Protector's Curse

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Protector's Curse Page 26

by Keith Walsh

  Dallious considered himself a patient man but Lucy’s less then expert handling of each of the injured men angered him ever so slightly. Not to mention the fact she started with Magnus and then her husband, knowing full well that Dallious wanted to leave. Her husband gave you the most amazing gift. Hold your tongue and relax, he thought. Finally his time came and after the initial awkwardness of revealing he wore no under garments, his privates being covered by a blanket, he watched as Lucy stitched, applied a herbal tincture and then bandaged his wounded leg.

  He thanked her while putting his garments back on, ignoring the mocking laughter and hoots of Durok and Magnus. Lucy berated the two men for their lewd comments, and as she did so Beth began to rouse. The two men apologised to Dallious for teasing him as he got dressed, but Dallious felt relieved that Lucy had disturbed Beth’s rest and respite. He didn’t want to be ‘the cruel one’ by waking her.

  The time to say goodbye had come. “Thank you both so much for your hospitality,” said Dallious, shaking Durok’s hand and turning to Lucy, unsure how to approach her. She looked into his eyes and smiled, recognising his dilemma. Then she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek and he hugged her warmly. “Safe journey Dallious,” she said before their embrace ended. “Thank you,” he said looking into her eyes. “And please take care of Beth,” added Lucy, matching his gaze. “Of course,” replied Dallious before smiling.

  Magnus tapped Dallious on the shoulder. “I’ll come with you to the town gates,” he said. Dallious looked at him with confusion. “The stables are right there,” said Magnus, noting Dallious expression. “Beth needs my horse, remember?”

  “Oh, yes” replied Dallious, realisation suddenly hitting him. And in truth he could use the help carrying some of his belongings now that he had the added large and heavy box from Durok. The blacksmith advised him to keep the weapon locked in the case until out of town, or the Watch would surely arrest him and claim it for their own. Dallious agreed and called the idea a good one, although he still could not believe he owned such a masterpiece. He wanted so much to have it buckled to his belt and worn with pride. Durok warned him that the metal needed to be cared for much more then steel and had given him the oil he needed. It felt like the blacksmith was entrusting his firstborn child to Dallious and he promised he would treat it as such.

  Beth and Lucy embraced, tears flowing freely from both women as they said their farewells. Finally the trio of Dallious, Beth and Magnus headed towards the town gates, Durok and Lucy waving them off. The day had moved on considerably and as they reached the stables just next to the town gates Dallious felt a little frustrated. He had intended to be well underway by now. Then a thought struck him. Well underway to where, exactly? He had no idea where Gallant and Amber could be.

  Suddenly the image of a small port flashed into his mind. He recognised it, having been there once before. ‘Port Davies’ he remembered it being called. A light breeze whistled by him and he was sure he heard Sister’s voice whisper “There.” With no better plan in mind, he decided that Port Davies would be his and Beth’s destination.

  Magnus went to talk with the stable master in regards to his mount and Dallious went to one of the guards at the gate to inquire whether Markus had brought his horse yet. The guard directed him to the stable master and it wasn’t long before both mounts where saddled and ready to go. Magnus’s animal seemed to take to Beth without issue and Dallious felt relief at seeing his own horse once again. Whatever possessed me to sell you? he thought, patting the animal’s rump. The horse seemed delighted to be back with its master. Snorting and nudging him with its snout before dance stepping its hooves upon the cracked earth at his touch.

  “Safe journey,” said Magnus, offering his hand. “Thank you for everything,” replied Dallious, shaking the big man’s hand. “May your wounds heal quickly.” Magnus smiled and nodded before moving to Beth. “And a safe journey to you too,” he said, raising and kissing her hand. “Thank you so much for your mare,” replied Beth. “I will take good care of her.”

  “I know you will,” said Magnus with a smile. And with that Dallious and Beth led their respective mounts to the gates. They waited patiently while the guards opened them and then waved to Magnus as they moved through. A final look back towards the town was had as the gates closed, and then Dallious and Beth climbed onto their animals and rode away.

