by GL Chapple
I whipped my head up to meet his amused face.
“I’ll let you come when I believe you won’t push me away again,” he taunted and I scowled at him, “I won’t do it again,” I promised, but he looked at me disbelievingly before he started again, picking up the pace slightly but still maintaining control.
I tried not to show how close I was as he pounded into me, but infuriatingly he stopped just short again, causing me to curse out in frustration.
“Nate, please,” I pleaded, clenching around him as my orgasm faded away and he chuckled making me grip him more tightly.
“Tell me, Princess,” he challenged and I opened my eyes to look at him, begging him to believe me and let me come.
“I won’t push you away again, Nate, please…”
Just as the waves of pleasure began to recede he slammed into me, over and over again as I cried out, imploring him not to stop.
I threw my head back moaning in pleasure as my delayed orgasm began again, hitting me with force, I screamed out his name, clenching and convulsing around him as he thrust into me a few more times before I felt him jerk and spasm into his own release.
We spent the rest of the evening in bed. Nate went downstairs to get us some snacks and we snuggled up in bed watching a film. He sat behind me so that I lay between his legs and could rest my head against his chest.
He’d given me another tee shirt to sleep in and had looked smug when I’d admitted to spending every night in the one I’d taken home.
Despite the chaos and heartache in my life I felt more at peace again, calm for the first time in over a week as I felt myself drifting off in his arms.
I woke the next morning to find the light streaming in through the window. The bed was empty but I could hear Nate in the shower. Picking up my phone to check the time I saw that there was a text message from Paul that had been sent the night before.
“Everything Ok?” it asked and I replied quickly, feeling more reassured that Paul had checked in with me.
“Yes. Thank you, see you soon x.”
I got up and walked into the bathroom, leaning against the doorway and listening to him as he sang in the shower. He turned the water off and opened the door, his face lighting up as he saw me standing there.
“Morning sleeping beauty.” His tight, toned body glistened in front of me and I sighed, devouring him with my eyes.
“I wish, sorry, Sweetheart, but I’ve got somewhere I need to be this morning, I didn’t expect to sleep so late.”
I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout, making him laugh properly.
“Now who’s the sex fiend?” he teased.
Wrapping the towel around his waist he came over and gave me a quick peck on the lips, telling me to be quick in the shower if I wanted one, as he went to get changed.
“Do I have time? Where are you going?” I asked and he shouted through from his bedroom.
“I’m going to visit my Gramps. You’re more than welcome to join me?”
I paused for a moment thinking about it but I knew I had things to take care of too.
“That’s Ok. Thanks, but I really need to see my father and catch up properly with my sister, Alex and the children.”
Before he could respond my phone began to ring. Walking back into the bedroom, I answered it up and spoke briefly to my sister, confirming that I’d be over shortly to see them.
I could feel Nate’s eyes on me and when I finished the call I turned to him.
He spoke before me. “You changed the ringtone,” he stated matter-of-factly.
I shrugged my shoulders. “The other one made me think of you.”
He looked amused. “That was the idea, Sweetheart.”
I looked at the floor. “Everything felt like shit; I wasn’t happy, and I didn’t want to think of you…”
I raised my eyes to meet his. “I’m not used to needing or wanting anyone, Nate… the last thing I wanted was reminders of you when I couldn’t allow myself to contact you.”
He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “I’m just teasing Lena, go jump in the shower we’ve got time.”
As I turned to walk away he pulled me back. “And you do want and need me, so don’t ever deny yourself again.”
He kissed me hard on the lips before winking at me and turning to continue to get changed. I threw my phone down on the bed and walked into the bathroom to shower.
He drove me to the gym to pick up my car before I went home to change and call my parents. He was working later that afternoon, and due to his shifts, we wouldn’t be able to catch up for a few days. I felt disappointed but thought I hid it well, telling him that I’d speak to him later.
The more I saw of him, the more I wanted. I knew the next few days would drag by. I gave him a kiss and a quick hug and he watched as I let myself into the house, only driving away as I closed the door.
I felt so stupid for pushing him away, whenever I was with him I trusted him implicitly, it was only when I was on my own that the niggling doubts and fears began to gnaw at me again.
I closed my eyes and remembered him holding onto me at the gym and smiled, instantly swallowing my worries and nerves back down.
I threw a sundress on and tied my hair back, ready in minutes to go back out. I jumped in the car and called Maddie as I drove over to my parents.
I got her voicemail so left a message asking her to call me when she picked it up.
As I hung up, my phone beeped to indicate a message; it was from Nate and was read out over the car stereo, “Listen to your ringtone Princess. Xx.”
Confused I used the options on the Bluetooth system to select it and the song came playing through the speakers,
“You’re never gonna be alone.
From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go,
I won’t let you fall…
You’re never gonna be alone
I’ll hold you ‘til the hurt is gone.”
My face broke into a wide smile, feeling my chest constrict as a lone tear ran down my cheek.
