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Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)

Page 20

by A C Warneke

  “It’s… March.”

  “And I’ll keep you warm.” He waggled his eyebrows at her, knowing it would make her smile. She was so fascinating, caught between two worlds and striving to make them mesh.

  “Yes, I know,” she grinned, her eyes still troubled. “But on an enchanted roof there was no chance of being caught by an unsuspecting human; what would happen if the uninhabited island is less uninhabited than assumed?”

  His lips curved into a smile, “Perhaps they’ll assume I am simply part of the ambiance of the Greek Isles.”

  Her cheeks turned a rosy pink and her eyes darted to his lap, to the unruly beast that leapt at her attention. Leaning closer, she lowered her voice, “But what about your, er, penis? Most statues aren’t so well endowed.”

  Her words filled him with laughter until the sound burst out. “Sweetheart, I can alter my appearance for an extended period of time, if need be. It’s what Armand and I had to do when your daughter came for a visit.”

  Impossibly, her cheeks grew redder, “I hadn’t even thought about that.”

  “Part of being a Guardian is protecting little eyes from things they shouldn’t see until they are much, much older,” he grinned. “So? Yes to island hopping?”

  “I should say no,” she said and he knew she was going to agree. Catching her lower lip between her teeth, she simply stared at him for a few moments before she added, “I was going to offer to go home and let you continue on without me….”

  “No,” he ground out before she could even finish the sentence. Reaching out, he took her hand in his, “I’m not letting you go so you can just forget the crazy notion of you leaving me. However, if you feel the need to return home sooner than later that can be arranged – but after you meet Mother.”

  She smiled at him as he stood up and held out his hand to her, “Now, let’s get to the villa where my brothers await us; they’re going to love you.”

  “Are you sure they won’t treat me like I’m the carrier of the plague?” she asked softly, her blue eyes wary.

  His brain froze for a moment, trying to figure out why she would ask such a question. He had to admit that his London brothers were distant but they had their reasons; it didn’t mean they didn’t adore her. They just kept their emotions close to their chests. Enfolding her into his arms, he kissed the top of her head, “Don’t worry, Jenna; my brothers in Greece are unlike anybody you’ve ever met.”

  Chapter 14

  The car drove along twisting and winding roads until Jenna thought she was going to be sick. She could handle roller coasters and falling from the sky at a million miles an hour but she couldn’t handle the drive as it meandered up and down hills, no matter how luxurious the car. With her head in Rhys’s lap, she felt silly.

  “My poor sweetheart,” Rhys crooned, massaging her temples as she concentrated on breathing. It had been a problem ever since she was a child, though she hadn’t had to test her endurance very often since she generally stayed on major roads and rarely took the scenic routes.

  Though resting her head on Rhys’s laps made it significantly more bearable.

  After an eternity of praying the ride would end, the car finally drove through a high gate and down a long drive. The main building was large and rambling with several smaller buildings dotted throughout the extensive grounds. Rhys pointed out the window, “Here the various beings live in their own homes within the boundaries of the property. This sanctuary is ancient and has been built upon many times. Because the land is so ancient it is steeped in magic; you will see many things that you have only read about.

  “This is the land of myth, dating back to before history was recorded,” he continued. “Several gargoyle pods make this their home, though they travel extensively, the oldest ones moving between the worlds with ease. Unfortunately, only one pod is here presently but you’ll love them.

  “There is also an olive grove where a flock of dryads like to play.”

  As they got out of the car, three sublimely gorgeous, dark-haired men came rushing out of the white-walled villa, their arms outstretched and their faces alit with brilliant smiles. “Rousseau!! Welcome, brother! And who is this enchanting creature?”

  Without waiting for an answer, the three men embraced her, accepting her into their world with wide grins and raucous laughter. They were as boisterous and loud as the London brothers were brooding and distant. The tallest came over and draped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her away from the pack and towards the villa. “Hello, my delectable girl; I am Leander and these are Orion and Eryx, our brothers. Welcome to our home. Tomorrow you may explore the grounds but tonight we celebrate.”

