued. Should our pursuers come upon us during the night you will be forced to fight or flee because they mean us harm.”

  Callis thought for a moment. He had the choice of going on alone and risking being attacked by creatures and denizens of the forest or staying with the current company and risking being attacked by whoever pursued them. Figuring it was better to fight as two rather than one, he made his decision. “I appreciate the warning but I have already fought once today while you lay unconscious. I guess that if I’m forced to do so again tonight, I will deal with it.” He smiled, and then the thought crossed his mind to press Gallant on who might be chasing them, but remembering that he did not want to spend the night alone he decided not to risk alienating the man or frightening the girl.

  “Good. It’s decided then,” said Gallant before whistling. Within moments his mare arrived at his side. “Neat trick,” said Callis before whistling for his own horse. The animal just looked at him then turned its head away to pull at a tuft of grass. Gallant stared at Callis with a quizzical look. “Oh, my horse isn’t trained but I figured it was worth a try,” explained Callis with a smile. Gallant raised an eyebrow and both men laughed heartily. Amber laughed too although she wasn’t really sure what the joke was.

  When the laughter subsided, Gallant climbed into his saddle then took a blanket from one of his saddlebags and placed it over the neck of his mare. He lifted Amber and seated her on the blanket, which would secure her between his giant arms as he held the reins. Callis’ men must have taken her horse but considering what had happened he was just happy to have her with him.

  Callis also mounted, and pulling lightly on the reins he manoeuvred his steed next to Gallant’s. “Well, since you know these woods I suggest you lead on,” said the giant. “Aye, there is a spot not far from here where we can set up camp and we should be able to get there before dark.” The two men rode with Amber into the forest, Callis at the fore.

  Chapter 6

  Images shimmered before Dallious’ eyes. He tried hard to focus on them but the more he concentrated the more they became harder to make out. Realising this paradox he relaxed and let his mind and his senses wander free. Suddenly he was running, the land beneath his feet moving at an impossible pace and he noticed that his boots were missing. Just ahead he saw shadows converging. They closed on him and fear gripped his heart. He leapt into the air in an effort to evade them and found himself flying, higher and higher.

  His fear turned to elation when he became aware that he could control the flight. He dipped his left shoulder and his body turned swiftly to the west, then he dipped his right and sure enough he turned to the east. Instinctively he pulled his knees into his chest then sprang them out, which caused him to accelerate through the air at a staggering speed. He felt pure elation as he banked and pitched. He moved his head hesitantly and this having no effect on his flight path he risked a glance back at the shadows that had been closing in on him. He could not make out any features on them but saw clearly that they did not or could not pursue him.

  His excitement grew as he arched his back and flew even higher into the star-filled night sky. He had never experienced anything like this before, making his mastery of flight confusing to him. He did not dwell on it long however, deciding the movements he made to be instinctive and relishing the experience. It just felt so right. He wanted to fly higher, to reach the stars but when he tried he felt weak. The first time he had tucked his knees into his chest and pushed them out he had felt a tremendous power build up within him, but this time he felt power drain away. H
e tried again, arching his back first then combining it with his technique for acceleration but this time he spiralled downwards, out of control.

  Tumbling through the air, panic swept over him and he fought to steady himself. Unconsciously he stretched out his arms and this steadied him a little then he spread his legs and regained full control. The tumbling stopped and his fall slowed dramatically. He held this position for a moment to look around and in so doing noticed that his right hand was missing. He glanced quickly at his left and saw it was where it should be. He felt confused. Dark clouds began to form, lightning flashed and rain started to pummel his face and body.

  He tried to fly above the storm but the same weakness he felt before washed over him. He began to descend through no choice of his own, stable at first but losing more and more control the further he fell. The storm enveloped him and lightning struck the stump of his right arm. Pain shot through him and he screamed. Huge faces appeared and circled him. As each came into view he recognised them, first Amber’s, her eyes torn out, maggots falling from the blackened sockets, then Sister’s, blood erupting from her mouth and showering him. He screamed again and cried for it to stop, still hurtling at a terrible pace through the storm. Soon Kalen’s face spun into view and stopped in front of him. The eyes blazed with fire and the giant mouth opened to reveal rotten, broken teeth, flesh hanging from them as it made to swallow him.

