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WeresDigest Page 14

by Desconhecido

  “I did that to you.” he whispered, horrified by the truth.

  At his words, Marissa opened her eyes. “Did what to me? Gave me the most pleasure I’ve ever experienced? Well, if that’s what you are referring to, you are correct.”

  “No, I scratched you. More than scratched you, I gouged you!” he hissed angrily as he pointed to the thick lacerations on her upper shoulders.

  Marissa followed his gaze. She picked at the bloody spots with a slight wince. “Ok, so they hurt a little bit. I’ll heal. It was totally worth it,” she said with a laugh as she curled up closer to Diego.

  Diego resolutely pushed her away and rose to his feet. “I will not do this. I will not hurt you. I’m so sorry Marissa. What we shared was truly magical, but it can never happen again. What if I hurt you worse next time?”

  “You worry too much! I chose to be with you, so I chose to assume any risk involved. You shouldn’t feel guilty! If I had a choice, I would choose to become like you. I’ve always dreamed of the life you live. While I was a child reading those legends of the Takinaw wolves, I would close my eyes and picture myself wild and free just as you are! Never did I imagine that my fantasies may actually be real!” Marissa passionately made her case, desperately trying to make him see reason.

  “Our lives aren't fairy tales or fantasies! My people are half beast, half-human. We don’t totally fit into either world! Why would you wish that upon yourself? Why would you wish that on anyone? What if we conceived a child together? Would it be fully human like you, or a half-blooded beast like me?” He flung the words angrily at her, hoping to crush her infatuation.

  “I wouldn’t care! If we had a child, it would be our child, and that is all that would matter. I would love it with everything I have, and I know you would too! I always knew I wasn’t normal! I knew it was unusual to live in my own world filled with fantasy creatures and superstition. But I know that this, what you and I have just shared is right. I feel it with every fiber of my being. I was made to be with you! Do you think it is just coincidence that I knew about your people, about your secret? That I fell in love with your tribe long ago? It's not chance, it’s fate! How can you deny it, deny us?” She begged tearfully, praying that he would just give them a chance.

  For a moment, Diego stood in silence, staring off into the distance. When his eyes finally met Marissa’s, they were full of sadness and regret. “I'm sorry, but I can’t do this. I won’t. You deserve better. You need a real human.” With those final words, Diego turned his back and walked swiftly away. He heard her sobs growing louder, even heard her shouting his name, but forced himself to keep walking. It’s for her own good. He repeated to himself all the way home, trying to ignore the emptiness he felt inside, the pain that increased with every single step.

  * * * *

  When he woke up the next afternoon, Diego felt like shit. He had tossed and turned most of the night thinking about Marissa, and hadn’t gotten to sleep until after dawn. He hadn't felt this bad since his college drinking days. Wolves don’t metabolize alcohol very well, so werewolves get one hell of a hangover if they get drunk. Since he hadn’t woken up until almost noon, most of the day was already shot. He spent what was left of the afternoon reassuring himself that he had done the right thing by leaving Marissa. His head agreed, but he had one stubborn son of a bitch of a heart. He wanted to see her just one more time. He fought off the impulse for hours, but finally gave in just after sunset, when he would normally have been watching her. He figured it couldn't hurt to just go check on her and make sure she was all right. He would make sure she never saw him, so that she would never be the wiser.

  He hid in his normal spot and watched for her, but she never came. He sat there for hours in his wolf form, waiting, hoping to catch a glimpse of her one more time. At first, he thought maybe she was just late, or was afraid of running into him, so would come at a different time. By midnight, his hopes were dashed. He knew she wouldn’t ever be coming again.

  He started to head home, but found himself wandering towards her house instead. He convinced himself that he was just making sure she was ok. It wasn’t anything personal, he just felt a bit of guilt over hurting her feelings. When he arrived at her house, he crept up to the living room window and peeked inside. This wasn’t the first time he had watched her through this window. In fact, he often followed her home after her evening expeditions and watched her putter around the house. There was something so warm and cozy about seeing her in her home element. He often dreamed about what kind of life they could have had together if he were only normal.

  Tonight, however, he didn’t get those warm, fuzzy feelings. As he watched through the picture window, all he could see was a beautiful girl, curled up on the rug in front of the fireplace, crying herself to sleep. The living room looked like a hurricane had blown through. There were bits of broken bottles, broken lamps, empty tubs of ice cream, and far too many used Kleenex tissues. Obviously, she was going through all the stages of grief. Anger, denial, depression, bargaining, he only hoped soon she would get to acceptance and find some peace. Feeling as low as a human, or even a dog, can possibly feel, Diego trudged over to Marissa’s front door. He curled up in a ball on the welcome mat, still in wolf form, and fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Diego awoke to find the object of his dreams rubbing his belly. Marissa kneeled before him, her eyes still slightly puffy and rimmed in dark circles. Obviously she hadn’t slept well. Of course, neither had he due to the visions of her in pain that haunted his dreams. He rubbed his muzzle against her face and licked her cheek. She laughed and smiled sadly. “I was surprised to find you here this morning,” she told him as she stood to her feet.

