Protector's Curse

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Protector's Curse Page 28

by Keith Walsh

  “And… well, there’s not much more to tell really. He convinced me that Amber was the one who had healed me—”

  “Yes, but how?”

  Gallant stared at the old man with narrowing eyes. He disliked being interrupted. “It is important,” said Matias in protest. “She cried and her tears fell upon my skin,” the giant said simply. Matias eyes widened and he turned his back on Gallant, obviously deep in thought. “So she did not heal you by touch?” he said eventually, half-turning his head just enough for Gallant to see him stroking his beard again. “I don’t believe so. Does that matter?” Matias didn’t answer right away, continuing to play with his beard. Gallant waited patiently.

  “It suggests a lack of consciousness,” said Matias at last. Gallant shrugged and said, “Well, that would make sense. Amber isn’t aware of her gift and I would like to keep it that way.” Matias shook his head. “No, no, no. That is most dangerous,” he said. Gallant was taken aback by the old man’s objection. He didn’t believe he had offered him any precedence on the matter but he decided to hold his tongue, for now.

  “Here is what I think,” said Matias snapping his hand up sternly, an air of confidence growing with every word. “Your recent predicament, regarding your mortal wounds from the bear, led to Amber becoming overwhelmed with emotion. She obviously likes you greatly and when the thought of losing you hit her, the power within her was awakened.” Confusion etched itself across Gallant’s face but he continued to let Matias speak without interruption.

  “The child, obviously unaware of this, didn’t consciously heal you but the power within her had been unleashed nonetheless. And so when her tears hit you, your wounds healed and we have learned a little of what gift she has. Are you with me so far?”

  “Not in the slightest,” replied Gallant with a shake of his head. “Good, good,” said Matias, completely oblivious of the giant’s response, too busy lost in his thoughts. “What you don’t know is that my first success with growing and keeping alive my tomato plant happened just yesterday morning. A time when Amber’s power had been awakened and she was close to the village. I had felt strong that morning. Like more energy flowed within me than ever before.”

  “Wait, wait. Slow down,” said Gallant, his mind beginning to hurt. He wasn’t versed in such things and Matias’ obvious excitement led to a speed of explanation he just couldn’t keep up with. The old man ignored Gallant’s pleas, choosing instead to pat him on the shoulder with the words “Quiet now.” And by that action Gallant suddenly realised the explanation being offered wasn’t for him at all, but just the old man thinking aloud.

  “That energy and the description of a little girl with you, that is what led me to go on that journey in the first place. Based on what Cormac told me I estimated that you would have been dead by the time I got there. And when I saw her… oh, when I saw her! That’s when this all made sense. Well… that and what we have just spoken about here,” Matias said. Gallant began to regain some composure. His mind had been spinning but hearing now how Matias had only made the journey because of Amber, it brought him back to his senses. He grabbed a hold of the rambling old man, pulling him aggressively to his snarling face.

  “You are dangerous to her Matias,” he said, noting how he had the old man’s full attention now, fear in his eyes. “No!” said Matias, grabbing at Gallant’s hands, vainly trying to pry himself free. “I would never hurt the child.”

  “Your student is fond of saying ‘Never say never’ Matias,” Gallant said. Matias tried to reassure the giant. “You don’t understand. I am a good man. A moral man. I am rich, yet I became a surgeon. Caring for the sick. I practiced my gift only in the hope of ridding the world of starvation. No more famines or war for richer lands. I could feed all. You have nothing to fear from me Gallant. It is the others you need to protect her from.”

  “What others?” asked Gallant.

  “Other gifted of course! If I can sense her power don’t you think others will too? And can you say they will make such efforts to resist their urges to touch her? I do not yet know what could happen if I was to do such a thing, but the fact my mind does not behave as it should when I see her… well, it suggests it would not be good.” Gallant released his grip on the old man. The words he spoke made sense. His behaviour did seem different down here, away from Amber.

