spindles, 27, 73, 75, 88
spirals, 111–12
spirit levels, 16, 17, 149
spokeshaves, 27, 43
steam engines, 24, 76, 103, 104, 107–9, 110
steam hammers, 107
steel, 33, 35, 43, 62, 64
steelyards, 137
Stephenson, George, 108
surveying instruments, 17, 119, 125
tape measures, 16, 17
taps, 30, 64, 105
screw, 122, 123–24
telescopes, 14, 99
Ten Books on Architecture, The (Vitruvius), 115, 141
theodolite, 119
Thompson, John P., 83
tilt targe, 63
tire-bouchon, 35, 36
tire-fond, 35, 36
toggle and loop, 45
“To Move a Given Weight by a Given Force” (Archimedes), 138
tortoise, 121
tournaments, martial, 62–63
tourne à gauche, 36
tournevis, 32–35, 36, 44
trephines, 25
trispast, 124
try squares, 16, 148
tunnels, 102
turners, 88–89, 96, 101
turning catches, 62
turnscrews, 32, 43–44, 67
two-by-fours, 15
tylos, 121–22, 123
tympanum, 141–42
undertaker’s screwdriver, 32, 145
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus, 115, 124, 136, 141, 142
watchmaking, 41, 72
waterwheels, 48, 140–42
wheel locks, 60
wheels, 24
book, 49, 50
Ferris, 49
spinning, 92
Whipple, Cullen, 77–78
White, Lynn, Jr., 24
Whitworth, Joseph, 105–6, 107–8, 109
William Marples & Sons, 42
windlasses, 137, 138–39
woodcutting, 15–16, 21, 41, 51
worm gears, 119, 120
wrenches, 30, 48, 54, 60, 80
Wyatt, Job and William, 75, 87–88, 90, 99
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Copyright © 2000 by Witold Rybczynski
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
SCRIBNER and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Set in Fournier
The Library of Congress has cataloged the Scribner edition as follows:
Rybczynski, Witold.
One good turn : a natural history of the screwdriver and the screw / Witold Rybczynski.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Screwdrivers—History. 2. Screws—History. I. Title.
TJ1201.S34 R93 2000
621.9'72—dc21 00-036988
ISBN 0-684-86729-X
0-684-86730-3 (Pbk)
ISBN 978-0-743-21908-2 (eBook)
One Good Turn: A Natural History of the Screwdriver and the Screw Page 11