  Chapter 21

  Gallant awoke to the sound of birds twittering. He had slept soundly and as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes he realised he hadn’t moved a muscle throughout the night. A sound slumber indeed, he thought. He eased himself into a sitting position and tried to focus on Amber’s bed but his eyes were still a little blurred and he rubbed them more vigorously, probing a finger into the corners to remove the last of the grit that dislodged under his touch. Finally satisfied with his efforts he looked again and this time he saw clearly she was no longer there.

  Panic swept through him for a moment until he heard her voice coming from the next room. He knew it wasn’t uncommon for children to wake before their parents or guardians but he made a mental note to have a word with her about wandering off without him. He gave a long yawn before standing and stretching lightly, his body – particularly the neck – giving some protest in the form of cracking before he finished. “Good morning Princess,” he said moving from the bedroom into the main area of the cabin.

  The fire still burned and both Callis and Amber sat at the table eating. As soon as Amber heard Gallant’s voice she jumped up from her chair and ran over to him, throwing her arms around him in a big hug. The impact caused Gallant to flinch slightly before he returned the embrace. “Hello Mr Giant,” she said, easing off enough to look up into his eyes. “Isn’t this a lovely place?” she added before beaming. “It is,” replied Gallant, breaking his hug and patting the top of her head gently while smiling back. Amber said, “I really want to go outside and explore. Can we, please?” She skipped toward the bolted main door of the cabin as she spoke.

  “Finish your breakfast first,” said Gallant, noting the half-eaten bread and cheese still on the table and catching Callis’ attention. Amber let out an audible “Aww,” before doing as she was told and going back to the table to finish eating. “Morning,” said Callis, in recognition of Gallant’s first acknowledgement of him. Gallant responded with a nod and a half-smile.

  “I think we will meet with the ‘nice man’ Matias today too Princess,” said Gallant, choosing to use her description of the old man in way of helping her memory of him. “Really?” she replied excitedly, her legs swinging noticeably faster under the table while she took another bite of cheese. Gallant nodded at her. “So you have decided then?” said Callis, rising and moving to stand next to Gallant. “Aye… I’m still not fully convinced but as much as a part of me wants to leave, another part of me believes that I should speak with him.”

  “Well if it helps at all, I can say I know Matias to be a good man and an excellent tutor. And he knows a lot about…” Callis leaned in to Gallant and the giant offered his ear. “The gifted,” continued the young man, quietly. Gallant nodded as his eyes flicked to Amber then to Callis before looking away. “C’mon,” said Callis at last, after leaving Gallant what he felt was enough time for whatever he had been pondering. “We should visit the baths,” he added with a slap to the giant’s back. “Baths?” said Gallant, surprise in his eyes.

  “Yep. We should go early as it takes quite a lot of effort to fill them with the water and then heat it up. That means it’s not changed often so it’s best to get in before too many people have used it – if you get what I mean…” said Callis with a smile. “I can imagine,” replied Gallant. “Although I’d rather not,” he added with a sarcastic smile. Callis chuckled. “Oh and I’m sure the elders will want to speak with you at some point,” he added. “I can’t wait,” said Gallant, casting his eyes to the ceiling.

  Callis shook his head as he moved to the main door of the cabin and began pulling back the three b
olts that secured it before stepping outside. The sun shone brightly and the air smelled fresh and clean. He checked on the horses, making sure they had enough food and water and briefly running his hands down their legs to check for any lumps or injuries, which was something he had learned from his father. One of the biggest concerns for horses was the condition of their legs, especially for animals that were expected to perform at a high level whether it be travelling long distances or at high speed or just simple farm work. The leg muscles could tell you a lot about possible future risks to the beasts, but right now everything seemed in order. There was no need to wade them in the cold water of the local river or run them loose in the paddock.

  Amber appearing from the cabin pulled Callis from his thoughts and he waved at her. She only just had time to wave back before the towering figure of her protector loomed over her. She looked back and up at him as his huge frame cast a shadow over her. Gallant stood transfixed for a moment as he gazed into her big brown eyes. In the light of the sun they shone brightly and their innocence mixed with the child’s beauty always caused his heart to soar.