  Diego stretched and then changed into human form. She offered him her bathrobe to cover himself. “I came last night to make sure you were ok. When I saw how upset you looked, I couldn’t just leave, so I bunked out here for the night.” He answered honestly, as he shrugged into the robe. It was much too small for him. It barely covered any of the essentials below.

  “Would you like some coffee?” she asked distractedly as she stared unashamed at his exposed flesh.

  “Sounds like a good idea.” He agreed and followed her inside. His cock was now hard and throbbing. Just being near her drove him crazy, made him want to forget all the reasons why he had ever walked away. She poured them both a cup of coffee and then led the way to the living room. They settled onto the faded red couch together, much too close for comfort. He tried to cover himself better, but it was no use. His dick was like a divining rod, sticking straight up in her direction.

  “I see at least some part of you has brains and knows that we should be together,” she said acidly.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you. God, right now I just want to drive myself into you until I lose consciousness, but I’m holding off for your own good. You could at least show a little appreciation for my amazing restraint,” he grouched.

  “It’s not restraint, it’s stubbornness tied together with stupidity,” she argued back. He stared into her forlorn emerald eyes and mentally kicked himself for ever causing her such sadness. Why couldn’t she see that things weren’t that simple? That he was dangerous to her, could even kill her?

  “This is pointless. If I stay, it’s just going to make this harder. I don’t think we'll ever agree on this particular subject,” he retorted, full of frustration and irritation at her naiveté. He stood to go, hoping this time he could find the willpower to actually stay away. However, before he even took a step away, she reached out and grabbed his hand.

  “Don’t go,” she begged in a voice laced with tears.

  Diego looked into her tear-filled eyes and knew he couldn’t just abandon her again. He felt like such a heel for causing her so much pain, but it was only because he wanted to protect her! Why couldn’t she see that? “I’ll stay,” he promised warily, “but only to talk. I don’t even know that much about you and I’d really like to know more.”
br />   “What would you like to know?” she asked, unconsciously wiping away the tears still rolling down her pale cheeks. As he watched, he couldn’t help but wish he could lean in and chase those tears away himself.

  “Well, to begin with, what do you do besides bathe naked in the lake every night, or is that your main source of entertainment?” he asked wickedly, trying to make her laugh as he once again settled onto the couch beside her.

  “Are you complaining about my naked bathing?” she asked coquettishly, fluttering her eyelashes at him flirtatiously.

  “Of course not, but I figured you probably did something to pay the bills as well, unless you are a trust fund baby.” He gave a swift glance around the room, taking in the well-worn furniture and the shabby curtains. It definitely didn’t look like she had been handed down a fortune.

  “Well, believe it or not, I’ll soon be a college professor. I was always fascinated with Native American legends and folk-tales, thanks to my grandfather, so that’s what I studied, Native American History and culture. Right now I’m student teaching while I earn my PHD, but it looks like I’ll be able to take over the department when the current professor retires in a couple years,” she answered, surprised that he seemed truly interested. Most people got a glazed look in their eyes when she talked about her work.

  “Sounds like you were really close to your grandfather growing up. Is he still around?” Diego asked curiously. It seemed that the more he learned about her, the more she fascinated him. He wanted to know everything, to truly understand this woman who had so captivated him.

  “No, he died a few years ago. This cottage was actually his home. When he passed away and left it to me, I couldn’t sell it. So I’ve lived here since then. I never even re-decorated…I just couldn’t change anything,” she said sadly, gazing around the place with obvious affection.

  Her admission made Diego look around the place with new eyes. The furnishings that had at first seemed old and beat-up took a new shape before him. He couldn’t help but wonder if anyone would care that much about him when he died. Probably not if he was honest with himself. He never let anyone close enough to care that much.

  “What about your parents? You never mentioned them, so I wondered if they live around here.” Diego asked trying to distract his mind from the depressing loneliness he felt closing in on him.

  “They died when I was very young. I don’t even remember them. My grandfather was the one who raised me,” she answered quietly, averting her eyes to hide the pain that shone there.

  “I’m very sorry to hear that. My mother died when I was eleven and my father left us way before that. There’s no doubt that sometimes life sucks,” he admitted, surprised that he was opening up to her. He usually guarded his thoughts and feelings like a mother bear guarding her cubs, but there was just something about this woman that crushed all his inhibitions. Maybe that was why he wanted to grab her and throw her on the nearest bed every time they met.

  “What about you?” Marissa asked, abruptly changing the subject.

  “What about me?” he asked, confused by the sudden question and his own wayward thoughts.

  “What do you do for a living? Is it easy to get and keep a job when you are a werewolf?” she questioned playfully.

  “Well, I’m really busy around Halloween,” he said with a laugh. “But other than that, we only work for the tribe. We have to make sure we keep the balance of power safe around here. We have a sort of love-hate relationship with the vampires, so we make sure we keep a friendly eye on them all.”

  “So vampires are real too? Wow.” Marissa gave an involuntary shiver at the thought. Without thinking, Diego reached out and put a protective arm around her.

