Elves- the Book of Daniel

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Elves- the Book of Daniel Page 20

by R Brent Powell

  “But he isn’t human,” Lissette countered between light sobs.

  “No,” Eliana said, “he is elf and raised by humans on another world. What he knows and what he feels may all be a mystery to him, but he is elf and the matching will prevail. You may need to give it a nudge for it to fully kick in, but he has all the signs so try not to worry too much. He may be afraid you don’t feel like he does.”

  Lissette pulled away so she could look Eliana in the eyes and take the measure of the truth in her words. “But, Eliana, what if he doesn’t?”

  Eliana gave the younger woman a hug, and with a smile on her face, released her.

  “Lissette you were raised to know the match was possible for you. Even so, did you realize it before we talked?”

  Lissette was quiet and shook her head slowly from side to side while she thought. “So, you are saying it needs to be pointed out to him like you did me?”

  “Eliana’s smile now took on a mischievous look. “I am saying that he may need a less subtle nudge than you did.”

  Lissette looked at Eliana for a moment before her eyes widened in surprise and then returned Eliana’s smile and a twinkle of understanding. Eliana nodded and went back to preparing lunch.


  The mountain elves asked for another meeting late in the afternoon, and the council was brought back together. There had been a lot more discussion over lunch and various groups, elders and factions had drifted by to speak with Beylvar and Daniel.

  Daniel mostly listened, and when prodded for information, answered simply or non-committedly, as seemed best at the time. Draskin and his group were conspicuously absent, so when they asked for a broad meeting it was almost a relief. “What do you expect?” Daniel asked Beylvar.

  “I am not sure,” he replied. “They may change their stance about avoiding humans but it may be because they see you as a means for revenge. They won’t put it that way, but an attack at this time can be seen as little else but mountain elves wanting to strike back.”

  Daniel had had no time alone with Lissette. It wasn’t like she was avoiding him, it was just that someone seemed to need something all the time. The occasions that were close barely gave them time to try and get past the awkwardness.

  Daniel sighed and looked back at her with a half-smile as he followed Beylvar out and saw that she was intending to follow. He slowed for her to catch up but she gave him a furious look and mouthed at him to keep moving. Confused by the change, he lengthened his stride and rejoined Beylvar who, out of the corner of his mouth said, “There will be more time later. Patience, son.”

  Daniel looked at the assembled elves and the sizeable gathering of now about a hundred and fifty, crowding in just outside the circle. He and Beylvar took the same seats they had used the day before and Daniel looked back trying to spot Lissette, but had no luck.

  “Thanks to all for joining us,” Beylvar began. “Draskin, as you asked for the meeting, please begin.”

  All eyes turned to Draskin who sat between Calden and another elf. The fourth sat on the other side of Calden. He wondered if that had meaning but Draskin stood and that halted all other thoughts.

  “Brothers,” he began, “we have considered what we have seen and Daniel’s story. There is no other conclusion but to believe this is Beylvar’s grandson and the council’s plan worked - possibly beyond imagining.” He paused for effect and was rewarded with pin drop silence. This opening statement of acceptance was surprising but all there knew more was coming.

  “The question before us is how to use the knowledge Daniel has brought to us to end the human incursions and drive them back from our lands.” There was rustling amongst the crowd at those words and Daniel was glad to know he wasn’t the only one disquieted by them. Still, he did his best poker face and listened.

  “Some of us believe the humans to be a scourge, and best eradicated, or at least reduced into controllable numbers. Other’s think eliminating a few greedy rulers can take us back to better times. We of the mountains now fully believe the spread of the humans will not stop without a depletion of their numbers, like thinning a herd to suit the pasture. We do not believe eliminating one bad ruler will prevent more. The greedy and aggressive among them seem to always rise to the top of their societies. We will join forces with you to drive them back or off of this island.”

  The crowd noise had moved up in volume considerably after Draskin’s speech. As he moved to retake his seat, he searched the faces he could see and tried to pick out some of the conversation. Too many were occurring simultaneously to follow a thread and the only face he found was Alan’s.

  “Those are powerful words, Draskin,” Beylvar said while remaining seated. “But this is not a war council or a council of any kind. Since this is an open meeting, I would ask if any others wish to speak. The crowd noise dropped to zero as all were looking around, trying to see who would speak next.

  The answer came quickly from Belwin. “It is true the humans are aggressive. That has not changed in millennia. However, eliminating the humans would make us no better than them. If we become them are they ever truly gone?”

  The crowd murmurs rose again and some raised voices could be heard here and there as emotions rose.

  “Any, others with a different point of view?” Beylvar asked. “These are truly troubling times and what we do will shape our future.”

  The crowd noise died down again in anticipation. No one came forward and after a few moments the noise began to rise again until Alan stepped out of the crowd.