Goddamn Nate Masters - he was relentless, chipping away at everything I’d spent so long building up around myself to protect me. He smashed every wall down and still made me feel safe, secure and protected. He might be able to say with conviction that he wasn’t in love with me, but it was getting harder to keep telling myself the same thing when it came to him.
Maddie called me back just as I pulled onto my parents’ drive and was relieved to hear that everything was back to normal and that I wasn’t upset with her for providing Nate with the details he needed to ambush me.
She was just finishing work herself so we agreed to catch up properly later that afternoon.
I walked into my parent’s house, still wearing a huge grin on my face from hearing my new ringtone.
Before I had time to announce my arrival I heard footsteps racing towards me and shrill, excited squeals. I braced myself as Nico and Florence threw themselves at me. Laughing, as they both talked over each other in their excitement, I took them each by the hand and led them back into the main family room.
My parents were sitting on one sofa with my sister and Alex on the other.
My father still looked unwell; his face was pale and he looked tired, but he smiled when he saw us walk in. My mother was beside him, looking gaunt and tired herself.
I hated what this wretched disease was doing to my family, slowly destroying my mother as much as my father. Bianca was distracted, telling the children off for being so boisterous and sending them into the other room to play while we chatted.
I saw Alex observing me, looking bemused. I hadn’t had a chance to catch up with him properly since the altercation with Nate the week before.
He looked at me quizzically. “Here on your own, Lena? I had hoped to meet your friend again,” he asked innocently. The room fell silent and I felt both my parents turn to look at me, I narrowed my eyes at Alex as I saw Bianca shoot him a death stare, but
he continued regardless, “I thought you might have brought him. You seemed close the other day.”
Bianca shot me a half-hearted look of apology. I could see that she was really as amused as Alex.
“Him?” my mother asked startled, she looked at me in confusion.
Cursing Alex, I turned to my mother “Alex saw me with a friend the other night, that’s all. He’s just teasing me.”
My mother perked up, immediately interested and I saw her and my father exchange a small smile, hers more genuine than my father’s appeared.
“Really, a male friend?” my mother enquired and I huffed and puffed in annoyance, “Jeez people, I’m a grown woman! Since when did my love life become a point of interest for you all?”
My sister laughed and immediately responded, “Since your non-existent love life became interesting. We want to know details! I can’t believe you’ve kept me in the dark on this…”
She paused for a moment, a wicked gleam in her eyes as she turned to my parents, “Apparently, he threw her over his shoulder and carried her home!” she squealed with glee and my parents turned to me in amazement.
I felt myself flush and mentally beat my sister, opening my mouth and closing it again like a fish as I couldn’t think how to respond.
“Well?” My sister prompted and I groaned, knowing that there was no way I could get away without explaining myself.
“It’s only been a few weeks…” I began but she cut me off.
“There is no way you’d let any random guy go alpha on your arse like that, Lee!” Bianca looked at me, a smug expression on her face.
I turned to Alex and threw my arms out in a helpless gesture. “Do you see what you’ve done?” I groaned, despite the smile I was fighting.
“He seemed nice,” Alex said, “very… um…” he seemed to struggle to think of the word - “protective of Lena” he finished and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing out loud at his expression.
“So… when are we going to meet this gentleman?” my mother questioned, looking at me in delight.
It was lovely to see her smiling again for a change. I just wish it wasn’t in relation to my love life.
I frowned and explained that his shifts meant I wouldn’t be seeing much of him for the next few days myself.
My father looked troubled but I could see he was trying to hide it. I steered the conversation back around to my sister and after a few minutes asked my father if he could meet me in his office to run through a few things with regards to the company.
My mother and sister immediately began to grumble at me but my father silenced them. Taking me by the arm he led me to his office. He shut the door firmly, walked over and sat stiffly at his desk.
“What’s going on, Lena?” he asked, sounding tense and I smiled back trying to put him at ease.
“Nothing really, Dad, just wanted to catch you up on a few things and check how you were.”
“I couldn’t care about the company right now, Lena, you’ve got that in hand I’m sure… I’m more concerned about who the hell is throwing you about, and why in God’s name you’ve asked Byron to trace Richard!” He said in exasperation, his voice rising and I flinched.
I should have realised that Byron would be reporting back to him despite his illness. I tried to pacify him, but he didn’t want to hear it getting himself more worked up by the minute.
“Dammit, Lena! I told you that had been dealt with! Why are you dragging this back up?”
I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I didn’t want to get into an argument.
“You need to think if there’s anyone in your past who could be harbouring a grudge, or would have any reason to be sending these letters to you. There hasn’t been one in a while, but that doesn’t mean they’ve stopped. It could just be a random weirdo, but please think… I should never have mentioned it, you need to let this stuff with Richard go!” he appealed to me and fought the urge to yell back at him.
“Please Dad, I don’t want to argue,” I said softly and he got up and walked over to me.
“Then please, Lena, trust that I’ve dealt with Richard. He’s a pathetic coward who will never bother you again. I can assure you that there are no copies of those pictures.”
He tried to reassure me but I pulled a face back at him, trying to rein my temper in.
“That’s not the point” I muttered crossly and he came to stand in front of me. He went to hold my hand but I pulled it back out of his reach, crossing my arms stiffly.