  Terror overwhelmed Dallious and he wrapped his arms over his eyes and curled into a shivering ball. This sent him even further out of control and he spiralled down towards the ground and whatever waited there. Over and over he went. He could feel the presence of the giant faces taunting him but he dared not look. His heart beat wildly, lightning struck him again and again, bringing renewed pain upon each impact and the pelting rain forced all the heat from his body. His will all but broken he shouted for mercy, offering his soul to whomever or whatever wanted it. No sooner had his offer left his lips he felt an invisible force rip him open. First his arms stretched apart then his legs as if he were being pulled by two horses moving in different directions.

  He hung there, his head sagging against his chest as the storm continued to rage around him. His eyes were forced open and his head pulled up to witness a massive black mist appear in front of him. Slowly it formed a human-like figure but the head was an elongated skull that bore a winged helm upon its crown. Dallious’ eyes widened and he tried desperately to break away from the invisible chains that held him. A portion of the black mist swirled from the main body towards him and he could just make out a huge sword thrusting at him. He could do nothing to avoid it but just as it was about to pierce his battered body a bright light blazed through the storm and lanced the misty figure.

  A harrowing scream echoed through Dallious’ mind, deafening him as the mist-like creature disappeared in an explosion of brilliant white hues – a light so intense Dallious turned his head away from it and closed his eyes. A faint voice came to him as his hearing returned. Slowly it became clearer until finally he recognised it as Sister’s. “Calm yourself Dallious,” she said and with his eyes still closed he focussed on his racing heart.

  He took deep measured breaths and felt his heartbeat slow to normal. “That’s good. You have more control here then you realise Dallious.” His body filled with warmth, an intense heat upon his back. He opened his eyes and to his relief the storm was gone, replaced by a beautiful summer’s day. He could see a rainbow to his left and a crystal clear and calm lake to his right. He hovered just above a large area of green grass surrounded by a forest of pines. All kinds of fabulous flowers grew there and different butterflies and insects could be seen going about their business. He twisted his hip gently and his body turned 180 degrees. The sudden brightness of the Sun caused him to shield his eyes momentarily but once they settled his mouth fell open at what he saw.

  Sister floated in front of him but she no longer wore her habit and for the first time he could see her long golden hair. It flowed perfectly over her slender shoulders, and her face was more radiant then he had ever seen before. She wore a magnificent white dress made of silk that hugged her body and complimented her perfect figure. For the briefest of moments he felt arousal but he quelled it quickly. “Where am I?” he asked, unable to take his eyes from her beauty.

  “You are in a place for those somewhere between life and death,” replied Sister. “Come,” she requested and he watched as she pointed her feet to the Earth and held her hands out by her sides, palms down. He copied her motion and both of them floated gently to the green grass below. When he touched the ground he flexed his toes, savouring the touch of fresh grass between them. “It’s good to be grounded,” said Dallious at last. Sister smiled warmly and advanced towards him. He smiled back and stood motionless, waiting for her.

  Arriving, she took his hand and ran her fingers through his. He embraced her touch, raised the back of her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. “How is this possible? Am I dead?” he asked still holding her hand, afraid to let go. She laughed a little, shook her head and smiled. “No. Between life and death, remember?” Her eyes held his. His emotions were a mixture of joy and confusion. He tried to focus on the joy but questions burned within him. “I don’t understand,” he said finally.

  “That is because a part of you still clings to the living world,” explained Sister. “This is a place of passing between the world of light and dark. There is a constant struggle between the dark ones and others like me, angels if you will, for all souls trapped here. Come, sit with me.” Dallious allowed himself to be led to a moss-covered tree stump and as Sister made to sit he stopped her. “Wait,” he said. “Your dress will stain from the moss. Please, allow me,” he continued while removing his white shirt. He folded it so the bloodstain from his shoulder wound could not be seen and laid it on the moss. Then he helped Sister be seated before perching next to her.

