Dirty Talk

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Dirty Talk Page 11

by S. L. Scott

  Vinnie reads the situation for what it is and gives me a reprieve by redirecting Keaton. “Will you be joining us on any of the shoots, Mr. Klein?”

  “No, no. I leave that to the professionals who work under me.”

  “Yes, you must be too busy for that kind of thing,” Vinnie says, taking a jab.

  Fortunately Keaton’s had enough to drink to not notice. When the check arrives, I take it and pay for it… with my business card. Ha!

  When we’re standing on the street, a cab is hailed for us and we insist Keaton take it despite his protests that I share it with him. “It’s all good. I’ll make sure Mr. Vittori gets home safely.” He can’t argue with me in front of Vinnie, so it all works out.

  As soon as we’re alone, he loops his arm with mine, and starts dragging me down the street. “Finally, we get our girls’ night out. Time to party.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To a bar down the street and then clubbing. You up for a fun time?”

  “More than ever.”

  With pretty pink Cosmos in front of us, he sheds the famous Italian designer act and my Vinnie is back. “What happened between you and Model Danny? Tell me everything and do not leave out any details.”

  “Nothing happened.”

  “I gave you the last day of our trip and nothing happened. That’s very disappointing, Candy.”

  I lean forward and hug him. “I missed you, Vinnie.”

  He takes a few sips of his cocktail and then sticks out his bottom lip. “Really? Nothing happened?”

  After a few large guzzles of my drink, I find the courage to share what I’ve wanted to since it happened. “He asked me to lunch.”


  “And he took me to the beach. He had box lunches and a blanket. We talked and ate.”

  He faux faints without leaving his barstool. “That is so damn dreamy, girl.”

  “I know, right?”

  “The boy likes you.”

  “The boy is not a boy anymore. He’s quite the man. And that man likes many women. You’ve seen the rags.”

  With a swoony sigh introducing his words, he replies, “You’re right. He is no boy. Did I mention the fireworks between you two?”

  “You did. I get it. I appreciate you playing matchmaker for me, but believe me, my life is a mess. I can’t afford to fall for anyone, much less someone like Danny Weston again.”


  Damn. Oops. Backpedalling, I try to cover, “I didn’t mean again. I meant him. Just him. Whatever.” I start drinking my cocktail and don’t stop until the glass is empty.

  “You’ve said a few things like tha—”

  “Bartender?” I hail him like I’m hailing a cab, doing anything to distract Vinnie from finishing his train of thought.

  When the bartender comes over, he leans both hands on the wood in front of me. Wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing a detailed tattoo or two of something I’d like to get a better look at, a gray pinstriped vest, clean-shaven with his dark hair slicked back. He asks, “What can I get you, beautiful?”

  I giggle because, yeah, he thinks I’m beautiful. “Another round of Cosmos please.”

  “Coming right up.”

  Vinnie’s eyes are glued to the bartender’s backside, but I elbow him as if he hadn’t noticed. We both keep our attention right where it should be. Vinnie leans over, and whispers, “I want him.”

  “Haha. He’s gorgeous.”

  “I want him to walk for my spring show.” He looks me in the eyes, dead serious. “Get him for me, Reese. Pretty please.” He’s like a child begging for an ice cream, and completely adorable.

  “I don’t think I’m your girl for that, but I can talk to him for you if you’d like?”

  “I’d like. I’d like very much.”

  He turns around and sets the drinks in front of us. “Drinks are on me, but only on one condition.”

  My bottom lip is tugged under my teeth in anticipation of what that one condition might be. I sip the drink, intrigued. “And what might that be?”

  He sets a pen and white bar napkin in front of me. “You give me your number.”

  “What if I’m not single?”

  “No ring. That means if you’re not married, you’re single.”

  “I might have a boyfriend.”

  “He should’ve taken the next step then. His loss.”

  Taking another sip, I set the glass down again and grab the pen while pulling the napkin closer. “You’re very sure of yourself.”

  “I don’t believe in wasting time.”

