by GL Chapple
I couldn't keep the grin off my face and Marcus noticed immediately, "I take it your prey has been spotted," he commentated wryly.
"Your sister’s been a better wingman to me lately," I muttered, messing up my next shot.
Walking back over to grab my pint I could hear him laughing at me as he potted the black and won the game.
"Next round's yours again," he shouted after me.
I went to the bar and ordered another two pints. Marcus was just putting his phone down as I got back to the table.
"Jess is there too, so I don't know if that's gonna make things awkward..."
I frowned at him "Why?"
He looked at me as if I was stupid "Nate, you were in her fucking bed last week. I can't see her taking too kindly to you trying to get a new fuck buddy right in front of her."
He shook his head at me, and I grimaced at his words, feeling more irritated by his description of Lena than I should have been.
"She knows the deal; we were only ever casual."
He just sucked in his lips at me.
We stayed for another hour or so before deciding to head to the bar. It was busy when we got there, but we knew that they had a table at the back so we pushed our way through.
Kelly waved enthusiastically when she saw us, and I saw Jess motioning for me to join her.
I cursed inwardly but plastered a smile on my face and walked over to sit in the seat next to her. I scanned around me quickly but couldn't see Lena or her friend.
Kelly caught my eye and mouthed 'dance floor' to me, turning back to her brother quickly so that Jess didn't see. I couldn’t work out why on earth Kelly remained friends with this girl.
I sat next to Jess, and she leaned over to give me a kiss.
I tilted my face so that she caught me on the cheek and noticed her features tighten. I threw my arms around her giving her a quick hug.
"Hey babe, you Ok? Good night?"
"Better now you're here, gorgeous. Back to mine tonight?"
I cringed. I really didn't want to be a dick about this, but I had no interest in going anywhere with her. She’d been fun the few occasions that we’d been together, but having to interact with her out of the bedroom wasn’t worth the hassle.
The cruel truth was that she’d been available and easy; I had no real feelings for her and had no interest in taking thing any further. In all honesty, if I hadn’t been so pissed at Clarissa and my brother recently, the first occasion wouldn’t have been followed up with any further encounters. It was simply that she was there and more than willing, and I was frustrated, fed up and gave in to her more than obvious plays for me.
"Sorry babe, not tonight."
She pulled a pouting face, which she may have thought made her look cute or endearing, but it just made me think she was childish.
I offered to buy her a drink but she glared at me, "It's that fucking blonde, isn't it? Barbie face! Kelly warned me there was a new girl on the scene." Her catty tone irritated me.
"Grow up Jess, we were casual and it was fun. There were no promises made; no sweet nothings whispered. Don't be a bitch! There's no need to fall out over this."
As I finished speaking I felt her eyes on me. It was as if my body was in tune with her. I turned and looked straight at her, a grin spreading over my face. She looked sexy as hell, but before I could drink her in, I felt Jess's hand on my arm and I ground my teeth in irritation.
"Baby, don't do this...." she started but I had no time for her.
I jerked my arm away in annoyance, and stood up without looking back, I walked over to Lena. I wrapped my arm around her without thinking and asked if she wanted a drink. I just wanted to get her away from the daggers being thrown in our direction but the minute I touched her I wanted to run my hands all over her.
She responded to me immediately, without realising she'd leaned slightly into me. I saw her eyes dilate as I moved close to her face before putting my mouth to her ear to ask her if she wanted a drink. Her breath hitched as I brushed against her neck with my fingers.
To know I had this much power over her, the effect I could have by barely touching her, was intoxicating.
She was flustered, a rosy glow on her face. I saw her swallow as I spoke to her, breathing in her soft floral scent.
I wanted to kiss her neck so badly; my mind drifted to lacing kisses down her neck…I was desperate to see just how far I could push her self-control before she lost it.
She was fighting so hard to look unaffected by me, and the fact that she was clearly flustered was turning me on like hell.
She muttered something about the bathroom and disappeared to the toilet as I went to the bar.
I saw that her friend had jumped up to follow her and Marcus came to join me.
He looked disapproving. "Kelly's gonna be pissed at you."
I flashed him a cocky smile. "Nah, she loves me too much." I grinned at him, but he just looked at me, stony-faced.
I sighed, explaining myself, "Look, Kelly told me that she'd had it out with Jess the first time, told her I didn't want anything other than casual, and she'd get hurt but Jess assured her and me that she was fine with it. I said right from the off that nothing was going to happen. This was purely a physical thing, we’re adults, there’s no need to get petty now." I shrugged at him.
After we’d got the drinks and started walking back to the table, I noticed that Jess had disappeared and felt relieved.
Marcus nudged me as Maddie could be seen coming back towards us, with Lena following a few steps behind. She looked beautiful and sexy as hell. There was no way I was passing up my opportunity tonight.
She strode back towards the table, looking poised and confident, going to sit beside her friend.
I stood and caught her hand, pulling her over to sit next to me. She glanced at Maddie but didn't hesitate.
Christian arrived, much to the obvious delight of Maddie. Some of the group had moved onto the dance floor, so I pulled Lena onto the leather couch beside me, allowing Maddie and Christian to move into the seats we'd just left.
