I am Jade

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I am Jade Page 17

by Victoria Danes

  “When were you going to tell me about marrying me off for your convenience?” I gritted.

  My father wiped his mouth and stood up. He was shirtless and wearing a pair of loose black pants.

  The laughter in my mother’s brown eyes dimmed.

  “It is not for my conveniences, Jade.” My father began. “It is a way to keep the peace between packs.”

  “I refuse.”

  “You cannot. If I break this agreement, it will give Vladimir the right to attack and take over. My people will suffer.”

  “Your people are not my problem.” I argued.

  “Perhaps not, but I will not appear weak by being disobeyed by my own daughter––”

  “I’m your daughter now?” I asked.

  “Jade.” My mother tried to reason, but I scowled at her.

  “It is our way, child,” Lucian said, firmly. “You will do as you’re told.”

  “I will not.”

  “Yes, you will.” My father ordered.

  Two of his minions came into the room and took hold of Adrian. He struggled in their grip, but he couldn’t resist them both, and before long they had him on his knees.

  “I didn’t want to resort to this, Jade.” My father frowned as he paced casually around Adrian.

  “How can you live with yourself if you force me into this?” I asked. “Let him go.”

  “Lucian.” My mother stood up and walked over to him. “Isn’t there another way?”

  He touched her chin. “Not one without bloodshed,” he answered.

  “Take him.” He commanded and the two goons picked up Adrian by the arms and carried him out.

  “Stop!” I yelled. “Stop!”

  “He will not be harmed, Jade. Not if you obey me.” My father announced. “You have my word, but I can’t risk allowing you to close the bond you created with him. It will cost us everything.”

  Anger caused tears to spill down my face.

  “You don’t get a say in my life.” I cried.

  “As long as I am alpha, I do.” Lucian assured me.

  “No.” I erupted as I flipped their table over. “You don’t!”

  Furiously, I stormed out of the room and headed back to my own. If they could not respect me and allow me to make my own choices, I would leave. I could disappear.

  Stephan followed me into my own hotel room and leaned against the door with both hands behind his back as I paced.

  “I won’t lose my freedom,” I said. “He will not own my life.”

  Stephan remained silent.

  “I will disappear.” I warned.

  “He will find you, Jade. Besides, what do you think will happen to Kincaid if you go missing?” He walked over to me and took my hands. “Don’t underestimate your father, Duchess.”

  Tears ran down my face.

  How did everything go so wrong?

  Adrian’s life was in danger if I refused to do my father’s bidding.

  Did I care enough to obey?

  Yes. I did.

  “There has to be a way around this, Stephan.” I cried.

  He didn’t respond, but something in his eyes sparked.

  “There is, isn’t there?” I asked.

  He was silent.

  “Please, tell me.” I grabbed his face and made him look at me. “You know how much I value my freedom. I’ve endured so much on my own, and it has shaped me into the person I am. I won’t compromise that to accommodate my father. Please, don’t make me.”

  His gentle eyes scanned my face and then he sighed.

  With his thumbs, he wiped my cheeks. “If your virginity is compromised the treaty is void and you don’t have to get married, but…it can backfire and lead us down a dark path anyway.”

  “Is that it?” I quizzed.

  “As the bride, you are allowed to request a tournament to ensure that the strongest male will be your suitor. It will give the other packs a chance to compete and forge an alliance with your father.”

  “And if no one wins?”

  “If no one wins, it is within your right to refuse a mate. But someone will win, Duchess. Some of these men are ruthless fighters. You may end up with someone much worse than the intended.”

  I thought about that.

  “Is Adrian allowed to compete?”

  He narrowed eyes at me.

  “Is he?”

  “No, only alphas can compete and since he doesn’t belong to the pack, he doesn’t have a rank. If he would, it would be beta. He would need to fight his way up the ranks.”

  Well, he would have to because I was about to put my future in his hands.

  I kissed Stephan and headed back to my father’s room, with Stephan following behind me.

  My father was on the balcony when I burst through the doors. “I request a tournament.” I demanded.

  He turned to meet my eyes. “What?”

  “Pack rules say I’m allowed to request a tournament for the strongest suitor for my hand.”

  My father then gave Stephan grave eyes and turned back to me. “How interesting that you came across this information.”

  Stephan bowed his head.

  “It’s either that, or I will run away, and we could play cat and mouse until I get tired, and I’m quite good at hide and seek, Daddy.” I spat.

  “A tournament. That’s what you want, Jade?”

  “It is,” I answered defiantly. “And I want Adrian to compete.”

  “That’s not possible. He is not a beta.”

  “But he can become one if he fights his way up.”

  A crude smile formed on his lips. “If I allow it.” He corrected.

