In The Arms Of Danger

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In The Arms Of Danger Page 18

by Jaydyn Chelcee

  She flinched and shied away from him like a startled doe. Danger muttered beneath his breath. “After everything, you’re still afraid of me?”

  Lacey looked away. She just needed some rest. Some time to think. His anger and frustration were stamped on his face. Yes, she was still wary of him. Just because he’d fished her out of the water didn’t mean he wouldn’t kill her later. “Leave me alone,” she said. “I’m tired.”

  She closed her eyes and shut him out.

  Danger frowned. He wanted to know why she was afraid him, but she wasn’t in any shape for him to hound her for answers. There was no way he’d cause her more stress. She had to learn to trust him of her own free will. And he was going to have to figure out a way to earn her trust. Everything she did, everything she said, was in direct response to the hostility he revealed. If he gave her attitude, she gave him lip. If he came on to her, she backed down. If he ignored her, she came on to him. Three steps forward and five steps back. They both lost.

  He didn’t like it one bit, but he couldn’t seem to conceal any of his feelings from her. It mattered little whether those feelings were anger or the desire to make love to her. He gritted his teeth. He was just no good at hiding how he felt. He never had been.

  Narrowing his eyes, he raked her slender form with icy regard. She was wearing one of his shirts. Except for her jeans, her clothes had been nothing but rags. Her jeans had holes all in them. He could probably salvage a pair of shorts out of them for her.

  How long would it take her to realize she wore only his shirt beneath the blanket?

  How angry would she be?

  Danger reached out and gently caressed the red scrapes on her hands. Her nails were broken and raw. Scratches darkened the smooth skin of her face and arms. Disheveled, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  And the most challenging.

  Her long legs captivated him, filling his mind with erotic images of the two of them.

  Caught off guard by the surge of heat pooling in his loins, Danger shifted uncomfortably. He rarely acknowledged or allowed the basic part of his sensual nature to emerge. He swept his gaze over the tangled skeins of her hair. Earlier, he’d washed it for her after she’d flaked out, washing the mud, leaves and blood from it. As the silken threads dried, he’d brushed the snarls from it, enchanted by the golden strands curling around his fingertips as if they had a fiery life of their own.

  He’d held her in his arms warming her and listened to the rhythm of her gentle breathing. Her soft breasts brushing against his bare skin had nearly driven him up the nylon wall of the tent. The tiny, kittenish whimpers that slipped past her lips drove him crazy. His body, as always when he was near her, stirred with wild desire.

  She belonged to him in ways that could never be explained. She was his, without sex ever being the forerunner of possession. If he closed his eyes, he could envision her. Every delectable, tantalizing curve that taunted, invited, and tormented, was burned in his brain.

  God knew he didn’t need this upheaval in his life. She was dependent on his protection, and he had to let it end at that. Wary and defensive, he deliberately made his voice hard. It was time for answers.

  “I asked you where you were headed.”

  Chills speared down his spine at the sudden thought that Lacey might have been trying to track the killer herself. “Surely, you have enough sense not to attempt tracking down the very man you’re running from,” he snapped.

  Fear that she’d possibly had that thought in mind made his voice harsher than he intended. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes. Her lips parted in silent helplessness. Moisture rushed to her eyes and spilled down her pale cheeks.

  Jesus, she’s crying. Panic rushed through him. He couldn’t deal with her tears. Clearly she wasn’t up to battling with him if her feelings were that tender. Okay. He’d have to take a different approach and try to reassure her.

  When he spoke again, he softened his voice. “I have to ask you these questions.”

  Damn, if I don’t sound apologetic for doing my job. I’m allowing her to get to me. And it has to stop. I can’t let her tears unnerve me. . .but they did.

  His muscles tensed with painful awareness every time she sniffed. The little sniffs ripped at his heart. Her scent teased him. The tantalizing, elusive fragrance of baby powder would forever haunt his senses.

  His stomach clenched.

  For a long moment, she stared at him as if she was trying to figure out just what it was he wanted. Then, she simply turned her face away, but not before he saw her bottom lip quiver helplessly. The soft sound of her sob went straight to his heart.

  Danger clenched his teeth against the onslaught of emotions swamping his senses. He’d seen the glittering sheen of tears filling her eyes, before she turned away.

  Don’t cry.

  Her tears were the last thing in the world he needed right now. Besides, his insides suddenly felt like Jell-o. He wasn’t up to conducting a harsh interrogation.

  He’d wait until she felt better.

  He’d leave her alone for a while, let her settle down and fight her demons her way. He swept his gaze over her back. Her slender shoulders trembled as she silently cried. It wrenched his heart to see her trying so desperately to hide her tears from him.

  Well, hell. Helplessness surged over him. He wasn’t going to be able to walk away.