I casually threw my arm around the back of the seat, slowly running my fingers up and down her neck and shoulder.
I felt her stiffen immediately. She didn't look at me but picked up her drink, and as I ran my fingers back up her neck, I felt her shudder ever so slightly. She didn't attempt to join in the conversation, trying hard to look unaffected.
I had to fight to keep my face neutral and concentrate on what Christian was saying to me.
She closed her eyes briefly as I traced the outline of her collarbone. God, she was exquisite.
I was starting to feel uncomfortable myself, my erection straining against my jeans as I fought to keep my mind out of the gutter.
To know I could do this to her just by running my fingers on her neck was driving me crazy.
She finished her drink, and Maddie handed hers across. Suddenly she downed the drink in one and jumped up, announcing she was going to dance.
I couldn't follow right away, so I watched her walk to the dance floor.
After a moment or two I heard Maddie mumble, "She's drunk … she never drinks much, I'd better go with her." Her eyes were half closed.
"I'll go." I stood up, adjusted myself and strode over to the dance floor.
I spotted her instantly, some guy pressed up against her. I saw her try to move away from him, but he held onto her tightly.
My jealousy immediately flared into rage. Storming onto the dance floor, I grabbed him and yanked him off her, spitting out for him to back the fuck off.
He turned sharply as if to retaliate but seemed to think better of it, my face telling the fucker to try it.
I saw the look of relief in her eyes instantly as I put my arms on her shoulders and walked her back towards the table.
As we got close she turned around, sniping at me, obviously needing an outlet for her anger and scare on the dance floor.
I informed them, and her, that I was taking her
She'd looked at me incredulous, and I threatened to carry her out, meaning every word.
Travelling home in the taxi, she was quiet. I thought maybe she'd fallen asleep, but as I leaned forward to pay the driver, she sat upright and opened the door.
She'd taken her shoes off and was standing by the front door, holding them in her hands.
I opened the door and held it for her waving her inside.
She walked in and dropped her shoes in the porch. Walking forward, she paused at the door of the living room, looked in, but then continued to walk forward to the kitchen.
She climbed up to sit on one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar and turned to me with a wide smile, clearly over her annoyance with me.
"I love your kitchen."
I laughed in surprise. "OK, thanks, I wasn't expecting that."
She was eyeing up the drinks chiller. I grabbed us two glasses and filled them with water, I went to the cupboard I pulled out the packet of Alka Seltzer and threw two in her glass.
"Drink." I put it in front of her and she rolled her eyes at me.
"Yes boss!" she replied sarcastically, giving me a salute and a wide smile.
She finished her drink and jumped down from the seat, I watched her in amusement as she wandered about, exploring. She paused and looked at me for confirmation as she stood at the bottom of the stairs.
I nodded at her and she scampered up the stairs. I could hear her going from room to room. I picked up two bottles of water from the fridge, before I walked up to join her.
She'd found my bedroom and was sitting at the bottom of the bed. I walked in and leaned against the doorframe, watching her.
"So..." She said expectantly.
I looked back at her, my face neutral and impassive. "So..." I repeated calmly.
She clicked her tongue in irritation. "You brought me back here for a reason?"
I nodded, and she exhaled loudly. "Well then..."
I moved away from the doorframe and walked towards her, dropping the bottles of water onto the floor.
She didn't take her eyes off me.
I walked until I was standing directly in front of her, opening her legs so that I could stand between her thighs. I leaned in close, placing my arms either side of her as she sat on the bed. I turned my head so that I could speak into her ear, my breath against her cheek. "I brought you here because you were drunk, because the arsehole on the dance floor scared you even though you won't admit it, and because I haven't been able to get you out of my head for the last few days." I pulled my face back to look directly into her eyes. "That's why I brought you here."
She was biting her bottom lip. "I want to fuck you," she blurted, taking both of us by surprise.
I burst out laughing and saw hurt and anger flash over her face. Instantly feeling remorseful, I dropped to my knees. Using my right hand I lifted her chin to look at me. Her eyes were defiant, her jaw rigid as she glared at me, clearly feeling insulted and self-conscious.
Our proximity was testing my decision. I spoke softly but firmly to her, trying to convince myself too. "Not tonight princess, but soon, cos you're driving me fucking crazy." I smiled at her. "But not tonight."
She frowned at me. "Why? I'm drunk, here and willing. What's your issue?" she questioned me harshly.
"Exactly that,” I responded wryly. “Lena, I'm not gonna fuck you when you're drunk."
She scoffed at me, mumbling something I couldn't catch before pulling back and moving down the bed so that she could sit away from me.
I got myself up from the floor to sit on the bed, facing her.
She stood and walked away from me. Turning, she placed her arms either side of her top and lifted it off in one swift fluid movement. She looked at me, a triumphant grin on her face at my sharp exhale.
"Jesus Christ woman, don't you own any bras?!" I dragged my hand through my hair, looking at her standing there, half naked, her nipples already hard, her breasts were full, pert and begging for my touch.