  Jenna glanced over her shoulder at Rhys who was buffeted on either side by the other two, though Jenna wasn’t sure which one was Orion and which was Eryx. Of all of the brothers she had met it was the Greek set that looked the most alike, with their curly black and silky hair and their nearly black eyes. They were flawless in their beauty, as was Armand and the three London brothers, and with their unashamed joy of life, they were… breath taking.

  And boy did they celebrate, breaking out the ouzo and wine and breads and cheese and olives…. Before she knew it, she was singing songs she did not know the words to and dancing with four gorgeous gargoyles and a host of other mythological creatures, from nymphs and satyrs to lesser demons and even a few dryads and goblins. She had never felt younger or more free and it was exhilarating.

  After changing into a spaghetti-strap dress in red, leaving off her bra and panties, she fully embraced the wild woman within. All of her worries were forgotten as Rhys enfolded her in his arms and swayed to some slow tempo music. For long moments Jenna lost herself in Rhys’s kisses, the music twining its way through her body, loosening her inhibitions until she was straining to get closer to Rhys’s hard body.

  The night was indolent with the scent of spice and musk; sex was in the air and it was pervading her body. Torches spread throughout the gardens provided a warm light and whether provided by the gargoyles or by some other magical element, the evening was warm and sweltering. The music provided a sensual beat that pervaded the bones, giving the party an earthy, dream-like quality. It was a night for sex.

  “Jenna,” Rhys breathed, his lips travelling over her cheek to her ear. “We should get something to drink.”

  “Why?” she breathed, running her tongue along his throat, tasting the salty musk of his hot skin. His fingers curled around her arms and he shuddered giving her the encouragement to take his earlobe between her teeth and lightly nibble.

  “Jenna,” he croaked out, gently thrusting his hips to let her feel his erection. “We need to get some water.”

  Stepping back, she looked up at him in confusion, seeing the lust plainly written on his face. He smiled down at her, resting his hands on her shoulders and lightly caressing her throat with his thumbs, “These are ancient creatures, Jenna; this is, well, this is an orgy.”

  Glancing around, she saw what he was talking about. Rhys’s brothers danced with a group of dryads, leaves and twigs tangled in their long hair. Their lithe bodies were barely concealed beneath gauzy layers of sheer material, the long slender limbs graceful and elegant. A group of hairy satyrs chased around the scantily clad nymphs, catching them and carting their trophies off to secluded areas.

  Instead of being offended or dismayed, she felt her belly tighten in expectation. She wanted to feel Rhys’s hands on her body beneath the nearly moonless night, to have him penetrate her as satyrs seduced nymphs close by and his brothers enjoyed the dryads. It disturbed her how much the idea appealed to her. Tearing her gaze from the antics, she moistened her lips with her tongue and faced Rhys, “Sure, a glass of water would be great.”

  They made their way over to a table that was placed beneath an ancient tree and sat down. Pitchers with water and trays piled with food were laid out for their refreshment and she chewed on a piece of fruit, taking a moment to gather her scattered wits. Her skin was on fire and her
breasts were heavy with arousal; she wanted to make love with Rhys in the midst of the Grecian orgy. Hell, she wanted to make love with Rhys whenever and wherever she could.

  Entwining his fingers with hers, Rhys brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss against her knuckles, the gesture second nature by now. “We can retire if you’d like?”

  She smiled, feeling the heat in her cheeks and grateful that the low light hid her blush, “I think I’d like to stay; it’s not every day that a girl gets invited to a Greek orgy.”

  He laughed, the deep sound resonating in her belly and making it tighten even more. If he so much as winked at her she would pounce on him and tear the clothes from his body.

  “How are you enjoying our festivities?” Eryx asked as he and his brothers sat down at the table, crowding the small space with their large, muscular bodies. They were the epitome of Greek perfection: chiseled chests with chiseled thighs and rock hard abs. Since they all wore loose fitting clothes, shirts that hung open and pants that hung low on their hips, Jenna was able to see more than she cared to see, especially when they shifted and their pants rode even lower.