“Lena, I can only imagine how angry and upset you are, but take it from me, I was angrier. If you want to beat him, to see him cry, then you should know I wanted the bastard begging for his life in front of me. I wanted to crush him for having the balls to try and hurt one of my girls. This wasn’t like when Mike hurt you Buttercup, he didn’t cheat and upset you, I couldn’t let this slide. He threatened to hurt you, no father is going to stand by and let that go, trust me Lena, Richard was dealt with. I’m satisfied that he’s learnt his lesson and paid the price. Please take it from me and let it go,” he said convincingly.
His fury was evident; I’d never heard my father swear and his harsh words had shocked me. I went to him, not wanting my father upset any more than he already was. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly.
“Ok, I’m sorry, Dad” I mumbled into his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head.
“Anyway, next thing, about this guy… who the hell is he, Lena? Do I need to have concerns about him flinging you about?!” He said it in jest, but I knew that he was asking me to reassure him.
“He’s a police officer, Daddy, I was a little the worse for wear and my feet were sore. Alex is teasing and has made it into more than what it was.” I smiled sweetly at him.
He looked skeptical but let it go “Let’s go join the others then. The children were keen to see you.”
I drove home feeling happy. Despite my father’s haggard appearance he was upbeat and assured me that his doctors were pleased.
I’d enjoyed an hour or so with Nico and Florence, catching up and entertaining them playing silly games.
I was looking forward to a proper girlie catch up once Maddie arrived. I got home and changed into a vest top and pyjama bottoms, getting a pair for Maddie. I knew she’d want to change and get comfortable as soon as she arrived. I went downstairs and turned the music on, humming along as I poured myself a drink.
My phone vibrated to show a message, I saw it was from Byron and I paused. Opening the message I saw that he had located Richard and had an address. I hesitated for a second before texting a quick message in response – “Hold fire for now, no need for further action.”
I sat down on a stool at the breakfast bar and considered what my father had said. The anger in his voice had left me in no doubt that Richard had been dealt with adequately. I kept dwelling on his plea for me to think if there was anyone who could have a grudge against me.
Nate had asked the same thing but I couldn’t think of anyone that would harbour that much of a grudge or resentment, my mind trying to skim and analyse the last few years.
I’d certainly done well for myself but I’d worked hard for it. Nobody could possibly deny that my position hadn’t been won through sheer hard work and determination.
The company was successful, and I earned a good living. Money wasn’t a concern for me anymore and I could afford to treat myself, but I didn’t have millions tucked away in the bank. Surely the crazy people would have bigger and better targets than me?
The doorbell buzzed and I went to open the door, glad of the distraction. Maddie reached in immediately, hugging me tightly as I opened the door.
“Aww, baby girl!” She pulled me into her tightly, smothering me.
I pushed her off me, laughing. “I’m alright Mads.”
She looked me up and down, appraising me as if trying to decide if I was telling the truth. Kicking off her shoes she followed me into the kitchen, bursting into laugher when she
saw me holding out a pair of pyjama bottoms.
“Girl, you know me too well!” She stripped out of her clothes changing into a vest top and the trousers I’d handed her before plonking herself down on the stool at the bar.
“So, catch me up!” She looked at me expectantly.
I reached for a wine glass, filling it in front of her as she grinned at me.
“I was livid when I saw Nate at the gym,” I began and she chewed her bottom lip looking apprehensive.
“He’s so damn bossy,” she muttered, making me chuckle.
“It’s Ok ,Mads. Get this, he somehow convinced Paul to let us spar…” Before I could say anymore she choked on her wine, coughing and spluttering so that I had to get up and pat her back, laughing at her reaction.
“What?” she choked out.
I nodded, a small smile on my lips “Yeah I know!”
She shook her head in confusion.
They were in the service together. He convinced Paul to let him in the ring with me. He didn’t hurt me - he wouldn’t. I tried to hurt him but he was good and blocked me pretty much every time.”
She raised her eyebrow. “So, not every time?” she asked looking impressed, though I’m not sure if it was with my skills or Nate’s bravery.
I laughed. “Yeah well, he let me get him a few times, but I think it was more a trust building exercise, he took some hits to prove a point.”
She looked impressed. “He’s crazy, Lena… He’s totally crazy for you that’s for sure.” I pulled a face and she laughed harder. “Seriously, Lena, even you must see it.”
I shrugged. “He told me emphatically that he’s not in love with me. Jesus, Mads it’s only been a couple of weeks.” But she looked bemused.
“Well, he’s as much of a liar as he is crazy,” she grinned broadly at me as a she took a large slug of her drink.
I changed the subject, asking about her and Christian and she happily obliged.
Talk about good fortune! I don’t think I’d have stood a chance of getting near Lena if I hadn’t known Paul. The look on his face as I turned around was priceless. It had been good to see him again and I’d have enjoyed catching up if I hadn’t been preoccupied with thoughts of Lena. He’d taken a bit of persuasion, but thankfully he’d given in, despite not being totally on board with the idea.