  Gallant looked at her like a doting father and he knew that all she wanted to do was go and explore and find other children to play with. He hated the fact that in his heart of hearts he knew he couldn’t allow her to do such a thing – he needed her to be in his sight at all times. More than that, he hated that she knew it too. The way she looked at him, always awaiting his approval, it was like she was looking right into his very soul. So obedient for one so young, thought Gallant, despite having the spirit that a child of her age should have. Gallant could feel tears building but he caught himself in time and clearing his throat he said, “Just stay where I can see you Princess.”

  “I will Mr Giant, I promise,” she said excitedly before skipping off to a large oak tree on the other side of the dirt road. When she arrived at the tree, Gallant could see her lips moving but he couldn’t hear what she said. Amazement hit him however when he saw her hold a finger out and a little bird came flying from the tree to land upon it. Callis caught the expression on Gallant’s face and followed his line of sight. He too was taken aback when he saw what the giant stared at.

  “A remarkable child,” said Callis, moving to Gallant’s side. “I think speaking with Matias is the right choice.” Eyes still wide, Gallant looked at the young man. “Aye,” he said with a nod before gazing upon Amber again.

  She was holding the little bird up to her eye level and gently stroking its head. The little thing closed its eyes with each stroke and flicked its tail whenever she stopped. Incredible, thought Gallant. But just what have you gotten me into Dallious? In truth, it didn’t matter. Gallant already knew he would give his life to protect the child and if anything had changed, it was only the fact he now felt even stronger about it. Callis closing and locking the cabin door pulled Gallant from his thoughts, and sensing the giant’s eyes upon him he said, “Let’s get to the baths. I don’t know about you but I’m really looking forward to one.”

  Gallant simply smiled in response before shouting to Amber that they needed to be going. She patted the little bird on the head one last time before whispering something to it and then raising her finger to the sky, watching as it flew back into the tree. Happy to see it safe and where it belonged she skipped to Gallant’s side and reached out to take his hand. He accepted and clasped it gently while looking down at her and smiling.

  A part of him wanted to ask about the little bird but he decided it best not to draw attention to Amber and that she may be different in any way. As Callis had already pointed out, she wasn’t aware of any gift and the last thing Gallant wanted to do was scare her. Amber herself didn’t mention the bird, which further suggested she had no idea that what had just transpired was anything abnormal.

  When they reached the baths it seemed they were only just opening but to Gallant’s surprise no queue formed outside. He had figured that the story Callis had shared with him about how the baths were used meant a lot of people would try to be the first in. “I know what you’re thinking,” said Callis, eyeing the giant. “I was expecting a queue,” the giant shrugged. “So I’m right,” replied Callis with a smug expression. Gallant raised an eyebrow and his stare intensified and Callis noted it. “Sarah doesn’t bathe until later in the day,” he said, as if that explained everything. “Who’s Sarah?” asked Gallant.

  “Ah…” Callis seemed lost in thought for a moment. “She is the most beautiful girl you could ever lay eyes on,” he added at last, snapping himself out of whatever thoughts he had just been having. Gallant guessed they were most likely about the girl the young man had just mentioned. “And so?” said Gallant, still not fully understanding how this girl’s beauty had anything to do with a queue being present or not. “Well, this is a small village Gallant. A beautiful girl who takes her bath later in the day tends to have most men willing to wait as well.”

  Gallant began to see where things might be headed but felt just uncertain enough to want further information and Callis obliged. “Every man here, even the married ones, want to be the first into Sarah’s bath after her.” Gallant recoiled. “That’s just creepy,” he said, his expression one of disgust. “I agree but ask yourself – wouldn’t you rather get into the bath a beautiful girl has just stepped out of, rather than one someone like you or even me just vacated?”

  “Firstly, are you trying to suggest you are in some way better looking than me?” asked Gallant, noting the way the young man had worded his question. He already knew the answer, of course – Callis was better looking but warming to the manner in which the young man liked to tease he decided to try it himself for a change, and so kept his expression serious. Callis hesitated for a moment, eyeing Gallant before beaming. “You can’t kid a kidder,” he said at last, pointing a finger at the giant. “You nearly got me though,” he added, shaking his head and smiling again.