  He paced, rapid, long-legged strides that left him inhaling and exhaling ragged breaths. God, he didn’t want to be involved with her. He had no room in his life for a slow-talking Georgia tigress, but in his secret, innermost regions of his heart, he knew it was too late.

  He was involved.

  Danger had the strong, unwarranted desire to take her in his arms and protect her from the world. He shook his head, knowing he couldn’t do that. Hell, she’d probably scream her damn fool head off, if he came near her, but neither could he turn his back on her.

  She was in trouble. He felt it bone deep and clear to his soul. He also knew it was unrealistic to even think about holding her in his arms. Now that she was conscious, she would never allow it.

  Danger squatted down and touched her arm.

  She jerked away from him.

  Lacey sat upright, facing him. Her body trembled violently with rage. “Stay away from me.”

  Danger could see ridges of panic blooming on her face. Her golden eyes darkened with the onslaught of a coming storm. He heard the hysteria in her voice. “Hell, I knew it. I knew you’d scream if I came near you.”

  She gave him a look filled with wariness. Her entire body was rigid as an iron rod. She looked like a frightened little bird on the brink of flight.

  Exasperation swamped him. “Relax, little cat. I have no intention of coming anywhere within touching distance of you. When you’re feeling stronger, I’ll take you back to Rimrock. That’s as close to you as I intend to get.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she declared. “Don’t you—don’t come near me.”

  She held out her hands as though bracing him away from her.

  Her eyes were wide and frightened. Her lips trembled as she fought against the deluge of tears that threatened to fall again.

  “Calm down,” he ordered, trying to remain reasonable and rein in his rising temper. “Jesus Christ, you act like I’m going to murder you.” His voice shook with frustration. He wasn’t in control enough to cope with her, if she started crying again. “I’m not going to hurt you, for Christ’s sake. I’m trying to figure out the best way to help you.”

  “I’ve heard your thoughts on helping me before, Sheriff. I didn’t like them then, and I sure as hell haven’t changed my mind.”

  “Oh for heav—don’t you want me to help you?”

  “Like I want a hot poker shoved up my ass. I seem to recall you didn’t believe me or want to help me before. So I want to stay. . .right here.” She patted the sleeping bag as if it was something sacred and the most comfortable spot in the world. “Right
here is just fine.”

  “We can’t stay here,” Danger snapped. He captured her arm. “You’re hurt, and a doctor needs to check you. You could have some broken bones. We have to get out of here at first light, or we’ll be up to our asses in the freezing water, again. And I can take you anywhere I damn well please. I’m the sheriff.”

  A spasm of pain splintered across her face, leaching her of color. She gave a tiny whimper and shuddered, as if an explosion of agony racked her body. He figured her head must be pounding. He knew very well she had to be concussed. Danger cursed, suddenly remembering how badly dislocated her shoulder had been.

  Granted, he’d put her shoulder back in place, while she was unconscious, but as bruised as she was, it had to be very sore.

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly, appalled that he’d caused her more pain. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you’re in serious trouble in more ways than one. You have no clothes. When we leave here in the morning, we’ll be climbing. It will be a lot cooler than it is here in the valley. You’re injured and need my help, though Heaven only knows why I should go out of my way to help you. You held a gun on me, handcuffed me, stripped and ogled me, and stole my Jeep. Then, by God, you let it get washed away. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t arrest you on the spot.”

  “I kissed you?”

  In spite of his anger, his lips twitched. “There is that, if you wanna call it a kiss.”

  He tightened his fingers on her flesh. “I admire your courage, Lacey. I really do, but—but I won’t tolerate your rebellious behavior.”

  Danger took a deep breath, winding up for battle. “And another thing, your criminal tendencies have to go.”

  “My what?”

  Danger nodded. “Kissing aside, which wasn’t really a kiss since your lips barely grazed mine, you heard me. You can’t go around handcuffing and stripping law officials. It—it isn’t dignified, for Christ’s sake.”

  “Turn me loose, you. . .you demon savage.” Lacey swung at him, her hand connecting weakly against his cheek. “I meant to barely kiss you. I wasn’t after a tongue and swap spit kiss.”

  His eyes slowly raked over her. “Now, that’s a real crime, sweetheart, because that’s the only way to kiss.”

  Danger stood up, bringing Lacey with him. She swayed like a broken reed and slumped against him.

  “Aw, shit.” He swung her high into his powerful arms. “Woman, you had best be still. Be still,” he ordered as she continued squirming. “Lady, you’re one hell of a pain in my ass!”

  “You don’t understand. I can’t stay here. I must get away.” She buried her face against his chest and sobbed. Her warm breath brushed the flesh beneath the open vest he wore. His nipples tightened in response, and his dick twitched to life. His balls tightened, and pain shot through the family nuggets. She’d nearly emasculated him with her direct jab to his balls, and he still wanted her.