  No sooner did Matias feel his release than he backed away from the giant, straightening himself up as he did. “There are swamps to the north of here Gallant, and I know of a hermit there who is gifted. He has been experimenting for years with the creatures that live there. Trying to meld them into something unnatural. Like me, he has failed on every occasion but—”

  “But what if he has succeeded due to Amber’s power…” finished Gallant, reading where Matias was going. “Exactly. You need to tell her the truth Gallant. She has to come to terms with her gift, to learn to hide it as well as use it, control her energy.”

  “She is only a child,” Gallant said. Matias nodded. “Yes, and that means as she grows her power may too. Don’t you understand?” Anger flared in Gallant. “No! I don’t understand any of this. Have I not made that clear?” he said. Matias shook his head. “You may only be seeing the birth of her gift. None of us know how great it may become, or how dangerous. If you don’t tell her now and allow her to grow with it, learning about it, then we may all be doomed.”

  “That is an awful lot of ‘mays,’ do you know anything for sure Matias?” Gallant snapped. Matias was taken aback by the giant’s question. He eyed Gallant with burning intensity. “I try to help and you mock me?” Gallant placed his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes vigorously. “Forgive me,” he said after a few moments. “This is all a lot to take in.” Matias sighed then took a deep breath and let it linger for a moment before exhaling. “I’m sorry too,” he said, “…but didn’t you ever question why the girl needed protection in the first place?”

  Gallant thought for a moment. He remembered asking Sister and how she avoided the question, stating how he did not need to know and that he had only to protect the child. He hadn’t pressed the matter any further and Dallious didn’t offer any insight either. But then if Matias’ theory proved correct and Amber’s power had only awoken recently, then Dallious most likely didn’t know anything either.

  “I asked but didn’t receive an answer,” said Gallant at last. “In truth, I guess I figured she was royalty. An heir-to-be that needed to be protected until coming of age. I never for a second thought she might be gifted. As I explained earlier, I only thought of gifted people as a legend.” Matias nodded along. He could understand the giant’s way of thinking, having never studied or been taught about the gifted. Matias, on the other hand, would have been intrigued as he most certainly was now. A thought suddenly occurred to him. “Have you ever considered that you may be on the wrong side?” he asked.

  “How so?” Replied Gallant, visibly tensing. “Well, the effect she has on me when I look at her. You said yourself: I am like a man possessed. Perhaps she is evil, made to corrupt the moral and good of this world.” Gallant scoffed. “She is a child, innocent and beautiful beyond measure. How could you say such a thing?” Matias felt the sting of the accusation but also believed strongly in voicing his opinion, and so he continued. “What better way for the devil to protect itself then feign innocence and weakness until strong enough to reveal its true purpose upon the world?”

  “Amber is no devil. And come to think of it, I have held her many times. That involves touch and I have not been corrupted. Nor do I feel any loss of my mind when around her. So perhaps it is you who is the real devil here Matias?” But Matias shook his head. “You have not been listening to me.”

  “I have been trying.”

  “Are you gifted Gallant?”

  “Not that I am aware of, no.”

  “Then it is no wonder that you have felt no different around the girl.”

  Gallant sighed. “So you believe only the gifted are affected by her power?�
�� he asked. “I don’t really know. I can only say what I am feeling,” said Matias. Gallant thought for a moment. If what the man claimed was true, then why were there not gifted scouring the woods for the source of this power they would all be feeling? Or perhaps only Matias felt it. With that thought in mind he posed a question. “Have you ever considered that maybe you are the only one who feels a connection to her?”

  “Like a lock and key,” said Matias, clearly considering Gallant’s question but not answering him directly, nonchalantly stroking his beard. Although Gallant knew the old man’s words weren’t directed at him he couldn’t help but ponder them. If he and Amber were truly a lock and key, then what did they open? Before he could ask the question aloud, a familiar voice sounded from somewhere outside the room.