  “This must be a lot for you to take in. But as long as you have me watching over you, I promise that no man or beast will ever touch you.” Diego almost growled out the words, his killer instincts flaring up at just the thought of someone threatening Marissa.

  Feeling his anger rising, Marissa quickly changed the subject. “So where does your tribe get the money to support all you werewolves if you only work for them?”

  “Why do you think we allowed the politicians to build the casino on our reservation? It sure wasn’t because we wanted to watch a bunch of white men play slot machines,” he answered testily. As far as he was concerned, the casino was simply a necessary evil.

  “Um, white girl sitting here,” Marissa reminded him as she leaned in and nibbled gently on his ear. “Wouldn’t you want to watch me gamble?”

  “I’d want to watch you do anything. Preferably naked if that’s an option,” he answered truthfully, feeling his cock harden almost to the point of pain at the thought.

  “You could have me naked in a heartbeat if you really wanted to,” she offered huskily, running her fingers over his thighs and curling her hand softly around his throbbing erection.

  “Marissa, I thought we agreed that we weren’t going to do this,” he said in a strained voice, fighting the urge within him to pin her to the couch and ride her hard, until he had emptied himself inside her.

  “I never said that we wouldn’t. That was your decree, not mine. I think I’ve made it pretty clear what I want,” she argued as she gently squeezed his package, almost sending him over the edge.

  “I’m sorry, but this can’t happen. I won’t let it happen!” Diego insisted, pushing her away as he stood up to leave.

  Before he had made it two steps, Marissa was on her feet as well, anger radiating from her in waves. “You fool! How can you just run away? I’m sick of it!” She yelled at his turned back. When he simply ignored her, she grabbed his arm and clamped onto it like a vice, determined to get his attention.

  He tried to calmly pull his arm free, but in a surprising move, she yanked hard on it. He was so shocked by the unexpected aggression that he temporarily lost his balance and tumbled into her, causing both of them to fall back onto the couch.

  Before he could recover his wits, she pressed her lips to his and forced a passionate kiss onto him, igniting his own desire. He grabbed the back of her head and held her immobile as he gave into his need and devoured her sweetness. She pushed her tongue against his own, as she reached down and grabbed his aching cock. She rubbed him hard and fast, hoping to make him lose control completely before he regained his guilty conscience. He pushed her down into the cushions of the couch, pinning her hand between their sexes. She wore just a thin silk slip that barely hid any of her curves from his sight.

  He ground his hips against hers, needing the friction to appease the pressure building inside. She used her free hand to yank up her slip just enough to bare her most precious assets to him. Then she arched herself against him, almost drawing him inside herself.

  Unable to withstand the temptation anymore, he gave in with a harsh cry and drove into her forcefully. He gripped the sides of the couch and used it as a stabilizing force while he lost all control and pummeled her with hard thrusts and loud cries of pleasure.

  She added her own shouts and sobs of relief as she finally received what she most desperately desired. They ended up coming together, both caught in a maelstrom of sensuality. Afterwards, he crashed down on top of her, spent both mentally and physically. He knew that he might regret this later, might hate himself for his weakness, but right now the world felt right and that’s all that mattered.

  Slowly, they drifted back to reality. Diego moved to his knees on the floor, studying her body for any signs of injury. “I’m fine,” she assured him with a satisfied smile. “I knew you couldn’t hurt me, even if you did totally lose control. What you thought were severe wounds the other day were nothing but love scratches. Look at me now, I’m not hurt. I’m certainly not dead. I’m just a girl in love with a guy who is way too overprotective.”

  Diego gave a small smile and gathered her to him. He held her close and inhaled deeply. Part of him still felt guilty for his lack of willpower, but he had to admit that this did feel right. She made him feel whole, l
ike he was finally one complete being, not half one thing and half another. After so many years of wandering this earth and feeling like an outcast from both the human and the animal world, it was so unexpected to find somewhere he really felt he belonged. Even more surprising was the fact that he had found someone to call home. Someone who accepted him for what he was and didn’t expect him to change or hide his true nature.

  Diego groaned as he felt the last of his defenses and excuses crumble. “Damn it! I can’t deny it anymore. I love you. I don’t know how it happened so fast, or why it happened with a human, but it did. I’m madly in love with the most stubborn, annoying, beautiful, frustrating, argumentative, sexy, reckless…”

  “Ok, I get the point!” she interrupted his tirade with an exasperated sigh. “And I love you too!” she declared as she jumped on top of him and pressed him into the carpet. “And now I’m finally going to have my way with you,” she informed him, just before she covered his lips with her own wet, slightly bruised ones.

  “Have at it, although I do have one slight request,” he replied mysteriously.

  “What? And it had better not be any more of this moral protective crap!” Marissa warned, eyeing him warily while she ran her hands over his chest, enjoying the ripple of his muscles beneath her.

  He laughed at her irritation and flipped her onto all fours. He swatted her rear end playfully and leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “Well, the truth is, I’ve always had a preference for doggy style myself,” he teased with a wicked smile, as he slowly ran his tongue over his protruding canine fangs.


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