  Good God, but she devastated the senses.

  He wanted to press her closer, feel her tongue taste him. Jesus, where had this raging need come from?

  Within the span of a heartbeat, Lacey saw a myriad of expressions flash across Danger’s dark face. Disbelief warred with caution and desire. Need battled with torment and despair.

  What had happened in his life to make him look as if the world would come crashing to a fiery end, if he needed someone or needed them to care for him?

  Lacey refused to acknowledge the turmoil and desire on his face and began to struggle. A grunt of pain escaped him as she smacked him in the mouth.

  Danger glared at her with equal hostility as her flailing arms connected across his face. “Damn it, woman, quit fighting me. I swear I’ll toss your butt right back in those waters and let them carry you away. It would save me a whole heap of trouble, not to mention the satisfaction it would give me to be rid of you”

  “I believe I’ve heard that threat somewhere before,” Lacey shot back.

  Danger carried her outside and lowered her to a blanket near the fire.

  “Yeah? Well, take my word for it, I don’t make idle threats. Keep pushing me, little cat, and you’ll be sorry you ever met me.”

  “What the hell makes you think I’m not already sorry I ever met you, you cretin?”

  “God damn it, Lacey!” Danger straightened up and drew in several calming, fortifying breaths. “Try to relax. I’ll get you some more soup. We’ll straighten things out in the morning.”

  “I need to pee.”


  “I said I need to—”

  “I heard you.”

  “Well, you said what.” From the look on his face, you’d think she’d said she needed to do the other.

  “Christ. Okay.” He lifted her back into his arms and carried her to the edge of a thick brier patch then lowered her to her feet. “Do you need help?”

  “I can manage.” She swayed like a drunken sailor on shore leave.


  “I said I can manage.” She circled around the brambles in a slow, unsteady gait and disappeared from site.

  “Don’t go far.”

  “Turn your back.”

  “I can’t see you, Lacey.”

  “I’m not going until you turn your back.”

  “Christ. Okay. I’m turned.”

  Lacey started to squat to do her business, but the soft rustle coming from the brier patch changed her mind. She stared at the thick mass of brambles but it was too dark to see. There could be anything in there. Leaves rattled. Long, skinny runners parted to make way as something charged out the berry patch. She yelped, tripped over a rock and landed eye to eye with a set of shiny, black eyes. The thing balked and hissed.

  God and his angels heard Lacey’s terrified scream.

  Danger leaped into motion. Racing around the brier patch, his heart jumped to his throat. He skidded to a halt. Lacey lay sprawled on the ground. Quickly, he snatched her into his arms and circled back to the camp. “What is it? What happened?” He lowered her gently to the blanket. “Did something attack you?”

  “An animal.”

  “Animal?” He hadn’t seen an animal.


  “What kind of animal?”

  “A big one, with—uh, fur.”

  The leaves in the brush rattled. Danger stood up, backed up a step, and pulled his gun from its holster. He got off two rounds before something with shiny eyes sped out of the patch and straight toward him and Lacey.

  Lacey screamed and covered her face and failed to see Danger’s mouth gape.

  He reloaded his revolver and shoved it in his holster. “You can look now, Lacey.”

  She kept her eyes squeezed tight and shook her head. “What was it?”

  “It is a giant raccoon, a big furry one with the meanest damned eyes I ever saw. Trust me; I scared the hell out of it.”

  Her eyes popped open. “You shot a helpless raccoon?”

  “No. I aimed too high at the big animal with fur.”

  “Oh.” She blinked.

  Danger glared at her. “I thought you go on perilous shoots, undaunted and unafraid. Perilous Pauline, you screamed at a little raccoon.”

  Lacey felt heat bloom across her cheeks. “Well, I never did it concussed.”


  “You said, I have a concussion. I’m sure it’s done something to my vision. I mean, yeah, oh yeah, I’m seeing two of you.” She slapped an arm across her forehead. “Oh, God. How will I ever deal with double Dangers?”


  “Yes?” She dropped her arm and grinned.

  “Shut the hell up.”



  “I still need to pee.”

  In The Arms Of Danger

  Chapter Thirteen

  Never drop your gun to hug a grizzly.

  Cowboy Quotes

  Montana Backcountry Sat.10:00 p.m.

  After Lacey finished her business, Danger swept her into his arms and
carried her back into the tent. She knew his temper was on the short end of a fuse. Everything she said or did annoyed him.

  His silver eyes flashed a silent warning as he lowered her onto the sleeping bag. The sweep of his black hair flowed over his shoulders as wild and untamed as he was.

  She watched his chest heave as he struggled with his temper. Suddenly nausea roiled in her stomach. The intense throbbing in her head sent shards of brilliant lights dancing through her skull. She couldn’t stop the soft gasp of pain.


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