  “Thank you,” she said smiling warmly. Her eyes danced over his naked torso. He looked beautiful bathed in the Sun’s dappled light. She reached out to the wound on his shoulder and he flinched. “Be still, I will not hurt you,” she whispered and he allowed her hand to touch him. To his surprise her hand felt warm, and then the heat intensified briefly before she removed her fingers. He glanced at his shoulder and the wound was gone. Before he could say anything she moved to the stump on his right arm. This too she touched and again he felt an intense heat before finally seeing a renewed hand there. He waved the fingers before his face, clenching them into a tight fist. It felt strong and he opened and closed it several more times before looking at her. “How?” he asked.

  “You are with me for now Dallious and in my light you need feel no pain. You can be whole here but the effect will not transfer into the living world.” This time she kissed his hand. She held it to her lips before turning her cheek and rubbing it against him, her eyes closed, and she breathed in deeply. “Why do you say it will not transfer into the living world? I will not go back there. Not now, not ever,” he said. He reached his other hand out and brushed her golden hair from her face before turning her cheek towards him. He looked deep into her eyes and saw tears. “What’s wrong Sister?” he asked.

  “Oh Dallious, you have given so much in your life. I would want nothing more than to cease your pain here, once and for all, but I must ask more of you. You say you will not go back but I need you to—” Before she could finish Dallious stood abruptly and turned his back on her. “No, I cannot go back, not now, not after seeing you here, such beauty, such perfection, such peace. I have never known the like. I want to stay with you. I can’t face any more pain or killing, I cannot… I will not. The living world can go to hell for all I care.” As he spoke he took in the beauty around him, making sure to avoid eye contact with Sister.

  “Dallious, this is not you, you are a man, a wonderful honourable man but right now you speak as a child, petulant and immature.” Her words stung and he felt a wave of shame come over him. Sister felt ashamed too, she had not intended
to be so blunt. “I’m sorry Dallious, that was cold. Please forgive me.” She stood from the tree stump and made towards him. Dallious heard her approach but did not turn to face her. “There is nothing to forgive, you are right – all men are petulant children to some extent Sister. Especially when challenged. It is something that never really leaves us although good men fight it.”

  “You are a good man Dallious.” She pressed her body against his and slid her arms around his waist, resting her head upon his right shoulder. He turned his head and their eyes met once more. He clasped his arms around hers and pulled them tighter to his body then tilted his head back to rest it against her cheek. There they stood, embraced in silence, and Dallious wished it could last forever. “It is time,” said Sister finally, her words cutting the stillness. Dallious broke their embrace and turned to face her, then pressed his forehead gently to hers while holding her hands.

  “What can I expect, when I wake?” he asked, already having some idea of the answer. “I will not lie to you Dallious. Your body will be in shock, you will feel weak and be in terrible pain. And you will have to inflict more pain upon yourself before healing can begin, but you must fight it. You must live Dallious! Use all your strength, courage and will, for you are needed.” When she finished speaking Dallious moved his head away from hers and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, you could have lied a little,” he said giving her a charming smile. She looked at him and giggled, biting her lower lip. When the moment passed he felt his heartbeat quicken and his throat go dry in expectation of what was to come. He gulped and Sister noticed his nervousness. “You know I served my Faith completely in life,” said Sister, “which means here I am free to do this…” She leant in and kissed him deeply.

  Taken by surprise at first he did not immediately react but soon he slid one hand around her waist and pulled her to him while his other hand moved up her back, and he kissed her passionately. Suddenly the ground beneath them trembled and cracks started to appear. The lake dried, the grass turned yellow and the pines withered. Dark clouds formed above, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the rain came again, strong winds driving the heavy drops onto them.


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