  They were unashamed and well endowed. She studiously kept her eyes above waist level.

  “I can’t tell if I’m sleeping or drunk,” she said with a smile, taking a sip of the cool water. “It almost seems too marvelous to be real.”

  Eryx smiled with pride, “We don’t let many humans participate; it would never do to let too many of your world know our secrets.”

  “So I have been told,” she said, sharing a grin with Rhys. “But you three are not like the others that I have met.”

  “We are among the oldest of the gargoyles,” Leander said. Popping an olive into his mouth, he grinned, “Though we’re not the oldest. And unlike the rest of our brethren we embrace the gifts bestowed upon us.”

  “What he means to say is that these three give up their nights as often as possible,” Rhys said.

  “We love women,” Eryx proclaimed, spreading his arms out in emphasis before taking a deep drink from the bottle of wine he held. “We love human women!”

  “If this puppy refuses to give up his nights for you, love, one of us will,” Orion informed her, a drunken smile curving his perfect lips.

  Jenna leaned into Rhys, not quite sure what to make of the offer; not wanting to accept it in any case. Leander pushed his brother back, laughing heartily, “Be careful, Ori; this one looks like she may accept such a gift.”

  Orion’s eyes widened in mock horror as he leaned as far away from Jenna while still sitting on the chair, “Then I fear I shall pass. Rhys, you’re her lover; give her your nights. I think she would enjoy being a gargoyle.”

  Rhys pressed his mouth against her ear as he whispered, “My brothers wouldn’t know what to do if a woman actually accepted their gift; I think they would run screaming the other way.”

  “Why is their attitude so very different than Armand’s?” she asked softly.

  Rhys shrugged, “I think they make a game out of it and since they love all women then receiving a woman’s love in return doesn’t matter as much.”

  “It is life,” Eryx stated grandly. “We love, we fuck. It is a good life.”

  “One time, during the 700’s all three of us gave up our nights at the same time,” Leander chuckled. His eyes sparkled merrily as he exchanged glances with Eryx and Orion. “It was… unwise.”

  The three men burst into hearty gales of laughter, driving her mad with curiosity; what had occurred during the fifty or sixty years they were stuck in stone? “Well? What happened?”

  Orion shook his head as tears ran down his cheeks in remembered amusement, “It was chaos; the satyrs got it into their heads that with us unable to move they would be able to have free reign over our domain.”

  “Fortunately, the gargoyle barrier prevented them from doing too much damage,” Leander shook his head, a smile playing at his sensuous lips. “Though when we woke, there were quite a few satyrs and nymphs that hadn’t been there when we became stone.”

  Eryx sat down, grinning, “After that we made sure at least one of us remained sane in the presence of a beautiful woman.”

  “How do you remain so cheerful?” Jenna asked in wonder; they were so different from what she had expected.

  “We are not so sentimental as our American or London brethren, eh?” Orion piped in, nudging Rhys’s arm with his elbow.

  “And we are not as pragmatic as our French brothers,” Eryx added. “They enjoy all of the flesh but do not give up their nights for anyone. Fifteen hundred years and they refuse to give a girl the gift of their nights.”

  “Come,” Leander said, standing up and taking Jenna’s hand in his own, pulling her up from her seat. “You must see the paintings of our lovely girls….”

  Rhys put his hand over hers and met Leander’s eyes, “Tomorrow before we leave, Lee. We need our sleep.”

  “Bah!” Orion grumbled, helping his brother pull Jenna to her feet. “Sleep is for the day; the nights are for gargoyles.”

  The words came in stereo as Eryx and Leander joined Orion in proclaiming the nights as the gargoyles’. The three men threw their hands up in the air and shouted, “Piase kokkino!”

  And then the three of them were caressing her body over her dress, broad palms brushing over her sensitive breasts before abruptly disappearing as they laughed robustly. Alarmed by their forward behavior, she faced Rhys who was laughing along with his brothers. Did he miss where their hands were?

  Catching her expression, he leaned forward and explained, “When two people say the same thing, they say piase kokkino, which means ‘touch red.’ It’s to prevent them from engaging in a fight.”