  “And what becomes of the halflings in your new world without Humans, Draskin?”

  Daniel could hear the shakiness in Alan’s voice as he began but it seemed to grow steadier the more he spoke.

  “Will you kill all the humans, like my mother and the mothers and fathers of many who have gathered here and many more around the world? What about halflings who look elven but have no magic? Will they be killed? What about those who look Human but do have magic? Or when an elf and a Halfling have children and one looks Human and has no magic, will you kill that child only? Where, Draskin, does your hatred stop?”

  Daniel could feel the tension in the crowd. No halfling had dared speak to a mountain elf that way before. Daniel was proud of his cousin and knew the courage it had taken. But even more, Alan had hit a nerve. Lissette was halfling. No kid of theirs was going to be culled over a genetic crap shoot.

  “You are brave, if unwise, to speak to elves this way, boy, as this is a meeting of elves and you do not fully qualify.” Daniel could tell that Draskin was using all the strength he could muster to sound calm, but the hatred he felt and the insult could not be hidden.

  Daniel looked to Alan and saw him trying to hold his ground but Daniel could tell he was terrified. Daniel thought of Lissette, and Alan, and the others like them and suddenly it all became clear to him. Following Beylvar’s example, Daniel remained seated when he broke the silence.

  “Draskin, I would not have my cousin and friend spoken to like that by anyone. I understand these are issues hotly debated with emotions that began long before my birth. I am accused of speaking plainly and that is good because I want my meaning to be absolutely clear. I will not be used by anyone, elf or human, to any purpose designed to eliminate the other. In my world the bickering and killing over minor differences has done more to hold back civilization than any other cause.” Daniel paused to look around the crowd then back to Draskin. “We will find a way to live together. I know what the future looks like. Even with no magic there are a thousand years between us, all made up of wars of eradication, purification and any other excuse people can dream up to justify a war. My personal favorite is fighting for peace.

  “Sometimes we fight for land, or revenge or God, and somehow both sides think God is favoring them because they are just and the others are evil.

  “I can see what the future could look like, and this squabble between Humans and Elves is a petty thing compa
red to the future of this world. Is this a war to stop the humans or to seek revenge on them for slights and crimes committed even before you were born? Do you even know if the history of man and elves is true or just a story? Belief without facts has killed more than any other cause.

  “Draskin, unless you kill all the humans, this war will repeat forever. And you cannot and will not kill all the humans! If we must remove a bad leader, human or elf, we will, until there are no more bad leaders and no more hate. I have lived with it my whole life and if I can stop it here, I will.”

  All eyes went to Draskin and back to Daniel. Draskin was trying to stare holes into Daniel and Daniel was sitting calmly. It occurred to Daniel that taking the high ground and holding it were not the same, but he and the crowd waited to see Draskin’s reaction to the implied threat.

  To his credit, Daniel thought, Draskin is working to control his temper before he says things he cannot take back. The time it was taking for Draskin to get control was growing and the struggle was more and more evident to the crowd.

  “And what do you intend to do about this… situation?” Draskin got out between clenched teeth.

  “I hope to avoid a fight with the Baron and the humans who will stand with him. But if we must fight, I would like to have as many of the mountain elves who will, stand beside the humans, the halflings and the other elves when we fight. I think there may be as many halflings as elves and more humans than both together. All who are tired of the hate can stand together and stop it.”

  Draskin’s eyes were no longer smoldering. The fires were out and they had gone stone cold. “I will not fight alongside humans,” he said without any detectable emotion.

  “Then we will be sorry for the loss of your knowledge and abilities. A leader in my world at a time of war that engulfed the entire world, cautioned his allies to reconsider their actions. He said, if we do not hang together we will hang separately. They listened, and, working together, defeated the enemy and put peace and prosperity back in place.” At least for a while, Daniel thought.

  “I cannot take part in this,” Draskin said as he rose, “and we will not stay any longer.” As he started to stride away he heard a gasp and looked back to see Calden and the elf next to him remain seated. The sight froze him in his tracks. His tone somehow even colder he asked, “You stand against me?”

  Calden hesitated only a heartbeat. “No, old friend, I don’t stand against you, but I stand with Daniel. It is time this stopped, and if there is another way, I hope to find it. If all else fails, there will be your way, but I hope in time you will see the wisdom in this and join us.”

  Draskin was visibly shaken. He said nothing but turned and walked away with his lone follower, Graylin.

  Durbin turned to Aldon and said quietly into his ear, “Left side and right side handled.” Aldon nodded, but was too overwhelmed with all that had just happened to do more than puff out a little air.

  Beylvar leaned to Daniel and whispered, “I suggest you gather in your new men and ask them to join us at Eliana’s. This is going to be a long night.”

  Daniel nodded and rose but before he took a step Alan appeared in front of him. “I will gather them in. Lissette is about ten steps behind you and may be about to burst from the look on her face. Whatever she has to say, you would be smart to hear it.”