  It was Callis, and Gallant ran towards the stairs, nearly knocking Matias off his feet before taking the steps two at a time. Within moments he was face to face with the young man. “What is it?” Gallant asked, breathing a little heavier and fearing the worst. “Is Amber okay?”

  “She’s fine,” said Callis, bracing the giant with both hands upon his shoulders and looking him in the eyes. “Relax.” Gallant took a breath. “I just wanted to tell you a storm has moved in and it looks like a rather nasty one.”

  “Gods man. You scared me. Why should I care about a storm?” Callis smiled but Gallant didn’t return it. “Well, if you intend on leaving today you might want to set off now. If the rain keeps falling at its current rate the bridge across the river will be flooded and you will be forced to take the swamps up north – which I wouldn’t recommend – or wait out the night.”

  “What about the south?” Gallant asked. Callis shook his head. “That leads to the ocean. There is no way to cross down south.” Gallant thought for a moment. Matias had already suggested he stay for another night and although he still found all this talk about the gifted unnerving, he did give his word to protect Amber. If staying and continuing his conversation with the old man could help him in that task, then stay he would.

  “I think we’ll stay,” he said finally. “You’re more than welcome of course,” replied Callis, an air of excitement about him. He liked the company and looked forward to spending more time with both Amber and Gallant. “I’m sorry Callis,” started Gallant. “I appreciate everything you have done for Amber and I but it is my intention to spend the night here.”

  “With Matias?” said the young man, visibly hurt. “Aye,” replied Gallant, noting Callis’ reaction and placing a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to console him. “He has convinced me that we have much to speak of regarding Amber.” Callis smiled warmly. “I understand. Matias is well educated in matters of the gifted.” Now Gallant smiled. “You’ll see to my horse and things?” he asked. Callis nodded. “Of course, but what of Amber?” Gallant thought for a moment. He had come to terms with telling the child about her gift but he still wanted to learn a little more himself before he did, and during that time he did not want Matias near her.

  “Hurry back,” he said at last before smiling. Callis laughed. “I’ll try,” he said, once his laughter had subsided. And with that he headed back upstairs to go about the task at hand.

  Gallant turned as Matias arrived behind him. “So you intend to stay?” he asked. Gallant nodded. “Keep your distance from Amber and if you feel yourself losing control…”

  Matias nodded. “I’ll leave the room,” he said.

  Chapter 22

  Kalen cursed. He hated the rain, and right now it thundered down. He pulled his cloak more tightly around him and angled his head down, trying desperately to find what little comfort he could. As had become the norm of late, Atheles rode a little behind his master. His mind was reeling from the previous night’s revelations. Not just about Dallious actually being one of Kalen’s first instructors but also of how the killer himself was born.

  To think the man had vowed never to kill again, only to become one of the most deadly men Atheles had ever seen. And coming from a champion of the arena that was saying something. His mood sombre and with no conversation taking place between the two riders, Atheles found his mind drifting back to that fateful day. His word given. He and the current champion Haggard awaited the end of the fight taking place above them. As a rapturous applause sounded they both knew the time had finally come. Only a killing blow caused the crowd to roar like that, and they were up next.

  As they stepped onto the chain lift side by side Atheles could appreciate for the first time the sheer size of his opponent. Being no small man himself, often referred to as a giant, he swallowed hard. The action only gave further evidence to just how dry his throat felt. That will make breathing difficult on the dusty earth above, he thought. Haggard was a mountain of a man. Packed with muscle the Gods themselves would be proud of. Their weapons of choice would be considered once they were on the arena floor, but Atheles already knew that both men favoured double-bladed axes.

  How can I beat this man? he thought. To engage in close combat or any kind of tests of strength would be folly and lead to a quick death – something he knew Haggard always strived for. As he had stated to his opponent when beneath the arena, all that muscle came at a price. It brought acid build-up quickly and caused tiring. It also slowed and limited movement to some degree. Atheles believed he had the better build. Just the right amount of muscle allowing for plenty of endurance. He needed to stay away from Haggard for as long as possible though.