  Jenna simply stared at the three laughing brothers until Leander grabbed her hand and pulled her towards a group that was dancing, their bodies twining together in a sensuous flow of movement. Obviously they hadn’t meant anything; they were just excessively sexual, flirtatious creatures and it never occurred to them to not touch her breasts. “Dance with me, my lovely girl.”

  With the decadent music playing, she dismissed their actions and grinned, following the sexy man to an open spot where he pulled her into his arms and danced with her, moving his body in a way that was pure sex. Eryx and Orion joined them, moving with her and making her feel like the only woman in the world. Their attention was so focused on her it was a little intimidating and her eyes searched out Rhys, who was sitting at the table watching her, his lips pressed together in a firm line, a tic working frantically in his jaw.

  Stepping away from the three gorgeous Greeks, she raised one arm up, thrusting her fingers through her hair, and held the other arm out in invitation. Without hesitation, Rhys stood and made his way over to her, taking her into his arms and smiling triumphantly. Looking down at her with those smoldering chocolate eyes, he murmured, “Hey, you.”

  Moving her hand up his solid arm and sinking it into the silk of his auburn hair, she smiled sultrily, “Hey.”

  He bent his head and seduced her with a kiss, his tongue moving sensuously against her, his hands moving slowly over her body, driving her mad with the need to feel him inside her.

  Pulling her lips away from his, she panted, “Make love to me, Rhys.”

  He looked at her, his brown eyes glowing with hunger and apprehension, “Are you sure?” At her nod, he continued, stroking his hands up and down her arms, “Tonight is all about pleasure; you have to decide how far you wish to go and as a human you will be driven to your limits and then pushed over.”

  “I just want you,” she breathed, her lids half-shuttered as she gazed at his throat, as she leaned forward and ran her tongue along the smooth skin. His grip tightened and his Adam’s apple rubbed against her mouth as he swallowed.

  “Do you want another male to penetrate you?” he rasped, taking her out of the moment.

  She stiffened at the thought, taking a step back and glaring at him for even suggesting such a thing. Seeing the pain
on his face, she frowned in confusion. “If the idea bothers you so much why did you ask?”

  “Because this is all about your pleasure; whatever you desire will be provided,” he managed to say through tight lips. Nodding towards a copse of trees, he added, “Plus, there are several satyrs eager to get their hands on a human; if you wish it they will…”

  She slammed her hand over his mouth, cutting off the words before they could be spoken. “You are the only one I want, now and forever. I want to make love with you and only you, Rhys.”

  With a growl, he claimed her lips in another scorching kiss, pulling her body against his and marking her as his. And as he made love to her, she basked in the feel of Rhys’s lips on her breasts, her swollen sex, as hidden eyes watched. She had never experienced anything like making love beneath the starry night as the sounds of dozens of couples grunting and groaning filled the air.

  Sex infused everything, the ground, the food, the trees, the air; and as Rhys filled her completely, the rest of the night was a haze of music, mythological creatures mating, and Rhys.

  Always Rhys.

  Chapter 15

  Something hard was nudging her shoulder, drawing her out of much needed sleep. Grabbing the blanket, Jenna pulled it over her head, not wanting to wake up. She was still recovering from the revelry on the mainland, even after a full night at sea.

  The island wasn’t terribly far but they were taking their time, hitting a few of the hidden islands that Rhys had a knack for finding. Since it was still technically winter there weren’t as many people around as during the summer months so Rhys was able to spend his days above board. And Jenna was able to sunbathe beneath the winter sun since Rhys radiated so much heat.

  The blanket was tugged off and sunlight smacked her right in the eyes. Burying her head beneath the pillow, she ignored the heated hand slowly making its way up her bare thigh. “Jenna.”

  Her lips curled into a smile as she tightened her hold on her pillow; Rhys was in a playful mood. He was almost always in a playful mood and she loved it; she loved being with him. The night of the orgy had been like a dream where she knew others existed but in that moment it had just been Rhys and her. And the things they did…. Even after a day and a half she still blushed.


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