  “Allow it, Lucian.” My mother urged firmly. “You will allow her this.”

  My father pursed his lips. “Carmen…”

  “Grant her this, Lucian, or I will help her play hide and seek.”

  My father sighed and cupped my mother’s cheek.

  “Fine, Jade. As you wish, but he has to defeat my beta first.”

  “Which is?”

  “Me.” Stephan stepped forward dutifully.

  My heart sank. “No,” I whispered.

  “It is the only compromise I will allow, Jade,” Lucian said. “Take it or not.”

  I looked at Stephan. “I’m sorry, Stephan. I should have…wait, you knew he’d do this, didn’t you?”

  He gave me a wicked smile. “Don’t worry, Duchess. I’ll be gentle.”

  Chapter Thirty-four

  The bonds we make

  My father insisted that we remain in Romania a few weeks longer after the girls left so that I could be properly introduced to his pack – our pack – officially as their princess.

  Most of the pack members lived in a small village west of Brasov. Some were eager to meet me and offer gifts, others smiled politely but behind that forced façade was something else. Resentment, but I didn’t have the ambition to find out why.

  Maybe my father was respected and feared by his people but certainly not loved. I wondered why and if I could change those looks in their eyes.

  After spending some time with my fellow werewolves, my father took me for a brief tour of the country.

  I was fascinated by the myths, the legends, and the culture. There was so much beauty in the land and the people, from the vibrant, flower-filled valleys, to the majestic way they danced, and the lively blood that drove them to live their lives fully.

  This time of year, late spring-early summer, was very aromatic. There was a deliciousness in the air of lilac and sweet grass, but when you approached the towns or villages, the scent was laced with beer, barbecue, and burning wood.

  Someday, I’d have to come back for a real vacation.


  A week after getting home, my father had arranged for the fight between Adrian and Stephan in a clearing on the outskirts of town.

  I wanted to change my mind. I wasn’t sure that I could handle watching either one of the men get hurt over me. Over my stubbornness to follow pack rules and be
an obedient daughter.

  The night came with a gentle fog and clouds as fluffy as cotton candy clouds as my father’s pack members and alphas from other wolf packs filled the clearing and formed a large circle around Adrian and Stephan, who were practicing moves in opposite corners.

  My heart felt like it was going to explode through my chest at any moment.

  Please, please don’t let them get seriously hurt. I’d never forgive myself.

  Nervously, I cracked my knuckles and bit my lips as Stephan took off his shirt and tossed it in my direction with a wink. He was cocky and confident in his ability to dominate Adrian and continue in his alpha position. The slanted smile on his lips told me that he had heard my thoughts.

  He started walking toward me and upon getting closer, opened his arms. “Come rub some good luck on me, Duchess.” He urged.

  I hesitated at first but then I walked into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  He squeezed me tight. “Don’t worry, I will not target his face.”

  “That’s not funny, Stephan.” I cautioned.

  “I know, it wasn’t meant to be.” He agreed.

  I wiggled out of his arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’d wish you good luck, but something tells me you won’t need it.”

  “Damn right I don’t.” He headed back toward the center of the circle.

  I knew Adrian was looking at me. I could feel his gaze on my face like the heat of the August sun.

  Sheepishly, I lifted my eyes from the grassy earth and focused them on his. He looked handsome and rugged with his smooth, bare chest and dark, growing beard. When he gave me a smile, I had a sudden urge to run into his arms, and that’s just what I did.

  I darted across the field in full view of anticipating onlookers and jumped into his open embrace.

  He lifted me off the ground, held me close to his half-naked body and nuzzled my neck. “I missed you, Jade.” He admitted.

  My hands roamed through his hair. “I missed you too. I am so sorry that you have to do this. What if you lose? What if…?”

  “Hush, Jade.” He urged and took my mouth.

  Instantly my body came alive with fire burning in my core and my muscles ached for his magical touch. I eagerly opened my mouth and surrendered my tongue for his careful manipulation.

  The she-wolf inside me whimpered and licked her lips. Take us. Take me. Here and now. I need it.

  My curiosity got the better of me, and I very briefly lowered the shields around my clairvoyance to get a peek inside his mind. His desire for me was intense and pure. The feel of me in his arms this very moment was absolute bliss. He felt healed from his previous heartache. He felt complete.

  “Enough!” My father’s growl shattered through my impure thoughts and broke our kiss.

  Adrian gave me a kiss on the forehead and set me down.

  “Did you just manipulate my mood to make me come over here?” I asked after composing myself.

  He gave me a wide grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know, princess?”

  I laughed briefly and touched his chest. “You better prove your worth, Kincaid.” I teased before leaving him and making my way back over to my parents.

  “That was inappropriate, Jade.”’ My father hissed when I reached him.