  After I write my number down and push it back to him, he studies it before his eyes come back to mine. “Nice to meet you, Reese. I’m Leo.”

  Vinnie stands on the foot rail of his barstool and reaches forward to shake his hand. “Hello.”

  Laughing, I signal to him. “And this is my friend…” I look to Vinnie, not sure how I should introduce him. Vittori is so well-known, an over-the-top icon in the fashion circles, but tonight he’s Vinnie. He’s in a tailored suit. His hair is styled, but not in his signature bouffant.

  He understands my debate, so he helps out. “Vinnie. I’m Vinnie, Leo. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  “You too. So just a night out?” Leo asks us.

  “Yes, we’re catching up.”

  “Oh, how long since you’ve seen each other?”

  Vinnie and I exchange glances and laugh. “Five days.” But I try to help explain our silliness. “We had just spent two weeks traveling together, so I’ve become partial to him and missed him.”

  “Awww, Candy, you’re bringing a tear to my eye.”

  Leo looks perplexed. “Candy?”

  “Just a nickname he has for me.”

  “I look forward to hearing more about how you earned it.” He scans the bar and the impatient patrons trying to get his attention. When he looks back at us, he leans forward and says, “I’m going to call you and ask you out. I hope you say yes. I’d like to get to know you better.”

  He’s not looking for an answer and his confidence is completely sexy. He walks away and helps other customers. Even though we stay here for another forty-five minutes I never see him get a number, or hear him using the same line he used on me. All the reasons are there for me to feel special—attention, complimentary drinks, handsome face, great build. I should be over the moon about him showing interest. I should be popping my imaginary collar, but that’s when it hits me. Danny used to do that in college. The memory takes me right back to him. As I sip the last of my drink, I wonder if he’s the reason I’m not into Leo. Everything about Leo is appealing and yet, nothing. Even with the short time we’ve spent together, Danny’s starting to feel a lot like a new habit. It will be interesting to find out if he’s a good or bad one to form.

  Standing by the bar, I leave a large bill because free drinks means bigger tips. I wave goodbye, but he’s busy. Vinnie and I start making our way toward the exit, but I’m grabbed and when I spin around, Leo is there. He kisses my cheek. “I’ll see you soon, Reese.”

  I stand there a second, surprised by his assertiveness. He apparently doesn’t waste time, but goes after what he wants. If only I could do the same. Danny. The only man who ever made me giddy comes to mind.

  Vinnie coos, “Bye, Leo.’’

  “Bye, Vinnie.” He laughs and returns to the bar.

  Vinnie jumps giddily. “Man, he’s amazing. And yet, so different from Model Danny. Where should we go? We have so much to still talk about.”

  “You’re relentless and wearing me down. I’m getting tired.”

  “C’mon, Candy. We’ll go to my apartment. I have a hot tub.”



  I HAVE NO idea how I get myself into these situations, but I somehow do. Less than an hour later, I’m sitting in a hot tub, dressed only in my panties, on Vinnie’s rooftop deck.

  We have champagne and a beautiful star-filled night. Resting my
head back, I’m staring into the dark blue yonder, when Vinnie says pouting, “You didn’t get Leo’s number. He only got yours. I want him, Candy, and you failed me.”

  “To walk the runway for you or for you personally?”

  “Both,” he says sassily.

  Laughing, I reassure him, “Don’t worry. We know where he works. But I’m sure he’ll call and then I’ll get his number for you.”

  “Well, aren’t you little Miss Confident tonight?”

  “Yes, when it comes to him. It’s obvious he was interested or he wouldn’t have chased me down. Anyway, men are easy to read.”

  “Except when it comes to Model Danny,” he retorts.

  “Touché. You let me drink too much. You know I can’t handle my booze.”

  “I know, which is why I got this bottle of champagne out.”

  I laugh, but then I’m speaking before I can stop myself, “Can I tell you a secret?” The bubbles must be going to my head.

  Vinnie is sitting across from me. Fortunately, he’s wearing a bathing suit. “You can tell me anything, Candy. My lips are sealed, a vault of steel.”

  “I know Danny Weston.”