She sucked her bottom lip in as her hands disappeared around her back before her skirt fell pooling at her feet.
I blew out another breath sharply. "You're fucking killing me here," I cursed, and she laughed softly.
"Your choice."
I let my eyes roam over her body; she was incredible, absolute fucking perfection. Toned, lithe and almost naked standing in front of me, I was already second - third - and fourth - guessing my decision.
I got up from the bed and walked to the sideboard. Opening a drawer I grabbed one of my tee shirts.
"For the love of God woman, please put this on before my resolve is completely obliterated."
She snatched it from me and pulled it on quickly before walking into the bathroom.
I walked in straight after her and handed her a spare toothbrush. She raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything.
I took mine and left her to it. I nipped to the main bathroom down the hall to get ready for bed and got back to the room just as she emerged from the bathroom. She looked uncertain as she walked into the room, clearly wondering how the night was going to go, now that I'd ruled out sex.
I walked over and climbed in, patting the bed beside me. "Right here."
She gave me a small smile as she climbed in, though she still didn't look at ease. She lay on her back, her body tense as she glanced over at me.
I rolled over so that my body was angled towards her and I was looking directly at her face.
"Don't for one second feel rejected," I started to speak and she looked down towards the blanket, a small blush staining her cheeks.
She turned slightly, angling her body away from me. I immediately reached out and pulled her towards me, twisting her around so that she was facing away from me her back spooned by my body. I pulled her tight to me so that we were touching the length of our bodies. Using my right hand to move her hair back from her neck, I felt her shudder beneath my touch.
"You are irresistible princess, don’t ever think otherwise. You've consumed my thoughts since the first moment I saw you, and when I fuck you," I paused, leaning even closer to whisper into her ear, "cos sweetheart, I can assure you, that's a given," she sighed softly her eyes fluttering closed, "you're gonna be stone cold sober and present for every second of it. You'll be screaming my name, begging me not to stop and drunk on your own pleasure, not some cheap shit alcohol."
Her breathing had slowed, and she was completely relaxed in my arms.
She turned her head slightly to face me and murmured, "Promises promises," before snuggling her head back into the pillow.
Within minutes she was asleep. I either needed a medal of honour or some goddamn sense beaten into me.
I felt her moving on the bed next to me. When I opened my eyes, it was still dark, but I could just make out her reaching for the bottle next to the bed. She took a long drink then snuggled back under. I felt her looking over but pretended to be asleep. She pulled my arm back over her as she faced the other way and drifted back off.
I heard her moaning and squinted my eyes. It was starting to get light but still very early.
I looked over at her, expecting to see her reaching for the water again, but her face was scrunched up. She let out a little whimper and I opened my eyes completely, pulling myself up onto my elbows to look at her.
She moaned again in her sleep, a pitiful sound that sent chills over my skin. I tried to decide whether it was best to let her dream or to wake her. I gently stroked her head murmuring softly, and she seemed to calm.
After a few minutes her breathing regulated again, and she looked relaxed. She looked vulnerable, so small and defenceless, her attitude and defiance lost in her sleep. I settled back down and tried to get back to sleep.
I woke to find the bed empty and sunlight streaming in through the windows.
Her clothes were still folded on the bedside table so I knew she couldn't have left.
As I walked out onto the landing I c
ould hear her talking sharply downstairs. Any trace of vulnerability had disappeared; she spoke aggressively, clearly upset with whoever she was speaking to.
I held back not wanting to intrude. She ended the call abruptly and put her head in her hands.
Calling out she sounded muffled. "Morning, I know you're there."
I walked in and found her sitting at the breakfast bar in my tee shirt from last night; her hair was a wild tangled mess, and when she raised her head to look at me, her eyes were smeared with the previous night’s make-up.
She gave me a rueful grimace "Less sexy, more scary now eh."
I looked her up and down in mock horror. "Definitely more warrior than princess now ... go have a shower." I waved her upstairs, and she looked relieved before bounding upstairs like a big kid.
She came back downstairs about ten minutes later, looking fresh- faced and happier. Her hair was still wet, she'd pinned up in a bun on top of her head and she was wearing her clothes again.
Just as she entered the room, her mobile began to ring - the start of a pop song, but I couldn't catch it as she quickly apologised to me and answered sternly, obviously expecting it to be whoever had called previously.
However, her expression changed instantly. The pleasure on her face was evident, and she began jabbering away quickly in a foreign language before switching back to English.
It took me a few minutes, but I worked it out as either Portuguese or Italian. She ended the call after a few moments and turned to me with a beaming smile on her face.
"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to be rude but I thought it might be business."
I shook my head to show I wasn't bothered. "Pleasure obviously," I said wryly.
She grinned back her eyes shining. "My niece and nephew wanted to say ‘Hi’." The love and pride was evident in her tone.
"Portuguese or Italian?" I asked.
"Italian," she answered with a smile though she looked sad. "I miss them a lot".
I made her breakfast and we chatted about her family. There was none of the usual awkwardness that can accompany the morning after; she was chatty, confident and relaxed.
An hour or so later we jumped in the car and I drove her home.