  I shrugged. “Sue the wolf.” I shot back.

  He gave me hard eyes. My mother cautioned him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Let her be, Lucian. This day is difficult for her.”

  I gave my mother a nod and then turned toward my warriors who eyed up each other as they waited for my father’s command to attack.

  A stir of nausea started turning in my stomach as my mouth went dry and my heartbeat became erratic.

  “Begin!” My father roared and I could feel the vibration of his voice in my bones. Against my will, tears began filling my eyes as I watched Stephan somersault over Adrian and grip him by the throat. Longs claws that sprouted from his fingers pierced Adrian’s throat and broke his windpipe.

  “Stop!” I shrieked and fell to my knees as the feeling of Stephan’s large hand around my throat crushed bones and halted my breathing.

  “Jade!” My mother cried and immediately dropped at my side.

  I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t speak. Blood filled my mouth, and I began to choke.

  “Lucian, stop them!” My mother screamed. “Stop them now! They are killing her!”

  I couldn’t see, but I heard my father’s powerful howl.

  “Stephan’s beast is engaged.” A voice cried. “He won’t stop now. He can’t stop!”

  The blood was stealing my breath and filling my lungs. I wanted to speak. I wanted to yell. But I could do neither. Instead, I got to my feet and began running toward the fight. I could not let this happen. I could not let Stephan hurt Adrian.

  “Jade, no!” my mother yelled. “No!”

  I ran, pushing through my declining lungs and failing strength. I ran until I reached Adrian, and then I collapsed.

  The blurring image of Stephan’s contorted face and glowing, amber eyes was fading in and out as I gagged and struggled for a breath. He snarled in my face. I shut my eyes, and when I opened them again, Stephan was gone.

  “Jade!” Adrian hollered and took me in his arms. “Wake up, Jade. Please! Someone do something!”

  I could feel his heart beating. I could feel the love he held for me so strong that it was crippling. My smile was his rising and setting sun.

  “What’s happening, Lucian?” My mother cried.

  “She is bound to him tighter than I thought,” Lucian answered.

  “Fix it!” She ordered, her voice thick with tears.

  “Ana!” My father called for the healer.

  Adrian’s eyes were beginning to lose focus. I could tell that he was fading. His arms were no longer tight around me but rather barely holding on.

  Moments later, he fell over.

  Ana rushed over and I immediately felt the heat of her power rush through me and stitch the broken bones and shredded muscles in my throat. Help him, I wanted to say. Help him…

  The heat from the healer’s hands as she ran them over my body was overwhelming, like a fire scorching my veins, but then, bit by bit, the fire cooled and calmed, and my throat no longer felt ravaged.

  “Breathe slowly, princess.” Ana urged. “Slowly.” Her lovely voice repeated.

  I listened and did as she told me to do. I took slow, careful breaths until I felt stronger. Until I no longer struggled for air and the taste of my own blood on my tongue began to fade. “Adrian.” I croaked and tried sitting up.

  “Easy, Jade.” My father warned.

  Slowly, I got to my knees and loomed over Adrian whose eyes started to flutter open.

  The sight of that gorgeous, green gaze made my heart dance and I knew – I was his. I was always meant to be his.

  It did not mean that my love for Seth was not sincere. It only meant the feelings I felt for him were different than those I felt for Adrian, and it made me wonder if maybe – just maybe – our love was more platonic than either one of us realized. Once upon a time, Seth rescued me and part of me would always love him for being my knight in shining armor when I needed him the most.

  I smiled as I brushed my index finger over the blood on Adrian’s mouth.

  Sampling his blood will seal the deal…the words sang sweetly in my head.

  Without another thought, I lifted the finger to my mouth.

  “No!” My father growled. But it was too late. Adrian’s sweet blood was like an explosion of ecstasy on my tongue. Like the sweetest, most delicious taste of honey you could ever imagine. The sensation sent a shiver through me. My wolf howled her delight.

  “What have you done, child.” My father scowled.

  My mother took his face in her hands. “She has followed her heart, my love. I expect nothing less from our daughter.”

  My father took her hands and kissed them before looking at me. “I only hope that you did not just invite
war into our lives.”

  I followed his line of vision across the field to where other alphas gazed upon us with empty eyes before retreating into the woods. The crowd around us diminished.

  If I just started a war, then we will prepare for that when or if the need arose. But for now, for this moment, I wanted to think of nothing but the man in my arms gazing up at me with adoration.

  “I am yours now, Kincaid,” I whispered.

  He reached up and cupped my face. “Actually, the bond requires one more step.” He smiled. “I have yet to touch you that way.” His thumb brushed my lips.

  After kissing the pad of his finger, I lowered my mouth to his.

  “Touch me then,” I whispered.

  The End




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