  “Yes. I know. I was there when you met him.”

  Lifting my head up, I look at him and swallow hard, afraid I’m making a bad decision by telling him this secret. This is the only secret I’ve ever been good at keeping. It’s by far the most personal and breaks me little by little when I think about it, so I don’t think about it. I’ve buried it. Until two months ago. “No, I know him know him.”

  Excitedly, he bolts upright and points at me, the water splashing me in the process. “I knew it. I knew you had sex with him.”

  “No, not that. I didn’t.” An image of the first time we were ever together, the first time we had sex, flashes. “Well I did, but it’s not what you think.”

  His disappointment is palpable as he relaxes back and fills his champagne glass. “So you didn’t have sex in LA?”

  “I didn’t. But I need to talk to someone and I know I can trust you.”

  “Of course you can. Now spill your darkest secret and I’ll share some of mine, but that’s for another night because I have a closet of doozies.”

  Vinnie makes me smile, something I’ve become quite addicted to. It had been too long since I had felt so happy around someone. “Danny and I dated in college.”

  Champagne covers my face and chest as my hands go out to protect myself. “Oh my God!”

  When the champagne spray stops, I open my eyes only to be met with Vinnie’s wide as a saucer eyes. “You used to date Model Danny?”

  It doesn’t sound so much like a question but a reaction, a very strong, shocked reaction. Nevertheless, he’s staring at me waiting for an answer. “I did.” I start sweating, feeling a bead roll down my spine. “Has the water gotten hotter?”

  “No.” He checks the temperature gauge. “I think it’s your conscience.”

  “Most likely.” I suddenly regret saying anything. This was best left buried, but now I’m stuck in the middle of my past that feels a lot like quicksand, burying me instead.

  “Are you going to make me drag this out of you?”

  Sighing because it’s too late to take back the confession, I say, “We dated in college. I thought we would get married one day.”

  “That’s a pretty serious relationship.”

  “Yes, I thought so too, but it didn’t work out.” Annnnnnd scene. Maybe he’ll get that there is no more to tell.

  “No. No, the story doesn’t just end like that. I need more. Like how long did you date? How did you meet? How big is he? And how did it end?”

  “How big is he? You just slipped that right in there, didn’t you?”

  “No, but he slipped it in… or was it too big to slip in?”

  With both hands, a full on splash assault begins. “Ew.”

  “There’s nothing ew about Model Danny.”

  Lowering my weapons, I reach for my champagne thinking I’m going to need a lot more to get through this conversation without full-blown mortification setting in. “No kidding.” I finish half the glass and hold it out for a top off. As he fills my glass, I decide it’s too late. I opened this can of worms. So I need to let all those worms out, free them so to speak. “We met at a party when we were juniors in Nebraska.”

  “Nebraska? Why is that so hot?”

  “I have no idea.” I sit back, letting my legs float in front of me. With my elbows propped on the sides I let it all out. “We saw each other across the room…”

  I knew who he was. Everyone on campus knew who Danny Weston was. He’s tall, handsome, funny. I didn’t know this firsthand, of course, but I’d heard people talking about him. One time in the library at a table behind the one I had my books spread all over while I researched a biology paper due the next day, I over heard a girl say, “He’s the best sex I ever had.”

  Her friend remarks, “For you, that’s saying something.”

  I laugh, but quickly cover my mouth so they don’t think I’m laughing from their conversation. I lamely point at the book in front of me and mumble something about tree frogs being hilarious. They either don’t hear me or don’t care because they keep talking, but lower their voices. “He’s big, like really big.”

  “How big?” her friend asks excitedly. It gets quiet and then she adds, “Whoa?”

  Hand gestures. She’s making hand gestures. And because I’m curious, my head whips around to see the first girl holding her hands apart. Catching me, she makes a snide comment, “Excuse you. This is a private conversation.”

  “Sorry,” I reply, my face heated, mortification covering it. But as I stare straight ahead, I blush for very different reasons. The very thought…

  Vinnie is awestruck. “Oh my Mary!” He holds his hands apart, matching mine. I see his Adam’s apple bob and he licks his lips. “That’s like a good f—”

  “I know! Believe me. I know.” I take a large sip of champagne. God, do I know.