  The lift lurched to a halt and both men were met with deafening applause as they shielded their eyes from the sun, eager to take in the huge crowds upon the parapets. The atmosphere brought shivers running through Atheles’ body and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He revelled fully in that moment.

  Haggard waved to the crowds first, holding his arm high and twisting his body to be sure he could be seen by all. Then Atheles took his turn, choosing to bow to each section of the crowd. The champion clearly had the greater applause but that was to be expected, and in truth Atheles received more than many who had gone before him. When both men had finished their introductions they moved away from each other to the weapon racks and made their choice.

  As expected, Atheles saw Haggard take a hefty double-winged battle-axe, effortlessly tossing it between his massive hands as he judged its worth. Atheles also chose an axe of equal quality although the haft on his was a little longer. This should keep me at a reasonable distance, he thought, getting a feel for the weapon. Axes in hand, the racks they had been chosen from where wheeled away and the two men approached the centre circle where they would be expected to stand before the starting horn rang out through the arena.

  “I would wish you luck—” said Haggard, now that Atheles was in earshot. “But we are here to kill each other,” finished Atheles. The response brought a smile to Haggard’s face and Atheles emulated it. There was just enough time for both men to nod respectively to each other before the starting horn rang out and immediately Haggard charged.

  He swung his great axe with vicious intent and Atheles barely managed to duck it. His head would have been instantly removed from his shoulders had the strike landed. Haggard gave no pause, a heavy boot crashing into Atheles’ midriff just as the younger man had been recovering his wits. Air exploded from his mouth as he flew backwards. His mind registered the pain but he blocked it as quickly as he could so as to avoid the follow-up axe attack from Haggard.

  The champion’s blade came thundering down, again aimed at Atheles’ head. The younger man managed to bring his own weapon up just in time to block the blow but the sheer power of it caused shockwaves throughout his hands and arms. He grimaced with pain as the blocked axe turned into a deflected blow that caught his right shoulder. The cut immediately began to bleed but the wound was not deep.

  The ferocity of Haggard’s attacks caused Atheles head to swim and he threw himself into a roll to escape another swipe from the axe. He landed it perfectly, coming to stand a little behin
d the champion and earning himself enough respite to regain some composure. In that briefest of moments he could see that Haggard’s breathing had already become heavier. The man was obviously putting huge effort into each of his attacks.

  Atheles felt his spirit soar a little at the sight but soon the man mountain was upon him again. This time swinging his axe at an awkward upwards angle. Atheles’ weapon clashed against it and all of a sudden he found himself exactly where he didn’t want to be, engaged in a test of strength as the two blades locked together by the tips of their curved wings. Haggard pulled and Atheles resisted with all his might. To lose this test would mean losing his weapon as it would surely be launched into the air if he failed.

  A couple more times the two men went back and forth before finally Atheles’ grip gave out. He simply couldn’t match the power of the champion and sure enough his axe was wrenched from his hands as he had dreaded. Instantly he threw his shoulder into a recovering Haggard, desperate to take away any chance of the man swinging his weapon.

  Haggard braced against the impact and twisted his body violently, shrugging off Atheles and causing him to spin before snapping his axe across the younger man’s exposed back. Atheles let out a roar as the blade bit deeply but he knew to linger on it would mean death and so he pushed it from his mind, turning swiftly to launch himself at his opponent once more. Haggard hadn’t yet fully recovered from his swinging blow, such was the effort he had put into it, and Atheles managed to land upon him, grabbing and pinning one of the champion’s arms.

  Haggard snarled in frustration at the awkward angle his arm was being held and he released his axe so he could launch a vicious right cross into Atheles’ cheek. The huge knuckles bit sharply and Atheles was forced back. Free now, Haggard grabbed a hold of the younger man’s throat and lifted him off the ground long enough to smash his head into his victim’s nose. Atheles could do nothing to stop the attack and his nose sprayed red before starting to gush, his eyes swimming. Haggard continued to hold the now dazed younger man aloft, choking the life out of him.


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