  Gallant scoffed and dismissed him with a wave of his hand before speaking again. “But to answer your question, aye – if that was the only choice then I would rather have her bathwater than yours. But the obvious and far less creepy choice is the one we are making: be the first in.” Callis looked away and pictured Sarah in his thoughts again. Ah, well you say that now but you haven’t yet laid eyes on her,” he said. “All right,” started Gallant. “If she is so beautiful, how come you don’t wait too?”

  Callis hesitated for a moment before responding. “I have… feelings for her,” he confessed. “You love her?” replied Gallant, his expression one of understanding. “Maybe. I don’t know her well enough to be sure of that but I am certain I could if I don’t already.” Gallant smiled. He wasn’t terribly experienced in matters of the heart but he recognised a young man in love when he saw one. “Have you told her how you feel?” he asked. “Gods no,” Callis shot back.

  “Why wait?”

  “Someday, maybe,” Callis mumbled. Gallant smiled. “It is the arrogance of people to always think that we have one more day,” he said quietly. Callis found the words profound. He mostly pictured the giant as a brute, a force of nature, but the more he got to know him, the more he liked him. He felt Amber was in good hands. “So you’re saying I shouldn’t wait?” said Callis. “Not another day,” replied Gallant smiling warmly.

  Callis stood in silence for a moment, his emotions a mixture of excitement and fear. Excited at the prospect of actually taking a chance with Sarah but fearful of the fact she might not feel the same way about him. He was also surprised that a relative stranger could provide him with the confidence he so lacked in the past regarding the matter. “But what if she feels nothing for me?” he asked. Gallant considered the dilemma before answering. “If you truly fear that, then you need only ask yourself one question.”

  Callis waited expectantly. “Are you happy living with the fantasy or would you rather take a risk on making it a reality?” Callis felt a warm fuzzy feeling come over him as he realised he would rather take the risk. As he revelled in the feeling he
straightened and looked Gallant directly in the eyes. “I like you Gallant,” he said simply. “Enough to take a bath after me?” replied Gallant with a raised eyebrow, a cheeky grin appearing. No… not that much,” said Callis, and both men burst into laughter. Amber, who had been silent throughout the whole conversation, laughed too, although she had no real idea at what.

  They stayed in the baths long enough for their skin to wrinkle like prunes before deciding to leave. Gallant enjoyed the experience immensely. He couldn’t remember the last time he had bathed in warm water. Mostly he used rivers and streams to wash, both of which were icy cold almost all year round. Amber also voiced her delight at the experience. Gallant said that it surprised him that a small village would have a bathhouse but Callis explained that his father had designed it after their cabin had been built. He apparently hated bathing in cold water too and when he put his design and proposal to the elders they agreed to its construction.

  With the morning wearing on Gallant asked Callis to bring them to Matias. It was a meeting he still did not feel comfortable about but he had made his decision. On the way to the old man’s home they met the elders who seemed to take offence at the fact that Gallant didn’t wish to spend time in their presence. That was until he insisted they keep the reward for the bear as a thank you for the hospitality of the village. Funny how those in power can always be influenced by coin, thought Gallant, even in a small place like this.

  Regardless, the whole event didn’t take up too much of their time and not long after they arrived at Matias’ home. It was much bigger than any of the other structures they had passed on the way and the only one made of stone. It looked and felt out of place. “I guess a surgeon is never short of coin,” said Gallant, still casting his eyes over the building and noticing part of a glasshouse towards the rear.

  “Matias was rich before he came to this village, but yes, I’m sure he has made plenty more coin here too,” replied Callis, noting the way the giant and Amber looked in awe at the building. Callis acted first in announcing their presence with a hefty knock on the heavy front door. They didn’t have to wait long until it swung open and the clearly excited figure of Matias appeared. “Come in, come in,” he said, stepping back and waving them forward. Gallant noted how the old man’s eyes immediately became fixed on Amber, and already he began to feel his decision to bring her here was a mistake. Callis stepped inside first, followed by Amber who beamed widely at Matias, and finally Gallant who quickly shoved the child aside to put himself between her and their host. Matias noted the action and frowned at the giant.


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