  “How long were you together?”

  Searching for answers amongst the stars, I say, “Two years. It just kind of fizzled out.”

  “There was no fizzling from what I saw in LA. It was full sizzle.”

  “Sizzle. No fizzle.” I snort-laugh.

  And then again, the bubbles are tickling my throat.

  “Honey, you might be done for tonight. As much as I want all the answers to the millions of questions about your sex-dezvous with that hunk of a man, you need water and bed.”

  “I’m fine. More than fine, fine like Daniel Big Earl Weston.”

  “Earl? That’s a boner killer.”

  “Killer is right. He was called Big Earl for a reason.” I try to wink but it’s like a double wink. I’m too toasty for winking anyway, so I go back to the very fond memories I have of Big Earl. “My va-j never stood a chance.” Standing up, with my arms in the air, I yell, “Hello New York City! Wooooohooooo!”

  “You have spectacular titties, but you do realize you’re topless, right?”

  “I don’t even care.” I do a little footwork to music that’s only playing in my head.

  Vinnie stands up and takes me by the hips. “Yep, time for bed. C’mon. Get down from there before you wipe out, Candy girl.” I sit on the edge and swing my legs out. He climbs out behind me as I walk to the edge to look over, but he comes up behind me, wraps a towel around my back, and redirects me back toward the apartment. “This way.”

  “You’re sleeping here.”

  I follow him down the stark white hall, which seems to be in contrast to everything Vittori the designer stands for. He leads me into a bedroom that is solid purple. Purple everything. Even the numbers on the alarm clock are purple. I don’t know whether to lie on the bed or run for my life. “It’s very purple-y.”

  “It’s Vittori purple.”

  I lie on the bed with the towel still wrapped around me while he messes about the room. With my eyes closed, I slip one foot onto the floor and r
est my arm on my forehead. All the lightheartedness has left my heart. “I loved him. I loved him so much.”

  He sits next to me, kisses my arm, and drops a pair of pajamas on my stomach. “I can tell he loved you too.” The lamp next to me is turned off and I watch him at the door. He stops. “Put on the jammies, go to sleep, and get some rest.”

  I do what I’ve done every night since I walked away ten years ago. I try to block out the memories, wipe the tears away, and fall asleep. But the night of his first confession haunts my dreams…

  That night in bed, I watch Danny sleep. The snow falls outside on this cold winter’s night, but I can feel the ice forming inside. I’ve been naïve. I hadn’t thought about him kissing other women while “working.” I hadn’t considered what else he might have to do for a job besides model clothes. But now I do. Now it is all I can think about.

  I let the kiss go, not asking anymore questions about it. I don’t want to know anymore. My heart won’t be able to handle it. I trust him. I trust in us.

  It is only work.

  A job.

  Nothing more.

  I close my eyes and imagine the most beautiful woman in the world kissing my boyfriend—a blonde beauty opposite of me in so many ways, so beautiful that I lose him.

  Gulping down the image, I open my eyes again and watch him as tears blur my vision. Change is coming and if I try to stop it, I become the bad guy. If I accept it, what will we become?

  I’ve never been patient. I didn’t get to where I am by sitting around and hoping for things to happen in life. I go after them. Everything from the university I attend to my scholarships. The only thing that came easily to me was Danny and now he’s slipping away into the unknown, and I hate the unknown.

  My fingers dance over his shoulder light enough not to wake him. Leaning forward, I kiss him there. I love having him home, but I’m already wondering when he’ll leave me again.

  Christmas passes and Danny doesn’t go home with me. I remain at my parents’ home until I decide to return to school on New Year’s Eve. Tired of being alone, I ring in the New Year with my friends at a local bar. Danny had left a message that he wouldn’t make it back to me in time for the traditional kiss. Who needs one anyway? I drink another shot thinking about how he was stuck in New York City, probably with a hot blonde model to help him ring in the New Year instead.


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