  Daniel turned and saw her standing alone as the crowd had begun to break up into groups and wander away. He started toward her and as soon as he was outside the circle, she launched herself at him. He would never forget that kiss. He only knew that somehow he had been waiting for it his whole life.

  After some throat clearing finally broke through, Alan said, “Impressive breath control, but before one or both of you black out, there are some very tense folks waiting at Eliana’s that need you more than Lissette does right now.” As they followed Alan to the house, Lissette and Daniel walked with their arms around each other. It was going to be a long night indeed.


  The common room was crowded, and Lissette reluctantly let go of Daniel so they could sit. Daniel nodded to Barton, who had been conspicuously absent the last day and a half, and saw Alan, Durbin, Aldon, Beylvar, Calden, and the new elf that came with him.

  “There are too many questions to know where to begin,” Beylvar started. “But perhaps, Calden, you can introduce our newest member.”

  Calden nodded slightly and looked to the other mountain elf. “This is Argon, a fine sword and a son of my oldest brother.”

  “Argon, thank you for joining us,” Daniel said, “I know the decision was not easy.”

  “Not so hard as you might think,” he replied, “Calden told me of his conversation with you and I admit I did not fully understand his words till I saw you stand up to Draskin. His hatred of humans is known to us all, as is the reason for it, but behind his anger there is enough truth for many to follow, at least till now. This cannot go on as it has. The humans are too many to overwhelm unless you have even more magic to unleash, or can produce the ten soldiers from your world. If there is another way than all-out war with the humans, I will aid it in any way I can.”

  “His words speak for us both,” Calden added.

  Introductions were done and relationships explained in the elven way until Eliana announced dinner, “This is the last meal I prepare for this growing horde unless someone restocks my larder.”

  “We will gather first thing in the morning, Eliana,” Durbin said. Aldon and Argon nodded in agreement with Aldon glancing quickly to Durbin. He showed a hint of surprise at the eagerness of their new companion. In the way of the elves, blood relationships were established and, to Daniel’s dismay, Calden and Argon seemed genuinely interested in the relationships. They act like they were eager for an invitation, Daniel considered, This family thing with the Elves is more complicated than I thought.

  “Barton,” Daniel asked, “Where have you been?”

  Barton was quiet for a moment and then without making eye contact replied, “I was talking to some of the farmers to get an idea how news was spreading and I had some personal business to attend to.”

  Daniel noticed a slight change in the atmosphere in the room and wondered what personal business they all seemed to understand.

  “What did you learn?” Daniel asked.

  Barton relaxed the tiniest bit, apparently relieved at the direction the questions had taken. “Coupled with the searches by the Baron’s men and whispers of new and powerful elven magic, there is excitement stirring – even among the humans. The Baron has made no friends and enemy for their enemy gives them hope.”

  The meal was eaten as they all talked into the night about possibilities, the Baron and Draskin and the news of the farmers.

  “I would feel better knowing that Draskin would come with us,” Daniel stated.

  “He is hard and deep in his anger toward the Humans, but he is neither stupid nor foolish,” Calden replied. “He will come to see reason, but I cannot guess how long that will take. Beliefs born as a bandage for pain are slow to be unwound.”

  Calden’s comment quieted the room as even those discussing family in the background had been listening. No one spoke of the pain but all there knew the cause.

  Barton broke the silence. “I have been visiting with those trickling in to join us. The tales of your magic and resolve before Draskin will turn the trickle to a flood. It never ceases to amaze me how fast a splash of story can grow into a tide of belief. I do not think we have time to prepare for a confrontation with the Baron in open battle, some other option needs be found.”

  That fired up the questions and suggestions but Eliana’s sudden presence, and look of impatience, let all know the evening was late.

  Conversations wore down quickly. First Calden and Argon, and then others started to leave. Finally, it was Lissette, Eliana, and Daniel. “I will see you at breakfast then,” Eliana said, standing and heading for the door. But it was the front door and Daniel starte
d to rise, “I have a friend who needs looking in on. Don’t wait up for me.” She hid her smile well as she walked through the door.

  Suddenly they were alone. Daniel had wanted some alone time with Lissette all day and now that it was here he had no idea what to say. She seemed quiet as well, and not wanting to drag things out he said, “I guess we should be turning in as well.”

  She nodded and he stood and followed her to the hallway door leading to the bedrooms. Suddenly she whirled and grabbed both his hands. “I was so very proud of you today. The people couldn’t believe how you stood up to Draskin. Some of the halflings were in tears.” Daniel started to brush off the words, embarrassed by her eye contact, directness, and proximity. He started to speak but found her warm fingers against his lips to stop him. Her hand slid to the back of his neck and she rose on her toes at the same time she pulled him down to her.


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